Let’s wait until we meet and explain.

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Over there, Gao Qiulan’s phone call came again, asking him if he was on the train.

Ye Cheng reassured her and told her that he had already bought a high-speed rail ticket to Shengzhou.

Gao Qiulan was in a panic on the phone, talking in a mess, and only asked him to take a leave to go to Shengzhou.

It sounded like Ye Qiaoqiao had a serious illness. Qu Tian went to Milan, and only Ye Gaoyang was there.

Originally, Ye Cheng didn’t want to go, because he didn’t care about the two of them.

But considering that Gao Qiulan was still there, it would be bad if something happened to him, so he bought a ticket to go back.

After several hours of turbulence, Ye Cheng changed to the high-speed rail from Nandu again.

The signal on the high-speed rail was intermittent, and during this period, he received a WeChat message from Lu Xiao, asking him what happened at home.

Ye Cheng replied to him: [I don’t know what, I have to go to Shengzhou. 】

There was silence for a moment, then replied: [Be careful. 】

Ye Cheng asked him: [Are you still unhappy? 】

Suspect X: [Not unhappy, I ‌ went back to the tent early in the morning. 】

Restrain: [You went back by yourself? 】

Suspect X: [Then do you still want to break up with me? 】

Ye Cheng thought to himself that it was time to break up.

However, he still replied to him: […We are still friends. Since you are staying there, study hard. 】

“Typed” was displayed on the chat box for a minute.

Suspect X: [Okay. 】

Ye Cheng shook his head helplessly, not knowing whether to say that he was coaxing, or that his brain was lacking.

Regarding the relationship last night, the two of them kept silent, tacitly wanting to open a page.

After some reversing, when Ye Cheng arrived in Shengzhou, it was already six in the evening.

He took a break from time to time, took a taxi and went straight to Shengzhou No. 1 Hospital.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the hospital, he saw Gao Qiulan who was standing outside to pick him up.

Ye Cheng pushed the suitcase over, and Gao Qiulan immediately greeted him.

She looked tired, as if she had aged a lot in a few days.

Ye Cheng immediately frowned and supported her: “What happened?”

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“Xiao Cheng, you’re finally here.” Gao Qiulan didn’t say anything, but stepped forward and hugged him.

Ever since Ye Cheng grew up, she seldom acted, unless she was in a very bad mood.

Ye Cheng was really startled, and hugged her: “What’s the matter, don’t be scared. Is it Ye Qiaoqiao’s illness, or is there something wrong with Dad’s body?”

As soon as Gao Qiulan leaned against him, her eyes became wet.

Ye Cheng patted her on the back: “No, grandma, what are you going to tell me?”

Gao Qiulan sobbed for a while before gradually calming down.

“Why don’t you find a place to sit first, it’s too cold in here.” Ye Cheng held her cold hand.

They found a milk tea shop in front of the hospital, and Ye Cheng gave her a cup of hot milk.

After Gao Qiulan drank the milk, her mood gradually stabilized.

She opened her mouth with red eyes, “Xiao Cheng, your father is afraid he won’t be able to hold it anymore.”

With a buzzing sound in Ye Cheng’s head, he subconsciously asked, “He’s sick?”

Strange, he remembered that Ye Gaoyang was in great shape. He was a workaholic and accompanied Qu Tian and Ye Qiaoqiao when he had time, but he just didn’t have time to hang out with his son.

Gao Qiulan shook her head and said, “It’s not him, it’s Ye Qiaoqiao. She posted a message a few days ago. She went to the hospital with a high fever and was diagnosed with leukemia. ”
“Leukemia?” Ye Cheng was surprised.

In his last life, he had never heard that Ye Qiaoqiao had leukemia, which was too sudden.

Gao Qiulan said with a sad face: “However, your father went to check the bone marrow type, and there was a problem. Only then did he find out… Qiaoqiao is not his daughter.”

Ye Cheng was shocked one after another: “What?”

“What kind of blood type? I can’t understand it. I only know that the doctor said that there is a high probability that they are not biological father and daughter.” Gao Qiulan said.

Ye Cheng: “…”

Ye Qiaoqiao is a child born to Ye Gaoyang’s early adultery. Because of this, Gao Qiulan has never been able to accept her.

