The voice just fell,Many teachers looked embarrassed: “Director, the papers will be released in the next few days. It’s not that we are lazy, it’s just too late.”

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“That’s right, it takes time to analyze the error-prone points. Our question bank has already been arranged.”

Hua Wangchun said with a sneer, “I know you can’t do it, so I found a helper for you. Isn’t Ye Cheng sitting here?”

Everyone was a little dazed and didn’t know what it meant.

Hua Wangchun looked at the student and said, “Ye Cheng is very familiar with the simulation paper mechanism of key high schools, and he is very aware of our students’ weaknesses. Just now, the students also recognized their abilities. ‌He has the will to help the teachers to produce this simulation paper together.”

When it was over, the entire conference room exploded.

“What? Let’s get the test papers together?”

“You’re crazy, how do students give students papers? Don’t you have to take the test yourself?”

“Xiao Ye has no problem doing the questions, and the test paper is out… It’s still a little interesting.”

Hua Wangchun looked at Ye Cheng, stood up knowingly and said, “Teachers, please let me have a look.”

The conference room gradually became quiet, and everyone was watching.

As a high school student, being watched like this by dozens of teachers, he can’t help but be nervous.

Even these people are nervous to death when they attend their first open class as teachers.

However, he did not panic at all, and even kept a decent smile on his face.

“First of all, regarding the question-setting. I have memorized all the exam questions for the past ten years, including the reform of the exam. I have also been involved in reform.” Ye Cheng said unhurriedly, “And now there is a smart question bank, which is very convenient to search.”

“Secondly, Director Hua means that I will start with the proposition group and will not formally participate in specific topics. I will make some suggestions on the comparison of the styles of the two schools for teachers’ reference.”
“Finally,” said calmly, “for the sake of fairness, I am willing to give up this mock exam.”

The crowd started to riot again, Hua Wangchun looked at him in astonishment, but did not expect that he would be willing to sacrifice so much.

“My God, give up the exam?”

“These words… Xiao Ye, don’t be impulsive.”

“No matter what, how can students participate in the exam making? Oh, although I was almost convinced.”

Ye Cheng’s expression was calm, but in fact, he didn’t really care about performance rankings.

Taking one more test and one less test doesn’t make much difference.

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Exams are just a special form of practice.

Hua Wangchun calmed down and said, “Ye Cheng has already learned so much, do you have any objections?”

Someone was hesitant to say anything, and then added: “since ancient times, if you don’t break, you can’t stand. If you don’t want to give up, you will regress without innovation. Mr. Zheng, am I right?”

Teacher Zhengzhi was named, so he had to nod his head in praise, thinking to himself what was going on.

Hua Wangchun said: “I am a very democratic person. Let’s vote and decide. Just raise your hand on the spot. If you support Ye Cheng’s participation, please raise your hand.”
‌He took the lead and raised his hand.

Next, the teacher slandered inwardly, “This is not a democratic vote, it’s almost like writing the word threat on his face.”

However, since Ye Cheng had already given up the exam voluntarily, firstly, they were speechless, and secondly, they did not want to offend the director.

So, everyone raised their hands to pass.

Hua Wangchun stood up with satisfaction and said, “Okay, that’s the decision.”

He turns to ‌Ye Cheng: “‌Look at what time period is more empty, then help. By the way, it won’t delay learning, right?”
“No, it’s better to study for myself later.” Ye Cheng said.

Hua Wangchun: “Okay, let’s ask the deputy monitor to help you in a class.”

After coming out of the conference room, Hua Wangchun called him to the side by himself again.

“Can you really accept not taking the exam? Did you give up willingly?” the director asked.

Ye Cheng said firmly: “Yes, don’t worry, teacher.”

“Will your family accept it?” Hua Wangchun was mainly worried about that father.

Ye Cheng: “I will explain it to him.”

There is no need to explain, Gao Qiulan is very relieved, Ye Gaoyang will not care at all.

Hua Wangchun finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, “That’s fine, communicate well with your family. I won’t let him do the work for free, and I’ll give him a bonus when the exam papers are determined.”

Ye Cheng wanted to refuse, but in order to reassure him, he agreed.

From the second day onwards, the vice-squad leader sits on duty every night for self-study.
Ye Cheng ran to the teacher’s office to help.

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These teachers were quite skeptical at first.

Later, every time a question was half-lengthed, he could report which year and which school the mock test was.

The teachers thought it was unbelievable. No one in the question group remembered.

The history teacher also asked curiously: “Xiao Ye, is it natural that you will never forget it?”

Ye Cheng humbly said: “I will forget it in a few years, and it has to be deepened.”
History teacher: “… at Versailles?”

“No.” To be honest, after all, he had graduated from high school many years ago, and it is not easy to pick up these.

In the evening, Ye Cheng was looking at the question bank to search, and when he put it at his hand, his phone vibrated twice.
Hua Wangchun sat next to his office, glanced at the screen, and said, “This kid is quite clingy.”
When Ye Cheng saw Lu Xiao’s call, his heart reflexes were tense, but then his mind relaxed again — he helped the school a lot, and Hua Wangchun naturally wouldn’t tip off Ye Gaoyang again.

