Chapter 164 Dangers?

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Zhang Yunyan thought of that "provider" and blushed. She blamed herself. How could it be possible? Why did she think in such a crazy way? She might not know what shame was.


If things went on in that way, she could not allow a man to take care of her, even if she would die or the man looked like "the second prince".


Yunyan sighed silently. A woman was just a woman, who was different from a man. Men could be taken care of by women who were not their wives, but women could not accept men's help except for their husbands. That was common sense and people's psychological consciousness. If one went on the opposite, people would make irresponsible remarks of her. Then, she might not have the courage to live.


How was that kind of mentality and consciousness formed? Why was there such a common sense?


Ah, that was the rule of the present world, a customary regulation. There was no more justice.


Time flew so fast. Zhang Yunyan had stayed in the Qingshan Village for nearly 10 days. She was in deep anxiety and hoped to fly to Village Yan at once.


She got better with those days of rest and her body condition had recovered to her original state. She decided to go back to her hometown to kill Living Yama and complete her revenge, which had been postponed for more than a decade.


In the night sky, the stars were squinting their eyes emotionally. A crescent moon stepped into the air, covering its face with a cloud from time to time.


The vast wilderness was covered by the night and was sleeping in the secluded silence. The worms were competing to call and to pursue their beloved companions. They would join hands and fall into sweet dreams together.


The mountains seemed not far, adding some anxiety and restlessness to the quiet night.


The Qingshan Village fell into quietness. Dogs went back home to guard the peace of their masters.


On the path outside the village, there was a figure walking slowly. It was Zhang Yunyan.


The next day, Yunyan would embark on the journey toward revenge. She felt anxious and sat down on a big stone by the roadside, falling into meditation...


Zhang Yunyan remembered the rough experience since she was born. She felt upset and somewhat sad. She was mourning for her fate and felt sad for her loneliness in that world.


Yunyan was very depressed and upset. When she was young, she had lost her parents. Then, wandering everywhere was her later life. It did not get smooth after she grew up. Why was her life so hard?

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Since childhood, Zhang Yunyan had suffered a lot of hardships and sufferings. She did not know how she had survived. It was really tough for her life.


Not to mention the long-past things, at the first time when she embarked on the journey to avenge her parents by killing Yan Xiaopeng, she encountered the Black Killer and the white evil dragon by accident. She was nearly killed by the two monsters.


The second time when she returned to her hometown to have her revenge, she encountered a male monster and a female monster when she had just entered the Yan Mansion. She was nearly killed by the female monster's sword. She was badly hurt and returned without any progress. Extreme pain filled her angered mind.


The third time, her wish for revenge was not fulfilled. Without Cloud-reaching Crane Bai Yunfei's rescue, she would have been killed by Living Yama. The results would have been even more tragic.


Then, at the fourth time when she rushed to the enemy's home, she encountered a demon monkey and a demon deer. She had been ruthlessly tortured and had finally escaped without risk.


Later, she came across the "Three Dragon-driving Monsters". Thanks to Du Xiaotian and Zhang Lianhu's help, she had not been raped by the three villains. Otherwise, it was likely that she would have died.


Afterward, she became ill and could not go for her revenge. She had to go back to the Qingshan Village to recuperate.


Why could her revenge wish not be reached successfully? Was it a foretelling that the way of revenge was too dangerous for someone to move in?


If so, it was too cruel. Yunyan would be desperate and prostrate with grief.


Since she was born, Zhang Yunyan had experienced plenty of dangers and disasters. Were all of those controlled by her fate? Why was her fate filled with dangers and disasters? The two families who gave birth to her and raised her were both law-abiding people. Why was her fate so tragic?


She hated, hated the uneven principle of the world, hated the brutality of her enemies, hated the monsters' rampage, and also hated her unfortunate fate. She fell into sorrow again...


Zhang Yunyan did not believe in a fate which could decide everything. She would fight hard for her own life.


She had been encouraging herself to complete the life-long vows, to fight for her lofty ambitions, and to strive for a good future.


Yunyan thought of her enemies, the scene where she was nearly killed by Yan Xiaopeng, and those vicious words. She raged and could not control her emotions. She cursed at him and tore him down secretly. She swore to kill Living Yama.


In the night sky, the crescent moon was clean and the stars were twinkling. It was rare to see clouds.

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In the field, insects called and frogs sang, showing their feeling of joy.


Under the moonlight, the Qinglong Mountain was vague to see, showing its tall and straight figure.


Zhang Yunyan looked at the Qinglong Mountain in the night and recalled the experience when she visited "the immortal" to look for the treasure. She sighed and blamed herself. She felt regret to her stupid behavior, which caused Turtle Elf's death.


Yunyan thought of the little monk Shikong and sighed again. She had a unshirkable responsibility for the death of her savior.


She thought if she had not gone to Qinglong Mountain to wait for the "immortal" at that night, Shikong would not have met the Jiuyou Sage and would have kept his life, although he might have been forced to make love with Misty Flower and end his virginity.


