This person, Lu Xiao, cannot withstand stimulation.

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Ye Cheng understood that he couldn’t make such excessive demands, so he agreed on the spot.

Who knows, Lu Xiao went crazy.

Ye Cheng’s original intention was to let him do this before the exam.

There were still a few days before the mock exam. After Lu Xiao got the materials that night, he went back and stayed up all night to do it .

His operation was as fierce as a tiger, and he wrote a full eighty pages.

The next day in class, Hua Wangchun woke him up with the tip of a chalk.

At noon, everyone in the classroom went to eat.

Ye Cheng sat in Li Junxiao’s seat and gave him the papers.

This was Lu Xiao’s hard work to persuade him all morning, insisting that he “personally” approve it for himself, and of course he was showing off that he wrote 80 pages in one night.

The boy’s mind is so simple.

The sky outside the window is blue and transparent, and the rolling clouds are like in Hayao Miyazaki’s anime, white and innocent, and playful and cute.

The sushi on the table is neatly arranged, waiting for the arrival of the person who would eat. Fortunately, there are a variety of tastes.

Lu Xiao propped his chin with his hands, watching Ye Cheng’s focused look, He picked up a piece of seaweed warship and tried to take advantage of the chaos to feed it.

“Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat first?”

“Yeah.” Ye Cheng’s attention was all on the paper. He didn’t see his movements, so he picked up a piece of sushi with chopsticks and slowly ate it.

Lu Xiao’s neglected hand froze in mid-air, lowered his eyes in disappointment, and packed the seaweed warship into his mouth.

Ye Cheng has a habit of not writing anything when he does something right, and doing a big cross when he does something wrong.

For example, when Lu Xiao missed a multiple-choice question, his cross was enough to cover the top and bottom two questions.

It looks spectacularly like half a page is wrong.

So every time he started to write, Lu Xiao reflexively tightened his heart and his blood pressure soared.

That feeling was a hundred times more exciting than the teacher grading papers in front of him.

Ye Cheng finished marking in one go, and pushed the paper to him.
Unfortunately, every page is red.

He frowned unhappily and said, “The error rate is about to catch up with the rank’s one examination point. In the end, you still haven’t mastered the knowledge points.

Lu Xiao didn’t dare to say a word, didn’t he just want to eat hot tofu.

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He also read the knowledge point last night, but he just forgot after reading it, he didn’t remember it at all.

Ye Cheng snapped his watch over, and Lu Xiao blinked at him, for no reason.
He looked at the time and said, “There are still forty minutes until the lunch break. You can memorize it for twenty minutes first, and then I will come to check.”

Lu Xiao immediately became nervous. He was really nervous, the hair on his body stood on end.

“Ah? Back now?” He has always been thick-skinned, but there has never been a moment when he was so afraid of backlashing as he is now.

In the past, he used to be blind,he could piss off the teacher to death.
But this time was different. This time, Ye Cheng personally checked him!

If he can’t memorize it… No, looking at Ye Cheng’s face, he already felt that his mind went blank.

“Otherwise, if you don’t memorize it now, you will memorize it when the test is over?”
Ye Cheng’s voice sank, with an unspoken majesty.

He glared at Lu Xiao coldly.

Lu Xiao remembered that Tan Xiaoqi had said that he hated people who couldn’t study well.

He didn’t want Ye Cheng to hate him and feel sad.

“I’ll just recite it.” He picked up the material with a face down, and started to recite it aloud, just like reciting the scriptures:
“‘Hundred Schools contend’ is the first ideological emancipation movement on the Chinese calendar…”

Ye Cheng picked up the chopsticks to eat, chewing on the salmon, and said vaguely: “Make little noise, or go outside to memorize it, it will affect my appetite.”

Lu Xiao had to stand up silently, walked outside the door and continued to carry on.

Calendar is a headache for him. The reason why he chooses science is because he doesn’t have to memorize. He can get a passing grade every day in class while sleeping.

The liberal arts is a nightmare-level existence, the kind that will wake you up in the middle of the night.

Plus, he didn’t sleep well last night. Lu Xiao started to get restless when he carried tried to memorize

His two eyes stared blankly at the densely packed words, not even a single word could get into his head, floating in the air like flies and mosquitoes.

He was full of thoughts, why should I stand here on my back with an empty stomach? Wouldn’t it be okay to pass the exam?

Ye Cheng didn’t ask him to get all A’s anyway, because that’s impossible, so why did he torture himself like this?

Ye Cheng was halfway through eating, when he saw Lu Xiao dazed.

Although he didn’t see his face, as his wife, he knew this man’s state too well.

Just by looking at the back of his head, he knew that he must have tore up the book in his heart.

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With this temper, it is a problem to expect him to memorize quietly for five minutes, let alone a subject he hates.

Ye Cheng stood up, took a piece of sushi, and slowly swayed to the door.
“How’s your memorization?” he asked.
Lu Xiao was shocked and suddenly came back to his senses.

He shook the information and pretended to be attentive and said, “It’s a little hard to remember, I haven’t finished memorizing it yet.”

“Well, have something to eat, then continue.” Ye Cheng raised his hand and brought the sushi to his mouth.

Lu Xiao stared at him blankly, forgetting what he was going to do for a while.

“Open your mouth, ah—” Ye Cheng said in a coaxing tone.

Lu Xiao opened his mouth mechanically with one command and one action, letting the piece of sushi from Ye Cheng shove into his mouth.

It was not until his taste buds were invaded by caviar particles that he realized what had happened just now—Ye Cheng was feeding, and eating in broad daylight, in the bright sky, and in the corridor.

Lu Xiao’s face flushed with lightning speed, he covered his mouth and choked, then silently lowered his head to chew.

Ye Chenghan asked, “Is it delicious?”

