Following the doctor’s instructions, Lu Xiao sprayed Ye Cheng’s feet with medicine, and carefully wrapped them in gauze to prevent him from rubbing against the wound when he was sleeping.

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After washing his hands from the bathroom, he opened the closet and took out the spare bedding.

Ye Cheng was a little confused: “What are you doing?”

“Make the bed and sleeping,” Lu Xiao said naturally. “There is a sofa outside, don’t worry, I won’t sleep here for your convenience at night. You can call me if you want to drink water or go to the toilet.”

Ye Cheng understood that he misunderstood his meaning, “Well… I mean, won’t you sleep with me? ”


Lu Xiao’s face flushed red, and he unconsciously clenched the hand he was holding, “No don’t make a fuss… alright.”

He didn’t dare to look directly at Ye Cheng, and glanced at him secretly from the corner of his eye.

On the way back just now, he finally realized that Ye Cheng didn’t hate him anymore, and it could even be said that he liked him a little. Although he hasn’t made a formal statement yet, in his heart, the two of them are in an extremely ambiguous state, no different from those little couples in life.

In his heart, there were still two hurdles that could not be overcome.

One is the company’s system that doesn’t allow office romance, and the other is that he has been straight for two years, but suddenly turned bent.

Ye Cheng’s initiative made him feel embarrassed.

“Since you mind, then forget it.” Ye Cheng didn’t insist any longer and said, “But I can’t sleep alone, can you sleep in the room?”

Lu Xiao was stunned on the spot, why forget it? How can it be counted?

Actually, he doesn’t really mind! Sleep together, sleep together!

Why don’t you continue to invite him??

Ye Cheng wondered, “Is it okay?”

Lu Xiao spent a couple of minutes, then said shyly, “Of course there’s no problem, then I’ll make the bed on floor next to your bed.”

Depressed, he bent down and spread out the quilt, secretly annoyed at why he had to be reserved just now.

Ye Cheng took all his small watch to the bottom, nodded slightly, and calmly covered himself with a blanket and went to sleep.

“Good night, Lu Xiao.” He said softly.

This is the first time he has called him by his first name, but he doesn’t know what it is, but it is a kind of inexplicable intimacy.

He seemed to carry the bottom line of “others dare not shout, but I dare to shout”, and it seems that he is no longer simply regarded as his own boss.

“Good night…” Lu Xiao murmured back.

After saying good night, the person whose name was called couldn’t sleep at all.

It turned out that he could say “good night” to someone so tenderly. It turned out to be the feeling of being valued by him, but that day even when he was drunk, Ye Cheng didn’t care.

Lu Xiao turned on the ground, thinking, do I want to fall in love?

He was already in front of me, within reach, and it would be stupid not to talk about it. But will that cause him to be gossiped by his colleagues, and if people talk nonsense, how to deal with it better…

His thoughts climbed rapidly, and he had completely forgotten the question of straight men and not straight men.

The dimension of thinking is from how to fall in love, what to do when falling in love, and what to make public in the future, such as telling family members, such as dealing with Ye Cheng’s conflicts with colleagues.

Etc., etc……

The fish’s belly turned white on the horizon, and when it was dawn, Lu Xiao even decided that he would adopt several children to inherit the family business, and all the children had their names figured out.

After marriage, if Lu Jinnan doesn’t like Ye Cheng very much, he can move away from the old house. He doesn’t know if Ye Cheng likes to live in the mountains or not. He can also buy a bigger house near the company, which will make it more convenient to go to work.

If Lu Jinnan likes Ye Cheng as much as he does now, it will be better.

Anyway, Ye Cheng is the young madame so he doesn’t need to go to the company every day, just live in the old house. As a husband, he has to work a little harder. He would come to the company by car every day.

By the way, it just so happened that Ye Cheng was studying finance, so it would be no problem to hand over the financial and political power of the family to him.

The alarm on the phone on the bed rang, Ye Cheng flipped it over, and turned off the alarm clock and continued to sleep.

Lu Xiao yawned, picked up his phone and looked at it, only to realize that it was seven o’clock.

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He hadn’t slept all night, and was only thinking wildly.

