Jerome went home that night frustrated because his perfect plan goes busted with Sherry's presence in the seaside restaurant. Looks like Catherine will only go out with him if there is a chaperone, she won't go out with him alone anymore. This will put a hold on his master plan and it's killing him inside!

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He can't sleep through the night devastated by his ruined plan. His mind was actively looking for other alternatives to lure Catherine into his trap. Then he got another idea but he needs somebody to assist him and the only person who might be willing to help him is Mark. At first, he doesn't want to oblige his friend in helping him, he'd rather prefer to do it his way without the help of anyone, but he was desperate for his plan to come to fruition.

He called Mark, he needs his friend's assistance to help bring his plan to perfection. His next plan is to invite Sherry and Catherine to a disco bar and bring Mark along to handle Sherry. Mark will distract Sherry while he will carry out his plan with Catherine. The brilliant idea filled his mind with renewed hope and energy to sustain his evil thoughts.

"Bro, let's hang out tomorrow night."

"Where?" asked Mark.

"In Zenith Disco Bar, you knew that place right?"

"Yes of course. I have visited that bar numerous times along with my cousins. Just last month my cousin celebrated his 30th birthday in there. What's the occasion, bro?"

"Nothing. Just want to hang out with you. We will have two girls coming along with us."

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"Two girls? Are you setting me up with a woman, bro?" asked Mark.

"No. I just need your assistance. I can't spend some alone moments with my girl because she will bring her friend along with her. She won't go out with me anymore, so yeah, I need your assistance this time bro."

Mark seems to be hesitating because he turned silent for a moment.

"Bro, I think I need to pass this time. Please understand that I already have a daughter to take care of. I don't want to get involved with danger anymore. What will happened to my daughter if something bad will happened after and I will end myself in jail."

Jerome chuckled. "Wait? Who's talking about jail? No one will go to jail especially you because you are not going to do anything bad. All you need to do is take care of Sherry while I will carry on my plan with Catherine."

Mark was still hesitating but he can't say not to Jerome who had helped him in carrying the same plot a long time ago.

"Okay, I will help you out. But we need a trial run because it's different from before. The last time I did it with Cynthia the place is quiet and we are the only people in that resthouse, it's easier to manage things way back compared to now and worst we have to do it in a crowded place. It might backfire on us. So, what is your plan?"

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"My plan is to mix Catherine's drink with the drugs, then hired a taxi cab to take us to the nearest drive-thru motel. I already had a taxi driver to help me carry along with the deed. All I need is someone to hold Sherry's attention and bring her home while I carry out my plan with Catherine."

"Your plan is not that bad. But during our first outing, you have to plan things clearly. The first outing will give you a better perspective on how to carry out the deed so that on the second outing your plan will go as smoothly as possible. What do you think?"

Jerome smiled broadly. "You're a genius bro! Your idea is much better than mine! Good thing I asked for your opinion first before doing it my way."

"So, just invite the girls first, if they will go with us on the first outing then they would likely go with us again the second time around, then that is the time to carry out your plan. It has a higher chance of success than do it outright at the first outing."

"Okay, I will do that bro! I will invite them first. I will text you after I can persuade the girls to go with us. Bye bro!"

"Wait---Jerome!" said Mark.

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"What is it, bro?"

"My advice for you remains. Do not do it! It might give you bad karma later on. Learned from me, bro!"

"Thanks for your concern bro. But I already made up my mind I will proceed with my plan come what may. I will deal with the consequences later. I'm ready!"

"Well, it seemed you already made your choice, Jerome. Welcome to hell!" said Mark.

"No. Don't say that bro. Just say~welcome to heaven for me. Bye bro!" Jerome ignored his friend's warning.

He texted Sherry and invited her along with Catherine to a night out party in a disco bar. He texted Sherry first because he knows that she won't say no to his invites since she got a crush on him.

A few seconds later, he received a big yes from Sherry, he was elated! Then he texted Catherine but sad to say she said no. He texted Sherry to persuade Catherine to go along with them.

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He waited for Sherry's text informing him that Catherine changes her mind and will go into the disco bar with them.

Five minutes...

Ten minutes...

Fifteen minutes of waiting and it's slowly killing him inside. Too much waiting made him feel nauseous and agitated.

He was about to lose hope, then all of a sudden his mobile device beeps three times informing him of an incoming text message, he swipes at the screen right away.

'Yes, Catherine will be coming with us!' texted Sherry.

Jerome grinned from ear to ear. He was now getting one step ahead to making his grand plan a reality.

He sent a message of thanks to Sherry and went to sleep that night with a bright smile plastered on his face.

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