“You… remember everything?” Ye Cheng asked in disbelief in a trembling voice.

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After working for a long time, this person is just playing around here.

Is it interesting to pretend that you don’t know anything?

Lu Xiao waited at the door for a long time, and his anger accumulated for a long time. Hearing what he said, he sneered: “Of course I remember, I can remember everything that night, how did you take off your clothes one by one, you How did you respond enthusiastically to me…”

‌Stimulated crazy by the scene of the bonfire party, he said without choosing words.


A crisp sound broke the last illusion of peace in the room.

Both of them stopped.

Lu Xiao tilted his head to one side, and a slap print clearly appeared on his cheek.

Ye Cheng was so angry that he was shaking. After the fight, his right hand was out of control and pinched the palm of his hand.

“That’s enough,” he said. “If you want to tease me with this, then congratulations on your success.”

After speaking, he pushed Lu Xiao away and rushed out the door.

Lu Xiao was panting, his head was a mess.

‌Did he really want to tease Ye Cheng? Or take the opportunity to insult him?

No, he clearly knows that it is not for this purpose.

After waking up that day, he was full of anticipation and deliberately tried, but got a negative answer from Ye Cheng, as if it was a shame. It was too humiliating to mention.

Lu Xiao has lived for more than 20 years, and his self-esteem has never been so frustrated.

Disappointment, self-doubt, denial of previous knowledge, all mixed and squeezed together.

Before meeting Ye Cheng, ‌‌‌he did not know what tolerance is. Being treated with such a cold face at that time, his temper was naturally out of control.

All right, you pretend, then I’ll pretend.

It depends on who can waste who. Anyway, I have nothing to lose.

——It turns out that he is the one that can’t afford to pretend.

After seeing Ye Cheng ignoring him continuously and flirting with his female colleagues, his jealousy, possessiveness, and all negative emotions roared like a tsunami, engulfing him in an instant.

He doesn’t know if this is the so-called love, but all in all, Ye Cheng can’t be with anyone until he understands it.

Peng Gushu knocked on the half-open door, stammered and said, “Mr. Lu, why are you here?”

Lu Xiao took a deep breath, not in the mood to explain anything, and walked straight out of the way.

Peng Gushu glanced inside the room, but did not see Ye Cheng, and scratched his head in confusion.

After Ye Cheng left the room, he ran for a while along the stone road of the villa, and when his breath was completely messy, the messy thoughts in his mind slowly dissipated.

The moon quietly climbed the branches, shining on the cobblestones along the road.

The villa was completely silent, except for the occasional chirping of birds and insects.

The woods during the day look a bit scary at night, the branches are lit by the full moon like the shadows of ghosts, and they stretch their muscles and bones with their teeth and claws.

If it were normal, Ye Cheng wouldn’t have dared to take this kind of road at night, but just now Lu Xiao provoked him, so he just wanted to find a quiet place to stay for a while.

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The cool wind at night blew through his face and his mood was finally calm.

As he walked, he kicked the branches, and scolded Lu Xiao, such a bastard, so much for being a real human being.

He didn’t mention what happened that night because he didn’t know how to say it, but this guy clearly remembered. He had deliberately watched the joke for so long, and he was so arrogant and unreasonable when he said it just now, he really doesn’t understand what he was thinking. .

At the thought of Lu Xiao feeling sorry for him, he felt angry.

‌ A handful of branches were used as Lu Xiao’s face, and he kicked several times indiscriminately.

Suddenly, the shoe stepped on something more rocky.

Just as he was about to retract his foot, there was a sound in the air, the spring was expanding and contracting heavily, and the thing was pressed against the instep of his foot, as if there was
a sound of bones colliding.

“Ah—” Ye Cheng screamed in pain, and his conditioned reflex was to retreat.

The other foot didn’t stand firm, it snapped abruptly, and then the whole person lost his balance and sat on the ground.

There was a piercing pain in the left foot, which could be clearly felt through the shoes.

He hurriedly turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone, and unexpectedly found that he had stepped on a mousetrap.

Oh, fuck! Recently, the water is so bad that his teeth are stuffed with cold water. Who would have thought that a mousetrap had been discarded in this forest?

Ye Cheng endured the pain and tried to break it off with his hands, but he was flustered and couldn’t get it out. Instead, he clamped it even tighter, and the pain became more severe with a little movement.

Ye Cheng tried for ten minutes, and his head was covered in sweat, but he still couldn’t save his right foot. The other leg couldn’t stand up either, and it was twisted and swollen.

It’s really bad luck, it’s all Lu Xiao’s fault.

If it weren’t for his sudden appearance, he would not have walked into the woods at all!

Ye Cheng wanted to cry but had no tears. He gave up his struggle, picked up his mobile phone and prepared to call Peng Gushu, so that he could lead someone to get him back. That’s alright, he doesn’t need to participate in the team building, just call a car to the city hospital.

‌Full of anger, he saw a few more missed calls on his cell phone.

As soon as he opened the address book, the screen lit up, and the caller showed the other party’s note, “The real dog.”