The light entered through the gaps of the window curtain, and he sat up tiredly, wanting to give Ye Cheng a good morning kiss to wake him up.

When he was getting closer and closer to the person on the bed, he realized he is already trying to make a move when he had not yet confessed and established a relationship.

Shit, I fantasized about it all night, and I was confused.

Lu Xiao quickly fanned himself to wake up, rubbed his eyes, and called the front desk to deliver the meal.

Don’t worry, take your time, he told himself in his heart that the raw rice has not been cooked, so don’t eat the raw rice first.

After the group came back, Ye Cheng asked the company for a few days off.

His feet couldn’t touch the ground. Luo Ming saw that Lu Xiao had spoken to let him rest at home, so he didn’t say anything, but only granted paid leave.

Ye Cheng lay on the bed and called Shi Jiaxu.
Shi Jiaxu went to Province A first, saying that his ex-boyfriend asked him to get back together.
Hearing what he said, he immediately wanted to take the iron back: “Damn it, I just got on the bus not long ago. You wait, I’ll buy an afternoon ticket and go back.”

“No, what are you doing going back here?” Ye Cheng put the washed cherries next to him and put them in his mouth, “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

Shi Jiaxu said anxiously, “Then who will take care of you? Has your grandma passed by?”
Ye Cheng said, “I didn’t tell grandma, er… Lu Xiao will come over to help me clean up the house.”

Shi Jiaxu was dumbfounded: “What? Are you referring to Lu Xiao, the young master of the Lu family who doesn’t look at people with their nostrils?”

Ye Cheng couldn’t help crying: “Where did so many inexplicable prefixes come from? When did he use his nostrils to look at people?”

He simply explained to Shi Jiaxu what happened that night.

“My mother, this is a scumbag!” Shi Jiaxu suddenly exploded and said solemnly, “I know, I always persuade you to make peace…”

Ye Cheng interrupted him: “He shouldn’t be a scumbag, he’s just plain stupid.”

“It’s complicated to say. At first, he thought homosexuality was very casual. Maybe his friends at the side gave him this impression.” Ye Cheng explained, “So he thought I was deliberately trying to get rid of him, all in all. … He said he had no experience, and probably didn’t know where to go.”

Shi Jiaxu covered his mouth with tears in his eyes: “I’m a little jealous! Ye Cheng, you’ve earned a fortune! By the way, you said he had never sleep with any girls, is it true?”

Ye Cheng: “…I can skip this topic.”

“No! You can’t skip it!” Shi Jiaxu was unforgiving, “I’ve never slept with a chick! My boyfriends are all veterans, damn it.”

Ye Cheng bit his head and said, “It’s okay, I didn’t do it. I don’t know the whole set for now.”

Shi Jiaxu wanted to continue the chat, but he decided to diverge, “Actually, I don’t believe that I am his first love, because, from the way he is chasing me, it doesn’t seem like he has never been in love.”

“He’s chasing you? You, you, listen to me, don’t rush to agree.” Shi Jiaxu said quickly.

Ye Cheng said, “I know, I’m observing.”

Shi Jiaxu said in the language of someone with experience: “You won’t cherish those who are easy to handle. Don’t you know what kind of virtue a man has?”

Ye Cheng sighed, he had never thought about the hard-to-find tactics in love, but Shi Jiaxu was right. People like Lu Xiao don’t seem to be obedient to his wife’s words. He has such good conditions, and he was probably chased by many girls before, so how could he never talk about it.

“By the way, you said just now that he didn’t fall in love for the first time, did you find something?” Shi Jiaxu asked.

Ye Cheng said thoughtfully: “It doesn’t mean that he found anything, he just thinks it’s very strange. He has used his mobile phone to order meals for me for three meals a day these days, and he buys a bunch of flowers to put in the living room every day. He also bought a lot of gadgets to make me happy, he sends good morning and good night… Do you think this kind of chasing attitude, he is still a rookie?”

“He’s a liar.” Shi Jiaxu snorted coldly, “As expected, they’re all like this. Either you use your ex to treat him badly, or you can pretend to be a little white flower.”

Ye Cheng felt a headache.

