Even though Ye Qiaoqiao is young, she can still sense something wrong.

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Qu Tian hasn’t answered her phone for several days, Ye Gaoyang doesn’t come to see her, only the nurse and Gao Qiulan will come.

She hugged the quilt, and said, “Brother, did my parents quarrel?”

Ye Cheng sat down at the end of the bed, looked at her and said, “Well.”

“Because of my illness?” she asked anxiously.

“Half and half.”

Ye Qiaoqiao scratched her head, a little annoyed: “If I hadn’t let them know I was sick, then they wouldn’t quarrel.”

Hearing this sentence, Ye Cheng felt that it was hard to say.

She was really different from her shrewd mother, she was naive and stupid, and she didn’t inherit her wit at all.

Ye Cheng is not interested in people with low IQ, so he casually told her to go to bed quickly, and got up to wake Gao Qiulan.

He sent Gao Qiulan to the escort ward, and he made a cup of warm milk.

The elderly have poor sleep quality and cannot take sleeping pills. They have to drink a cup every night before going to bed.

After taking care of Ye Qiaoqiao for a few days, she herself was too tired.

Ye Cheng handed her the milk and said, “Didn’t my dad hire a nurse? You don’t have to stay here.”

Gao Qiulan drank a few mouthfuls of milk, leaned against the bedside and said, “Please, please, but that girl Qiaoqiao is naughty, and the nurse can’t control her.”

“She’s cheating you?” Ye Cheng said, “I’ll go see her tomorrow, so I can get used to her.”

Gao Qiulan sighed, “She doesn’t know about Qu Tian yet, and I don’t know how to tell her.”

Speaking of Qu Tian, ​​Ye Cheng felt a little strange, so he expressed his suspicions.

“When she was pregnant, didn’t my dad notice something was wrong?”

Hearing this, Gao Qiulan said embarrassedly: “It’s not like this, you were young at that time, so you probably don’t remember. She brought Qiaoqiao directly to the door, and later your father did a paternity test, I don’t know how she fooled him.”

Ye Cheng was even more surprised: “A female star is pregnant for ten months, but no media has reported it. Grandma, don’t you think it’s strange?”

Gao Qiulan nodded and said: “To be honest, I was quite puzzled at the beginning, but your father seemed to be fascinated by her, and no one would listen to my advice. Later, your mother… something happened again. His mind is not at home anymore.”

Ye Cheng was really young at that time and had no memory at all.

Gao Qiulan mentioned his mother, and he was silent for a while.

“Forget it, only she can explain this matter.” Ye Cheng said, “What should Ye Qiaoqiao do now?”

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Gao Qiulan looked at him hesitantly, and said, “Your dad plans to go outside to find Qu Tian after he has finished recuperating, and would ask her for an explanation. I don’t know if he can force her so I can only help temporarily to take care of Qiaoqiao.”

When she was young, she was a nurse. She couldn’t bear even to leave the cats and dogs on the side of the road , let alone a real person like Ye Qiaoqiao.

Although she doesn’t like Ye Qiaoqiao, she can’t watch the child fend for herself.

Ye Cheng frowned and said, “I can’t let you stay in Shengzhou alone. What the hell is my dad doing? He’s not a child anymore.”

Gao Qiulan was speechless, she just touched his head.

The room was quiet for a moment, Ye Cheng said,

“Grandma, you can’t stay here. No, let’s take her back to Nandu first. She needs to be hospitalized for a long time, and the medical conditions in Nandu are much better than here. After my father has dealt with this matter, I will let her go. He takes up custody by himself, at least legally he is not qualified to escape.”

“Bring her back to Nandu? You… won’t it be uncomfortable to see her?” Gao Qiulan looked at him and said.

Ye Cheng said lightly: “She lives in the hospital, and I won’t see her often. Remember to ask my father for the money, and ask him for double the medical expenses.”

Gao Qiulan thought so too, but she was still worried about Ye Cheng’s feelings and said,
“When I go back to Nandu, I will ask your Uncle Ma’s house to help take care of her.” She felt that if she ran to the hospital every three days, Ye Cheng would inevitably feel uncomfortable.

