Ye Cheng didn’t know what he thought. After all, he can’t decide who he will bring to the business trip. Lu Xiao was probably more depressed than him.

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On the plane, he sat with Luo Ming, and Lu Xiao sat alone by the window.

Shi Jiaxu’s seat was in front of him, and every now and then he glanced at him through magazines.

Arriving at Province A, Luo Ming went ahead to arrange vehicles and accommodation.

Ye Cheng was in charge of pushing the luggage, but Lu Xiao didn’t want to squeeze him, so he waved to him and said, “Come here.”

He brought a total of three suitcases, Ye Cheng thought he wanted to carry one, but he didn’t. He took two of them directly, then pushed them left and right to move forward.

Just when Ye Cheng was feeling a little grateful, Lu Xiao lowered his voice and said, “The person sitting in front of you on the plane has been following us all the time. He can’t be a stalker, right?”

Ye Cheng’s heart fasten, Shi Jianxu glanced at them then looked away as if nothing had happened.

A smile appeared on Lu Xiao’s mouth, and he looked at him through his sunglasses.

“What’s wrong… You think too much, we’re going in the same way.” Ye Cheng said dryly, his palms sweaty.

“Really, but he keeps looking at you.” Lu Xiao said.

“Probably… he is probably looking at you, I think you’re handsome.” Ye Cheng said nonsense, hoping that this topic would pass quickly.

Lu Xiao suddenly burst out laughing, startling him.

“It’s funny how you make up stories, did you just get nervous hahaha.” Lu Xiao approached him and teased, “He is with you in the bar last time, you forgot so soon?”

Ye Cheng was stunned After two seconds, he reacted immediately—Lu Xiao had recognized him early, and he was clearly teasing him.

This naive schoolboy!


“Boring!” He threw out a word coldly, speeding up and walking forward.

Seeing that he finally made him angry, he quickly dragged two big luggage to chase him, “Hey, don’t run so fast! How dare you not wait for your boss, be careful that I will deduct your salary… Hey, wait for me! ”

Ten minutes later, the three got into the car.

Luo Ming showed the way in the front row, and Lu Xiao answered the phone.

“Grandpa, I’m here.”

“Don’t worry, everything is ready, is it six o’clock in the evening? Okay.”

Lu Xiao raised his eyebrows and said, “No, I feel like It’s interesting to stay in the company, why go to Canada.”

He glanced at Ye Cheng seemingly inadvertently, then chuckled to his mobile phone: “My colleagues are very interesting, especially the newcomers. ”

Ye Cheng frowned and looked at him, but Lu Xiao looked away the moment he looked over.

Ye Cheng felt uncomfortable, and always felt that he was connoting himself, but there was no evidence.

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When he arrived at the hotel where he was staying, while waiting for the front desk to register, Ye Cheng received a message.

It was sent by Xu Weiqiang, a tutor at his university.

[Are you here, do you want me to send a car to pick you up? ]

Yesterday, Ye Cheng told him that he was coming to Province A. Xu Weiqiang was very happy, saying that it happened that he had a friend who was also a guest here, so he could meet for a meal.

Ye Cheng just wanted to come and get off the plane and forgot to tell him, typed and replied: [No need, teacher, I’ve already arrived at the hotel. ]

Xu Weiqiang: [Are you free this evening? I will invite you to dinner. 】

Ye Cheng hesitated a little, he didn’t know if he had work tonight.

When he was hesitating, Lu Xiao said to him, “You should have a good rest today. I have a dinner tonight, so I won’t have dinner with you.”

Luo Ming nodded in agreement.

Ye Cheng immediately replied to Xu Weiqiang and said: [Okay, just send the time and address. 】

Xu Weiqiang made an appointment with him at 5:50, at a private kitchen 15 minutes away from the hotel.

‌‌Understanding the traffic in Province A, Ye Cheng left ten minutes earlier.

Not surprisingly, he was caught in the rush hour after get off work, but fortunately he came early and arrived at the private room on time.

When he pushed open the door and entered, Xu Weiqiang and another old man in a Tang suit were already sitting in the private room.

Ye Cheng bent over to say hello, and Xu Weiqiang stood up and introduced, “Xiao Ye, this is the old friend I mentioned to you, Mr. Lu, the founder of your company.” seem to have heard the word “Lu” somewhere.

“Hello, Mr. Lu.” He said in a low voice before he had time to respond.

Lu Jinnan smiled and said, “Don’t call me Boss Lu, I’ve already taken a back seat. You are as old as my grandson, so you can call me grandpa.

