Restrain: [The writing is good, you can look at the model essay more and continue to work hard. 】

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Suspect X: [Really, I actually got the affirmation? Can I show you all of it after I finish writing it? 】

Restrain: [No need, just read Fan Wen a few times by yourself. 】

What to do, he didn’t want to poison his eyes every day.

Lu Xiao continued to write the questions contentedly, and even before going to bed, he wrote his own composition and posted it to his moments.

Jiang Jin tragically saw this composition while swiping his phone at night, so he transferred it to Tan Xiaoqi with one click.

[Help, did you see Brother Xiao’s moments? Will Brother Cheng really praise such a well-written composition? 】

Tan Xiaoqi is also a night owl, she browsed it from top to bottom, and saw the bad composition.

Then she typed with tears in her eyes: [What do you even know? This is the amount of love! ! Lovers come out for their love! You are a single dog. 】

Jiang Jin never expected that he would receive a 10,000-point crit.

Tan Xiaoqi wiped away her tears and said: [I hope tonight, they can use their tongues to slap each other wildly in my dream. I am going to sleep good night. 】

Jiang Jin: […………]


The next day, Jiang Yirong gave them some news about the dinner party.

She only invited some people with whom she had a good relationship with, of course, Ye Cheng was an exception.

Here’s what she said to Ye Cheng: “God Ye, time flies, time flies, I have known you for more than two months.” I am about to leave this land for a new dream. Would you please come to my farewell party with a smile? ‌The woman is grateful qaq]

[ qaq- this a crying emoji]

Ye Cheng replied to her: [? 】

Jiang Yirong: [Hey, I think you will like this kind of melody. 】

Ye Cheng: [= =]

Jiang Yirong: [Then come here, I have something to say to you alone. 】

Ye Cheng: [What are you talking about? 】

Jiang Yirong: [I will wait for you to come]. 】

In the afternoon math class, Hua Wangchun walked into the classroom.

The students were unexpectedly active, and they didn’t look like they were sleepy in the afternoon.

Hua Wangchun, the old master, said, “Why, will you be so happy when you take my class?”

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“Why, teacher, we like you so much.”

“We like your math class!”
“Teacher, you are handsome! The No. 1 male god of the No.13 highschool!”

The following chatter made the atmosphere “good”.

“Come on,” Hua Wangchun said, “Mr. Xu will be back next Monday. You just can’t wait for me to go.”

Li Junxiao raised his hand and asked, “Teacher, will Teacher Xu not leave in the future?”

Hua Wangchun said, “He won’t leave, and he will only take your class until the third year of high school.”

The class cheered, and they were all very happy.

After class, Hua Wangchun called Ye Cheng to the corridor.

He said to him, “You should go to my office as usual for your evening self-study. You don’t need to be embarrassed to come because I didn’t take you.”

He specially set up a desk for Ye Cheng and let him work beside him.

“There have been a lot of things going on in your class these days, but thank you for your hard work.” He patted Ye Cheng on the shoulder a few times.

Ye Cheng said, “It’s fine, it’s how it should be.”

Hua Wangchun shook his head: “No, how can you? You are just a seventeen-year-old child. There are some things, some pressures, don’t keep it in your heart, if you feel unhappy, go talk to teacher Xu, chat with me, my office door is always open for you.”

From a previous life to the present, few teachers would speak to Ye Cheng in this “family” tone.

The teachers in the affiliated highschool are all robots, and they only care about students’ learning.

After he came to No. 13 high school, many teachers made him feel that he had a family—they were serious, and these students were regarded as their own “bear children ”.

In the attached high school, teachers may think that you should be more mature, that you should have strong resistance to pressure, that you should never let people worry about you, and that you should be a stereotyped good baby.

And after you go to school, as an adult, your tutor will naturally not treat you as a child.

People like Xu Chao and Hua Wangchun are completely different from them.

There is less fame, fortune and complexity in society, and more purity and warmth in the ivory tower.

This is the first time after Ye Cheng transferred to another school that he felt that this school, besides Lu Xiao, might have other meanings to him.

In addition to the teachers, there are also a group of students who are completely different from the affiliated high school.

Although they are not perfect, they make people feel relaxed and happy.

“Okay, thank you teacher.” Ye Cheng nodded to him.

Hua Wangchun talked to him and left with confidence.

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When school was over in the evening, a group of people went to Jiang Yirong’s farewell.

She was very popular at school, and she came to several tables during dinner.
This sister is also a hidden second-generation rich, and with a wave of her hand, the store has been reserved.

When they were full of food and drink, a few who had a good time together made an appointment to sing .

Jiang Yirong drank some wine, the dice swayed loudly, and suggested: “It’s the last time we got together anyway, let’s play the truth adventure, I want to hear your truth.”
[truth adventure- kinda of like truth or dare but only truth is allowed]

Everyone said that today she is in charge.

Jiang Jin immediately brought an empty wine bottle and put it on the table.

The table in the private room is relatively small, and everyone sits next to each other.

Jiang Yirong saw Lu Xiao and Ye Cheng squeezed on a chair, and said, “You two are so close?”

“It’s mine to drink, he can’t drink it.” Lu Xiao threw a peanut into his mouth.

Tan Xiaoqi and Jiang Yirong looked at each other, and at the same time with knowing look.

“Then the truth is his?” Jiang Yirong said.

“You can also count it on me.” Lu Xiao paused.

Everyone got up.

Ye Cheng also said, “It’s okay, I can do it. Let’s start.”

