Chapter 125 Despair

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Yan Xiaopeng took a few breaths and stretched his legs and arms. His nervousness was eased.


He came to the window and tried to ask someone to take Zhang Yunyan away. However, before he could open his mouth, wind and rains rushed into the house. He got wet at once and hurriedly closed the window.


Living Yama wiped the drops on his face and felt dismayed. He shook his head and felt helpless.


He looked at the unconscious Zhang Yunyan and glanced at the woman on the bed. He smiled silently. It was good. He could put this beauty downstairs. Perhaps, he still had a chance to play with her.


Yan Xiaopeng could not ease his lust and could not find someone to help him in this storm. He dragged Zhang Yunyan downstairs and hoped to conciliate his lust. However, the timing was wrong.


He sighed silently and had to suppress his lust. He had to conciliate the woman upstairs and found another chance to allow the beautiful enemy to comfort him.


Living Yama deeply knew that he could not give this horrible goddess any chance to escape. Otherwise, he could not survive. He tied up Yunyan's arms and legs tightly and tied the string onto the steel ring. Then, he could go back to the second floor with confidence.


"Master, I am scared. I am scared..."


The woman on the bed had been wrapping herself tightly with the quilt and could not move when curling up at the corner of the bed. At this point, although she was no longer trembling, her face was still pale and she still showed out the expression of fear.


Yan Xiaopeng smiled silently and bitterly. He sighed and stepped to the bed.


He comforted, "My baby, the girl has been caught. I will kill her soon. You don't have to be scared. I am here and don't be afraid. You can consider her as a dead person or nothing. Be at ease."


The woman looked at the stairs with fright in her eyes. The fear was not easy to be eliminated. The killing goddess was downstairs. How could she consider her as nothing? Was it self-deception?


Living Yama held Yunxia and kissed on her fearful but delicate cheek. A sense of lust showed up on his ugly face.


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He smiled and said, "Baby, you are scared just now. Let me comfort you."


Yunxia's eyes flashed with an uneasy expression. She glanced at the stairs from time to time. Het fear could not be eliminated at once.


She sighed and said with fear, "Master, that woman is so fierce and looks like a demon. I am really afraid of being eaten by her. I am even more afraid that you will be, will be..."


"Baby, you think too much. How can it happen? Who am I? I have experienced all kinds of difficulties. Besides, we are in our Yan Mansion, so how can I allow her to hurt someone casually."


"Just now, you are almost in danger... something may happen..."


"I don't have any precaution before and she comes to us accidentally. Otherwise, she will not reach her goal."


The woman did not respond and glanced at the stairs with fearful expression in her eyes.


Yan Xiaopeng sighed silently and remembered the scene he fell into great danger. He still felt in jeopardy.


He could not show any weakness in front of his beloved woman and continued to boast, "I am a veteran who has experienced many battles. It is easy for me to deal with this little woman. I catch her by using simple tactics. Let alone she is not a demon. Even if she was a demon, Jiuyou Sage would protect us. She can not make any troubles."


Yunxia felt even more uneasy and regained fear when hearing his words.


She looked at her reliable man with fearful expression in her eyes. She stuttered, "That, that Jiuyou Sage is also horrible. I..."


Yan Xiaopeng sighed and said, "Yes, Jiuyou Sage is also horrible. However, he was our reliance. With his protection, no one will provoke our Yan Mansion. I can do anything I want in both good and evil sides."


"Ah, I don't want to rely on him. It's better to live with you peacefully."


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The woman was not interested in this, but only hoped to be safe and happy. It was what she thought in her mind indeed.


Living Yama smiled silently and looked a little proud. Then, he said, "Women have long hairs but short sights. It's totally different if we don't have this reliance. I deeply feel it."


"It's nothing to do with my short sights. You deeply feel it, so, so do I. Jiuyou Sage... he, he is too horrible. How, how much I am afraid of him, you must know..."


Yan Xiaopeng sighed and said, "Of course I know, uh... it's over. Don't mention it. Well, we don't have to be afraid of now. Anyway, it's a rare good thing. Since our Yan Mansion has this reliance, we can do anything we want. We don't have to care about others and no one dares provoke us or be at our other side. Now, whoever, even the governors, should listen to our orders and follow our instructions to take action. Otherwise, they will not have good results."


The woman glanced at the stairway with a horrible expression on her delicate face. "Ah, sometimes, this reliance is not that reliable. Just now, we're nearly dead. It's too terrifying to think about it..."