Ye Cheng suddenly thought, Tao Juan or who said that Lu Xiao is the grandson of a certain level of the company… He happens to have the surname of Lu, so his grandfather is this old Lu?

Previously, he had a fluke mentality, hoping that this old friend of Xu Weiqiang would never have anything to do with Lu Xiao. This is fine, he just offended his grandson to death.

He just don’t know how Lu Xiao would feel if he knew about this.

Afraid of what’s coming, Lu Jinnan glanced at his watch and said, “I said he should be here, why hasn’t he come yet, this kid is too unpunctual, I have to talk about him properly.”

In an instant, Ye Cheng’s face turned pale, full of despair.

F*ck , no wonder Lu Xiao said he had an appointment tonight, it turned out to be this dinner party…

In ten minutes, Lu Xiao hadn’t come yet.

Lu Jinnan was not happy anymore, so he asked the manager to serve the food first and eat it first.

Ye Cheng ate the vegetables uneasily, and every bite felt like he was having his last dinner ever.

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In the end, when he had already eaten half, Lu Xiao was long overdue.

The private room door was pushed open, and there was a sound of footsteps, accompanied by Lu Xiao’s voice, “I’m sorry, I’m late, the road is blocked…” Before

he could finish the word “car”, he saw Ye Cheng. The words are stuck in the throat, can’t go up or down.

Holding a huge gift box in his hand, he stood there dumbfounded.

Until Lu Jinnan put down his chopsticks and scolded, “You didn’t even call anyone to update where you are! I told you that the road is blocked here, don’t you know how to leave in advance? Look at Xiao Ye, he’s already there.”

Ye Cheng: “…”

Please, Mr. Lu, don’t brag about it at this time.

Seeing Lu Xiao’s face getting darker and darker, he broke the stalement and said, “Mr. Lu is here in Province A for the first time, so he probably doesn’t know what’s going on here.”

Xu Weiqiang also smoothed things over with him: “That’s right, Xiao Lu is here for the first time. By the way, I suddenly wanted to say, you two should know each other.”

Lu Xiao said sarcastically, “Of course we do”

“that’s good because you have to help each other.” Xu Weiqiang said with a smile.

Lu Jinnan snorted coldly: “Help each other, I think it’s Xiao Ye who is helping me unilaterally, you don’t know, my family is so hot-headed even if he is just doing things for three minutes…”

Lu Jinnan began to complain, as if he regarded Ye Cheng as “other people’s family” child”, especially when he listened to him talking eloquently during the banquet just now, he became to despised his stinky boy.

Ye Cheng was sitting on pins and needles, helping Lu Xiao put the gift away, and quietly looked at his expression.

Lu Xiao seemed to be used to it. He sat down and poured a bowl of soup to eat. He didn’t seem interested in the conversation between the two.

After three rounds of drinking, the topic of the two old men gradually turned to starting a family and starting a business.

“Oh, my child, you think he looks good, but he doesn’t want to fall in love. I introduced him a few times to someone before, but he rejected them either because he didn’t look good, or because he didn’t have an inner life, It seems that he has a lot of trouble with them. ”

Ye Cheng subconsciously looked at Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao had almost eaten, and met his gaze without flinching as if saying, “What are you looking at? I will do whatever I want”.

Xu Weiqiang said: “Xiao Ye is also like that, his grandmother and I both urged him to fall in love. There are so many girls chasing him in school, there is more than one row from the east gate to the west gate, but he can’t help but not like them” When he heard “the girl who is chasing him”, a bit of complexity appeared in his eyes, and he touched Ye Cheng with his toes under the table.

Ye Cheng didn’t know what he meant, so he ducked to the side.

Lu Xiao didn’t give up and continued to chase after him to touch his feet.

Ye Cheng ducked to the side again, accidentally hitting Xu Weiqiang’s foot.

“Young people today…” Xu Weiqiang stopped talking abruptly when he was halfway through, and turned to him with a strange expression.

Ye Cheng quickly apologized: “I’m sorry, teacher, you continue to speak.”

Lu Xiao clenched his fist to cover his mouth, and smiled secretly, in exchange for a blank look from him.

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After dinner, Lu Jinnan asked the driver to drive Xu Weiqiang back.

The two juniors wanted to get rid of the alcohol and walked back to the hotel on foot.

The summer nights in Province A are sultry and restless. There are many universities in this area, and college students on the streets come and go.

The two walked onto the bridge.

Lu Xiao put in his trousers pocket, looked at the college couple passing by, and said with emotion, “Going to school is so good, why do people always find this out after work.”

