Jerome was feeling restless while waiting outside the Marigold Hotel. He didn't bring his motorcycle because he plans to hire a taxicab to bring the two women into the Zenith Disco Bar. Mark will be waiting for them there at the entrance.

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Catherine sent him a message informing him that they will only stay until 10:00 PM in the evening because they still have to work the next day.

He texted her back promising her that they will all go home at 10:00 PM no more no less.

This is their first outing together as a group and this one must go well according to plan so that the next outing will go smoothly as well. He brought the date r-ape drug with him just in case a good opportunity will come up at the last minute, he will go for it!

Sherry came out first and then Catherine followed, the girls both smiled at him, they rushed to his side.

"Where's your motorcycle, Jerome?" asked Catherine.

"I left it in the restaurant because we're gonna hire a taxi to go to the Zenith Disco Bar," he replied.

"So, where is your friend?" asked Sherry.

"He's waiting for us right now in the disco bar. So girls, how many times have you been to Zenith Disco Bar?"

"I have never been into one," replied Catherine.

"Me too. It's my first time going clubbing and I'm very excited!" said Sherry.

"I have passed that bar many times on my way to work in the hotel. I haven't been inside so it's my first time also to go to a place like that," said Catherine.

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Jerome smiled broadly at the women. "Ladies, I will make sure you will have a good time tonight! If it's your first time in a disco bar you will pretty much enjoy the environment. There is live music in the bar situated on the ground floor and we can also dance with disco music on the second floor. So basically, we will experience all that. We will have dinner first on the ground floor in the bar area while listening to good music. Then after done resting for a while, we will go dancing on the second floor until 10:00 PM, then will go home."

Sherry smiled brightly, eyes twinkling with excitement. Catherine just smiled while listening to Jerome.

"Okay, let's get a taxi now to bring us to Zenith Disco Bar." Jerome pulls a taxicab and they went on their way.

Fifteen minutes later they arrived at the venue.

The establishment was already full packed, thankfully Mark already reserved a table for them in the bar's open-air area lounge. A folk music band was playing some chill music that serenades the regular patrons of the bar. Mark lead them to the last table on the north side of the venue. They settled around the table and starts talking to each other.

Jerome introduces the three people to each other.

"Girls, meet Mark my friend in college. Mark, this is Sherry and Catherine."

They shook hands with each other and exchange pleasantries. Jerome showed the girls the menu.

"Girls, take your orders, we will be back in a few seconds. We have to go to the restroom first," he said.

Jerome and Mark stood up heading to the men's restroom. When they are already out of the girls' view, they start talking.

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"What do you think of Catherine, Mark?" asked Jerome.

"She is beautiful bro. She has this kind of beauty that is magnetic and captivating. The kind of beauty that will keep you awake day and night! You hit jackpot bro!" said Mark.

"So you mean to say, she is worth it? She is worth the torment I will encounter later after am done with the dead?"

"Yes and no bro!" said Mark. "Yes because her beauty is worth it but no because the consequences of your action might haunt you for the rest of your life. I still don't approve of your plan. Think wisely for your own good! But if you will go push through with your plan then I have no choice but to assist you."

Jerome exhaled.

"Okay. Let's go back to the girls now. They might wonder what take us so long down here," he said.

They strolled back towards the table. The girls were done choosing the menu. Mark called a waiter to their table and give their orders.

The group was not interested in conversation, instead, they listened to the enigmatic voice of the lead singer of the band that plays a cover of Bob Marley's reggae music, 'No Woman No Cry.' All eyes were centered to the lead singer who sang the song in an excellent manner like he owned the song.

Ten minutes later their orders arrived and they start eating while talking occasionally to each other.

After done eating their conversation flowed naturally, it's Mark and Sherry who dominated the conversation as if they have known each other for a long time. Jerome and Catherine were just listening to their lively chatter.

Catherine would roam her eyes around the venue taking everything with interest. It's her first time attending a disco bar so everything is new to her. While Jerome looked at her under his hooded gaze.

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Suddenly her cell phone rings when she checked the caller it's John!

"Hello John..." she can't hear him clearly due to the music blaring inside the venue. She stood up and walked towards the entrance of the bar to converse with him better.

Jerome followed Catherine outside, his eyes darkened instantly 'coz he knew who is the person Catherine was talking to.

"John am outside now..."

"Catherine, where are you?"

"I'm here at the Zenith Disco Bar, together with Jerome, Sherry, and Mark."

"Huh? What the hell are you doing in that bar?"

"Just hanging out with the guys," she said.

'What---? Since when did you learned to hang out with other people I barely know?"

Catherine rolled her eyes. "Don't worry John, it will be the first and the last time I will hang out with them. Just for tonight. We will go home early at 10:00 PM. I will call you after I got home."

"Go home now Catherine!" John commanded her.

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"Okay, talk to you later, John. I love you!" she said and ended the call.

Jerome was listening to their conversation, after hearing that Catherine won't go out with them the second time around he was getting desperate. He changed his mind, tonight is the only time he can take advantage of her!

"Cath, is that John your boyfriend you're talking to?" asked Jerome.

"Yes. He wants me to go home now," said Catherine.

"Wait, where is he now?"

"He is in Zamboanga Del Sur right now attending to his business there."

Jerome smirked. Her boyfriend is away, what a perfect timing for the completion of his plan. All he needs to do is feed her drinks and mixed the drug into her drinks, then the rest is history. He needs to do it tonight, there is no other time, there will be no second time!

Now is the perfect time to execute his plan!

"Jerome I need to go home now!" she demanded.

He released a frustrated sigh. "Let's stay up until 9:00 PM and I will bring you home. Let's go back inside to the disco upstairs to complete your clubbing experience."

Catherine relented.

They go back inside the venue.

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