Chapter 100 Struggling Desperately

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When the Tongtian Precious Carriage stopped, Zhang Yunyan was eager and somewhat uneasy. She did not know whether it was her own time, so she went to have a check immediately.


She saw the rock wall covering the hole, the uneven rock surrounding, the two characters "Tongtian Hole" carved over the corner, the uneven ground formed naturally around the Tongtian Precious Carriage, and the small black hole with a green light...


It was right there. It was the Black Tiger Cave in her own era.


Yunyan was very excited and the intense body and mind immediately relaxed.


In the Tongtian Hole, she got into the Tongtian Precious Carriage by accident. Her soul was absorbed by the soul-absorbing vase.


Here, Xiao Tianlong was once banned in the small hole by the spiritual charm for three years.


Here, she did not have the consciousness but saved the imperial master by accident. Then, she had this travel to the alienated world.




Zhang Yunyan finally saw the familiar cave and returned to her hometown. She was really happy and her mind was finally settled.


She left here just one day, but felt that it last for a long time. She was like a wanderer who had not returned home for many years.


Perhaps, Yunyan was so yearning for her hometown because of the two different worlds with an interval of thousands of years. She was always worried and anxious... Then, she had such kind of feelings.


Zhang Yunyan walked down with Xiao Tianlong from the Tongtian Precious Carriage. The imperial master broke the demon method which blocked the hole and went out of the Tongtian Hole.


Yunyan saw the fluorescent mark of "full moon, reminding her unforgettable memory.


She felt emotional and unforgettable. Those "uncompleted moon" and "full moon" led her into the Tongtian Hole and caused this magical and unbelievable journey.


Yunyan immediately thought of the first prince of Tianyue Country—the mysterious mouse with shiny fur. She did not find him after inspection.


She looked at Xiao Tianlong and saw the imperial master's expression look. He looked around. She knew that he was worried about the safety of the first prince.


Zhang Yunyan immediately remembered Iron Egg and looked around in a hurry. She finally found the small hole where the kid hid. The blocked stones had scattered and the kid had gone.


She was shocked and out of control. Needleless to say, Black Killer came back last night and Iron Egg had died.


Yunyan deeply knew that Black Bear Demon would be much angrier when he did not find her when he came back. He must vent his anger to the kid. Iron Egg must suffer a lot.

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She had long realized that it would be like this, but she dared not think about it before.


Zhang Yunyan was angry and went to find Black Killer to avenge for the dead kid.


Xiao Tianlong was also very angry. He followed Yunyan to the gate and was stopped by Wind-blown Monster and Turtle Demon again.


The imperial master intended to take action to Wind-blown Monster and Turtle Demon, but Yunyan stopped him.


She told the imperial master that they might not be two harmful monsters. They were unconsciously led by Black Killer because of losing their souls.


Xiao Tianlong immediately realized and hurriedly released the souls constrained in Tongtian Precious Carriage.


In an instant, Wind-blown Monster and Turtle Demon's souls returned to their flesh. They seemed to wake up from their dreams and recovered their original situations.


Wind-blown Monster looked at Zhang Yunyan and Xiao Tianlong angrily and was eager to attack them.


Turtle Demon was also nervously looking at the two strange old man and young woman, preparing for defending.


Zhang Yunyan told them the experience that their souls came back to them again. Wind-blown Monster and Turtle Demon finally woke up.


They were very grateful and thanked their savors again and again.


Zhang Yunyan refused their gratitude gently.


Xiao Tianlong also stopped them.


Wind-blown Monster and Turtle Demon heard that they did not know where Black Killer went and found no trace of Iron Egg. They started to look for them respectively. They could not let go of the harmful monster and would not allow him to hurt the kid.


The "walking dead" all recovered with their souls and escaped out of this dangerous place.


A young woman stood not far away, who was right the vixen Misty Flower.


She glanced at Zhang Yunyan with anger on her face. She flew up and stepped on the top of the tree, soon disappearing.