He nodded slowly.

“Then cheer up.”

He nodded again.

After Ye Cheng wandered in, Lu Xiao decisively rolled up the sleeves of his school uniform and focused on the paper full of fighting spirit.

The white clouds on the horizon flowed and undulated, and the knowledge points on the materials jumped up and down like tadpoles.

He roamed in the ocean of history, and he was very energetic.

Well,studying doesn’t seem to be so boring anymore.

Jiang Jin came back from dinner and passed the door while throwing a Coke bottle.

He happened to see Lu Xiao standing against the wall at the back door, holding up a stack of paper and reciting impassively, almost hitting a ghost with himself.
He walked over in disbelief, rubbed his eyes and said, “Brother Xiao, what are you doing?”

Lu Xiao raised his chin to look at him, and said proudly, “Do you know which three are the ‘Three Heroes of Literature’ of the Renaissance?”

Jiang Jin: “What… what?”

Lu Xiao: “Dante, Boccaccio and Petrarch. You don’t know that, rookie.”

Jiang Jin: “…”

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Lu Xiao smugly turned around and entered the classroom, sat upright in front of Ye Cheng, and began to solemnly accept the backlash.

For each correct answer, Ye Cheng rewarded him with a piece of salmon.

That posture is like feeding a puppy of a certain size.

Jiang Jin walked around and returned to his seat, trying not to let the two of them notice his presence.

He was under the table, and then sent the crazy news to urged Tan Xiaoqi: [Where are you? Come back to the classroom! ! 】

Tan Xiaoqi: [I’m in the playground with my boyfriend, what happened? 】

Jiang Jin: […[‌cry.jpg] I can’t tell, I feel that cold dog food is randomly slapped on my face. 】

Tan Xiaoqi: [Understood, I’ll come right away. When it comes to fucking love, it is important to have my CP. 】

By the time Tan Xiaoqi was out of breath and climbed up the fifth floor, Ye Cheng had finished.

He complimented: “Look, you still remember quickly, you are not stupid, but you are usually too lazy.”

Lu Xiao was erratic, even if he scolded, he felt comfortable all over.

“If you go back tonight and continue to do those questions, you will feel much more relaxed.” Ye Cheng said.

Lu Xiao said obediently, “Okay, will I still be reciting it at noon?”

Hidden meaning: Are you still going into the feeding game?

“”Yes, it can’t be interrupted. I have finished all the prints I printed for you.” Ye Cheng said.
Lu Xiao nodded happily, and almost shook his tail.

Tan Xiaoqi blinked at the stars, sat down beside Lu Xiao with her cheeks supported, and said, “It’s rare to see Brother Xiao to love studying so much, it seems that he still has to take part in it with Brother Cheng.”

Since she had a criminal record for introducing Tan Mengmeng, Lu Xiao looked at her vigilantly and said, “I always like to study, so don’t slander me.”

Ye Cheng cleared his throat and didn’t expose him.

Tan Xiaoqi said, “Okay, okay, I won’t talk about it. By the way, you all know that Sister Rong is going to transfer schools. She will be leaving in two days.”

“So soon? Isn’t she taking the exam?” Ye Cheng asked.

“I don’t know either, she seems to be in a hurry.” Tan Xiaoqi said, “So I thought, should we go out and get together before leaving? I don’t know when we will see each other after we part.”

She might just say it casually, but Ye Cheng has a deep understanding of this kind of thing.
For most high school classmates, on the day of the graduation ceremony, it may be your last meeting.

When they usually play together, everyone agrees to get together every year. It is said that the gathering is a mass of fire, and the scattered is a sky full of stars.

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But after the real work gets busy, there are often not even ten people at a dinner table, let alone all of them.

He didn’t mind the fact that Jiang Yirong liked Lu Xiao, so he agreed, “Okay, when will we meet?”

Lu Xiao tilted his head and looked at him, looking like he didn’t want to say anything.

Tan Xiaoqi said, “Then I’ll ask her if she’s free in the evening. It happens to be Friday.”

Ye Cheng responded and returned to his seat in the front row.

Tan Xiaoqi looked at Lu Xiao and instructed him, “You go too, Brother Xiao.”

“Nonsense.” Lu Xiao choked.

Tan Xiaoqi snorted: “Don’t be so fierce, it makes people feel scared.”

When Ye Cheng left, Lu Xiao was not polite to her: “Don’t introduce him to Tan Mengmeng next time.”

Tan Xiaoqi wanted to introduce a fart, but it’s all to provoke Lu Xiao.

She still replied, “Mengmeng just wants to ask Brother Cheng for her English competition experience, she has no other idea.”

“Really?” Lu Xiao asked suspiciously.

“Of course it’s true, don’t you also know that Brother Cheng won the first prize in the English competition last year. And he likes being asked questions about English. ”

She picked up the information on the table with two fingers and slapped it

Lu Xiao’s breathing became heavy, and he felt like he was defeated again.

It’s not his character, it’s not his appearance, but he didn’t even ask the right question.

Damn, he’s so angry.

Tan Xiaoqi encouraged him: “Remember to do what you like, so that you won’t do useless work, come on! I’ll look after you!”

That night, Ye Cheng received an English composition from Lu Xiao.

Suspect X: [I found a proposition and practiced it myself, could you please help me see it? 】

When he opened the photo that he had come over, he was struck by the ugly font.

Then, the first sentence at the beginning is: I am Li Ming.

Ye Cheng has not done this since he was in the third grade. Creating a four word sentence using I am

To be honest, after reading the first sentence, he was no longer interested in reading it.
But in order not to attack Lu Xiao’s rare learning motivation, he simply put his mobile phone aside, put on his headphones, and listened to songs while reading the questions.

After finishing the three math problems, he opened his phone and texted Lu Xiao.

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