Now he didn’t expect not only did he commit adultery, but he also seems to be wearing a green hat…

The two were quiet for a long time, and neither of them spoke.

It was Ye Cheng who broke the silence: “Then how is she now? What about Qu Tian, ​​has he returned to China?”

Gao Qiulan wiped the corners of her eyes and said, “No, your dad is in the hospital for check up. He said he wanted to expose the incident, but then went to Milan to find Qu Tian. Qu Tian didn’t answer the phone and didn’t reply to the messages. I guess she knew that her dirty secret was discovered.”

“But that’s her daughter.” Ye Cheng couldn’t understand.

In his impression, although Qu Tian had nothing to say to him, he still loved Ye Qiaoqiao very much.

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When he went to make up lessons for her in junior high school, Qu Tian was responsive to her requests, giving her anything.
It also made Ye Qiaoqiao develop a lot of bad habits, in other words, she has a princess disease.

Gao Qiulan took a sip: “That woman is really vicious, she has lied to Gao Yang a lot, and she
can be expected to have a childish heart.”

“Now Qiaoqiao is in the hospital for treatment, and your dad is so angry he was admitted to the hospital. He really couldn’t take care of her alone, so he called you back.” She was helpless.

Ye Cheng stroked her back: “You should have told me earlier, so I could come back yesterday.”

Gao Qiulan suddenly covered her face and cried: “Xiao Cheng, some of them really owe you too much, you don’t need to come at all.”

Ye Cheng knows that she loves him from the bottom of her heart, and even considers it from his point of view.

He embraced Gao Qiulan and comforted her in a low voice.

He had a subtle feeling in his heart, wondering if it was his illusion.

In the past life, none of this happened, Ye Qiaoqiao never had leukemia, and Ye Gaoyang was kept in the dark.

It’s hard to give birth once, and some filthy feelings are about to surface?

After coming out of the milk tea shop, the two went directly to the ward.

Ye Cheng temporarily left the suitcase at the front desk, and followed Gao Qiulan to push the door and walked in.

Ye Qiaoqiao lives in a single ward, eating potato chips and watching cartoons.

Seeing them come in, his eyes fell on Ye Cheng, and it immediately lit up.

“Brother!” She called out loudly.

Actually, if you look closely, you can indeed find that Ye Qiaoqiao doesn’t look like Ye Gaoyang.

She doesn’t have the cold temperament passed down by the old Ye family, nor does she have the sharp and small chin.

She has a round head, with a cut flower head, single eyelid and a high nose bridge. She is neither good-looking nor ugly.

Ye Cheng didn’t even think she looked like Qu Tian, ​​but he didn’t know if Qu Tian had plastic surgery.

The child looks strong and it is difficult to associate her with the serious disease of leukemia.

Ye Qiaoqiao was four years younger than him, and in her heart she always felt that Ye Cheng was a god.

The kind of god who is cold and beautiful, with good grades, is said to be the envy of all the girls in their class.

It’s a pity that Ye Cheng has always been cold to her, she can only show off that she has a big brother behind her back.

Ye Qiaoqiao jumped up and wanted to jump off the bed: “Brother, come and see me!”

The child does not know what is terminally ill, and being hospitalized will not affect her happiness at all.

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Ye Cheng lowered his face: “Don’t come down.”

Ye Qiaoqiao was afraid of him, so when he said no, he didn’t dare to do so. She stayed on the bed obediently and blinked at them.

“Of course, it’s still up to your brother to cure you,” Gao Qiulan shook her head, “Xiao Cheng, you don’t know how difficult it is for her to eat a meal.”

Ye Cheng came here but had nothing to say to her. Now seeing the look in her eyes, she looks pitiful.

Ye Gaoyang is a man who thinks highly of his face and Ye Qiaoqiao is like a thorn, always reminding him of his humiliating past.

In his lifetime, Ye Gaoyang would never be nice to her.

Qu Tian abandoned her and refused to return to China. It is estimated that she doesn’t even want her anymore. This is the real father who doesn’t care about his mother and doesn’t love her.

Ye Cheng looked at the rice bowl next to him and asked him, “Why don’t you eat?”

“I have no appetite, I want to eat potato chips.” Ye Qiaoqiao said with a pouting mouth.
Ye Cheng picked up the bowl and chopsticks and said, “You can eat potato chips after dinner, otherwise you can’t eat them at all.”

