Chapter 159 The Three Dragon-riding Monsters

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Zhang Yunyan looked at the Magical Dragon Sword and felt joyful. She was deeply shocked by the incomparable sword and felt pleased with her enhanced external strength.


The Magical Dragon Sword was amazing and could even change its weight according to Zhang Yunyan's ability, satisfying its owner's needs. This was really a rare spiritual thing in the world. It was likely she would never find a similar thing.


She waved the heavy sword, sending out a puff of wind that showed off the power of this sword and her bravery.


Zhang Yunyan was very happy and her confidence was enhanced. With her current skills and strength, she could easily slaughter the Living Yama without too much effort.


Although joyful, she still felt puzzled. This change in her strength was huge and she had never expected this before. It surprised her.


Looking at the marks on the Magical Dragon Sword, she felt both joyful and puzzled. There must be some reason for the increase in her strength. How did she get this improvement?


Yunyan was suspiciously thinking but did not know why her strength was increased so tremendously.


However, she could confirm that she had this huge change after the horrible experience of meeting the demon deer and the demon monkey. Before this, the marks on the sword did not change and still read 24 Jin.


Suddenly, an idea came to her mind. She thought of the words of the mysterious old woman which had clearly stated that she had already gained a "fundamental skill."


Was this old woman referring to the enhancement of her strength?


Yunyan felt that this could be counted as a skill, but was different from what she had said. The old woman must have meant some other skills.


Did she really get a "rare skill"? What was it? How could she not feel anything?


Zhang Yunyan still could not believe the old woman's words and still felt suspicious about the authenticity of the mysterious figure. Her external strength had been increased. There might be some other reasons. She might not have learned a so-called "rare skill."


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She had gained the fish-like skill by accident in the Jade Dragon Lake of her hometown. Then, somehow she had lost this magical skill. At this moment, she was a normal person cultivating martial arts and had no internal strength. How could she have any magical skill?


In this regard, Yunyan still did not know the reasons and could not guess. She stopped thinking about it. Enhancing her inner strength was a good thing and gave her the ability to face a strong enemy.


At noon that day, Zhang Yunyan had a meal in a restaurant in the village and then hurried to set off.


In order to avoid the burning sun, she sometimes walked along the road and sometimes walked in the woods, still sweating.


Yunyan was walking along the road not knowing where she was, continuing to rush along the road.


Suddenly, there were three men across the road staring at Yunyan with admiration. From their greedy looks, she could tell that they were not good people.


The three men were 20 to 30 years old, dressed neatly, and armed with weapons. They did not seem to be people to provoke.


The three men went straight toward Zhang Yunyan and surrounded her.


Zhang Yunyan glanced at the three unscrupulous people and knew that she was in trouble. She became nervous, however, she was not frightened and still felt confident. She had experienced these things quite a lot ever since she was born. These few bullies did not deserve her attention. She had abilities to deal with these lady-killers.


Yunyan shouted. "What are you doing? Stay away. Don't bother me."


One person smiled and said, "Oh, look! This girl is tough and special. Girl, my brothers and I feel tired and want to invite you to go with us to have a rest and eat something."


Yunyan glared at them and snorted. "You should go on your own way. Your tiredness has nothing to do with me. I have things to deal with. Stay away!"


Another person smiled and said, "Girl, how can you say it's nothing to do with you? We feel tired and find it hard to control our affection for you. We need you to serve us. Don't refuse and have a seat under the tree. You will have more energy after having a good rest and some food."

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Zhang Yunyan felt angrier when she realized that they did not plan to give up. She shouted. "I suggest you don't bother me. It would be better for both you and me. Otherwise, you will be punished."


The three persons burst into laughter after hearing her words. Their disdain was heard in their laughter. They had no regard for this little woman.


One of them said, "Little beauty, the more I look at you, the more favorable you are in my eyes. It's our fate to meet, so we should communicate well. This is a good thing that you have our love. You will be overjoyed."


That guy who was nearly 30 years old looked at Zhang Yunyan with lust in his eyes. He said, "Brothers, you don't have to talk too much to her. Invite this lady to the woods at once. We can't waste this opportunity for a wonderful time."


Realizing that the three men were about to take action, Zhang Yunyan prepared to resist at once. Both sides joined the battle to end this quickly.


Yunyan had not paid much attention to the three men and thought it would be easy to defeat them. However, she soon realized that the three were good at martial arts when they joined the battle. It was not as easy as she thought it would be. She realized that she had met strong enemies and felt deeply nervous and anxious. The consequences were unpredictable.


At this time, Yunyan was beyond nervous and became a bit fearful. She might meet a disaster. Even if she did not die, she would be raped by the bullies.


Zhang Yunyan had a sense of crisis and really wished that someone would come and help her drive the three villains away so she could avoid this horrible disaster.


It was silent all around. There was not even a bird. No figure could be seen on the road, so who would come to help her? This poor beauty could only fight the villains alone.


