Chapter 158 The Magical Mystery

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That matter was both mysterious and bizarre. That invisible old woman was even more suspicious. Zhang Yunyan felt more and more horrified as she thought about this and could not believe the existence of this mysterious person. She felt that those words were not true. Maybe it was the same as the millennium message in the cave, which was an illusion formed by the demon methods.


In the cave, the man used that way to confuse her. She had not thought that the message would follow her to the outside. He changed his accent to confuse her again and fool her. He tried to use everything to hurt her.


Zhang Yunyan was nervous and somewhat frightened, but could not figure out whether this issue was true or not and whether this person was real or not. She could only let it go.


She was still wondering whether she was alive or dead. Looking at the familiar environment and scenery, she kept rubbing her body as she recalled the horrible experience...


Yunyan felt that her body was real and that she was also in the human world. She was standing under the bright sunshine, so how could she have died. Those mysterious things might be illusions, but she had experienced them indeed. She did not die and was still alive.


Zhang Yunyan no longer had doubts, confirming that she was still alive.


She was very surprised and excited. Living was her greatest wish. Only living in the human world would give her a chance to fulfill her vows and to pursue her lofty ambitions.


In the cave, Yunyan thought that she had been killed by the demon monkey and felt pain for her death. She also felt desperate for the upcoming disappearance of her soul.


Unexpectedly, she had not died after going through such a terrifying danger. She survived indeed. How could she not be overjoyed and excited?


Zhang Yunyan's face was full of joy as tears flowed down. She released her sadness out of joy...


She was very puzzled. The demon monkey was so vicious and powerful. At the moment when it was hungry and declared that it would swallow her, why did he allow her to survive?


Besides, the sika deer also claimed it would not let her go, wanting to kill her. It would not have allowed her to escape.


The two fierce monsters had no goodwill toward her and were both vicious monsters. She could not survive unscathed.


However, this was too unexpected. Not only did she not die, but she was also uninjured. It was really puzzling.


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What was going on? It would not be wrong that this was the human world. It would not wrong that she was still alive. What was wrong?


In this regard, Yunyan did not know and no one would know. This was another mystery.


It was really a miracle that Zhang Yunyan had escaped from death and received no harm inside and outside her body. It was an impossible miracle. However, this "impossible" miracle actually happened. Unbelievable.


Did Yunyan get a chance to escape because of the demon monkey's temporary carelessness?


In this regard, Yunyan could not agree. That guy had hoped to swallow her to fill its stomach, so how could it let her go so easily?


She still felt puzzled and had not met this guy after being captured by the demon monkey. How did she escape from the demon monster?


Perhaps, the demon monkey had imprisoned her in the closed cave hoping to swallow her with the demon deer, which gave her a chance to survive.


Miracle, it was a miracle. Yunyan's survival was a miracle. This miracle was a miracle itself.


Zhang Yunyan was ecstatic. It was so lucky for her to escape from death. She was afraid that the demon monkey and the demon deer would come after her if they found out she had escaped, and she was afraid that the hidden controller would cast a demon sneak attack. Lest she lose her life, she ran away.


After this horrible disaster, Yunyan had another thought on this invisible old woman. This woman might not be a monster. Maybe she was a high-level expert or an elf with cultivation.


Yunyan still felt confused and could not believe who the old woman said she was and why she claimed that she had met Yunyan thousands of years before. They were even friends of life and death.


Such "myths" were too incredible. The so-called "friends with generations" had lasted thousands of years. Ignoring whether it was true or not, she dared not think about this kind of issue.


Of course, this kind of thing had happened before. Zhang Yunyan did know a few persons thousands of years ago. They even became friends of life and death. Among them, Xiao Tianlong and Samuume were experts with high-level cultivation, and so was the Ganoderma lucidum elf Treasure.


However, the so-called "millennial covenant" and the old woman were not Xiao Tianlong, Samuume, or Treasure. Aside from the three, she knew no other ancient persons with high-level cultivation, let alone friends of life and death.

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This was ridiculous and beyond bizarre. There was absolutely no such weird thing.


As she pondered, Zhang Yunyan came up with an idea. Was the mysterious old woman the millennial covenant?


It was possible. She said that she could not release the secrets of heaven and refused to tell Yunyan who she was.


The voice of the "millennium covenant" sounded male, not like an old woman's voice, but she could not deny this possibility. Perhaps, the millennium covenant intentionally changed its voice to confuse her.


Zhang Yunyan silently denied this idea. If the two were the same person, he or she had no need to change from time to time. It was unnecessary to use that to confuse her.


Who were the two old persons who claimed to have lived for thousands of years? Why did they both say that they had met her thousands of years ago and had deep friendships of life and death with her? The old woman claimed that she had a deep relationship with Yunyan that was incomparable. What kind of relationship did they have? How could it be so unforgettable?


Zhang Yunyan dared not believe these "myths" and would not believe.