“Mr. Lu also just graduated. “Ye Cheng said.

Lu Xiao shook his head, “I didn’t go to university, I was forced to go abroad for two years, and that diploma was just a piece of waste paper. Actually, I regret not studying hard, I really envy you. These people have experienced college life.”

Ye Cheng didn’t know what to say for a long time, and after a while, he said: “You only study in either in college, the cafeteria, dormitory or library. It’s just a three point line” He didn’t know if this sentence was comforting or not. Although it was clearly Lu Xiao’s problem that he didn’t study hard, the envy on his face still made Ye Cheng feel a little unbearable.

Lu Xiao didn’t answer, but looked at him tentatively and said, “It’s just a three-point line. aren’t a bunch of girls chasing you?”

Ye Cheng: “…”

Lu Xiao seems to be out of control , asked one after another: “You’ve been in love a few times, shouldn’t you be a sea king? No, you like men, so are there any men among those who chase you?”

Ye Cheng stopped abruptly and looked at him coldly.

The next second, he left him and walked away without saying a word.

Lu Xiao stayed in place for a while, and immediately understood his abruptness – he was used to being straight with those brothers, but Ye Cheng was different, he was a person who didn’t like others touching his private territory.

‌As soon as they got in touch, Lu Xiao realized this.

In other words, he is very insecure, and if he is approached by unfamiliar people, he will reflexively retreat.

Without thinking too much, Lu Xiao trotted to catch up with him and grabbed him by the wrist.

“I’m right, I’m talking too much, don’t be angry.” He blurted out.

After saying this, he and Ye Cheng were stunned.

Neither of them thought that he would apologize. Even Lu Xiao himself was shocked. He didn’t even think he would apologize to a small employee.

For a time, the atmosphere fell into embarrassment.

Ye Cheng didn’t want to shake his face at first, but now the other party apologized, which made him a little embarrassed to come.

Lu Xiao looked around and saw an old grandma selling flowers on the bridge.

“Wait for me.” He said to Ye Cheng.

He let go of his hand and walked towards the grandmother: “I want all your flowers, how much is it?”

Ye Cheng didn’t understand what he was doing, so he walked over and took a look. There was a basket of blue roses in front of the old grandmother.

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“All of them are not for sale.” The grandmother gestured, “I want to keep one.”

Lu Xiao said cheerfully, “Well, except that one, pack the rest for me.” The grandmother smiled and wrapped the roses. She handed it to him and said, “One branch is 30 yuan, plus 540, this blue one is a little more expensive…”

Lu Xiao took out his mobile phone to pay, took the flower and stuffed it into Ye Cheng’s arms.

“Well, to apologize to you, don’t be angry.” He said casually.

After speaking, he deliberately turned his head to look under the bridge, and didn’t seem to care about Ye Cheng’s reaction.

This is the first time Ye Cheng has received flowers, and he is a little overwhelmed with the bunch of ice blue roses.

It’s funny to say, there are indeed a lot of people chasing him, but none of them have ever sent him flowers. This thing, logically speaking, should be used by boys for girls.

The gradually changing petals stretched out softly, like shy and timid dancers, secretly releasing a little seductiveness in front of him.

The night wind blew the petals and hair tips, Ye Cheng carefully leaned in and smelled it.

Lu Xiao rolled his eyes and peeked at him from the corner of his eye.

At this moment, a girl’s voice came from the side.

“Grandma, you haven’t left yet. I got off work late today and thought you closed the stall.”

Ye Cheng raised his head and looked at the last girl with long hair. The girl stared at him for a few seconds and blushed.

The old grandmother looked at him with a smile, and said, “I’ve got one for you.” The girl clenched her fists, plucked up her courage and walked up to Ye Cheng and said, “Well, my WeChat transfer is no longer available, can you pay for me? I’ll add you on WeChat and go back and transfer it to you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Xiao sneered.

Such an old-fashioned way to strike up a conversation.

The girl’s face turned even redder.

Ye Cheng thought for a while and said, “I’ll pay for you, you don’t have to pay me back.”
Saying he scan the QR code to pay.

The girl lowered her head in disappointment, “Then…Thank you.”

Lu Xiao smiled beside him, Ye Cheng nodded politely, and walked down the bridge.

Lu Xiao followed him, and after a while, he walked up to him again, bumped against his shoulder, and showed a wicked smile: “Why don’t you send that girl’s WeChat?”

“I don’t like casually add people.” Ye Cheng said lightly.

Lu Xiao’s smile became more obvious, “Then why did you give it to me?”


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