——It’s Lu Xiao.

Ye Cheng didn’t want to see him at all at this moment, even if he asked for help, he didn’t want to look for him, so he simply hung up.

Less than a few seconds later, Lu Xiao called again.

He ‌continue to hang up, and continue to fight over there, falling into an endless loop.

Because there were always calls coming in, there was no way to call Peng Gushu.

Finally, Ye Cheng couldn’t take it anymore, so he answered the phone and scolded: “Are you sick? Go get treatment if you are sick, don’t make trouble with me every day!”

This is the first time that Lu Xiao has heard swear words from him, and his heart froze up to the point of his mouth gaping.

Ye Cheng finished cursing and hung up.

After a while, Lu Xiao called again.

This time, he didn’t wait for the scolding, and asked first: “Where have you been? The guard said you went out, don’t run around at night. If you really don’t like me, then I’ll drive you back. You go back to sleep first.”

Ye Cheng was already mad, “Who is it that is upset with who? You don’t want the wicked to complain first!”

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He blushed and had a thick neck, facing the phone, and accidentally knocked his right foot and cried out in pain.


Lu Xiao was keenly aware that something was wrong and immediately asked, “What’s wrong with you? Are you injured?”

Ye Cheng pursed his lips and did not speak.

Lu Xiao was anxious, “Where are you now, tell me the location, I’ll go look for you.

“Don’t worry about it.” Ye Cheng said angrily, and hung up the phone again.

He called Peng Gushu and told him that he had twisted his foot, and asked him to help him.

Peng Gushu had just finished taking a shower, and hurriedly said that he would just put on some clothes.

Before Peng Gushu arrived, Lu Xiao rushed into the monitoring room to find Ye Cheng’s location. The security guard was wondering what he was looking for, and within a second, the man ran out without saying a word.

Ye Cheng waited for more than ten minutes, and when he saw the light of a flashlight in the distance, he waved and shouted, “Here, here I am!”

When the man was panting and ran closer, only then did he realize that it was Lu Xiao, and he fell silent.

Lu Xiao didn’t say a word, and squatted down to check his feet.

Ye Cheng shrank his feet uncomfortably, but was tightly held down on his calf.

“Don’t move, give me a light.”

Lu Xiao’s voice wasn’t as domineering as before, it was much lower, as if the wound was not on Ye Cheng, but on ‌‌him.

Ye Cheng didn’t want to let himself suffer, so he had to endure his temper and give a light.

In the warm white light, Lu Xiao frowned, his eyes were full of self-blame and annoyance, and his back molars clenched slightly.

Using a little strength, he opened the clip, and was very careful to remove Ye Cheng’s feet.

“Ah!” Ye Cheng’s hand trembled, and the phone almost fell on the ‌ground.

The moment the clip was released, the already numb right foot felt as if it had been pricked by a needle.

Lu Xiao hurriedly said, “It’s alright, don’t be afraid, let me see.”

In the past, he often fought with people, and he was admitted to the hospital every three or five days.

“It should be fine. I’ve already called the doctor, and he’ll be there in half an hour, so please bear with me.” He gently turned Ye Cheng’s right foot and comforted him.

Ye Cheng’s forehead sweated a lot from the pain, and the hand holding the phone was so soft that he nearly didn’t breathe.
Lu Xiao turned his back to him and said, “Can you get on?”

Ye Cheng had reacted and allowed him to carry him on his back, he lowered his head and said, “You better support me…”

It’s time for Lu Xiao to be restless. He tilted his head, although his tone was urging, he was much gentler than usual: “You can go, be obedient, hurry up.”

When he turned his head, Ye Cheng met his gaze.

It’s completely different from before, with distress, guilt, and a bit of pleading. He hopes he can hurry back and lie down and wait for the doctor to arrive.

Ye Cheng bit his lip, and he stopped arguing, he stretched out his hand and hooked his arms on his neck.

Lu Xiao immediately cooperated with ‌supporting ‌’s legs, raised him slightly, and put the person firmly on his back.

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Ever since Ye Cheng was young that he had never been carried by anyone. Maybe he was carried by Gao Qiulan before he was three years old, but this is no longer in his memory.

He has imagined countless times what it would be like for Ye Gaoyang to walk down the street with him on his back one day like his father. But fantasies are always fantasies, and he has never been able to really experience them.

Lu Xiao’s back was wide and warm, and the thin shirt fabric could not cover his body temperature. The temperature was slightly higher than his, made his heart flutter.

He‌‌ has a faint smell of men’s perfume, mixed with tobacco smell, this smell is not very pleasant, but it is inexplicably reassuring.

Ye Cheng thought to himself, ‌‌he must have smoked before looking for him.

Why did he smoke? Is it because you are in a bad mood and don’t know how to deal with it?

As a straight man, he must not be able to bear what happened.

If that’s the case, just say it straight, and don’t think about it anymore.

He feels wronged.

“Does it hurt so bad?” Lu Xiao suddenly asked.
Ye Cheng had distracted thoughts, and the pain had dispersed a lot. Hearing this, he shook his head, “It’s okay.”