Her words poked to his inner pain. Living Yama still felt fearful and sighed secretly.


He eased his uneasy mood and comforted Yunxia. Then, he said, "The girl came here in a sudden without any sigh. We have no time to prevent her. She nearly kills us. Well, she has been caught and can not make any trouble. It's dangerous to have this kind of enemy. I will not allow her to live in this world. I must kill her."


Yunxia lay in Yan Xiaopeng's arms and said nothing. Since the horrible danger had passed away, her mood got better.


Living Yama looked at the stairs and felt both angry and disdainful. He took a deep breath.


He looked fierce and very proud. "Ah, that woman is already a dead person. I can keep her for a few hours. She will be really painful and very desperate at this night. Tomorrow morning, she will feel worse. I will take off all of her clothes..."


Suddenly, he felt that he had said something wrong. He stopped and glanced at the woman in his arms. However, Yunxia was also looking at him.


The woman felt dissatisfied when hearing his words and asked, "Master, what will you do to her tomorrow morning? Will, will you have fun with her?"


Living Yama wore a bitter smile. "I'd like to have fun with her, but I will not let you know."


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He smiled, saying while patting her, "Don't say something like this. She is my enemy. I can't wait to kill her, so how can I make love with her? Tomorrow, I want to take her off in the public and make her shameless. Then, she will hope to die."


Yunxia advised and said, "Master, you don't have to do this. She is a woman. It, it will be too embarrassing. We can't do this to her."


Yan Xiaopeng laughed. "I haven't expected that you'll be sympathetic to her. She was our enemy. Just now, she frightens you so deeply. We should do anything to her as we wish."


"No, you can kill her to avoid later trouble, but you can't do this to her."


Living Yama thought in his mind, "I don't want to despise her in the public, but want to play with her and make her feel more pain. She will feel both sufferings in her body and mind. Ah, I just want to diminish your caution to say so, in case you will feel dissatisfied."


The woman looked at Yan Xiaopeng and waited for his answer.


Yan Xiaopeng shook his head and sighed, "Well, I will accept your suggestion. I will kill her tomorrow in a painful way. I will let her know who I am and what the results will be to provoke me!"


His words were fierce, while his eyes widely opened. However, it could not ease his lust for the beauty.


He sighed silently. At this moment, his eager lust could only be satisfied by the woman in his arms.


During the conversation, he vented his hatred to Zhang Yunyan, but did not delay kissing his beloved woman.


Outside, the thunder and lightning flashed. Rains poured down. It seemed to completely bury this sinful mansion.


Upstairs, the candlelight was bright. The warmth was integrated into the light of the room.


Downstairs, the lamp was dim, trembling with the thunders and then forced back by the lightning.


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Zhang Yunyan had awakened. She lost the inviolable majesty without the violent momentum of the goddess and the courage to engulf the enemy.


She was filled with hatred and despair in her mind. Anger and sadness were covered her face.


Yunyan felt painful in her mind and tore down, but she could not make the man upstair hear her noise. She could only suppress her grief and anger to hold her tears.


When she thought that she could not slaughter Yan Xiaopeng to revenge for her parents, could not meet her brother and sister again, and could not revenge for her adopted father, she felt greatly painful.


She had no way to complete the mission given by family Zhang and family Lin. She had lived up to the sustenance and expectation of her relatives. What was worse, she would die in the hands of her enemy. When she thought of it, she would feel desperate.


Zhang Yunyan was very remorseful and tore down with sorrow. She fell into great anger and grief...


Revenge was her biggest wish in this life. At the moment when she could realize the goal, the unpredictable things happened.


She was very sad. How could this terrible thing happen?


She could originally complete her long-wished vows. However, everything was in vain. It was really sad and she dared not look back.


Let alone that Zhang Yunyan had been caught by Yan Xiaopeng and could not live to tomorrow. Who would help her to revenge for her family? Who would revenge for her?


Revenge was her unforgettable vow for more than a decade. However, she lost this chance for a small mistake. How could she not be in despair?


At this moment, Zhang Yunyan's mood was complicated and uneasy. The wounded heart waa bleeding. It had been wrapped tightly by hatred and despair. She was extremely uncomfortable.


She was very angry with a painful expression on her face. She had no strength to tighten herself. She was angry sometimes and dull sometimes. All of her mind and body were falling into sad emotions.


Zhang Yunyan thought of the terrible moment and her embers were hard to be eliminated. She felt confused about the white powder. What was that?

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