Chapter 138 The Sorrow of the Soul

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Zhang Yunyan did not see the demon monkey and was shocked. Suddenly, a thought came out of her mind: she was already dead and her soul came to the underworld.


The fierce monster was hungry and used her to fill its stomach in a hurry. It would not treat her with kindness. Her body had been buried in the monster belly.


Yunyan felt heartbroken and could not stop crying. It pierced her bleeding heart. She could not die. She must be alive. She had shouldered the mission of family Zhang and family Lin. She had to complete.


However, she had no ability to reverse the cruel reality or recover her life. With the life passed away, all of her unfinished vows turned into bubbles.


Yunyan felt horrible and miserable for this result.


She was looking for her brother Yuntian and her sister Yunxia, but got no news. She had an ominous premonition that only she lived in this world of her family Zhang.


Yunyan not only shouldered the mission of revenge for her parents, so as for her adopted father. Now, she did not finish any of them.


Unexpectedly, she had already lost her life and all the vows had become idle talks. She felt heartbroken.


Zhang Yunyan lived up to the expectations of two families. How could she face the souls of her relatives?


Yan Xiaopeng and Feng Jiabao were her bloody enemies and lived in this world. They were hurting people. When she thought of this, she would feel angry and heartbroken.


She hated that her life was so rough and hated her short life. Why could she die after she completed the vows?


She hated that heaven treated her so unfairly. Her relatives in family Zhang and family Lin were killed and countless people also suffered. Why not allow her to revenge for them?


Yan Xiaopeng and Feng Jiabao were still rampant in the world, forcing innumerable people to lose their families.


The two bully had committed plenty of crimes, which was uncountable, but they still enjoyed their lives. Where was the principle of justice? When would heaven allow them to end harming people?


They all said that good was rewarded with good, and evil with evil. Family Zhang and family Lin were kind to everyone, but were killed by the bullies. Yan Xiaopeng and Feng Jiabao had killed plenty of people, but lived in a good way.


Why? Why should not good people have a good result? Why did not the bad people get retribution?

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Good men suffered from death, but wicked persons were lawless and enjoying happy lives. What was the principle of this world?


The world was unfair, while heaven was unfair. Why did they always protect the wicked?


Zhang Yunyan died painfully, miserably, and helplessly. Her heart was bleeding. Her pain for more than a decade could not be healed. She could not die in peace.


Revenge for her parents and her adopted father Lin Hailong, reunion with her brother Yuntian and her sister Yunxia, and revenge for the brother and sister of family Lin... all of those were her missions of life.


She vowed to complete these missions and never let down the expectations of family Zhang and family Lin. She had not expected that her young life had ended and all of her wishes had vanished.


Zhang Yunyan had been unable to complete her mission in this life. She lived up to her relatives' expectation. She had no face to meet her relatives' souls. She felt heartbroken and tore down.


She did not know whether her brother Yuntian lived in this world or not. Even if he was alive, she did not know what his situation was and whether he had abilities to revenge for her parents.


She did not know whether her sister Yunxia was still alive. Even if this girl lived in this world, she would not have the abilities to kill Living Yama.


Besides, Yunxia was too young when she lost. She might not remember that grief experience. She might have forgotten her enemy.


At this time, Yunxia might not remember how her parents died and who was her enemy. Perhaps, she even did not know her background and name. How could she go for revenge?


Needless to say, even if her brother Yuntian and sister Yunxia was still alive and remember their enemy, they could not find Yan Xiaopeng troubles if they did not have abilities. They could only endure without protest and live in this world.


Brother Yuntian and sister Yunxia did not know Feng Jiabao and would not go to kill this bully for her adopted father.


This was the pain of blood in Yunyan's heart. This was the sorrow of family Zhang and family Lin. It was the loss of people.


People lost a respected heroine, while Yan Xiaopeng and Feng Jiabao were still hurting people, which made people feel heartbreaking.


Under the arrogance of the two bullies, people were struggling. They did not know when this situation would change and whether they still had hope.

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Facing the cruel reality, no one could change it and Zhang Yunyan could only accept. She could not recover her life.


The souls of family Zhang and family Lin could only endure the hatred underworld. People needed to suffer under the sway of Yan Xiaopeng and Feng Jiabao. What should they do?


Yunyan thought of the dead relatives and felt pain in her mind. She blamed herself and had no face to meet her relatives' souls.


After a while, she gradually stopped crying. The cave was quiet and the gloomy atmosphere made her feel shocked.


Zhang Yunyan sighed a few times and her painful emotions eased. Since she had died, it was useless to feel sorrow. At least, her soul was still there. Perhaps, there was still some hope.


She could travel in the underworld to see what it looked like. What kind of ghosts there were.


She reminded herself that everything in the underworld was unfamiliar and she needed to set up from the beginning. She had to observe more and think more. She needed to be alert. Since there were full of ghosts, monsters and demons would commit crimes. She should be careful.


Zhang Yunyan got up and moved her body. She felt some pain. Well, she could also move as usual. She could calm down.


Although she was just a soul, she needed to keep her soul completed. Otherwise, she could not travel in the underworld or protect herself. She had no way to survive.