Lu Xiao said, “Don’t turn on the lights, put your phone in my pocket, I can see the way.”

The flashlight in Ye Cheng’s hand was swaying, and his hand was so soft that he couldn’t hold it steadily, and it basically couldn’t light the way. With no objection he turned off the flashlight and put the phone in his pocket.

Losing the interference of the light source, the moonlight becomes purer, quietly coating a branch and leaf with a layer of silver glow, like water waves soaking the surface.

“I’m sorry,” Lu Xiao said sullenly, “if it wasn’t for my recklessness, you wouldn’t have run away and you wouldn’t have been hurt.”

Ye Cheng thought to himself, should I say it doesn’t matter?

Lu Xiao didn’t wait for a reply and continued: “But I don’t regret finding you tonight, I want to tell you that I don’t like seeing you walking close to others, and I don’t like you acting like you don’t care about anything. ”

Ye Cheng: “?”

“If you really hate me, you can scold me as much as you want, and you can also beat me up. I will never fight back.”

Ye Cheng: “…”

“But don’t ignore me anymore, I can’t stand you like this.”

His voice was bitter and confusing, and Ye Cheng didn’t even know what he was talking about.

Ye Cheng gradually came to understand the story, while quietly lying behind Lu Xiao, he listened patiently until the end.

“I’ve been waiting for your messages every day. I hope you can take the initiative to talk to me about that night.”

“I’ve been upstairs watching the bonfire party at night, and seeing you dancing with others makes me feel like I’m going crazy.”

“I was worried after you ran out, I was afraid that you might be in a bad mood and what would happen to you.”


In the end, Lu Xiao turned his head and said again, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled at you, I won’t do it again, I promise.”

He never noticed how intimate and ambiguous this sentence is for “friends”.

Ye Cheng wanted to laugh a little, but also wanted to cry.

It is hard to describe his heart at the moment, it is cold and hot, sad and happy.

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“Lu Xiao,” ‌ he folded his arms, hugged the other person’s neck, and asked the question she had always wanted to ask, “Do you like me even a little?”

In the obscure moonlight, Lu Xiao’s ears and neck were flushed.

He doesn’t know if I can give a definite answer, because this kind of throbbing is unfamiliar and had never happened before, so he doesn’t know if he likes him or not.

He opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

Before he hesitated, Ye Cheng said, “Don’t rush to tell me, wait until you think about it.”

The tense strings in his heart finally fell, and that’s exactly what happened.

Probably not even aware of it Lu Xiao already fell in love with it. He doesn’t know when it started, maybe it was the first meeting, maybe it was an unintentional approach.

Ye Cheng raised the corners of his mouth, um, are all straight men like this? Or is it just because this guy’s emotional experience isn’t complicated?

Really stupid enough.

Half an hour later, a nearby doctor rushed over.

In the hall on the first floor , Lu Xiao and Peng Gushu stood aside, watching the doctor examine Ye Cheng’s feet.

“He didn’t hurt the bones, but the other foot was twisted quite badly, and it’s swollen like this.” The doctor said, “I brought you medicine, buttry to walk as little as possible these days.”

Lu Xiao asked some of precautions, and asked the doctor to take a rest.

Peng Gushu said at a loss: “Xiao Ye, do you want me to get a cane or a wheelchair for you? I haven’t told Mr. Luo about this yet. You will have to ask for leave in the next few days.”

“I don’t need a wheelchair, that’s too exaggerated.” Ye Cheng said, “You can find a branch, I’ll just walk.”

Just as Peng Gushu was about to agree, Lu Xiao said, “Go upstairs to sleep first, and leave Ye Cheng to me.”

“Hey.” Peng Gushu looked at Ye Cheng and then at Ye Cheng, not knowing where to go.

Ye Cheng thought about it too, he is troubling Peng Gushu

It’s better to trouble Lu Xiao to the end.

“Then you can go up first, thank you.” ‌he said to Peng Gushu.

Peng Gushu said, “Okay, you can call me anytime you need something.”

Lu Xiao dismissed the security guards who rushed to hear the news, leaving only the two of them in the hall.

“Go find me a crutch…ah…” Halfway through Ye Cheng’s words, Lu Xiao walked past and picked him up.

He hurriedly grabbed Lu Xiao’s shoulder, opened his eyes and said, “What are you doing?”

Lu Xiao looked down and said, “Am I better than crutches and wheelchairs?”

Ye Cheng was hugged in this way, and his face quickly turned red. Random thoughts appeared in his head, what is this all about now? What kind of relationship does he and Lu Xiao have? what should they do if someone sees them like this?

Lu Xiao easily carried him up to the second floor, and his room was on this floor.

After he put Ye Cheng on the bed, he took off his shoes and wanted to apply his medicine, then Ye Cheng asked, “I…will I sleep here at night?”

Lu Xiao knelt down on one knee in front of him, his cuffs rolled up high, and he looked up handsomely, “Otherwise, you want to sleep in a room with another man and think I’m dead?”

T/N: Finally, they are about to be official.

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