Catherine and Sherry were attacking the foods with gusto. They were chattering merrily at each other they almost forgotten that Jerome hasn't returned back yet.

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"What took him so long?" Catherine noticed Jerome's long absence.

"Maybe he was angry that I ambushed your date," said Sherry giggling.

"So what do you think of him?" she asked her friend.

Sherry stopped eating for a few moments. "Actually he is handsome and yummy! If he is not your suitor I will pounce on him for sure, hehehe," she giggled.

"He is yours for the taking, seduce him anytime you want. I won't mind at all. I will give you my blessing," said Catherine smiling. This is the purpose of bringing Sherry along with this dinner meeting. She has been thinking about it for some time, introducing Jerome to Sherry is the best plan she can come up with. Maybe the two will hit it off and Jerome will stop pursuing him. However, she noticed that Jerome's face darkened instantly the moment he realized that they got a company. But his scowl didn't last long, he started smiling at Sherry when she introduced him to her.

"So, what is his line of work?" asked Sherry eagerly.

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"He works as a restaurant manager in the restaurant that I previously worked with, my employment there lasted only for two months then I resigned and started working in the hotel. I meet Jerome there for the first time," explained Catherine.

Sherry's eyes twinkled. "Can I have his number? I will start the first move by texting him," she giggled. She gave her mobile device to her friend.

Catherine typed Jerome's number on Sherry's cell phone and save it on her contacts.

"Wow, so you are having a crush on him? As in right away? You just meet him today! You're fast!" she eyed her friend in disbelief.

Sherry continues giggling. "Why not? He is a good looking guy, he got a muscled body, also had a nice job and seemed to be a decent guy. Although he is not rich he will do just fine and seems to be a perfect match for me," she winked at her.

Catherine was smirking. But before she celebrates her victory, she still needs to see Jerome warming up to Sherry first, hope he will. Speaking of Jerome, where is he? Why is he not back yet from the restroom? She will wait for ten minutes more before she will start looking for him inside the restaurant.

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In the dark corner, few meters away from the ladies, Jerome was drinking a beer while watching the ladies eating their dinner. He was furious that Catherine brought along a friend with her on supposed to be their exclusive date. From the looks of it, she was trying to play matchmaker between him and Sherry. He was seething with anger and frustration. His perfect plan was now teetering on the verge of ruin! He hated it! This night is the perfect night! How could something came out of nowhere and destroyed his plan?

He didn't expect this! His knuckles were gripping hard on the bottle, he wanted to smash the bottle into the rocks in front of him. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Catherine walked out of the hut and was heading his way. She must be wondering why he didn't come back yet...

The moment she appeared in front of the empty hut that he was hiding he immediately pulled her inside the hut.

Catherine almost had a heart attack. "Jerome! What's going on? Why are you here? Why you didn't you go back to the hut, we're waiting for you," her question came pouring in at the same time she was trying to push his hand away from her arm.

Jerome softens his hold on her arm and eventually let her go.

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He sat down on the chair and sighed. "Why you invited your friend to join us tonight? Why you didn't inform me beforehand that she's joining us?"

Catherine bit her lip. Jerome is angry, she can sense his anger evaporating in the air. "I want you to meet my friend. Maybe you want to hook up with her. Sherry is a good girl, maybe you two have something in common. Why don't you ask her out and get to know her better?"

He groaned.

"I didn't ask you to help find me a woman. The woman I wanted is you only! Why can't you understand that? Next time if we go out for a date, do not bring outsider! They ruined our mood!" he continues to grumble.

Catherine was getting annoyed with his unpredictable mood. "Just act nicely in front of Sherry, please...? Do not insult her! She got a crush on you, be gentle with her."

Jerome was silent for a moment staring at Catherine.

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"Why don't you send her on her way home right now? We don't need her!" he said aloud.

"If you can't tolerate her presence then we will go home right now," she threatened him.

Jerome sighed. He still won't give up his plan because he was hoping he can find a way to be alone with Catherine later. The immediate problem that needs resolving now is how to kick out Sherry? How to make that woman go away without sending Catherine home early as well?

"Jerome, let's go back to the hut now. My friend might wonder why we are gone far too long already," she said.

He exhaled and walked out of the hut followed by Catherine, still in a bad mood.

They resumed their dinner. Jerome was being cordial with Sherry, laughing along with her jokes as if they have known each other for so long.

Catherine knew better that Jerome was merely acting along just to humor her friend. They finished their dinner and the conversation was mostly dominated by Jerome and Sherry.

Jerome studied Sherry under his narrowed gaze, she was not bad looking though. Unfortunately, she happened to sit beside the woman who is ten times more prettier than her, so her looks were overshadowed by Catherine's beauty. He sighed inwardly, right now he already gives up his plan, there is always the next time.

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