Chapter 165 Horrible Situation

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Zhang Yunyan was very nervous and looked around in a hurry. Her heart beat fast and her fear returned. She would embark on the road of revenge the following day. In the darkness and in that troublesome place, she prayed for nothing untoward to happen.


Her eyes were widely opened and she was observing the situation alertly. Qinglong Mountain under the darkness was vague to see, but nothing had changed.


She looked at Black Tiger again which was staring at the distance. She did not know whether it discovered something.


The night was dark and silent. Insects called, as did the frogs, which made the faint night somewhat restless.


Zhang Yunyan did not find anything suspicious or any other danger. She relaxed and fell into meditation again...


A figure flashed by her mind. It was a vague figure, both familiar and strange. That was the little monk Shikong.


Yunyan had saved Shikong while the latter had once also been her savior. With her help, Shikong was not forced to make love with the vixen Misty Flower and had kept his virginity. Shikong had also saved her life. Otherwise, she would have been killed by Misty Flower's whip.


She could not forget Shikong's life-saving grace and would remember it for the rest of her life.


Zhang Yunyan thought of Shikong and a tingle with an inexplicable feeling arose. She still felt doubtful.


She still felt puzzled by that kind of feeling she had when she thought of someone else. Why would she be moved only by Shikong? Why did she have that kind of suspicion?


Yunyan did not know the reason, but confirmed that there must be some hidden reason. As for what it was and what kind of feeling it was, she could not know.


That feeling might contain part of gratitude, but not the major part. She did not know what the main factor was, but could confirm that it was not because of his martial arts or his handsome and young appearance.


Although she did not see her savior's face, she could also confirm that he must definitely be a handsome man. Otherwise, Misty Flower would not have taken a fancy to him and tried to own him.


As for that inexplicable feeling, Yunyan could not figure it out. It could only remain as a mystery. She really hoped to know when she could uncover it.


That night, Zhang Yunyan not only dissipated the mood distraction, but also was troubled by her suspicious thoughts. She felt tired.

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"What did the unreasonable sound indicate? Was there any danger? "


Whether there was or there wasn't, she could not stay there. In that kind of restless darkness, home was a sheltered harbor. She patted the Black Tiger and stood up to look around, planning to go back for a rest.


The black dog looked at Zhang Yunyan and did not answer her. It did not move, but snorted when looking at the mountain shadow in the distance.


Yunyan frowned and urged it to go, but it still did not answer her.


She was somewhat nervous when noticing Black Tiger's strange behavior. Did Black Tiger feel any abnormal change in Qinglong Mountain?


Yunyan's fear could not be diminished. She thought of Jiuyou Sage and his fellows at once. Staring at the demon hole over the mountainside, she felt more nervous. Was there any horrible situation?


Zhang Yunyan looked at Black Tiger. From its behavior and expression, it must have found something out. It seemed to be a bad thing. Her nerves were tight again.


She no longer urged Black Tiger and lowered her body by a big stone, staring at the winding Qinglong Mountain without a blink. She did not know what kind of thing had made Black Tiger alert.


Yunyan looked back and forth from the foot of the mountain to the top. Although it was not clear to see in the darkness, she could roughly tell.


During the observation and according to her feelings, Qinglong Mountain was quiet and there was no smoke over the mountainside, nor any sign of active figures and suspiciousness.


She could confirm that Jiuyou Sage and his fellows had not shown up. There was no horrible flashing or earth-shattering loud noises. She felt somewhat relieved.


Zhang Yunyan'd nervous body and mind were not relaxed. She still stared at the mountainside and remembered the last encounter. Horrible scenes came to her mind one by one and she still felt fearful. She prayed that the monsters would not show up and she did not want to experience any horrible torture that her body and mind might not withstand.


Yunyan stood up and patted Black Tiger to urge it to return home with her, in case of any accident. She was also afraid that that kind of horrible disaster would come again.


She took a few steps, but found that Black Tiger was still there, staring at the Qinglong Mountain. She shook her head helplessly and urged him again.

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Black Tiger finally moved. However, it went on a different way and did not answer Zhang Yunyan, but rushed towards Qinglong Mountain alone.


Yunyan panicked and shouted at it to stop it. However, the black dog did not listen to her and was still running.


She was even more nervous and scared. Her heart beat fast. She did not know whether there was any danger or any horrible situation happening in Qinglong Mountain.


Yunyan immediately thought of Jiuyou Sage and his fellows, which made her feel nervous. She stared at the mountainside. Did those guys really appear?