Eventually, under the siege of the three villains, Zhang Yunyan was unable to avoid getting kicked, causing her to fall down to the ground when she did not notice their attack.


Before they could rush toward her, she jumped up like a carp. Then, she took out the Magical Dragon Sword and waved it toward the guys.


The three villains saw Yunyan taking out of her weapons, so they also took out theirs. They dared not attack her ruthlessly, worried that they would hurt her and affect the emotions of this beauty.


Therefore, Zhang Yunyan took advantage and continued to fight the three villains.

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She was besieged, having to look in front and behind. She was too tired to resist them and did not have the ability to defeat them. She became even more nervous and anxious. If this continued, she was afraid that disaster would really befall her.


During an attack, Zhang Yunyan blocked the incoming sword and planned to wave her sword to the man's head in front of her. Suddenly, she glimpsed a steel whip coming toward her, forcing her to change her tactic at once. Before she could make a counterattack, another man waved his stick toward her, causing her to lose the Magical Dragon Sword.


Zhang Yunyan was shocked. While she was a little stunned, the villain kicked her back. Before she could stand up, one of them grabbed her.


The three villains saw that they had caught the beauty and burst into laughter.


In the woods, the birds flew away in fright and the worms screamed a few times but closed their mouths at once. They dared not make any sound. In an instant, this horrible place turned deathly silent, frightening all the creatures.


One of them wore a greedy smile and proudly said, "Little beauty, you are really good at martial arts. Normal people would not be able to defeat you. However, those you face today are not ordinary people. Do you want to know who we are?"


Zhang Yunyan widened her eyes in anger and swore. "You are vicious villains who should be killed!"


One of them smiled and said, "Little beauty, it is useless to swear. You can do nothing even if we are vicious villains. Be at ease. We will not kill you. We just want to play with you. It will not be a harmful thing for you. It would be better if both of us can be happy. Afterward, you can continue your trip with energy."


Yunyan was very nervous and scared, knowing that this disaster was inevitable.


She was stubborn and disobedient, continuing to swear. "Damn you, you bastards. Listen, as long as I live, I will never let you go. I will kill you all!"


These villains were not angry, looking at the flower-like beauty with lust in their eyes. Their desire was stirring in their minds. They were eager to vent it out.


One of them advised her. "Sister, don't lose your temper. It is better to play with us happily and enjoy a good time. How wonderful it will be. Speaking of this, you should not feel wronged to serve us because we are well-known. Have you ever heard of 'Three Dragon-riding Monsters'? That refers to us."


The Three Dragon-riding Monsters! They were the "Three Dragon-riding Monsters"! Zhang Yunyan was shocked. She had never thought she would meet these guys. They were tough enemies.

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She had never seen the "Three Dragon-riding Monsters" before but had heard of them. They were the scum of Jianghu and were difficult to deal with. Their skills frightened people.


Yunyan knew that the three men were tough to deal with and did not know if they had secret skills. She lamented in her mind. In the face of such strong enemies, it was no wonder she had no ability to resist. She had been captured by the villains. The consequences could be unimaginable. She could not avoid being raped ruthlessly.


The "Three Dragon-driving Monsters" were extraordinary indeed and were a group of villains with high-level cultivation, hateful and scary. People would try to avoid them.


The eldest was called Wave Monster. When he held his steel sword, few people could defeat him. The second brother was called Wave-following Monster. When he used a stick, no one could get close. The third brother was called Wave-turning Monster. He used double whips that could easily kill people.


The three men were more than this. The reason why they had such fame was that they were skilled in the water. Few people could compare with them.


Zhang Yunyan might not keep her chastity or even her life when faced with such strong enemies.


The eldest man, Wave Monster, looked at Yunyan with his lust stirring in his mind. He was eager to take action and ordered his brothers to take the beauty into the woods. He would like to vent his lust heartily.


Zhang Yunyan was now restrained by the villains. Unable to liberate herself or even struggle, she could only allow them to hurt her.


She was desperate. In such dire straits, she thought of the Magical Dragon Sword and shouted hurriedly. "My precious sword, kill these guys at once!"


Suddenly, a silver light flew toward the villains. The three guys had focused all of their attention on the beauty and were not prepared for this. The second brother, Wave-following Monster, was hacked by the sword and fell down to the ground, screaming and rolling around in pain.


The eldest brother, Wave Monster, and the third brother, Wave-turning Monster, were shocked upon discovering that Yunyan's weapon could attack on its own. They were too scared to scream out and dared not be careless, hurriedly holding their steel sword and double whips respectively to fend off the incoming sword.


Zhang Yunyan seized the opportunity to attack the injured Wave-following Monster. She picked up the stick and tried to beat the villain to death. Even if she were to die, she could eliminate a scourge for the public.


Wave Monster saw his second brother in danger and hurried over to them. He kicked Yunyan's back. She fell to the ground and Wave Monster held her with his steel sword.

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