Chapter 137 Hard to Escape from Disaster

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Zhang Yunyan hoped to kill the demon deer when it was out of consciousness, in case of being hurt.


She hesitated before she planned to take action. She was afraid that it was not as simple as she thought. Since this deer came for her, it would not let her go easily and must take action soon.


It seemed to be faint still. It was probably an illusion. It might be clear about the situation around and did not let go of her every move. Perhaps, it was calculating how to attack her.


Yunyan could not take the initiative to provoke the monster. If she did not succeed in sneaking attack, she would ignite the troubles and get bigger disasters.


Zhang Yunyan looked around. it was silent and nothing changed. She could not see a bird or an insect.


She looked at the "dead" sika deer and still felt puzzled and suspicious.


What was this guy thinking about? Why did it not take action? It walked towards her just now, but stopped and no more moved. What happened to it? What conspiracy was being planned?


This demon was both sinful and horrible. Zhang Yunyan dared not to stay here longer. She immediately got up and quietly left. She should fleed away before the monster recovered its consciousness.


"You can't go!" Suddenly, a voice sounded around her.


Yunyan was shocked and stopped to turn around. The sika deer did not move and did not turn to her.


She was very nervous and looked around. There was no one at all.


Strange, the voice was right near to her, but why did she not see anyone?


Yunyan was shocked. The voice was clear and she really heard it. It was threatening her and was fierce.


Who was the speaker? Was it this sika deer?


This was impossible. Perhaps, this demon deer could not speak human language. Besides, it had lost its consciousness. It did not move. It could not be it.


This place was too horrible, weird, and daunting. She could not stay here. Yunyan turned around and ran away.


"You can't run!" The voice rang again clearly by her side.


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Zhang Yunyan was shocked again. She looked around and did not find any person. She was nervous and did not know why.


The sika deer did not move and its gesture did not change. Its eyesight did not blink and it did not turn to look at Zhang Yunyan.


Since no one was coming, there was no need to doubt and Yunyan confirmed that the sika deer was shouting. She felt more scared.


It seemed that the demon deer could feel the things and changes around by its strong perception instead of eyesight. It mastered Yunyan's every move.


Zhang Yunyan knew that this guy was taking the attack. She must escape from the land of terror as soon as possible. Otherwise, she would have no chance anymore. She no longer cared about the "dead" sika deer and ran away, hoping to escape the control of the demon deer.


Just then, the voice rang again, "You can't escape!"


The sound was still so clear just behind her. It seemed to have been close.


Zhang Yunyan was very nervous. She was running while turning around, but found no figures. She looked at the sika deer and was shocked. This deer had gone!


En? How could this demon deer suddenly disappear since it was fixed over there? Besides, it disappeared in silence.


Yunyan was very nervous and regained fear. She stopped in a hurry and looked around, holding the Magical Dragon Sword to prepare for any changes.


She had no doubt that the sika deer was indeed a monster. From its powerful perceptual ability and the magical skills to move, it had deep cultivation and great skills. Even if Saitaisui and his three brothers could not match it.


It seemed that the demon deer had already had a plan and was about to take action.


The danger was approaching and Zhang Yunyan looked nervous and worried. In the search, she did not find the demon deer or any suspiciousness. Even the leaves and branches were motionless.


She was more worried and her nerves were still tight.


Yunyan had no time to think about where the sika deer went. She turned around and fled, hoping to leave this land of terror soon.


In the woods, there was no trace of wind and it was really hot. A sense of horror showed up in the silence, which made all the beings shocked.


In the wilderness, the birds did not fly. Insects did not call. Only a terrified life was running crazily.


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Suddenly, the wind whistled and a black shadow fell from the sky and blocked the way.


Ah, it was it! Zhang Yunyan was so scared that she stopped in a hurry, watching the guy who suddenly came. Her body shocked in an instant.


The sudden appearance of this guy was so surprising. Beyond surprise, it was more frightening.


The falling thing was small but had a compelling eyesights. Its eyes were shining with a fierce light, which was as horrible as a fierce god.


Zhang Yunyan looked at the fierce god in front of her and remembered the mysterious sika deer. She felt more fearful.


She was very anxious. Was this guy the accomplice of the sika deer? Were they colluding to kill her?


Yunyan was very nervous and lamented silently. She had no ability to deal with a monster. If the two came to her together, what should she do? She could only wait for death.


Facing two fierce monsters, she was extremely nervous and the emotion of horror had reached to the extreme.


She was lonely, helpless, and depressed. Why was her fate so unfortunate? Why would she always meet fierce monsters?


What was the falling thing? Why was Zhang Yunyan so fearful?


It turned out that the thing flying down was a monkey. The monkey was small with shiny eyesights. It looked fierce and aggressive.


Zhang Yunyan looked at the fierce monkey and knew that it was an elf, so as to a horrible monster. From the flying skill, she could tell that this monkey was a monster with strong magical power. She had no ability to fight against.


Yunyan did not forget the sika deer and did not know whether it was an accomplice of it. She did not know where the deer wen to wait for her.


The demon monkey and demon deer were both harmful elves and both fierce. They would take the attack in turn to hurt a weak creature. They started such a big movement, which was really horrible.


