Jerome was all smile watching the beautiful Catherine coming out of the entrance of the hotel. His heart was beating faster, his mind already starts undressing her right in the middle of the road. He had to shake his head many times to sweep the dark thoughts away from his mind.

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The more he thinks of his plan the more he becomes horny wanting to devour her. The feeling so strong it surprised him!

"Hello, Jerome..."

Her smile was especially nice today, he wondered why?

"Ready? Shall we go now?" he asked softly looking into her eyes.

"Okay, so we are going to that beautiful seaside restaurant again?" she asked.

"Yes. I know you like it there. You want to go somewhere just tell me, I'll take you there. How about clubbing? Have you been into a nightclub before? You know dancing and drinking some light beer while listening to a good music."

Catherine shook her head not interested. "Let's go to the seaside restaurant. I like that place better..."

"Okay as you wish babe," he said smiling.

She rolled her eyes. "Stop calling me that and please next time don't call me babe! We are just friends Jerome, you are not my boyfriend and we are not into a romantic relationship either. I don't want to put some false hope into your head. Okay?"

"Okay Maam!" he replied jokingly, he felt happy today. "Get in the back now so that we can finish early because I want to kiss you now..."

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Catherine heard it. "W-what did you say?" she peered at his eyes.

He avoided her gaze.

"Lol, am just kidding around. Let's go!"

Catherine slid behind his back clutching at the hem of his jacket.

Before he revives the engine of his motorcycle he reached out for her hands and wrapped them around his waist. "That feels much better." He was relishing into the euphoric feeling of her arms wrapping around his body, it feels incredibly erotic for him, in his mind he already imagined them naked together in the bed, him riding her to his heart's contents, his body shuddered involuntarily under her touch.

"Are you okay, Jerome?" she asked him.

"Yes, am okay." Jerome clears the fog of desire that hovers in his mind. He needs to focus on his driving, he doesn't want to encounter an accident in the middle of the road just because his crazy desire for her was already clouding his mind.

Done reviving the engine of his motorcycle, they speed up into the highway towards the direction of the seaside restaurant.

Catherine was feeling uneasy, she placed her hand back in the hem of his jacket. Jerome didn't complain anymore because her nearness was messing up with his concentration in driving. The goal is to bring them in one piece into the restaurant, that is the first stage of his plan for tonight.

After thirty minutes of driving, they finally arrived at the restaurant by the sea. Jerome seemed to be favored by destiny today because the hut on the last rows was vacant, this hut is particularly a bit far away from the entrance of the restaurant and facing the ocean. It has one table in the middle, two chairs facing the table and has the same open-air design to it.

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"Jerome, there are many vacant huts near the entrance why would you choose this one?" she grumbled when they reached the last hut.

"This one is good enough because it's far from the crowd and I like privacy so that we can talk real good far away from the disturbance of other customers."

Catherine rolled her eyes, she sat down on one of the chairs and dropped her shoulder bag in her lap.

Jerome gives her the menu. "Order what you want and what you like, Catherine. Take your time," he said.

She focused on perusing the menu in front of her...

Jerome was watching her beautiful face intently especially her kissable lips. He licked his own lips, a few hours from now he can finally taste her body and run his lips on her naked skin. He brought his hand down in the table cupping his arousal between his legs, he twitched his manhood up and down, masturbating while watching her face. Not satisfied, he slowly unzips his jeans and inserted his fingers inside his underwear, the pleasure becoming more intense, he rubs his manhood up and down until he orgasm right in front of her unsuspecting form. He pulled his cap down to hide his flustered face. He zipped his pants back on.

He was happy to get away with it. But he was far from being satisfied, he wants the real thing, he wants her tonight writhing in bed under him!

"I already got my order!" she exclaimed. She showed Jerome her order. He was puzzled why she ordered more than seven dishes today, that's a lot of food just for the two of them. But he didn't complain, anything she wants today he was willing to give everything to her.

He rose to his feet. "I will bring our order to the cashier, wait for me here," he said.

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Jerome sauntered towards the cashier's section wearing a happy face, after paying his orders he sauntered back into the hut where she was waiting.

He sat down on the chair and stared at her face.

"Is your boyfriend a good kisser?" he asked.

She eyed him quizzically puzzled by his question. "None of your business!"

"Is he good in bed?" he continues asking her private questions.

"Yes he is!" she blurted out then pressed her mouth.

"So you were having sex with him regularly?" he asked again with a glint of anger and hurt in his eyes.

She rolled her eyes. "Stop asking questions about our sex lives Jerome, you will only get hurt in the process," she said and exhaled deeply wanting to drop the subject that caused her uneasiness.

A few minutes later their orders were being served by the waitress.

They were in the process of starting to eat dinner when out of nowhere the merry voice of a woman broke their silence.

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"I'm here Catherine! Sorry, I'm late!" Sherry said in a sing-song voice.

Catherine smiled at her friend. "What took you so long! Did you lose your way?"

"No. Something comes up while am on my way here."

Jerome groaned in dismay! So, they have a company that is why she ordered lots of foods. But why the hell she didn't tell him? His plan for tonight is heading for the gutter for sure!

He stood up and walked to the vacant hut, he took one of the chairs there and brought it back to their hut so that Catherine's friend can sit down with them.

"Thanks, Jerome!" Catherine beamed at him. "By the way, meet my friend Sherry, we work on the same hotel."

Jerome shook hands with Sherry. "Nice meeting you Sherry! I'm Jerome," he smiled at her in a friendly way.

"Nice meeting you too, Jerome! Hope I didn't disturb your little meeting," she said.

"Nah. We love to have your company here. The more the merrier," he said smiling but gritted his teeth in silence.

Catherine looked at Jerome amused at his discomfort and frustration.

"Start eating now girls, I will go to the toilet first to relieve myself."

Jerome stood up and headed to the restroom, he stayed inside the empty cubicle seething in anger! Tonight his plan was ruined! Maybe not yet, only if he can find a way to make Sherry go home early...

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