Half an hour later, Lu Xiao sat in the back seat of the commercial car.

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In the front row were the driver and his personal assistant, Zhu Min. As soon as she got home, she received a call from the police station and rushed over without stopping.

In the end, this matter was private, but it was quite ugly.

Lu Xiao and the clerk quarreled with a red face and a thick neck. In order to prove that he was not eating for free, he waved his hand to buy everything in the store.

Zhu Min was terrified, and hurriedly took him away.

After getting in the car, she didn’t dare to breathe, so she glanced at the rear-view mirror from time to time.

Lu Xiao tugged at his tie fiercely, and the smell of alcohol spread from his body in the car.

“Call the Minister of Personnel,” he said angrily,

“I’m going to fire that Ye Cheng!”

Zhu Min didn’t dare to disobey, so he called the head of the personnel department and handed him the phone.

Lu Xiao leaned on the back seat and let out a slow breath, “…Well, it’s the new one…is there any problem?”

The head of the personnel department said embarrassedly, “Mr. Lu, that’s how it is. This newcomer was handpicked by Mr. Lu. He said he was taught by his friend, and he specially asked us to take care of him.”

Lu Xiao sat up straight and narrowed his eyes, “What do you mean? You mean he can’t get fired?”

“…In principle, it is not suitable to fire him.”
The head of the personnel department was trembling.

There was a loud bang from the back seat, like something was broken.

Zhu Min and the driver were startled, and the driver almost slammed on the brakes.

Lu Xiao smashed the phone directly, looked out the window angrily, and scolded “rubbish”.

Zhu Min was about to faint, it was her cell phone, but she didn’t dare to mention a word.

Fortunately, before getting off the bus, Lu Xiao asked her to find the company for reimbursement.

After confirming that Lu Xiao had left, she immediately used the driver’s mobile phone to call Secretary Zhang, and as usual, she reported what happened just now.

Secretary Zhang didn’t take it seriously, comforted her a few words, and asked her to keep an eye on Lu Xiao these days, don’t let him make trouble.

When Ye Cheng returned home, Shi Jiaxu greeted him.

“How was the dinner today, did you meet some handsome guy?” He asked eagerly.

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“I didn’t, but I met a idiot.” Ye Cheng took a sip and said.

He had previously told Shi Jiaxu about encountering Lu Xiao at the company, and Shi Jiaxu had reacted: “Is that Mr. Lu? Damn it, why does he always trouble you, it’s not because he likes you. right?”

Ye Cheng hurriedly put down the cup, “Don’t, don’t, don’t pit me.”

Shi Jiaxu laughed: “Mom, maybe I’ve watched a lot of TV dramas recently, but I do think you guys are a good match.”

“You’re a good match, your whole family is a good match.”

It was rare for Shi Jiaxu to hear that Ye Cheng was so mean, and he was about to burst out laughing, seeing that he really disliked Mr. Lu.

After hearing what happened at night, he asked worriedly: “As you say, if he is very angry, he won’t make things hard for you in the future, will he?”

Ye Cheng said indifferently: “I don’t care, I’m ready to be fired.”

Shi Jiaxu said helplessly: “I feel sorry for you, baby, because this man you lose your job. It’s a pity. But you are so good, you can definitely find a better job.”

He said some reassuring words, but both of them knew very well that Lu’s was an excellent opportunity, and not every graduate could get such an offer.

With the feeling of breaking the jar, he took a shower and got ready to sleep.

After lying down on the bed, he picked up the phone.

The moment he saw the screen, Ye Cheng bounced off the bed.

He stared at the WeChat interface in disbelief,
——Lu Xiao accepted the friend request.

? ? ?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

What does he want to do?

Ye Cheng looked at the phone incomprehensible.

After adding him as a friend, the other party never sent a message.

He just stared at the screen for five minutes, still no movement.

Shit, he can’t fall asleep at all now.

The next morning, Ye Cheng went to work with two dark circles under his eyes.

Peng Gushu thoughtfully ordered a glass of Bingmei for him, and whispered, “Mr. Luo seems to be very unhappy today. I will call everyone for a meeting in a while, so please don’t fall asleep.”

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“Are we having a meeting in the finance conference room?” Ye Cheng didn’t bother to watch the message head, and asked after a sip of coffee.

Peng Gushu said, “Not in finance, but in the big conference room, I heard that President Lu was the one who called the meeting.”

Ye Cheng almost spurted the coffee out of his nose, covered his mouth and coughed.

Peng Gushu patted him: “It seems that President Lu wants to ask us to borrow someone to help him with a project. But it’s very strange, why did he ask us to borrow an employee from our department like this, shouldn’t he ask the marketing department of he wants someone?”

Could it be true that in response to Shi Jiaxing’s words, he’s going to be put into trouble?

Ye Cheng had an ominous premonition.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, everyone came to the conference room one after another.

After they all sat down, Lu Xiao was late.

Luo Ming took the lead and stood up, and then everyone else also stood up.

Lu Xiao didn’t even look at Ye Cheng, and waved them to sit down.

“I won’t disturb your internal meeting, just say a few words and leave.” He didn’t take a seat, and stood at the conference table with one hand in his pocket.

Luo Ming answered immediately, “Mr. Lu, just tell me.”

