Chapter 102 Where Was Iron Egg?

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Yesterday, before the sunset, the first prince walked in Black Tiger Cave while wondering. He was worried about the departure of imperial master and when he could come home.


He was missing his motherland and relatives. He suddenly met a child, who was right Iron Egg.


When Iron Egg found Zhang Yunyan did not come back, he could not stay there anymore. He made his best to push the stone away and went to find Yunyan.


In order to prevent the child from being scared, the first prince rushed to transfer into his original appearance.


After inquiring, he realized that Iron Egg was caught by Black Killer and the woman he was looking for might be that young woman.


He learned that the woman was a good person caught by Black Killer and felt guilty. That woman was looking for a way out for saving the kid, but being led into the Tongtian Hole by him. He felt really regretted.


If he knew that Zhang Yunyan was a good person, he would come out to tell the truth, not only to save the imperial master but also to keep Zhang Yunyan with her soul.


In this way, the imperial master and Zhang Yunyan would be safe and the Tongtian Precious Carriage would not leave in a hurry. He would not fall in the bad consequence of staying over there.


Anxiously, the first prince harmed a good person and felt deeply guilty and more frustrated, which could also be a punishment for himself.


Since things had reached this level, it was too late to be regretted. He could only blame himself deeply and helplessly sighed.


The first prince was very worried and did not know what Zhang Yunyan's condition was. However, being with the imperial master, she would be OK.


Iron Egg had no reliance and became more lonely and scared. He could not stop crying.


The first prince could not see the young Iron Egg being killed. He was the only reliance of the kid, so he must protect the kid.


He led Iron Egg to the gate of Black Tiger Cave and wanted to take the kid out of the demon hole to avoid the monster hurting him.


The first prince saw Wind-blown Monster and Turtle Demon were guarding over the gate. He knew he had no ability to break in forcibly. He could not escape from the demon hole and would meet danger.


His mind was troubled and anxious. He was trying to find a way to escape. However, his ability was limited. He could only take by strategy when facing two powerful opponents.


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The first prince thought about it for a while and could not find a good way. He could only transfer into a mouse to lead the guardians away and give the kid time to escape quietly.


Wind-blown Monster and Turtle Demon were not interested in a mouse, but could not let go of the kid. It was Black Killer's order.


Facing the two loyal "walking dead", the first prince could not attract their attention and had to take the initiative to tease them.


The two guardians originally ignored the mouse, but it was entangled with them and was related to the kid. They could not keep calm and began to drive it away.


After a few rounds, the first prince finally misled the eyesight of the two "walking dead".


Iron Egg took the chance to escape out of the Black Tiger Cave and ran to the woods.


The first prince did not leave from Black Tiger Cave. In order to make sure Iron Egg had run out of the dangerous place, he was still trying to attract Wind-blown Monster and Turtle Demon's attention, in case that they would come after Iron Egg when finding he had escaped.


He was provoking the two loyal guardians outside and inside the hole, which made the two have no time to care about what happened around them.


Wind-blown Monster and Turtle Demon were chasing the mouse, but had no awareness of killing it. Since their master did not order them to kill it, they could only drive it away.


Iron Egg had no trace to be found, so the first prince finally took a relief. He was still nervous and worried about the safety of the kid.


He had reached his purpose, so he stopped bothering Wind-blown Monster and Turtle Demon. He tried to find a chance to run out of Black Tiger Cave and went to the forest to look for Iron Egg.


He ran around and looked around. Iron Egg had no trace to be found, so he felt very anxious.


He did not know where the kid went, so where should he go to find him?


He looked at the falling sun and felt more anxious. Let alone Iron Egg might encounter monsters he might be eaten by the wandering beasts


He looked around but did not find Iron Egg. He could not help lamenting and blaming himself. Perhaps, he had made a mistake for his good mind. Iron Egg might lose his life by accident.


At this night, the first prince did not have a rest and kept looking for the kid. Once he saw a monster or heard some suspective sound, he would drive it away and go to have a check. He would not allow the kid to get hurt.


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When the sun rose, the first prince was still looking for Iron Egg and did not find him. He did not know the kid met a beast or just hid.


He looked anxious and kept looking for the kid until he met the imperial master Xiao Tianlong.


Zhang Yunyan learned this situation and kept lamenting. There was no place to hide. Besides, Iron Egg had no ability to hide. There must be quite a lot of beasts in darkness, so as to monsters. He might die.


At this point, she had nowhere to find the kid and could not blame the first prince. He had a good intention. He sighed in his mind and had to send Xiao Tianlong and the first prince back first. They said goodbye with tears.


Wind-blown Monster and Turtle Demon found nothing and had to say goodbye to Zhang Yunyan. They went on their ways.


Zhang Yunyan did not give up and looked for him around. He did not find Iron Egg's trace and had to leave sadly.


She had nowhere to find the kid and prayed that Iron Egg was still alive. She hoped that the kid had found a place to hide and could reunite with his parents soon.


She knew it was just a fantasy and self-comfort, which could only dilute the pain in her heart.