Jiang Jin stood up, held the bottle with one hand and said, “Beauty, do you want to take a breath of fairy air?”

Jiang Yirong blew a sigh of relief on his hand, which was sweet.
“Let’s see who will be the lucky one in this wave.” Jiang Jin’s subordinates used it, and the bottle turned up.

Everyone looked at the table, and the mouth of the bottle slowly stopped, impartially, and pointed at Jiang Yirong.

“Bah!” She immediately turned her face and exploded, and everyone roared.

“Jiang Jin, didn’t you jinx me?!”

“If you die, you might as well not blow it.”

Jiang Jin stammered, “I-I didn’t mean to.”

Jiang Yirong shook her head: “Come on, it’s still an adventure if you’re honest.”

Tan Xiaoqi took the initiative to say, “Come, time to be honest.”

She exchanged a word with Jiang Yirong and said, “You are about to transfer schools. From everyone here, choose someone to say something to.”

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As soon as she finished speaking, Ye Cheng felt Lu Xiao’s arm froze.

Jiang Jin silently lowered his head and drank the wine from the glass.

Jiang Yirong didn’t disappoint her family, she pointed at her and said, “Lu Xiao.”

“I want to tell you, I wish you will achieve your wish, you are a good person.” She said calmly.
Without confession or melancholy, she satisfactorily put an end to her relationship with this person.

Lu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, raised his glass and said, “Thank you, same to you, although I don’t like the good person card very much.”

Jiang Yirong clinked glasses with him and drank it all.

Just as Jiang Jin was about to start the next round, she said, “Can I choose another one?”

Tan Xiaoqi immediately said, “Of course you can.”

Jiang Yirong said, “Then I choose Jiang Jin.”

Jiang Jin’s movements stopped, and he froze in place, staring at her blankly.

“I hope you will become a painter in the future and be able to hold an exhibition of your own. You promised to paint me a portrait, so don’t forget it in the future.”
Jiang Jin’s expression was stunned, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he nodded.

When Li Junxiao saw this posture, for fear that he would cry, he rushed to turn the bottle and said, “Come on, come on, next round.”

Jiang Jin returned to the game again, he turned the bottle, and the bottle gradually stopped.

This time, it stopped between Lu Xiao and Ye Cheng.

Before the others could speak, Lu Xiao said, “Let me ask you the truth.”

He said, filling the glass in front of Ye Cheng: “You don’t have to answer, I’ll drink it for you.”

Tan Xiaoqi got up secretly and made a mouth shape to Jiang Yirong: “Look, I told you.”

Ye Cheng said, “You are forcing me to answer.”

“You can also ignore Brother Xiao and let him drink for you, anyway, he likes to drink.” Li Junxiao said, watching the fun.

Lu Xiao licked his fangs and said, “A simple question, what do you want to do?”

“Wow—” everyone cheered.

Asking one’s ideals in this game.

Either you care about him or don’t care about him.

Ye Cheng looked at him: “Do you want to know this?”

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Lu Xiao put away his face and nodded.

They were close, and even though the lights were dim around him, he could still see a hint of clarity in those beautiful eyes.

“It has already happened.” Ye Cheng’s tone suddenly became light, “What I want to do, I am doing now.”

Lu Xiao raised his eyebrows in disbelief, “How about more specifics? Get a perfect score in the exam, or help Hua Wangchun as a volunteer?”

Ye Cheng didn’t like his aggressive tactics, and said calmly, “This is the second question.”

Lu Xiao had to admit that he was unlucky: “Okay, I can’t play you with word games.”

They played until after twelve o’clock, during which Jiang Jin put his head against the ashtray, shouted “I’m a fool” to the waiter ten times, and even recorded Jiang Yirong to their temporary group.

Li Junxiao asked to kiss Tan Xiaoqi, and the two were shamelessly entwined, and Lu Xiao kicked them away afterward.

After coming out of the private room, everyone went to the riverside to blow off the alcohol.

As late autumn approached, the sycamore trees on both sides of the street fell to the ground, and a group of young boys and girls walked to the riverside shoulder by shoulder.
Jiang Yirong was wearing a dress, and when the wind blew, she couldn’t help shivering.

She leaned against the railing and looked at the two people below who were taking selfies.

She didn’t know if she was looking at Lu Xiao or Jiang Jin.

Suddenly, a coat fell on her shoulders.

Jiang Yirong turned her head and saw Ye Cheng’s profile.

Her family is in the entertainment industry, and she has seen many exquisite-looking stars. But there will be very few people who will make her look amaze once, and will still be amazed the second and third time.

“Thank you,” she said.

Ye Cheng looked at her and said, “Didn’t you say you have something to tell me?”

Jiang Yirong was a little confused tonight, that’s how she remembered this.

“I’m sorry, I was influenced by Jiang Jin, and I almost forgot.” She brushed aside her troubled temples and said, “Before saying these words, can I ask you what you think of Lu Xiao?”

Ye Cheng turned to her and said, “What do you mean?”

Jiang Yirong looked at him without flinching: “Is he important to you?”

Hearing this question, Ye Cheng didn’t know what to think.

He curled the corners of his mouth and said casually, “I transferred to No. 13 high School, because of him.”

Jiang Yirong was slightly stunned, but seeing that he didn’t want to talk more, he didn’t ask any further.

She nodded, as if she had made up her mind: “Okay, then I’ll tell you straight. I suspect that Lu Xiao’s father has a tendency to be violent, and caused both physical and mental harm to his mother.”

The feeling on the edge of Ye Orange’s mouth disappeared in an instant: “What are you saying? ”

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