Ye Qiaoqiao’s eyes wandered between him and Gao Qiulan, and finally picked up the chopsticks.

Gao Qiulan finally breathed a sigh of relief and asked him, “Have you eaten, and if you haven’t, let’s eat together. The hospital’s food is not delicious, so let’s take it first, and grandma will make something else for you tomorrow.”

Ye Cheng shook his head and sat down to eat with them.

Because of his presence, Ye Qiaoqiao was so happy that she even ate half a bowl of rice.

After coaxing her to sleep, Ye Cheng asked Gao Qiulan to take him to Ye Gaoyang’s ward.

Gao Qiulan stood at the door: “Xiao Cheng, if he talks nonsense, don’t bother with him. The doctor said he can’t be stimulated recently.”

Ye Cheng signaled her to be relieved, pushed the door and walked into the ward.

In the room, Ye Gaoyang was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed, his face as pale as the incorrupt corpse just dug out of the ancient tomb.

The eye sockets were so thin that they sunken, the cheekbones were flushed, and the lips were chapped.

“Dad.” Ye Cheng walked in front of him and called out calmly.

Ye Gaoyang opened his eyes and looked at him slowly.

When he spoke, his voice was hoarse as if someone had thrown a handful of sand down his throat, “Xiao Cheng, here you are.”

Ye Cheng felt that he was going to be a dead child, and he looked very ironic.

“Is it worth it to make yourself like this for a woman?” He sneered.

Ye Gaoyang’s breathing became rapid.

He clearly promised Gao Qiulan not to irritate him, but he couldn’t help but want to say something.

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Ye Gaoyang coughed a few times, pursed his lips and said nothing.
Ye Cheng couldn’t help pretending, and asked him: “Do you really plan to contact the media to expose her? Her public relations team is one of the best in the country, so you’re not afraid that she will bite back and put you in the wrong place?”

He said a few short sentences, and every sentence hit the spot.

Ye Gaoyang’s cough got worse, and he was obviously very angry.

Ye Cheng said coldly: “If you can get a divorce, you can get a divorce. If you want to save her through public opinion, that is shooting yourself in the foot.”

Ye Gaoyang looked even more bleak when he said that.

“You can’t blame others. It’s all your fault, you haven’t seen her true face for so long.” He sighed deeply.

Ye Cheng was silent for a moment, then said, “I don’t care about you two, I just want to know how you plan to deal with Ye Qiaoqiao?”

He has been thinking about it for a long time.

Ye Gaoyang’s face became contorted, his voice trembling with anger.

“We hired the best nurse, and your grandma said she would help take care of her. Her illness will be treated for her, but I don’t want to see her anymore.”

Ye Cheng suddenly laughed, and Ye Gaoyang looked up at him in surprise.

“Dad, you’re really—” He stretched his voice and said softly, “You deserve it.”

Ye Gaoyang’s eyes widened suddenly, as if he couldn’t believe what said.

Ye Cheng said: “You have lost your daughter of more than ten years and that one that cares for you. In fact, it doesn’t make a difference in your heart. If you want to throw it away, you would throw it away. It’s all rubbish and you would pick it up if you want to pick it up. ” The most indifferent words were spit out from the beautiful lips.

Ye Gaoyang thought that money could solve everything. He used to throw money at him, but now he throws money at Ye Qiaoqiao. As everyone knows, he doesn’t know what emotion is at all.

“Dad, I hope you don’t have a moment of regret when you die alone.”

After Ye Cheng said the last sentence, he put his hand in his pocket and turned around and went out.

As the door of the ward slowly closed, there was a faint roar of pain and the sound of things falling to pieces.

He didn’t turn around and went straight back to Ye Qiaoqiao’s ward.

Each area is a single ward, and the corridor is silent.

Ye Qiaoqiao was hiding under the quilt and reading the comics, and when she heard the sound of pushing the door, she quickly hid the comics.

Gao Qiulan was sitting on the reclining chair waiting for him. She had already dozed off, her head was nodding off.

Ye Cheng casually lifted her quilt and showed no mercy: “Stop pretending.”

Ye Qiaoqiao let out a scream and hurriedly snatched the quilt back.

He looked down at her and said, “Girl, no one wants you anymore.”

T/N: Poor girl, even if her parents are trash it’s not her fault.

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