I Think I’m Going to be Fired (2)

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Riito’s mind, however, has no slightest shadow in it as he lets out a long sigh after a big yawn. Nothing at all. Rather, he is even very sunny.

「Freedom….no pressure, freedom…..!」

A quiet but heartfelt shout.

Riito expresses overwhelming gratitude another time and he doesn’t even know how many times he has done this since their journey started.

It’s nice being unemployed!

Yes, Riito Ricart is now unemployed.

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He had just started his career and now he’s unemployed.

His previous job was a court mage.

And his other jobs – a reincarnator and the brave of salvation.


---Scene Change---


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He was a corporate slave in modern Japan. He died and was reincarnated.

He wants to live a peaceful life and---he had enough awkward relationships.

With these thoughts in mind, he started his life as Riito Ricart.

He was reincarnated in a world called Harmonia and was born with magical skill. The country where he was reborn was suffering from invasion by scary monsters.

He has an aptitude for “plant magic”, his hobby in his previous life was gardening, and he is the type of person that can be called a hardcore gamer. After he reincarnated, he spent a great deal of time training his plant magic skills from childhood while using his knowledge from his previous life….

---the result.

Riito Ricart became the brave of salvation as promised.

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No, well, that’s right.

It’s called reincarnation cheat, right?

With such thoughts in mind, Riito put an end to the battle the other day---a large-scale war known as the “Hundred Years War Against Monsters” according to Harmonia’s history.

The scary monsters were sealed up in the underground dungeon and peace came to the world.

It was spring when Riito was 16 years old.

He was a child prodigy and in the midst of puberty, he was upgraded to a brave.

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…..not one thought that plant magic would play such an active role.


Just thinking of one, you’ll probably think of something relaxing or wholesome.

Contrary to that image, actual plants have the power to smash anything that prevents their growth, whether it is a rock or a brick. Some species are even poisonous and even non-poisonous plants can swallow up an entire area of land, ruining towns and fields.

That’s what plants are.

And Riito can control plants using magic.

He has two titles and one is “Hero of Aggression”….yeah, it’s not relaxing.

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