Peng Gushu glanced at Yecheng, with two words written on his face: dog legs.

Lu Xiao smiled and said, “I’ve been working on a big project these days, and I’m really busy. I want to ask your finance department if you can lend someone to help me. Is that alright, Mr. Luo?”

The chair slid across the ground.

Luo Ming stood up and looked at him with bright eyes: “Of course, why don’t I help you?”

This time, even Zhou Haiqin couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

Lu Xiao stretched out his index finger and shook it, “That’s a lot of talent, the person just to deal with some trivial matters, just find an intern.”

His finger casually pointed at Ye Cheng, “Just him, he looks good, and he should be more secure in doing things.”

When he said the first half of the sentence, the others still didn’t respond, but when the second half of the sentence came out, everyone in the conference room immediately looked different.

The slightly frivolous use of words made the female staff below blushed.

Luo Ming was also a little embarrassed, nodded and said, “Xiao Ye, you don’t have to do your work for the past two days, just follow Mr. Lu’s instructions. Mr. Lu, his name is Ye Cheng, and he was just accepted a few days ago. …if you think he’s too tender, replace it with…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Lu Xiao cut him off, “It’s okay, I like him.”

He said with a smirk as he look at Ye Cheng.

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Ye Cheng: “…”

The hairs on his arms were almost standing on end.

Is this person okay? !

After the meeting, Peng Gushu looked at him sympathetically.

The female employees all talked to him enviously, and Tao Juan even told him to work hard to win the appreciation of President Lu.

Ye Cheng thought to himself, it would be good for me to be able to come back alive.

After thinking about it, Lu Xiao couldn’t really do anything to him in broad daylight.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, he received the first WeChat message from Lu Xiao.

Suspect X: [Xiao Ye, go to my office so I can explain your work. 】

Ye Cheng let out a breath and daringly went up to the twelfth floor.

In the office, Lu Xiao unbuttoned his shirt, resting his long legs on the desk, smoking a cigarette.

Ye Cheng was a little allergic and had rhinitis, and as soon as he opened the door, he sneezed.

Lu Xiao let out a puff of smoke and said with a smile, “Why, you’re not used to it?”

Ye Cheng nodded coldly.

He raised his chin, exhaled a few long smoke rings, and the mist spread out.

Ye Cheng clenched his fists, hypnotizing himself to hold back, and not to do anything, otherwise it would make it difficult for his mentor.

“Here, take a look at these.” Lu Xiao pointed at the stack of documents on the table with his noble chin, and glanced at the corner of the office, “Just sit on that sofa and submit it before getting off work. Get the form ready and bring it to me.”

Ye Cheng silently stretched out his hand and hugged the document.

When touching the document, a hand lightly placed on the back of his hand.

With thin calluses on the pads of his fingers, he brushed the slightly bulging blue veins on the back of his hand.

His eyes fell on that hand, the joints were distinct, obviously a size larger than him, as if he could be pressed down with a little force.

Ye Cheng’s heart tightened, and he shrank back subconsciously thinking he was in danger.

Lu Xiao’s face sank, and he suddenly clasped his hand on the table.

With the palm of his hand on the cold table, Ye Cheng couldn’t help suffocating, he raised his eyes to look at him, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

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After seeing the flames in his eyes, Lu Xiao unexpectedly smiled.

From the moment he saw Ye Cheng, he felt that this person was very indifferent to everything, as if he was out of this world. Lu Xiao couldn’t help but feel a little excited that he could crack his iceberg-like mask.

The more angry the other party is, the happier he is.

He casually glanced at Ye Cheng and said in a low voice, “Your superiors ordered you to do a task, you have to say ‘understood’ instead of being rude like a mute, understand?”

That hand, which was attached to the back of the hand, was strong and domineering, and it seemed that the next moment would burn his skin, down to the depths of his bones, burning him to pieces.

Ye Cheng’s chest heaved up and down, bit his lip and said nothing.

The earth-shaking humiliation and humiliation hit his face, and his cheeks flushed red quickly.

Lu Xiao sneered, did not force him any more, and let go of his hand slowly.

Ye Cheng, like a hedgehog, withdrew his hand with lightning speed and took the pile of documents away.

Lu Xiao’s voice sounded behind him,
“Remember, give it to me before you get off work, or don’t cry when your salary is deducted.”

His tone was full of ridicule and teasing, Ye Cheng almost smashed the documents on the sofa.

Although he is not from a wealthy and noble family, he was pampered and raised under the care of Gao Qiulan since he was a child. The teacher also admired him and held him in the palm of his hand. How could he ever suffer from such oppression?

It took him a long time to calm down and get into work.

The result was not what Lu Xiao expected. He really did not complete the form before working hours are over

At half past five, Lu Xiao stumbled behind him and looked at his two-thirds watch.

“Tsk tsk,” he shook his head feigning regret,

“what should I do, you are going to work overtime.”

Ye Cheng had a cold face and ignored him.

Lu Xiao smiled with a beating face, “Well, if you apologize to me, I will allow you to take it home and complete it, but the money will still be deducted.”

Ye Cheng tilted her head and said expressionlessly, “Mr. Lu, it’s better to leave, and be careful with cars on the road.”

Lu Xiao: “…”


T/N: YC have a sharp tongue.


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