To be honest, he didn’t talk about it. The basic theory was taught by Shi Jiaxu. Was it so complicated?

Shi Jiaxu instructed earnestly, “Be careful, let him fill the probationary period, and carefully examine his every move. Once there are clues, you must thoroughly investigate it. Trust your sixth sense!”

Ye Cheng: “Okay… okay.”

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“Your business is my business, your relationship is mine, and I will help you without saying anything!” Shi Jiaxu said angrily.

At this moment, he received a message.

Ye Cheng opened it and saw that it was from Lu Xiao.

Suspect X: [I’m going to find you after work, do you want to eat steak at night? 】

“He sent me a message saying that after work, he was coming over and asked me if I would want to eat steak.” Ye Cheng read it out consciously.

Shi Jiaxu said, “He wanted to go to your house, then he won’t leave and try to set things on fire… tsk tsk tsk, his heart is terrifying!”

Ye Cheng: “?”

“Avoid the important point, just take it lightly. Deliberately don’t answer the question of where you would go, and ask him which steak… No, ask him playfully if he made the steak himself.” Shi Jiaxu said thoughtfully.

Ye Cheng replied: [Steak? Did you cook it? 】

It was quiet for a while that day.

Lu Xiao took a sip of coffee, and the moment he saw the message, he spits it out, spraying the face of Zhou Minhao on the opposite side.

“Fuck! You want to ruin my appearance?!” Zhou Minhao wailed.

Lu Xiao hurriedly grabbed a tissue and wiped it for him, “He called me back, what should I do? He asked if it was my steak, and he didn’t even mention the night accommodation at all!”

Zhou Minhao said angrily, “I’ll help you chase people, and you fucking spray me with coffee, can you be a little more stubborn?”

Lu Xiao comforted him in a perfunctory way: “Okay, don’t be mad, I didn’t mean it. Look, the plan failed.”

“This Ye Cheng, makes me have some ideas.” Zhou Minhao wiped his face and said with narrowed eyes, “He seems to understand these hints, it’s definitely not the first time he’s been chased like this. Brother, he is an experienced 0.”

Lu Xiao’s eyes dimmed, and he said, “I don’t mind, as long as he doesn’t mess around in the future.”

Zhou Minhao shook his head: “You really have deep roots.”

He thought for a moment and suggested: “You can say to him ‘If you want to eat what I make, I’ll bring it over to eat with you’, so it seems like you did it to accommodate him, then he will feel that he has troubled you, so he would feel sorry and grateful to you in his heart.”

“But I can’t cook.” Lu Xiao said worriedly.
Zhou Minhao said: “Go to the restaurant and order two steak. I know that one tastes great…”

However, Lu Xiao rejected his proposal: “I can’t lie to him. Why don’t I ask Zhu Min to buy a steak and bring it to the cafeteria to fry it.”

Zhou Minhao opened his mouth and looked at him as if he was mentally retarded.

Suspect X: [If you want to eat, I will bring it over to accompany you to eat. 】

When Ye Cheng read the message, Jia Xue became even more sarcastic, “He knows how to cook? Could it be that he just bought it from a restaurant? When he speaks in this tone, it is clear that he want to make you feel that he is kind to you and then you would be embarrassed to drive him away at night. ”

After his analysis, Ye Cheng also felt that it seemed reasonable.

He does know that Lu Xiao can’t cook, which shows that this message is not true.

Alas, it doesn’t matter, Lu Xiao also wanted to stay with him. Although he didn’t listen to his words, his original intention was correct.

Shi Jiaxu said, “Don’t let him succeed. Since this is what he asked for, you can accept it. Let him bring his steak over for dinner, and then turn his face away at night, because he didn’t do it anyway. ”

Ye Cheng typed: [Then come on. 】

Before he sent it out, Shi Jiaxu said again, “You can add more fuel to it. You tell him that you will also cooked a few dishes for everyone to eat together. Then order takeout and get green vegetables.”

Ye Cheng wondered, “Is that alright?”

“What’s wrong, didn’t he lie to you about making steaks?” Shi Jiaxu held grievances for him.

