Lu Xiao deliberately restrained him: “Just hug me.”

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Ye Cheng struggled with a red face and red ears. When bending his knees, he accidentally touched a familiar spot.

——It’s a part that all men understand.

He originally just wanted to change his posture and break free from the warm embrace.

The air in the room was too thin, making it difficult for him to even breathe, but when his knees pressed against it, he was stunned.

Through the thin fabric, he can feel the amazing temperature.

Lu Xiao didn’t expect that he would kick his legs, and he froze in place stiffly.

In an instant, both of them became quiet.

There was silence in the tent.

Ba-thump, ba-thump

He doesn’t know whose heart is in a mess, like a tumultuous drum, about to jump out of his chest.

Lu Xiao’s mind went back and forth, thinking of 10,000 excuses to make up.

“‌…” His voice was hoarse, but he got stuck as soon as he said one word.

If it was between brothers, just say “Do you want to watch a movie?” and take it away.

But he knew better than anyone that he didn’t regard Ye Cheng as a brother, so he couldn’t tell a lie.

His breathing gradually increased, and he could not find any clue on how to explain.

The person in his arms stared blankly and his cheeks were flushed. He didn’t know whether it was because of the electric blanket or for other reasons.

Lu Xiao suddenly thought about it, maybe he wasn’t very resistant?

He couldn’t help but stretch out his hand, wanting to touch Ye Cheng’s face.

Just as Lu Xiao stretched out his hand, Ye Cheng seemed to have woken up suddenly, and subconsciously shrank back.

‌The bed is a single bed, and the two are squeezed together. He didn’t have enough room to retreat, he just shrank a few centimeters, but Lu Xiao’s hand stopped.

Because the distance is too close, his every move is infinitely magnified.

When he stepped back, Lu Xiao’s heart suddenly sank.

When he likes someone, his every little reaction is like a sign of a landslide.

Ye Cheng’s breathing, Ye Cheng’s expression, Ye Cheng’s actions, many of his unconscious actions.

These all show his attitude towards the relationship between the two.

The light in Lu Xiao’s eyes dimmed and finally disappeared.

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He thought he understood.

A lot of things don’t need to be said, and you can understand them naturally.

He let go of Ye Cheng and got up from the bed: “Go to sleep, I’ll go over there.”

Ye Cheng sat up in a panic: “No, you don’t…”

Before he finished speaking, Lu Xiao had already gone to his bed.

He dug into the sleeping bag quickly, covered the top of his head with a quilt, turned his back to him and fell asleep.

A series of actions, flowing like clouds and flowing water.

It’s over, he seems to have messed up, Ye Cheng thought to himself.

He stared at Lu Xiao’s back, his eyes were very complicated.

How could it be easier than him, and it’s embarrassing…

He thought wildly,

How does he face him when he wakes up tomorrow morning? Can he popularize the idea that “it is normal for male high school students to indulge in hot and dry conditions”?
… It doesn’t seem impossible, as long as he doesn’t feel embarrassed.

Ye Cheng struggled for a while, and even picked up the phone and Baidu some words to relieve the mental and physical stress of the youth.

After about ten minutes, his eyelids could no longer hold up.

He decided to get up tomorrow, have a good talk with Lu Xiao, and put down the phone. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Lu Xiao was not as lucky as him, and didn’t fall asleep until the middle of the night.

On the one hand, he hated why he was out of control, and on the other hand, his fragile glass heart shattered.

——Ye Cheng actually avoided his touch.

He knew very well what it meant to dodge.

In other words, Ye Cheng doesn’t like him, and may even be a little disgusted by his reaction.

And the culprit of everything… He looked down at the place where it gradually disappeared.

Today is an example of failure. First, he overturned while cooking, and now his friend is gone.

That’s right, he thought that Ye Cheng definitely didn’t want to be friends with him.

After all, who would want to associate with someone who coveted him and who he didn’t like.

Thinking like this, he felt even more sad.

He was so sad that my heart felt like it was being pricked by a small needle.

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He was so sad that his throat felt like a ball of cotton was stuffed.

He shrank himself into a ball and buried his face in the quilt that had the smell of Ye Cheng.

He was hated.

The next morning, Ye Cheng was woken up by the alarm.

The electric blanket was so hot that he kicked the quilt in the middle of the night. He didn’t know why it was covering him again.
The plug underneath was unplugged, but he didn’t want to get up because the bed was still warm.

“Lu Xiao, are you awake?” He yawned and asked softly.

No one responded.

“Lu Xiao?” He got up from the bed with difficulty, and saw that the bed opposite was empty.

There is a piece of paper on it, pressed with his ipad.

Ye Cheng woke up completely, put on a dress in a hurry, picked up the paper on the bed and looked at it.

‌It was a letter from Lu Xiao to him.

[I wanted to wait for you to get up and say goodbye, but I really didn’t have the courage. Well, I admit that there are times when I have the idea of ​​running away, especially knowing you hate it. I’m sorry that I had shown the thoughts in my heart about you yesterday, and I’m sorry to have made you feel disgusted. I apologize for this, but it may not change.

Thank you for your encouragement and comfort for a few days. The more I write, the more uncomfortable I feel.

