I Think I’m Going to be Fired (1)

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Roll, roll.

The rolling sound of wooden wheels echoes along the country road.

It’s the sound of a moving ox-drawn cart. It’s not even a horse-drawn carriage.

(….I’m like a Heian noble)

Riito Ricart thought back to his high school days in his previous life. The emotional classics he had read in class on a glorious sunny afternoon.

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It was spring. The season of buds.

A gentle-eyed cow---known as cow-cow, is walking along the road while pulling a simple carriage.

Unlike the streets around the imperial capital, there are many unpaved roads in this area.

If you want to travel on unpaved roads, it is more convenient to use cow-cow than suhorse(horse). They are strong and have high stamina. As expected of a beast with built-in beef.

Plants similar to violets, kanikusa, nagami red weed, etc….can be seen from the carriage’s window. These are spring weeds though they have not yet been named in this world. Even weeds need a proper name.

After all, nature is so nice. It soothes my heart.

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It has already been twelve days since we left the prosperous imperial capital and went on a journey. The sun shining through the window of the ox carriage made Riito yawn loudly.

「Ah, so peaceful. I want to eat ice cream….or beer….」

As I was pondering the memories of a distant world, the driver called out to me apologetically to apologize.

「Traveling from the imperial capital via ox-drawn carriage can be a little too boring for young master. I apologize.」

She’s a young woman.

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She is a newt.

She seems to be a carriage driver belonging to a transport guild called “Rat Squadron”. Her short brown hair and freckled face gave her the appearance of a simple country girl.

She’s easygoing and doesn’t talk much, making her a good traveling companion.

「You could always rent a three-horse carriage if you can’t afford a dragon carriage.」

「No, I have no complaints. I prefer taking a leisure trip like this.」

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「Wow, you are very young but you are already acting like that. Are imperial young masters like that?」

「Hahaha, the royal capital has nothing to do with my preference….fuwaaaa」

Another big yawn.

The imperial young master she’s referring to is, of course, Riito.

That’s not surprising since Riito looks like 18 years old. He might even look younger. Even in this world, he is a teenager.


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