Chapter 101 Sudden Change

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The first prince was running around in Black Tiger Cave and tried to find out a way to save Xiao Tianlong. He suddenly saw Zhang Yunyan and felt very surprised and very vigilant.


He saw Yunyan walking around in the monster cave alone, suspecting that she was a gang of Black Killer. Otherwise, Black Bear Demon would not ignore her and let her get inside or even allow her to move around.


He was a little nervous and observed Yunyan's behavior alertly. He dared not show himself out.


It was uneasy for the first prince to meet a strange girl, so he could not let her go. Whether she was Black Killer's accomplice or not, he would keep an eye on her.


He hoped that this woman could enter Tongtian Hole to save Xiao Tianlong by accident. Even if she was a monster, the imperial master could completely control her.


When he saw Black Killer was not in his cave, he regained confidence. He tried to bring Zhang Yunyan to the mysterious cave and eventually introduced her into Tongtian Hole.


He listened nervously, paying attention to any noise in Tongtian Hole and speculating about what happened.


The first prince knew if Zhang Yunyan entered Tongtian Hole, she might step onto the Tongtian Precious Carriage. If so, the girl must be miserable and her soul would be absorbed by the soul-absorbing vase, becoming another "walking dead".


He was very worried. It was not the result he wanted. He really hoped that Yunyan could save Xiao Tianlong by accident.


However, he could not control what would happen in the cave and could not control Zhang Yunyan, but had to wait anxiously. If this happened, he would fall into desperate again and would continue to search for someone that could save Xiao Tianlong out.


He also had a wish that if Zhang Yunyan was Black Killer's accomplice indeed, it would be a punishment to the monster, which could cheer him up.


Black Killer and his accomplice did not have an ability to release the souls, but to accept the irreversible facts. Moreover, two of his accomplices had turned into walking deads.


He also had some concerns. If this woman was not Black Killer's accomplice, it would be his fault. He would be suffered and self-blame. He would hate himself that he had harmed a good person and be regretted losing this precious chance to save Xiao Tianlong.


Despite this, he would not stop. In order to save the imperial master, he would continue even if he would hurt innocent lives one and another.


Normally, the first prince was kind and upright. He should not do things like this. It would put Zhang Yunyan to die, or to say he became an accomplice of Black Killer.


However, the danger in the alienated world, the trapped imperial master, and the desperate of homesickness all made him anxious and cold. He could not care too much and hoped to save Xiao Tianlong out. Then, he could return to his motherland as soon as possible.


Rescuing the imperial master and returning to the homeland were the only goals and only briefs. He would insist on. For this, he would struggle to the end and never give up until he died.

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The first prince had no time to care about who Zhang Yunyan was and also hoped to avenge Black Killer. Besides, he also hoped to put the monster's accomplice into a miserable situation.


He only hoped to save the imperial master and cared nothing in order to reach his goal. He could do anything, even if killing living lives one after another.


This was pushed by the situation. The first prince had fallen into the situation of "there is only one road to the top of Mount Hua", which was a road without any light. On the dark road, he must take all possible means to strive for the subtle hope.


When the first prince saw Zhang Yunyan get inside and there was no movement in Tongtian Hole, he was nervous and his heart beat fast. He did not know what would happen next. It might be a disaster for Zhang Yunyan, but his hope.


Suddenly, he heard the creaking sound and was shocked. Then, he heard continuous crying.


This sound was too familiar, which was the sound coming from soul-absorbing vase when it was kicked.


The first prince sighed and thought, "Well, Zhang Yunyan must enter Tongtian Precious Carriage and her soul must be absorbed by the vase. She might have become a useless walking dead. She might be ruthlessly attacked by the vase."


His hope was ruined again. He tried all the means, but all his efforts were in vain. He felt cold in his mind and trembled slightly. He was in a decadent spirit, sat down with powerlessness, and stared blankly at the sealed hole. He was completely desperate.


There was no hope. Zhang Yunyan had already become a walking dead. She would be taken away by her accomplice or killed under the attack of the vase.


He caused this result. Perhaps, it was a kind of punishment of the monster. Perhaps, it was his fault. Anyway, it was an irreversible fact.


He did not think about this and did not care about people' lives and death. He only felt upset that he did not reach his goal.


The first prince was very painful, suffering for the trapped imperial master and sighing for his incompetence. He did not want this result but had no ability to control it. He could only listen to destiny and fate.


He did not want to hurt innocent people, but he had to do it. He had no scruples in order to save the imperial master.


The first prince used to be a kind man. In the desperate situation in this alienated world, he became selfish. He used to be an upright and passionate man, but became cold and ruthless after suffering for a few years.


He was helpless and had no choice. In order to reach his goals, he had to be cold and selfish and could not care about anything.


He was trapped in this alienated world and could not come back home. He felt desperate. As long as he could save the imperial master out and go back to his hometown, he was willing to do anything. Otherwise, he and the imperial master would no longer go back to their homeland or see their relatives. They could only die in the alienated world and the consequences were very tragic.


For the imperial master and the first prince, this was the most horrible thing. Once there was a glimpse of hope, they would strive for it. Moreover, he had regarded Zhang Yunyan as Black Killer's accomplice. This was a punishment for the monster.

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In the Tongtian Hole, the horrible noise roared continuously. The first prince's heart was hit all the time. He felt desperate.


He mourned for Xiao Tianlong, for himself, for Tianyue Country, and for his parents. He even felt a faint sadness and pleasure of revenge for Zhang Yunyan.


In the Black Tiger Cave, the continuous crack broke the silence, filled with an atmosphere of terror and anger, which made people heartbroken.


