Chapter 126 Difficult to Realize her Dream

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Zhang Yunyan, who was recalling and thinking of that scene of horror, still felt fearful.


She felt both afraid and puzzled over the white fragrant powder. She was still skeptical. "What's inside the paper bag? It could make me faint at once. I have no time to react. It's tough. I cannot prevent this."


A sound of thunder made the oil lamp shake continuously. Then, lightning flashed by and the whole room turned bright, completely covering the faint light.


Yunyan lamented in her mind. "I hadn't expected that Living Yama would have this kind of things. He is insidious and deceitful. Since I have been captured by my enemy, I must die. I have no hope of killing my enemy or reaching my goals. I have no ability whatsoever. How unfortunate for my family... Mother, father, I have no ability to avenge you. I will get to hell full of regret and meet you, my parents..."


She had kept this bloody enmity in her mind for more than a decade. Her mind had been bleeding until now.


She was a weak girl who had lived to become a wandering burglar. It was not easy.


Her life had been too rough. She had lost her parents, brother, and sister as a child. She'd had no relatives, no food or clothes, and no happiness during her childhood. She had always been bullied by others.


Whenever she was bullied or grabbed, she would only swallow her painful tears and fight with anger. Even if she was badly battered, she would not give in.


Once, she had encountered a horrible thing. She could still remember this clearly.


At the time, she had still been young and had been wandering around for a living. She had often felt starved and cold.


Little Yunyan had been envious of rich girls who dressed beautifully. She had not been able to compare to those girls, who led good lives.


Little Yunyan had not been convinced. She would have been much prettier if she had been dressed in nice clothes and expensive jewelry.


However, she'd had no way of changing her situation. She had not been that lucky. She had only dressed in her worn clothes. It had been enough to have something to cover her body.


Little Yunyan had been a girl so she had possessed a sense of beauty. Although she'd had no means, she had hoped to make up for what she lacked herself.


Therefore, whenever she'd stop by a river to wash her clothes, she'd jump into the river to wash her body if no one was nearby.


She would then get dressed again and look at herself in the river. She had always seemed like another person. Her clothes had still been worn but clean.

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Besides, her face had been tender and delicate as a ruby. She had believed that she was much prettier.


Satisfied and confident, she would pick up two red flowers and pin them into her hair. She had felt different. Even compared to those rich girls, she had no longer felt inferior.


However, before long, she had become the target of a gangster who had robbed her maliciously. She had been too scared to escape getting captured. At the most crucial moment, she had bitten the guy's arm and cut off a piece of his flesh.


The wicked gangster had been in too much pain to snort. Meanwhile, she had bled.


Mad with anger, the man had beaten and kicked her. Little Yunyan had nearly fainted.


Ever since, she'd had to hide her ideas of pursuing beauty and no longer make herself look nice. She had dressed in clothes full of dirt stains and not cleaned her face.


There had been no other way. This had been her amulet, her way of keeping unscrupulous people away from her.


Since a young age, she had encountered uncountable difficulties and dangers which had shaped her body and mind, as well as her unyielding nature. Therefore, she could now survive by being stubborn and protecting herself.


Avenging her parents was her motivation to stay alive. She would survive by using any means.


For more than a decade, she had been cultivating hard in the hopes of serving an expert to learn high-level martial arts.


She had been fortunate enough to meet her adoptive father Lin Hailong and adoptive mother Yang Yufeng. Thus, she had regained the love of a father and a mother. She now had brothers and sisters again and maintained warm family relationships. Despite her hard life, she was truly happy.


Thanks to the cultivation of her adoptive parents, she had learned good martial arts and now had the ability to avenge her parents.


Although she had encountered some unexpected dangers the last two times she had gone back to her hometown to avenge her parents, she had not given up or lost her confidence.


Tonight, as she was about to kill Living Yama to keep the vow of revenge she had taken more than a decade ago, the last thing that was supposed to happen took place. Now, she would face a disaster and die in the hands of her enemy.


How could this happen? Was Heaven protecting a bully instead of giving her the opportunity to kill this bad guy? Why had her parents been killed by Living Yama and lived in hatred under the ground?


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It was over. It was totally over. Her hard work of more than a decade, her vows of more than a decade, the missions her relatives had assigned to her, her ambitions... Even her young life. Everything would be in vain.


She hated Yan Xiaopeng's cunny characteristics and her stupidity and incompetence. She hated the injustice of the world and the unfairness of Heaven...


However, it was useless for her to feel hatred or dismay. She could only get pushed on the twisted road by this cruel reality.


Zhang Yunyan felt really distressed as she thought of her deceased relatives. She broke down and sobbed at a low voice, trying her best to hold her voice back.


"Crack!" Another thunder was heard, shaking the ground slightly. The pale light dispelled the darkness of the sky. Unfortunately, this lasted for a short moment. For an instant, nothing changed.


Zhang Yunyan was crying, bitter tears flowing down her face. Sadness filled her mind along with endless anger and hatred.


Meanwhile, she roared in her heart, "Christ, why do you protect Living Yama? Why not give me the chance to kill this vicious man? Why not allow my family and those who have suffered from this bully kill him? You are unfair, completely unfair. This is unfair!"