Ye Cheng thought about it for a while, but still replied: [Then come here, I also cooked a few dishes, and we will eat them together. 】

Zhou Minhao looked at the message and felt that he had hit a snag.

“He can cook?” He asked Lu Xiao suspiciously.

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Lu Xiao remembered that Ye Cheng only helped to spread the oil and set up the charcoal fire during the barbecue at the villa , and hesitantly said, “I don’t know, maybe he does.”

Zhou Minhao said sternly: “Anyway, you remember to act as I said, pretending that you didn’t bring your home keys, or that the car ran out of gas and couldn’t go back. Be a little pitiful, and the other party will easily become soft-hearted.”

“My house has a combination lock, and I’m still out of gas, can’t I take a taxi?” Lu Xiao’s brain went online.

Zhou Minhao hates iron for not becoming steel: ” Are you and I discussing logical and reasonable issues? You talk about a fart love if you speak rationally, just be a monk.”

He looked up at the ceiling and talked eloquently: “People in love absolutely lose their ability to judge, and tacitly pretending to be stupid is the basic principle. If he pays attention to it, you don’t need a key, if he doesn’t play along, that means he’s sober, he doesn’t love you at all.”

Lu Xiao realized in a trance, and listened to nonsense again in a trance.

He didn’t waste any more time, and asked Zhu Min to buy the ingredients. He really went to learn how to fry steak with the cafeteria aunt.

Zhou Minhao looked at his busy friend with regret, and felt that even if he taught him what he had learned all his life, it would be useless. This guy is destined to be a wife slave.

[What is Mr. Lu doing in the back kitchen of the cafeteria ? ‌Does anyone know? 】

[What the heck, did you see him in the kitchen? 】

[Gossip, I saw Sister Zhu Min go to buy a bunch of things just now, Mr. Lu seems to be learning how to cook…]

【real or fake? God, what big beauty made him turn? ! 】

The company’s gossip group exploded.

Ye Cheng didn’t pay attention to the group chats that he blocked. He bought some vegetables with the app and chose to have them delivered to his door.

It didn’t take long for the dishes to be ready.

His left foot had recovered, but his right foot was still not able to walk, so he hopped on one foot and went to the door to get vegetables.

Although Shi Jiaxu asked him to order takeout, and Lu Xiao also fooled him with those words, he couldn’t get past the hurdle in his heart. anyway, doing it isn’t so troublesome if the food is eaten by the person he likes.

He bought the easiest-to-make peppers, baby vegetables and tomatoes, and planned to make a scrambled pork with peppers, a salted egg yolk baby dish, and a tomato scrambled egg.

The salted duck eggs and lean meat that Qiu Lan brought wasin in the refrigerator, he usually doesn’t eat spicy food, but considering Lu Xiao’s taste, he must at least have a spicy dish.

He searched for recipes on the Internet, and called Qiulan again to ask her what to do.

Qiulan said, “Why did you suddenly remember to cook? Did you secretly make a girlfriend and want to cook it for her?”

Ye Cheng was sloppy and fooled.

He has never been in the kitchen since he was a child, because Qiulan’s cooking is delicious, and she dislikes him for getting in the way.

It was the first operation today, and the kitchen almost exploded.

After the peppers were gone, the whole kitchen was choked up.

The range hood and the windows were all open, which was useless.

Ye Cheng coughed wildly, seeing that half of the peppers had turned black. ‌Qiulan ‌ shouted over there: “It’s been frying for a long time! Don’t be afraid of the oil, turn it over with a spatula… oh, why don’t I go over and help you.”

Ye Cheng quickly rejected her, and when he entered the kitchen for the second time, he fully armed herself.

He wore a hat and mask on his face, as well as a collar and long sleeves, swearing to prevent oil from spilling on his face.

He struggled for more than an hour before he came up with three dishes that looked much better than the first time. Although the lean meat was a little charred, the baby cabbage was a little raw, and the tomato scrambled eggs had a little more shell.

Near six o’clock, the doorbell rang.

Ye Cheng jumped over to open the door, and saw Lu Xiao standing at the door holding a bouquet, and a lunch box in the other hand.