Zhang Yunyan looked at the direction in which Misty Flower disappeared. She felt strange. The beautiful elf became angry when its soul came back to her body.


At this time, Misty Flower's eyes were shining with serious sight, which made people nervous and scared.

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The vixen became more charming after her soul came back to her. It seemed that she really had the ability to absorb people's souls. Men would cast their eyes on her and stop moving when meeting such a beautiful woman.


Zhang Yunyan sighed silently when looking at the direction of Misty Flower leaving. She hoped that Misty Flower could restrain herself and stop doing those shameless things, becoming a good and respectful elf.


Yunyan secretly hoped that Misty Flower and Samuume would have similar beauty and were admired by people. She silently prayed that Misty Flower could verify her shortcomings and stop doing those bad things. She could help people and get rid of bad behaviors like her sister in the alienated world.


Outside the Black Tiger Cave, the mountains were undulating, the trees were densely covered, and flowers and grass were everywhere. All of those formed a scene of quietness and peace.


There was no Black Killer. Nobody knew where the monster was.


In front of the demon hole, there were no busy figures. All of those "recovering materials" of refining elixirs had escaped out of sight.


Zhang Yunyan and Xiao Tianlong looked for the first prince separately. They also had a glimpse of hope to find Iron Egg, praying the two had not been hurt by Black Killer and finding them as soon as possible.


Inside and outside the Black Tiger Cave, a few figures were running around.


They were Zhang Yunyan, Xiao Tianlong, Wind-blown Monster, and Turtle Demon. They were looking for Iron Egg and the first prince of Tianyue Country. They also want to find Black Killer to revenge.


From the busy figures and their anxious looks, they were really anxious and worried.


The sun was lingering over high, the forest was quiet, and the call of birds and insects were clear. In silence, it showed out a beautiful and peaceful scenery, so as to a sense of anxiety.


Xiao Tianlong found nothing inside the Black Tiger Cave and moved to the outside.


He was about to search around the forest and was really happy to find a big mouse with shining fur running towards him.


The mouse turned around and transferred into a young and handsome man, who was right the first prince of Tianyue Country.


The first prince was excited to meet the imperial master that he had not seen him for a long time. He hugged Xiao Tianlong and laughed with him.


He was like a big child, sincerely and happily. A sense of sadness came out of excitement.


Xiao Tianlong was very happy and even burst into tears. He finally found the first prince and calmed down his anxiety and nervousness.


The two were separated for more than three years and both at good conditions. They were very excited to meet with each other again. Tears fell down on their smiling face with bitterness. In their tears, there were joys, pains, and the anxiety and sadness that had been suppressed for a long time.


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Xiao Tianlong and the first prince shared their feelings of pain and yearning after they were separated. Xiao Tianlong talked about the war happening in Tianyue Country and the credits of their savor Yun Feiyan...


At this time, Zhang Yunyan came outside the cave and went around to find Iron Egg and the first prince.


Suddenly, she saw Xiao Tianlong and a young man talking happily and immediately understood that this young man must be the first prince of Tianyue Country.


Xiao Tianlong saw Yun Feiyan coming and felt really happy. He immediately introduced the savor of Tianyue Country to the first prince.


The first prince thanked Yun Feiyan and made a bow to her. This savor was so important to Tianyue Country. It could be said that she had incomparable merits and should be respected.


The first prince remembered that Yun Feiyan was misled into the Tongtian Hole. He felt fortunate and uneasy.


For the sake of his own, he pushed his savor into a desperate situation. He felt really guilty and silently blamed himself in his mind. If his savor did not save out the imperial master by accident, she must be killed by Black Killer. It would be his fault.


What was worse, Xiao Tianlong could not be saved and the country had been destroyed.


He was very pleased to have such a gratifying result.


The first prince thought of the war happening yesterday and still felt scared. It was a battle related to the survival of the country.