“Maybe he wants to ask where I’ve been.” he covered up.

Hua Wangchun: “The long-term environment of his parents is actually quite similar to yours. No wonder you have a good relationship.”

Ye Cheng turned to ‌‌: “Why is it so sloppy?”

Hua Wangchun put down the computer and sighed: “Xiao Lu and his father don’t have a good relationship. I have taught for so many years, and I have seen the most ruthless father and son fighting each other. It is their family.”

Ye Cheng sucked in a breath of cold air: “Standing in front of you?”

“More than that, they almost stabbed each other with knives.” Hua Wangchun sneered, “His dad is a very famous person and has a good relationship with us. I don’t know the specific situation very well, only knowing that his father asked him to drop out of school, but he refused, so they fought.”

“Later, his dad never came to school again, and he probably gave up.”

Ye Cheng frowned. If Lu Yaoshan really didn’t care, how could he give up so easily?

He doesn’t know why the father and son have such a deep conflict. Even if he hates Ye Gaoyang, he has never done anything.

Hua Wangchun shook his head: “No, that’s all, why don’t you go and call him back. That kid is very concerned about you, don’t let him worry.”

He unexpectedly did not investigate Lu Xiao for playing with his mobile phone during self-study in the evening.

Ye Cheng got up and said, “Then… teacher, I’ll be back later”

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“Go, just go.” Hua Wangchun waved his hand.

Ye Cheng walked to the corner a few meters away from the office and dialed Lu Xiao’s cell phone.

After ringing twice, the other side picked up quickly.
“Hey, where did you go?” Lu Xiao’s voice was a little out of breath.

Ye Cheng: “In the teacher’s office, help me get some materials. How can you make a phone call? Are you not in class?”

Lu Xiao exhaled, “I thought you were running at night, so I went to the playground to find you.”

Ye Cheng’s heart felt a little weird.

It seemed that Hua Wangchun was right, Lu Xiao suddenly became very clingy.

Obviously, he hasn’t been like this for a while.

He usually goes out after class, or sits in the back row and plays with his phone.

Now, as soon as the big class breaks, or during the lunch break, he will rush over to ask questions in a row.

After he disappeared in self-study in the evening, he immediately called and even went to the playground to look for him.

He really sticks to him which is abnormal.

However, Ye Cheng didn’t show his doubts, and said to him, “Quickly go to self-study, I’ll go back to the second class.”

“I’m already going back.” Lu Xiao said speechlessly, “What are you doing in the office, Hua Wangchun is squeezing you again?”

He always felt that Hua Wangchun would instruct Ye Cheng to do some tiring work.
“No, it’s just a small matter.” Ye Cheng said.

Both sides were silent for a while, Lu Xiao said, “Then I won’t disturb you anymore, bye.”

“Well, goodbye.” Ye Cheng waited for a while.

The other side didn’t hang up, and he asked suspiciously, “Is there anything else?”

Lu Xiao’s voice was very low, and while walking through the corridor, there was a hint of gentleness that was difficult to detect: “It’s alright, you hang up.”

For some reason, Ye Cheng’s heart suddenly seemed to be squeezed by a hand.

It’s the same with ‌‌…

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When it comes to dating, every time Lu Xiao asks ‌‌ to hang up the video, he always procrastinates.

Once, he deliberately waited for a long time, and the lights were still on.

‌Can’t help but ask Lu Xiao why he did this.

Lu Xiao replied, if someone has to hang up, I’d rather it be you.

At that time, Ye Cheng scoffed, thinking it was childish and romantic.

Again, they were just friends, but Lu Xiao still chose to let the one hang up.

On the autumn night, the wind was a little cold, and the aroma of the golden osmanthus downstairs was wrapped in it, making it a little chilly, but his heart felt hot.
“Okay, I’m hanging up.” ‌ he then clicked the red icon.

Ye Cheng was in a good mood and felt that Lu Xiao was doing well.

As a sweet treat, when he returned to class, he brought a thick stack of printed materials.

He walked to the back row and put the documents on the table.

Lu Xiao looked at the “638 pages”, and was a little stunned: “What is this for?”

Ye Cheng said very gently: ” I did all these things for the mock exam and I’m all done.”

Lu Xiao said with difficulty: “‘All done’, what does it mean?”

“It’s just that I’ve finished writing them all. In fact, these questions are quite simple. They’re all objective questions, so you can practice your hand.” Ye Cheng said, “One question every two seconds, and it’s quickly finished. ”

“Haha.” Lu Xiao laughed dryly and couldn’t believe it, “Are you kidding me?”

Ye Cheng also smiled at him: “I didn’t make fun of you, I just felt that you are apologizing again and taking the initiative to care about me, and wanted to give you something in return.”

Lu Xiao was completely stupid.

Ye Cheng leaned down, approached and said, “Come on, write, if you do well in this mock test, I’ll give you a reward.”

His ‌‌hair brushed across Lu Xiao’s cheeks, crisp and itchy, with the sweet aroma of bellflower.

Lu Xiao swallowed a mouthful of water, and said in a terrifying manner, “Can I make a request?”

T/N: Just comment down your thoughts cause it makes me more motivated.

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