Ma Yao is Ye Gaoyang’s elementary school classmate in Nandu, and is also their next-door neighbor. He has always had a strong relationship with Ye Gaoyang.

Ye Cheng patted the back of her hand and said, “As you wish, don’t think too much, I won’t mind these little things.”

His mother died of cancer at the time. Later, her hair fell out and she became a skeleton. She had to endure the torture of chemotherapy every day. In the end, she felt it was unbearable that she jumped from the hospital building.

He thought that Ye Qiaoqiao looked alive now, but he wondered if he would lose weight like his mother in the future.

‌Bone marrow matching is required for blood diseases. Whether you can get better depends not only on medicine, but also on luck. The probability of growing up healthily is low.

After Ye Cheng coaxed Gao Qiulan to sleep, she called Lawyer Guo.

Guo Lu was the entrusted lawyer that his mother found before her death, and he briefly explained the cause and effect of the incident.

Guo Lu was very distressed about what happened to him. He was only seventeen years old, his mother passed away, and this happened again.

On the phone, Guo Lu asked him to meet after returning to Nandu, because in addition to Ye Gaoyang’s custody matters, there was also the fact that he was about to be eighteen years old.

If he comes of age, he could get his mother’s inheritance, including the letter of course.

Ye Cheng was on his way to the hotel. After finishing these matters, he was half relieved.

When he was about to get to the hotel, he received a call from Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao was distracted all day, and was called by Hu Haiyang to stand up several times.

After finally waiting for the dead of night to hide in the tent, he made a phone call.

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“Hello?” He whispered on the phone.

Ye Cheng also replied “Hello”, and the two fell silent at the same time.

The atmosphere was a little subtle, so embarrassing that people didn’t know what to say.

Voice calls and text exchanges are not the same.

While typing, Lu Xiao can freely chase after him even if he is angry, but now he is speechless like a mute.

Even though Ye Cheng had fought a hundred battles, when faced with such a situation, he felt very at a loss for words.

As soon as he heard Lu Xiao’s voice, he thought about what happened last night, and the little essay that was full of anger.

Lu Xiao estimated that there was more than he thought. In order to avoid his embarrassment over there, Ye Cheng reluctantly spoke first.

“You there, is your study going well?”

“…Going well.” Lu Xiao hesitated, then asked him, “What about you, what happened at home, is it okay?”

Ye Cheng looked at the unfamiliar city and sighed, “It’s hard to say, I just got out of the hospital.”

Lu Xiao said in surprise: “Hospital? Is grandma sick, are you guys getting out now?”

After speaking, he heard the sound of a car horn coming from there.

The night in Shengzhou was even colder than in Nandu, so Ye Cheng changed his hand and
tucked the hand that answered the phone just now into his cuff.

He didn’t know if it was because of this day’s calendar or because of the unfamiliar environment in life, he suddenly missed Lu Xiao.

He sniffed coldly and said, “I didn’t live with them.”

There is only one escort bed in the ward, which is inconvenient.

Lu Xiao pricked up his ears and listened to him, and immediately said, “You have a cold? Damn it, why did your dad drive you out, or I’ll go to Shengzhou to find you.”

He opened the blue app and prepared to buy a ticket and escape overnight.

Ye Cheng hurriedly said: “He didn’t drive me out. This is a long story. I’ll talk about it later. You stay in Yingcheng, and since you signed up for the class, finish your studies seriously.”

Lu Xiao understood his hidden meaning.

“Aren’t you coming back?” He said after a moment of silence.

Ye Cheng said: “I have to stay here for a few days, and the winter camp is expected to finish.”

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The other end was quiet and said, “I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me, you take care of yourself.”

“Yeah.” Although Lu Xiao didn’t say anything, Ye Cheng was still warm.

“Well, hang up.”

Lu Xiao still said this.

Ye Cheng hung up gently, and the coldness on his fingertips dissipated a lot in just a few minutes.

He stayed in the hotel for the night, and the next morning, he went to the ward to see Ye Qiaoqiao.