After a long time, a rumbling sound suddenly came out of Tongtian Hole. Meanwhile, a very familiar shouting came to him.


The first prince was shocked. It was the imperial master! It was the imperial master indeed!


He believed that it must be a calling of the imperial master. He had never heard this voice for more than three years. In this way, the imperial master had been rescued.


After the shocking moment passed, he was very excited and overjoyed. The sound of the rumbling was also familiar. It was the activation of the Tongtian Precious Carriage, which meant that they could return to their home.


In the surprise, he was somewhat puzzled. The woman who lost her soul was powerless. He did not know how she could save the imperial master. It was really a good result.


At this moment, the first prince had no time to think about these insignificant things, but could only be excited for the unexpected rescue of the imperial master.


He could not wait to fly into Tongtian Hole and met with the long-time apart imperial master. They could come back to Tianyue Country together.


Over the years, the pain, thoughts, frustrations, and despairs... All of those pessimistic emotions had vanished.


Joy, gratification, excitement, and longing... All of those beautiful emotions filled in his heart.


Facing the sudden change, this amazing change, the first prince felt some doubtful. Was the young woman started Tongtian Precious Carriage?


This was impossible. She had lost her soul and had become a stagnant "walking dead". She could never activate the Tongtian Precious Carriage.


Was the one who saved the imperial master activated the precious carriage?


Maybe, it could not be explained.


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"Who was the person saving the imperial master?"


The first prince was puzzled. There was no one else in the Tongtian Hole except for the young woman. He did not see anyone in or out. It would be not an outsider.


"Was the girl without soul that saved the imperial master and activating the Tongtian Precious Carriage?"


The first prince heard it and the imperial master was trying to stop it. There was no doubt. The young woman had inadvertently touched the button which would activate the Tongtian Precious Carriage, which made the imperial master so shocked.


Besides, the imperial master would not activate the Tongtian Precious Carriage. He would not desert him and come back to Tianyue Country alone. He would come out to look for him and then fly to the home together.


The Tongtian Precious Carriage had been activated and left in a blink of eyes. It did not delay for any second.


The first prince was very anxious and got up to rush to the gate, hoping to enter it before the Tongtian Precious Carriage left.


"Crack!" A huge sound showed up. The first prince was kicked back by the demon method banning the hole and fell onto the ground.


He was very scared and could not care about his pain. He was staring at the terrible hole and hoped that the imperial master could stop the Tongtian Precious Carriage and break the demon method to bring him in. Then, they could come back home together.


However, things went in the opposite direction. He did not see the imperial master while the sound of rumbling was gone and disappeared in the blink of eyes. The horrible demon hole became dead and silent.


He was very scared and the hope was totally destroyed when it just showed up.


The first prince still had a chance to go back only if the Tongtian Precious Carriage was there. If it had returned to Tianyue Country, he could only stay in the alienated world.


He was very depressed and felt lonely and upset. He dared not imagine how he could live this life in this alienated world.


He was painful and very desperate. He was also puzzled and thought in his mind, "Since the imperial master knows I'm here, how could he desert me there? Does he think that I have been killed by the monster?"


The first prince did not believe that the imperial master would give up searching for him before confirming that he was not killed.


Needleless to say, even if the imperial master thought that the prince had been killed, he would not ignore this issue. He must look for Saitaisui, Black Killer, and their accomplice to avenge. He would not leave before he could kill these enemies.


It seemed that there must be something accidental in Tongtian Hole and the imperial master could not care about the first prince.

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What was the accidental thing? He could not know, but to suspect. He could only face the empty sealed cave to sigh and felt desperate.


In pain, he was gratified that the imperial master could escape from danger and the wish to rescue the imperial master had finally realized.


The first prince was very clear that he was not that important to Tianyue Country, but the imperial master was critical. It was great luck for the country and people to welcome the pillar of the country back. Even if he stayed in the alienated world and even would live on this land for his whole life, the first prince would feel great comfort.


In any case, the imperial master had already returned, which was a fortune out of misfortune. It was a hundred, thousand, or even 10 thousand times better than the two were trapped here.


The first prince could not believe that the woman who lost her soul could save the imperial master, but he could not deny it.


He believed that if there was someone else in Tongtian Hole, the results would be two kinds. He might save the imperial master out or his soul might be absorbed by the soul-absorbing vase. Then, there must be an amazing noise.


If so, there would be some sounds in the Tongtian Hole before. Thereby, no one had entered.


The imperial master was rescued by accident and it must be related to the young woman. She had done something good unconsciously.


In this way, he was not in vain. The imperial master had been rescued and he had reached his dream of more than three years. He was happy and satisfied.


The Tongtian Precious Carriage was activated by accident. Perhaps, it was related to the woman who lost her soul. Otherwise, the imperial master might not try to stop her and leave in a hurry. He must look for the first prince.


After the extreme pain and despair, the first prince gradually calmed down. He felt that he had too many concerns. It was a mediocrity. The imperial master would not desert him. There must be a reason for him to leave in a hurry.


The first prince felt that even if the imperial master thought he had been killed by Black Killer, he would not leave so soon. He must go back to report to his parents and definitely come to revenge.


The first prince was no longer anxious and believed that the imperial master must come back to him. He still had a glimpse of hope to return to his homeland. Let alone the imperial master would revenge for him. His parents would not give up.


The imperial master did not see that the first prince had died, while his parents would not give up. They would send the imperial master to look for him. Whether he was still alive, they would like to find a result.


As expected, the imperial master returned today and he could come back to his long-time apart hometown.




The first prince heard that Zhang Yunyan was looking for a child and immediately remembered the encounter yesterday. He hurriedly told her.

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