In the forests, let alone a kid, even a normal adult could not survive.


At this time, Iron Egg might pass away. Yunyan dared not think too much and did not want to keep the pain in her heart. She held a hint of fantasy to pray for the kid silently.


The sun fell down and the evening came. The bird sang while the insect came. The ground was covered under the sunset glow, performing an episode of life.


On the small road in the country, a figure was moving fast. She was Zhang Yunyan. After rushing about day and night, she finally walked out of the deep forest.


Yunyan experienced this difficult and dangerous situation and felt extremely lucky to escape out of danger.


The dangers and fierce battles once and once again were all thrilling, leaving her deep impressions. She would felt excited when she thought of it. The scaring feelings also lingered on her heart.


Zhang Yunyan passed through a village and ate a meal in the restaurant. Then, she found a hotel to sleep in.


She hurried to avenge. Although she still had wounds on her body, she did not want to have a rest. She wanted to go home to slaughter Yan Xiaopeng and avenged for the death of her parents.


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It was quiet in the room. The moonlight pierced through the window paper, scattering small irregular spot on the ground. There was a dim of light.


Zhang Yunyan was lying on the bed and she could not sleep. She thought of all kinds of encounters this time and felt shocked and excited by the magical journey in the alienated world.


The more she thought, the more magical she felt. It seemed that she was controlled by a mysterious force. She was unable to be independent and had such a terrible encounter, so as to those mysterious mysteries.


This experience was beyond terrible, and was very magical. It seemed that there were some hidden secrets. In retrospect, each one was so mysterious and so incredible, which even happened to her.


Yunyan was puzzled. Why? What kind of horrible secrets were hidden?


The time-travel of thousands of years made Zhang Yunyan feel incomparably magical and she could not forget the experience thousands of years ago. She also felt the yearning for the friends in the alienated world.


In that strange world, there were the Tianyue Country she used to fight for, her friend with generations Xiao Tianlong, her friend of life and death Samuume, and her beloved brother the second prince...


She could not forget these exciting things and close friends. When she was thinking of these, she would be full of excitement.


This magical journey, those memorable friends, and the beloved one in this alienated world... All of these left her a deep mark and would stay in her mind for a lifetime.


Thanks to the Magical Dragon Sword's magical power, they could win the war in the alienated world.


Otherwise, Zhang Yunyan not only could not eliminate the group of monsters to reverse the defeated situation, but also would die in the alienated world to become a poor lonely ghost.


She was very emotional. It was not easy for her to get the Magical Dragon Sword. Either the process of getting it or the origin of the sword implied some unknown secrets. It was so weird.


Zhang Yunyan clearly remembered that she met Black Killer by the shore of Jade Dragon Lake and was nearly killed by the monster.


At the crucial moment when Black Bear Demon waved his steel sword, the white dragon in Jade Dragon Lake surged out, driving Black Killer away and grabbing her into the lake.


In the cave filled with water, she suffered a lot and escaped miraculously. She even got the Magical Dragon Sword by accident and obtained the fish-like ability somehow. She also did not know why her inner and outer strength was enhanced.


It was an experience of life and death, but the result was good. It was unexpected and unbelievable.


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What secrets were hidden in that horrible experience? What kind of magical power was controlling her?


In her memory, Zhang Yunyan remembered that she had a strange nightmare in the cave under the water.


In the dream, she saw a black dragon and a white dragon. When the white dragon flew down, the Magical Dragon Sword appeared in front of her.


It seemed that this perhaps might be transferred by the white dragon or a treasure of the evil dragon. It was fortunate enough for her to obtain it.


This knife came from the white dragon and it seemed to own the nature of the evil dragon. It was as magical and brave as an elf with a strong perception.


There were a black and a white evil dragon in her dream. The white dragon must be the monster that captured her.


Was the black dragon in her dream real? If it existed, where did the black evil dragon go? Was it an accomplice of the white dragon?


Although Zhang Yunyan could not confirm whether the black dragon existed, but felt something awkward. She felt that the black evil dragon would not appear in her dream for no reasons. There might be a monster and did not know where the monster hurt people.


Yunyan thought of that nightmare and felt puzzled. It was weird. The dream must have some hidden meaning.


What did the dream presage?


Mystery, these were all mysteries. She could not guess or forget. She had been suspecting from time to time.


During the travel in the alienated world, Zhang Yunyan rendered meritorious service relying on Magical Dragon Sword. It was the precious sword that saved Xiao Tianlong and Tianyue Country. Therefore, she was praised by the people of the monarchs and ministers and kept her life to return to her hometown.


Yunyan thought of the sealed cave under Jade Dragon Lake and still felt emotional. Without the fish-like ability, she must be drowned.


The ability that he could stay under the water came timely and was really a miracle. It was unbelievable and could not be solved.


It was hard for her to get this magical skill. How could she have this ability unconsciously? What was going on? It should be a reason.


She naturally could not know the real reason and could only suspect.


Zhang Yunyan thought of the message from the "Millennium Covenant". It was mysterious. Was it true?

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