Gao Qiulan said that she is usually very naughty, but every time she acts like a good baby in front of him.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, there was a burst of yelling from the corridor, mixed with the cry of a child.

Ye Cheng seemed to have heard Ye Qiaoqiao’s voice, and immediately walked over in three steps.

He thought Ye Qiaoqiao was being bullied, but the truth was just the opposite.

She saw that she was pulling a little girl’s hair and shouting, “Move,you hurry and move!”

The little girl screamed in resistance and kicked her.

The nurses around were nowhere, he didn’t know whether they were on duty or what, and there were no adults in the corridor.

“What are you doing? Stop!” Ye Cheng hurried up to stop her, holding her back collar, and tugging at her hand.

Ye Qiaoqiao grabbed her hair so tightly that when she finally pulled her hand off.

The little girl lost a few hairs and burst into tears.

“I’m going to tell my dad to kill you!” She pointed at Ye Qiaoqiao and roared.

Ye Qiaoqiao got even more angry, she reached out to tug at her hair again, and the little girl screamed again.

Then the nurse on duty hurried over and asked, “What happened?”

Ye Cheng slapped the back of Ye Qiaoqiao’s hand and said with a sullen face, “There is no end to this.”

When he was expressionless, his aura was really scary.

Ye Qiaoqiao shuddered after being beaten by him, she pursed her lips, and she was about to cry.

“Why did this start? Didn’t you have a good time just now?” The nurse hugged the little girl and looked up at Ye Cheng.

“Are you her parent? Why did you not stop them?”

“I’m really sorry.” Ye Cheng greeted her and glanced down at Ye Qiaoqiao.

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Ye Qiaoqiao pursed her lips, her face was stubborn and she did not speak.

Ye Cheng said coldly, ” You haven’t apologized yet.”

Ye Qiaoqiao remained silent, her head was about to be buried in her chest.

Seeing this, the nurse said, “Forget it, forget it, they’re both children, don’t yell at her.”

She picked up the little girl and sent her back to her ward.

When they left, Ye Cheng turned around and walked towards the ward without looking at Ye Qiaoqiao.

Ye Qiaoqiao hurriedly followed him, for fear that he would leave her alone.

Ye Cheng entered the door and saw a pink doll thrown on the door.

Ye Qiaoqiao passed him, trotted over to pick it up, and hugged it tightly.

Ye Cheng looked around the ward and found a few hairs on the ward, and said speechlessly, “You guys also got into a fight here?”

Ye Qiaoqiao bit her lip, so wronged that she burst into tears.
“I’ll tell you, I’ll come here occasionally during this time.” Ye Cheng stared at her eyes and put pressure on her, “I don’t care how you usually dominate at home, these problems will be dealt with by me in the future so I won’t forgive you lightly.”

The last time he spoke in such a heavy tone was when Ye Qiaoqiao burned Gao Qiulan’s spider plant to death during the summer vacation a few years ago.

The corners of Ye Qiaoqiao’s mouth gradually drooped, and finally she couldn’t help crying: “I didn’t take the initiative to fight, she was the one who scold me first and broke the doll my mother gave me.”

Her tears ran out as if the gate had opened, and she burped while crying: “She said that my mother stole other people’s husbands, and she also said that my father hated me. Brother, is what she said true?”

Ye Cheng looked at her crying face, and slowly frowned.

He stood in silence for a while, and Ye Qiaoqiao couldn’t help crying for a long time, so he went over and took the tissue and threw it on her.

“Don’t cry, it’s a headache,” he said.

Ye Qiaoqiao sobbed twice and did not dare to cry anymore.

Just like when she was a child, and she was not afraid of anyone except Ye Cheng.

The little girl always has a natural admiration for the school genius, and feels that this boy is worthy of being her own brother, so she obeys his words.

Ye Cheng showed no expression, and he said casually, “Would you like to go to Nandu with your brother?”

This is the first time he has called himself “brother” in front of Ye Qiaoqiao. In the past, she always followed him and shouted after him, but he ignored it.

Ye Qiaoqiao was stunned for a few seconds, then nodded frantically without hesitation.

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