“Hey, are you doing something?” he doesn’t know why, he felt a little cautious.

This seems to be his first official “date”, and the place is actually his home.

Lu Xiao seemed to have the same worries in his heart as him, and asked nonsense embarrassingly, “Can I go in?”

He doesn’t know how many times he’s been here in the past few days, but he is just saying nonsense.

Ye Cheng said okay, and he let him in.

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Lu Xiao snorted and said, “It seems that something is mushy.”

“Ah, it’s the smell of coffee.” Ye Cheng blushed and made an excuse.

Lu Xiao knew that he likes to eat American-style food, and it seemed to him that American-style tasted really bad. He put the lunch box on the table, saw the three dishes, and said in surprise: “These did you do it all?”

Ye Cheng thought to himself that this is another fucking nonsense. Can a meal cook do this?
Lu Xiao went on to say, “It smells so good, it must be delicious.”

Are you serious, Ye Cheng thought to himself, you said just now that something was mushy.

Lu Xiao didn’t think that he really dragged his injured leg to cook for him. Feeling distressed and excited, he hurriedly moved the chair to let him sit, and went to the kitchen to get tableware.

After he came out of the kitchen, he went straight to the three dishes and couldn’t wait to taste a few bites.

Ye Cheng asked nervously, “How is it? Is it salty?”

Lu Xiao brought baby vegetables and fried pork with chili peppers to his side and said, “It’s delicious! I’ve packaged these two dishes, don’t rob me.”

Ye Cheng let out a sigh of relief, and said, “If you don’t want me snatch it from you, you get the steak out.”

Lu Xiao patronized and tasted his dishes, and had already forgotten that he had cooked steak all afternoon.

“One well done, one medium-rare, you see which one you want to eat.” Lu Xiao said while pointing to the steaks.

Ye Cheng’s eyes fell on his hand, and he exclaimed, “What’s wrong with your hand?”

Only then did he see that Lu Xiao’s left index finger had a slit, and it looked like it had been cut quite deeply.

“When he was peeling the garlic, I accidentally cut it.” Lu Xiao shrugged embarrassedly, “I haven’t done that thing before, I thought I would use a knife to peel off the skin, but I did something stupid.”

Ye Cheng said in surprise: “You made this steak? Where did you make it?”

Lu Xiao seemed to remember something, and said angrily, “Forget about the cafeteria, those aunts talked to me for a long time, and then I forced him to eat those half-finished products.”

Ye Cheng thought, it seems that Shi Jiaxu also overturned.

He stared at Lu Xiao and cut a piece of steak into his mouth.

Delicate and juicy, it looks like it has gone through several failures.

“It’s delicious, I like it very much.” He looked at Lu Xiao brightly and said.
Lu Xiao blushed and got up, “As long as you like it.”

He lowered his head and shoved the salty baby cabbage into his mouth in large gulps, for fear that a piece of it would be caught by Ye Cheng accidentally.

The meal was unusually quiet. The two of them were as shy as they had met for the first time, and they ate with concentration.

In the middle of the journey, Ye Cheng wanted to get some salt and pepper, but Lu Xiao handed it to him, touching both hands together, and at the same time, they bounced off quickly.

Although there are no candles and red wine, the atmosphere is ambiguous, comparable to a candlelight dinner.

After dinner, Lu Xiao got up and cleaned up the dishes.

There was a thunderstorm outside, and it didn’t take long for the torrential rain to rumble.

In August, it rained continuously in Nandu, which heralded the arrival of summer.

Lu Xiao looked out the window, remembering the tricks Zhou Minhao taught him, and stumblingly said: “Well, it’s raining heavily, and my car will be damaged. Otherwise, I’ll stay here for one night tonight.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized what he had said.

Help, it’s better to say that he doesn’t have the key! What the hell is it that will be damaged in the rain, his car is not made of paper!

Just when he was so desperate to live, Ye Cheng clenched the corner of his clothes tightly and said, “Okay, I happen to be afraid of thunder.”

Lu Xiao’s heart lifted, and his heartbeat was deafening.

Sure enough, Zhou Minhao is right, love does not need logical judgment.

Fuck your senses.


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