In self-blame, Yunyan also felt somewhat wronged. What she had done was chivalrous and blameless. Although she had some relations to Shikong's death, it was an accident and she could not have predicted it. At that time, anyone who had a sense of justice wouldn't have given up and would have acted decisively.


Anyway, the result was miserable. Yunyan was regretful. Because of her behavior, two of her friends had lost their lives. It should not have gone like this. It was too late for her to regret and useless to blame herself. Since her two saviors had left the human world, she had to face reality.


Zhang Yunyan shook her head and sighed continuously. She recalled the past and pondered over the present...


"Boom—" Suddenly a dull sound had come, awakening the person in contemplation.


Yunyan was so scared that she hurriedly looked around to see what kind of horrible thing had happened.


In the search, she did not find anything horrible or meet any monster, which eased her nervous mind slightly.


Zhang Yunyan looked at Qinglong Mountain and there was no horrible smoke or a suspicious situation. It looked peaceful. The demon hole did not open. Jiuyou Sage and his fellows did not show up.


Yunyan looked at the night sky, where the moon was bright and the stars were twinkling. It was not about to rain.


Her doubts arose. Since it was not thunder, what was that noise?


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Yunyan shook her head and sighed again. She knew nothing about the strange sound and could not figure it out. She could only let it go.


At that time, a vague sound rushed towards her quickly.


Zhang Yunyan woke up from her meditation and hurriedly held her Magical Dragon Sword to prepare and resist any unexpected situation.


Under the moonlight, she saw a vague shadow rushing towards her rapidly.


Yunyan was very nervous and suspicious, hurriedly trying to recognize and guessing. She did not know whether it was a beast or a monster. It might be the demon monkey and the demon deer. Perhaps, it was an accomplice of the Jiuyou Sage.


Zhang Yunyan prayed silently and hoped that it was just a beast. She could handle it even if it was a ferocious beast; if it were some other demons or ghosts, she would be killed.


Under the night sky, it was dim and deadly silent. There was a sense of uneasiness out of the silence. It was shocking.


The terrible shadow quickly rushed over.


Zhang Yunyan frowned and sighed. The tensed body and mind calmed down. She sat on a big stone without any strength and the Magical Dragon Sword fell on the ground.


The guy ran to Yunyan and squatted over her, making a low snort.


Yunyan stroked its body and revealed a bitter smile. "Black Tiger. It's you. You just frightened me. I thought you were a monster."


She said as he touched it. She sighed and wore a bitter smile.


Black Tiger snorted while shaking its tail. It seemed to be close to Yunyan. It turned out that the Black Tiger was a big black dog of Sun Jianlin from the Qingshan Village.


Zhang Yunyan often visited the Sun Family and was familiar to Black Tiger. She had not expected that she would be scared by the black dog. She had difficulty when trying to calm down. Fortunately, everything was fine and her scared mind was finally eased. She patted Black Tiger and sat beside it.


The Black Tiger grew sturdy, responsive, quick-moving, and incomparable. It was black and shiny, without miscellaneous hair. It was amazing and incredible.

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Black Tiger had great courage. Because of long-term exercise, it dared wander in the darkness alone. It was different and matchless.


Zhang Yunyan liked Black Tiger and would sometimes train it at its home. Sometimes, she would also take it out. Although they were from different species, they became close friends.


Livestock would often disappear in that village. People thought it was caused by beasts. Therefore, many families raised dogs to frighten the beasts away.


Dogs there always encountered terrible things, which enhanced their courage. Once something happened, they would bark together to drive the enemies away, but they did not know that monsters would go there sometimes.


Having Black Tiger as a companion, Zhang Yunyan no longer felt lonely and her emotions were eased. In the silent night, she needed to calm down her complex mood and prepare for the expedition of the following day.


She stroked Black Tiger and looked at the fields in the night, still feeling uneasy.


In the fields, the worms were competing with their calls, expressing their love and tenderness.


She looked at the Qinglong Mountain and felt upset and pained. That was a place where two of her friends had died and she had also nearly joined them in death.


Under the night sky, Qinglong Mountain was like a big tiger, standing silently around her and guarding the peace on earth.


Zhang Yunyan stared at half of the mountain where smoke rose and the demon's cave was located. Jiuyou Sage and his fellows were living there.


At that moment, the mountainside was quiet and there were no telltales of activity.


Yunyan could not help thinking of her two saviors— Turtle Elf and Shikong. They had passed away and she still felt the pain. She had no ability to avenge them or to eliminate the bad guys for other people. She could only sigh and resent them.


In order to save her, Turtle Elf had dared to fight against the demons and lost its life in the process, which was admirable and touching. Yunyan felt sad and heartbroken for the death of such a good friend.


Suddenly, Black Tiger looked at the direction of Qinglong Mountain and snorted.


Zhang Yunyan felt strange when noticing the abnormal behaviors of Black Tiger. "Was there any hidden secret in Qinglong Mountain? "

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