Yunyan had a wish to worship an expert. Then, she could have the cultivation as Jiuyou Sage. Then, she returned to human world and continued to fulfill the mission.


She was going to slaughter Yan Xiaopeng to avenge her parents and going for her brother Yuntian and her sister Yunxia. Then, she could protect the descendants of family Zhang.


She would also look for her enemy Feng Jiabao and avenged for her adopted father.


In the cave, it was dim and silent. Except for a lonely soul, there was no more moving figure. In the underworld, it was gloomy and cold, filled with sadness and sorrow.


Zhang Yunyan looked at the cave and knew that the cave in the underworld was just like it in the human world. It was much darker. Facing the rock wall, she frowned and did not know why she came to the cave after her death.


She was observing while suspecting. Was it the only way leading to the underworld?


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Yunyan quickly denied. She could not be the only one who died at this moment. If it was the only road to the underworld, other souls would stay here or pass by. However, she saw no ghosts passing by for such a long time. It seemed that there were plenty of roads to the underworld.


She sighed. Since it was so, her soul came here for some reasons. She could not figure it out for a while.


Zhang Yunyan calmed down her troubled thoughts and decided to travel in the underworld. She could learn about the situation in the underworld and enjoyed the style of this world.


Although she failed the expectations of family Zhang and family Lin and had no face to meet her relatives' souls, she also hoped to reunite with her relatives and redeemed her crimes to them face to face. Then, she could enjoy the long-lost affection.


Yunyan would like to see her brother Lin Jiaxiang of her adopted family. She did not get married to her brother Jiaxiang and hoped to stay with him after death.


In the future, she and her fiancé were no longer be separated. They could reincarnate together and grow up together. Then, they could get married to fulfill the dream of love that was not realized in this life.


Zhang Yunyan put away her Magical Dragon Sword and tried to find the exit. She found no way out after a while.


This cave was big and complex, but was a closed cave with no way out.


Yunyan was surprised and panicked. She had not expected that the underworld was so terrible. Her soul was blocked in the closed cave.


She could not make sense that why not give her a way out since she just came here.


At this time, Zhang Yunyan realized that she was ruthlessly punished.


She was very depressed, puzzled, and indignant. She was good with people when she was alive and helped people with a sense of loyalty. She never did a bad thing and should not suffer such punishment.


Why? Why did it treat an upright and kind person like this?


demon It said that good was rewarded with good, evil was with evil. She did not get any reward in her life and was eaten by the demon monkey. It was miserable.


What was worse, her dead soul could not get a good result and was severely punished. Her soul would fade away soon.


Why? Why did this situation that made good people grieve and wicked people happy happen?

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Zhang Yunyan was indignant, miserable, and helpless.


She felt some hatred in her mind. The good person was punished, while the bullies Yan Xiaopeng and Feng Jiabao were hurting people. The vicious demon monkey was rampant in the world. Where was justice? The principle in the human world was unfair, so as to in the underworld. Where was justice? Heaven in the human world was different, so as to in the underworld. Where was the peaceful land for people to live?


Zhang Yunyan was helpless, angry, sad, and desperate...


However, the venting of all emotions was useless. She could only face reality. When she was alive, she had to face reality in the human world, while her soul needed to face reality in the underworld after she died. She had been there and could not avoid it.


Reality was ruthless. No matter how grieved she was, she could only be in the ruthless reality.


In her desperate, Zhang Yunyan could not help thinking of her savor Shikong and Turtle Elf. Both of the two friends saved her life and had the grace of regeneration. They both passed away, which was heartbreaking.


Turtle Elf turned into an elf after thousands of years' cultivation. It was uneasy. It left everything for saving her, so as to its life. It was touching. She had been mourning for her friend's death.


The little monk Shikong was so young and capable, but unexpectedly encountered Jiuyou Sage. Then, he died. His fate was also unlucky.


Thinking of the death of Shikong, Yunyan blamed herself. It seemed to be irrelated to the death of her savor, but she could not get rid of the responsibility.


If she did not go to Qinglong Mountain to wait for the "immortal", she would not meet Misty Flower to rape Shikong. Her savor would not meet Jiuyou Sage. He would just lose his virgin but could keep his life.


This was just suspicion. Yunyan's behavior was right and she should not be guilt. No one could suspect what happened next.


Shikong saved Yunyan's life, which was a great debt of gratitude. Otherwise, she would not live to now. She must die in the whip of the vixen Misty Flower.


Yunyan's guilty and self-blame were also very natural. If she did not go to Qinglong Mountain to wait for the "immortal", Shikong might keep his life.


Zhang Yunyan wanted to find the souls of Turtle Elf and Shikong, hoping to reunite with the two friends. They could help each other and cultivate together. Their skills and cultivation were much better than her, especially Shikong. Even the vixen Misty Flower was not his opponent, which was enviable.


If with the help of her friends, Yunyan would be more confident. Her abilities would be enhanced greatly. She needed to build a high-level ability as soon as possible and gained the ability to return to the human world to complete the missions of her lifetime.

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