Forget it, I was afraid to see your face, so I couldn’t say a word. So I went back first to let myself calm down first, and take time to think on how to get along with you. If you think there is still a possibility between us, just contact me. If you think we can’t even make friends, then you should pretend that you did not see the letter. 】

Confused, Ye Cheng read Lu Xiao’s letter with three typos twice, and finally understood what he meant.

In the tent, Lu Xiao’s suitcase was gone.

He suddenly felt dumbfounded.

No, is there something wrong with the kid’s brain? When did he say that he hated him?

Ye Cheng took out his mobile phone and called him, but the screen showed that the call failed, and the signal was not very good.

He had to get dressed and walk outside the tent, ready to find a place with a good signal to make a call.

As soon as he came out, he ran into Hu Haiyang who was approaching.

“Ye Cheng, you came just in time, I was looking for you.” Hu Haiyang looked at him, looking anxious.

Ye Cheng asked inexplicably, “What’s wrong, teacher?”

Hu Haiyang said, “Your grandma called you several times, but you didn’t answer. She has something to say.”

Ye Cheng frowned: “Did she say anything? The signal on the side is not very good, so I didn’t receive the call.”

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Hu Haiyang said, “She didn’t say the specifics, she just asked you to call her back.”

In the woods not far from the tent.

Lu Xiao sat on the suitcase, wearing a hat and scarf, tightly wrapped.

The sun above his head gradually rose, the surrounding snow melted a little, and the sound of partridges could be heard in the woods.

His hands were red from the cold, he put them in his pockets, and he couldn’t help but take out his phone and look at it again and again.

Until after eleven in the morning, Ye Cheng didn’t call or send him a message.

Lu Xiao tapped the phone a few times in disbelief, is it fucking broken?

It’s already eleven, and he hasn’t woken up yet.

hum- hum-

The phone suddenly vibrated, and he was so shocked that it almost slipped on his hand and dropped into the snow.

Lu Xiao cleared his throat, made a practice sound of “Ahhhhh”, and said coldly “Hey, what are you doing”, then looked at the screen.

When he saw the caller ID, the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

Looking at the big word “scalper” on it, he irritably connected the phone and put it to his ear.
He said gruffly, “Why?”

A male voice with a Yingcheng accent came from over there: “Boss, do you still want a ticket? Didn’t you say we’ll meet you at the tenth station?”

“No, tear it up.” Lu Xiao replied angrily, then hung up the phone with a snap.

He couldn’t bear to stand up from the suitcase, and kicked the pebble next to him.

Damn, you are really nice, Ye Cheng.

He ignored him all morning, but just relied on him not to really leave.

Lu Xiao’s whole body was about to explode, and he circled the box twice like a defeated rooster.

In the end, he picked up his suitcase and walked back.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, how come you have no backbone!

While he secretly spurned himself, he returned to the camp dejectedly.

‌The morning class is over, and everyone is preparing their own lunch.

Lu Xiao stood outside the tent door pushing his suitcase, thinking about how to face him later.

——Put the suitcase in ruthlessly and ask him why you didn’t call him?
But if Ye Cheng really is annoyed with him, that would make him seem even more disgusting.

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No, you can’t.

——Pretend that nothing happened and say hello as usual?
Ye Cheng must have hated him even more after leaving a letter of breaking.

No, no, no.

—— Sobbing until the pear blossoms came in like rain, then bit his lip and said that he was wrong, wouldn’t that make him look petty?

… It seems to be feasible! Ye Cheng would be soft if he acted like that.

Lu Xiao acted immediately, pinching the flesh of his thigh so hard that his eyes turned red.

He began to fantasize about some desperate feelings, which accelerated the burst of tears.

For example, Ye Cheng told him to get out. For example, Ye Cheng hugged and kissed his ex.

After thinking about it, he entered the play.

Lu Xiao choked up like he was choked up. There was not even a single tear in his eyes, but he opened the tent confidently.

He looked down at the toe of the shoe, expecting Ye Cheng to say “Yo, you still know how to come back.”

Then, he could look up aggrievedly.

One second, two seconds…

After waiting for half a minute, he didn’t hear anything.

Lu Xiao raised his head suspiciously, and was completely dumbfounded when he saw the empty tent.

All Ye Cheng’s belongings were taken away, and it was cleaner than what he had cleaned.

Hu Haiyang walked over from the side.

“Lu Xiao, why didn’t you come to class this morning? I’ve been looking for you for a long time.” He asked seriously.

Lu Xiao didn’t recover for a while, thinking that Ye Cheng was chasing after him.

“Teacher, it’s too late to explain, I have to go and chase Ye Cheng back first.” He said succinctly, put down his luggage and prepared to rush to the station.

Hu Haiyang stopped him and said, “There are people in the house, why don’t you go join in the fun?”

“Huh?” Lu Xiao turned to look at him.

Hu Haiyang said, “His family called him to go back because of some stuff. You should go and listen to a good class.”

Lu Xiao: “…what kind of stuff?”

Ye Cheng sat in the car and tried to continue calling Lu Xiao.

But still can’t get through, maybe the signal on his side is not good.

He told Hu Haiyang about getting Lu Xiao back, and Hu Haiyang agreed immediately.

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