She glanced at the wooden stairs leading to the second floor, full of hate, pain, anger and desperation. She lamented in her mind as she broke down.


Yan Xiaopeng was upstairs and really close, but she was unable to break free from the bondage to kill the enemy. What was worse, she could not keep her vows. She would be killed by Living Yama. She was done for.


At the moment, Zhang Yunyan was trapped in a desperate situation without any hope. Despair was the only emotion she would feel until she died.


Upstairs, under the soft candlelight and the strong lightning, two happy individuals were bathing while pleasantly making love. They seemed to be traveling in a wonderful fairyland and enjoying a happy time.


Downstairs, the violent heroine widened her eyes. Her eyes were full of hatred, endless grief and sorrow. There was also pain and despair in her expression...


Upstairs, the two happy individuals were so enchanted by their love that they could not hear the storm and the whistling sounds. They ignored the continuous thunder. All their earlier fright had been swept away. They had totally forgotten the fierce goddess downstairs.


What had Yan Xiaopeng used to catch Zhang Yunyan?


It turned out to be a special package of ecstasy. This product had amazing potency and could be considered rare in the world. As long as one took a little, one would be rendered unconscious by the seductive aroma.


In fact, this package of ecstasy did not belong to the Yan family. It had been taken back by Yan Xiaopeng's little son.

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Speaking of Yan Xiaopeng's youngest son, he was not a normal person. He actually had his own status in Jianghu. He was famous not only for his high-level martial arts, which made people scared, but also for his bad behavior and his habit of bullying people, which made them hate him deeply.


Yan Xiaopeng, who was proud of his youngest son, also had some hard-to-mention secrets. Whenever he thought of them, he would get suspicious and sigh.


Living Yama's youngest son was not a normal person. He had not only inherited his father's bad habits, but also become more vicious than his father. He would do anything he wanted to hurt people.


This guy, who wandered outside all the time, rarely came back home.


Two of his brothers stayed home to solve any issues and stay with their parents.


Although Yan Xiaopeng had rarely seen his youngest son during all these years, he liked him the most.


Yan Xiaopeng had three sons and had made great efforts to give them names.


Speaking of his name, Yan Xiaopeng was not satisfied with it. It would have been better to be named Yan Dapeng. However, his name was weak and powerless.


He planned on changing it to a powerful name, but his elders did not agree. He had no way of changing it. Thus, he could only allow this name to follow him in this life, even though he was not satisfied.


He had hoped that his three sons wouldn't be like him, so he had given them three powerful names.


Yan Xiaopeng had made great efforts and repeatedly thought of their names. He had hoped that they would be better than dragons, tigers, or hawks. Therefore, he had given them domineering names.


The eldest's name was Yan Feiying. He had gotten married and given birth to a son and a daughter.


The second son was named Yan Feilong. He had gotten married and given birth to two boys.


The third son was named Yan Feihu. He had not gotten married. No matter how many times his father had urged him to get married, he would not accept. He had his own ideas.


Although Yan Xiaopeng was very worried about this, he had no solution.


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His eldest son and second son had been lazy since a young age. They had not focused on learning martial arts. Thus, they were not good when it came to this aspect.


Yan Xiaopeng, who had felt disappointed when he had discovered that they could not become hawks or dragons, had not forced them to cultivate.


The third son was different. He had liked martial arts since he had been a child. He had not only mastered Yan Xiaopeng's skills, but also left home to worship some high-level experts. He was excellent at martial arts. He was actually even better than his father.


This was one of the most important reasons why Yan Xiaopeng liked his youngest son, Yan Feihu.


His talent at high-level martial arts aside, Yan Feihu was also handsome. He was a rare sight to behold. His two brothers could not compare to him. They were completely different.


In this regard, Yan Xiaopeng was very happy and surprised. He had never thought that he could have such a handsome son, although he was so ugly. It was a blessing from heaven.


He was very proud, as he thought that his youngest son enhanced his status. He felt glorious, even though he was much more handsome than him.


However, the handsome appearance of his youngest son had become a topic of conversation among the public. Yan Xiaopeng had some hard-to-say secrets.


Yan Xiaopeng's appearance made it hard to get a compliment. One could compare him to a ghost.


People did not believe that he had been able to give birth to such a handsome boy and speculated that his wife must have had secret affairs with other men. They talked about this in secret.


Speaking of this issue, Yan Xiaopeng also had some doubts. He thought that he and his wife could not have given birth to such a handsome boy given his ugly appearance. He had nothing in common with him. There had to be some other reason for this.


He was both suspicious and troubled, as he did not consider this a "blessing from heaven".


He suspected that his second wife had had love affairs. She must hook up with some other men before having their youngest son. The more he thought about it, the more he believed this.


Living Yama would get angry and worried whenever he thought of this. He could not eat anything or sleep well. He had no strength to do daily work.


He secretly sighed. "This is not a 'blessing from heaven', but a 'blessing' from my second wife and the mysterious man in my Yan Mansion. I cannot accept this kind of 'blessing', but the result has been placed in front of me. I have to deal with it now. "


Yan Xiaopeng, who believed that he had not guessed wrong, wanted to punish all those who had given his Yan Mansion a 'blessing'. However, he had no evidence and no way to take action. He was very uncomfortable with this.

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