Needless to say, if it was true, she should have this kind of experience so she would have a deep impression. Then, she could accept these words in a logical way and admit it was true.


However, except for her visit to Tianyue Country, she had never left her era before. She had no related memories so far. She had never even dreamed about the man and the woman of ancient times. How could she believe this kind of thing?


What both of them said was absurd and she could not believe it.


Perhaps, as the millennium covenant said, this was an issue that he had figured out. She would experience it later on, but it had not happened yet. If so, that issue and that person might exist.


Whether it was true or not remained to be seen. Only when she got to the ancient era could she make sure.


These things were difficult mysteries that were bizarre and unbelievable. She had no way to explain them or believe them.


There were too many such mysteries. She did not know if she still had time to figure it out and if it would bring any disaster to her. She did not know whether it was good or not and what kind of results she would have.

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These unknowns were also mysteries that she could not figure out in such a short time.


Since they were all mysteries, she could only keep them at the back of her mind. Zhang Yunyan no longer wanted to worry about them. Whether she could solve them or not would be fine, she would just allow these mysteries to be there.


The sky was blue and the clouds floated above. Insects called and birds played games. Flowers and trees were motionless, enjoying the sunshine quietly.


Zhang Yunyan had encountered the demon deer and the demon monkey and she was nearly killed by them, getting hurt badly. Some puzzles came to her mind. Fortunately, it was threatening but not dangerous. She finally got rid of the god of death and survived.


Yunyan did not change her mind. Tidying up and checking herself, she went back to her original path of revenge. With hatred and the conviction of victory, she vowed to kill Yan Xiaopeng and end her decade-old goals of revenge.


Could Zhang Yunyan succeed in killing her enemy?


At this point, this was also a mystery. She hoped she could achieve her goal.


Zhang Yunyan moved during daytime and rested overnight, moving toward Yan Xiaopeng's location—the Yan Village in the west of Shuanghe County.


This was the fourth time for her to embark on the journey of revenge. She needed to persist in fulfilling her vows for more than a decade to avenge her parents, to soothe her bleeding soul, and to comfort her parents' souls.


Zhang Yunyan remembered the first experience of revenge and sighed. She still felt fearful. At that time, she had accidentally encountered Black Killer and the white evil dragon and was nearly killed by the two monsters.


The second time, when she went to Yan Mansion for revenge, it was not smooth. She met a male monster and banshee. She was unsuccessful and was nearly killed by the banshee's sword.


Her third experience of revenge was even more horrible. Yan Xiapoeng had nearly cut her into pieces. Thanks to Cloud-reaching Crane Bai Yunfei coming to save her like an immortal from heaven, she was able to escape death.


She learned a painful lesson and still remembered it clearly now and in the future. She hated the vicious bully, Yan Xiaopeng, and promised to kill him.


Yunyan was very grateful to her savor Bai Yunfei but had no ability to repay his grace. She could only pray for him.

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She admired Bai Yunfei's high-level cultivation and hoped to become a well-known heroine like him. She could build her status in Jianghu.


She hoped to follow her brother to cultivate martial arts, improve her own cultivation, and enhance her skills. All of those improvements to her abilities to help her travel in Jianghu.


In order to improve her martial arts and cultivate high-level skills, Yunyan dreamed a lot but could not reach those goals. Not one had been realized so far.


This time, Zhang Yunyan had been full of confidence as she set out in her wish to kill Yan Xiaopeng. However, she had met the demon deer and the demon monkey on the way and nearly died.


Now, she had embarked on the road to revenge with confidence once more. She must kill Living Yama to avenge her parents and the other victims.


Inadvertently, Zhang Yunyan had a new discovery that surprised her deeply. It turned out that the writing near the handle of the Magical Dragon Sword had changed. She was surprised and could not believe it.


Yunyan remembered clearly that when she had gotten the precious sword in the Jade Dragon Lake of her hometown, there was sentence on the blade that said, "Magical Dragon Sword, weighs 24 Jin." However, the weight on the blade had now changed to 49 Jin.


It was too weird. This was just a spiritual sword. How could it change by itself? Did it really increase to a weight of 49 Jin?


If so, she would not be able to lift it with a single hand. Even if she could lift it up, she would not be able to use it as she wished.


In doubt, an idea came to Zhang Yunyan. Had her strength been enhanced? Could she be able to hold such a heavy weapon?


She still could not believe that this was true and that her strength could be enhanced so suddenly. It must be that the treasure sword had changed its mark casually instead of actual weight addition.


This bothered Yunyan all the time. Along the way, she passed by a store and weighed the Magical Dragon Sword and was shocked by the result. She had not expected that this sword was 49 Jin indeed without any error.


Zhang Yunyan was deeply surprised by the fact that the dragon sword could change its weight on its own and even change its marks. It was amazing. She was also surprised and happy to find her strength had been enhanced.


This puzzled Yunyan. In the catastrophe where she had such a close shave, how could she have reaped such an amazing harvest?

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