Facing the two fierce monsters, Zhang Yunyan had no way to escape or fight against. She could only struggle. The consequences were terrible. She could not keep her life.


She was very grieved and felt painful and desperate for her impending death. She was very guilty and utterly sad for her unfulfilled mission.


Yunyan thought that she had nothing to succeed when she got to Yan Mansion for revenge twice and nearly died. She was both angry and frustrated.


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Now, she met a demon monkey and a demon deer in succession. It was terrible and she could not escape from death.


Perhaps, those unfortunate encounters were a kind of warning. They were warning Zhang Yunyan that this trip was very rough and dangerous. She could not complete her vow of revenge.


However, her vengeance was determined not to change, but to reverse the situation, even if she would determine to get wounds or die.


If this was a kind of warning, Yunyan did not notice it at all and did not have this kind of consciousness. Her revenge for her parents was not a temporary impulse, but her dream for more than a decade. It must be completed without any scruples and would never change.


Needless to say, even if Yunyan knew that revenge was not feasible, she would unswervingly embark on the journey, even if she would go to the fireplace until the end of this life.


This was her personality and her mission that must be accomplished. She would not give up as long as she was alive and would struggle to go forward.


In her lifetime, Zhang Yunyan had experienced horrible dangers one after another. She could always keep her life and gained the ability to have a position in Jianghu.


However, the disaster did not end. On her road of revenge, she met a demon monkey and a demon deer in succession. It was too unexpected and terrible.


The disasters suddenly came one after another. Yunyan could not afford it. Was it true that revenge was really difficult to achieve? Would she really lose her life?


Whether tension or horror was nothing serious. Since it was like this, it was useless for her to be painful and depressed. She could only face the cruel reality and fierce monsters.


This monkey was indeed extraordinary with shiny fur and fierce eyesights. It must be an elf with cultivation. Its eyes turned and it stared at Zhang Yunyan with a sly look.


It sneered, smugly looking at the prey in front of it and saying, "Girl, I am hungry and you come to my eyes. It's good. I can use you to fill my stomach."


Zhang Yunyan felt more fearful and completely desperate when hearing this. Facing such a vicious monster, she was as weak as a small bug. She could only wait for being slaughtered and becoming the food of the demon monkey.


Since it was so, she had to face it. Even if she was a small bug, she should struggle before death.


She made up her mind and stabilized her nervous emotions, staring at the monster and preparing for resisting.


Zhang Yunyan was very eager to solve the mystery in her mind. She shouted to stop it when finding the demon monkey was about to take action, "Don't hurt me. Please tell me who you are and your name."


The demon monkey snorted. "Don't ask my name. I don't care about it. It is OK to know I am a monkey. Besides, you will die soon. It is the same whether you know my name or not. It is superfluous to ask me."


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Yunyan ignored it and asked, "What is your relationship with the sika deer? Why do you go wrong with me? Why are you going to kill me?"


"Sika deer? I don't know and I haven't seen it. Don't be suspicious and talk too much. I am hungry. Accept to be my food."


At the end of its words, the demon monkey rushed over.


Facing such a fierce monkey, Zhang Yunyan had no way to escape and could only fight against it to the end. Although Zhang Yunyan was powerless to resist, she would never give up. She clenched her teeth to fight against the fierce monster. Even if she could not kill the monster, it would be better to cut him.


She tried to avoid its attack, waved her sword and hoped to kill the monster at once.


The demon monkey was unarmed and very powerful. It jumped to attack her and was very flexible. She could not hurt it. On the contrary, Zhang Yunyan was hit in a row and was finally beaten to the ground. She groaned and was difficult to move.


The demon monkey smiled and wore a disdainful expression. "Girl, you're so incapable, but still insist on. You are too self-sufficient. Be still and be my food, in case of being beaten and less pain. Of course, I can save more energy and I don't have to wait so long when I am hungry. Haha, I am lucky today and can catch a person with cultivation to give me some nutrition. I will take you back and fill my stomach. I hope to have a good sleep then. It is wonderful."


Zhang Yunyan was desperate and glared at the monster. In grief, she sighed secretly and felt that she could not control her life, but could only allow the fierce monster to kill her. She must die.


The demon monkey stopped paying attention to Yunyan and arose a puff of demon wind to take its prey away. It disappeared soon.


Zhang Yunyan lost consciousness and had been in a coma. She knew nothing about her fate.


When she had the perception, she felt dim in her eyes. It was silent and did not know where she was.


Yunyan supported to sit up, only to know that it was a cave in the patrol. She immediately became nervous. Needless to say, it was the cave of the demon monkey.


She looked around and did not see the monkey. She felt both nervous and confused.


Strange, where did the fierce monster go? Was it still sleeping elsewhere?


In the cave, there was no sound. Even the falling of a needle could be heard. The light was dim and the atmosphere was gloomy, which was like hell.


Zhang Yunyan was very nervous and still looked around. There was nothing in the cave and she found nothing. She did not know where the demon monkey was and did not know what it was doing.


Suddenly, she came up with an idea and felt nervous and fearful. She did not know whether she was still alive.


Was she killed by the demon monkey? Did her soul come to the underworld?

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