He felt fortunate. In this regard, thanks to that he led Yun Feiyan into Tongtian Hole, the imperial master could be saved and came back to Tianyue Country to save the country timely. What was more, he came back with their savor. Otherwise, the country must be destroyed.


Xiao Tianlong was an indispensable Optimus Prime to converse the crisis. Yun Feiyan was also an indispensable hero. Without either of them, it would not have such a gratifying result.


The name of the first prince was Du Xiaohai at more than 20 years old. Although he was so young, he was very comparable.


He was trained in the palace and was a smart and capable person. He cared about people's conditions and always inspected their feelings. He was respectful and was the rare pillar of Tianyue Country.


During the conversation, Zhang Yunyan was very moved and shocked to know the thrilling encounter of the first prince.


Yesterday, where did the first prince go after Xiao Tianlong came back to Tianyue Country? What did he do? Was there any danger?


Let's figure out those questions and talk about the first prince first.




Since Xiao Tianlong was banned in the small hole in Tongtian Hole, the first prince was both frightened and anxious. He hoped to get inside to rescue the imperial master. However, the hole was sealed by Saitaisui's demon methods. Outsiders could not get inside freely.

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He tried his best to take the plunge but it was useless, anxious, and desperate.


If he could not get into the Tongtian Hole to save the imperial master, they could not return to Tianyue Country. They would die in this strange world thousands of years later.


The first prince knew that he could not save Xiao Tianlong on his own. He could only ask somebody else for help. However, he had no friends or relatives in this alienated world. What was worse, he was in the cave of the monster, no one could help them except for the dead enemy.


It was dangerous in Black Tiger Cave and he could not predict his own fate. Perhaps, he would be captured by Black Killer and suffered a catastrophe.


In this dangerous situation, the first prince dared not expose his real identity. He had to transfer into a mouse to search around. He hoped to find another way out by accident.


However, all his efforts were in vain and he had seen no hope.


This result was inevitable. If there was another exit of the small hole which banned Xiao Tianlong, the imperial master could get out by himself. He did not have to search for it.


The first prince could not reach his goal, but could not wait here or give up. He was still looking for a way out. Although it was nearly equal to despair, he could not stay here to wait. He must go for it.


Rescuing the imperial master and returning to the Tianyue Country were the most imperative things and his only purposes. For this, he must work hard and there was no more work to do.


During the moment, the first prince saw Wind-blown Monster and Black Killer were fighting against each other. He was excited to see the Wind-blown Monster nearly defeat the Black Killer. He seemed to see the hope of saving the imperial master.


Later, he saw that Wind-blown Monster was led into Tongtian Hole by Black Killer. He felt that the hope became larger, praying that Wind-blown Monster could save Xiao Tianlong out.


Later, he saw Wind-blown Monster was brought out by Black Killer. He became dumb and had no consciousness to resist, following the monster out of the Black Tiger Cave. Suddenly, he felt desperate and a glimpse of hope disappeared.


After that, the first prince saw Turtle Demon was arrested into Tongtian Hole by Black Killer, praying that the Turtle Demon could reverse the defeated situation to save Xiao Tianlong. If so, Black Killer would escape even if he was not killed by Xiao Tianlong. Everything would be solved.


On the contrary, what he saw was that Turtle Demon was brought out and followed every instruction of Black Killer. Turtle Demon became obedient, which made the prince felt helpless.


Next was the vixen Misty Flower. The first prince's hope was still in vain. Misty Flower turned into unconscious walking dead...


In this way, he gained hope again and again, but felt desperate every time.


He suffered from loneliness. His relatives were trapped and he felt struggling because he could not return to his home. However, he had no ability to change it.


In desperation, the first prince did not give up and had been insisting to fight for dreamlike hope. The hope was extremely little, but it was his only wish. It was the only motivation for him to live in this alienated world. Perhaps, it was the only hope in his life.


Yesterday, the first prince was looking for a chance in Black Tiger Cave and met Zhang Yunyan by accident. He prayed that she could rescue Xiao Tianlong out as she wished. He did not hope to be disappointed again.

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