Zhang Yunyan was very nervous and looked at Qinglong Mountain without a blink. She was observing and looking around, but found no suspicious things there. Qinglong Mountain looked peaceful and nothing changed. There was no flashing or huge sounds. The demon hole did not open, so Jiuyou Sage and his fellow would not appear.


She looked at Black Tiger as it ran fast. It seemed that it must go there.


Yunyan did not know what made it so excited in the Qinglong Mountain and whether there was any beast appearing or something strange happening. She felt deeply nervous and was unable to guess.


She knew that in the darkness, it would be a big event, if something horrible happened in Qinglong Mountain, which must be related to Jiuyou Sage and his fellows.


At the crucial moment, she hesitated to follow Black Tiger or to return home to hide.


Zhang Yunyan considered leaving Black Tiger and shook her head. She had to run after it while holding her Magical Dragon Sword. No matter what kind of danger there was, she could not allow her friend of a different species to take risks alone.


She was helpless and somewhat fearful. However, she also felt curious and wanted to go there to figure out what happened.


Yunyan needed to check what kind of suspicious things happened on Qinglong Mountain and what made Black Tiger rush there and ignore everything. She hoped that Black Tiger had just found a hunting beast that she could cope with.


Yunyan was praying silently and hoped that there were no weird things happening, like encountering Jiuyou Sage and his fellows.


Zhang Yunyan no longer hesitated, running after it quickly while calling it. She caught up with Black Tiger but still could not make it head back. She could only follow it.


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Yunyan looked at Qinglong Mountain while running and thinking about what would happen next. However, she had no idea about that, and could only wait.


She was helpless when looking at the running Black Tiger. She seemed to be dragged by an invisible rope. She was reluctant but had to follow it.


Zhang Yunyan did not know what would happen or what the results were on their way to the mountain. She felt restless and prayed silently that she would be safe and able to return home with Black Tiger without any danger.


Yunyan had no way to stop the movement of Black Tiger and had no choice but to follow it. She did not know what would happen or what the consequences would be, so she could only leave it to fate.


Perhaps, it would be a false alarm or a true risk on their way. Yunyan had no ability to control Black Tiger and could not ignore its danger. She had been dragged by the invisible "rope" and passively followed it. She could not care too much of the results.


That was the fate that she did not believe in. That was the destiny that she did not trust.


Zhang Yunyan followed the black dog to the root of Qinglong Mountain and still felt uneasy. She looked around and stayed alert.


Under the faint moonlight, she could see the nearby woods, rocks, meadow, streams... even the rough outline of the Qinglong Mountain.


There, the insects were constantly chittering, accompanied by the frogs' calling. In addition, there were no other suspicious sounds or active figures. There was no wind. Everything was motionless in silence.


Under the Qinglong Mountain, there was no active beast or any horrible thing. Everything seemed to be peaceful.


Zhang Yunyan was relieved. She sighed and her nervous body and mind had finally calmed down.


She shook her head and wore a bitter smile when finding that the big dog was listening and looking around. "Black Dog, you're really looking for trouble. What are you planning to do, running over here in the darkness? You nearly freaked me out."


Black Tiger looked at Yunyan and snorted in a low voice. It did not move and still looked into the distance.


She stroked the black dog and urged, "It's already dark and we should go to sleep. let's go home."


In the darkness, she always felt uneasy and hoped to leave that place as soon as possible, in case of any danger.

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Black Tiger still did not answer her or even glance at her. It still patrolled over the distance.


Zhang Yunyan frowned and looked at the black dog's eyesight direction, but found no suspicious sign. There was no black demon aura in the air. She urged Black Tiger to go back home for a few times, but it was useless. She could not drag it back with her, so she felt somewhat helpless.


Yunyan looked around and felt uneasy. Some unknown dangers seemed to be hiding in the darkness. She had to find a way to take it back to their sheltered harbor as soon as possible.


Right at that moment, Zhang Yunyan heard a voice, which was a little bit weak and sounded like a scream. She immediately became nervous and hurriedly pulled out the Magical Dragon Sword to prevent any accident.


Black Tiger became excited and restless. It seemed that something had happened.


Zhang Yunyan patted Black Tiger and calmed it down. They could not alarm the upcoming terrible things.


"Ow, ow, ow..." The continuous shouting came from far to near, which sounded like an animal's scream. It was urgent and frightening.


Yunyan had no way to escape and squatted down by Black Tiger's side, looking at the direction of the screaming. She was nervous and vigilant.


She figured out that it was the screaming of a sika deer, which was similar to the voice she heard in the Tianyue Country. When her sister Samuume transformed into a human being, she would burst into that kind of sound.


As the screaming came near, a sika deer ran to them quickly.


Zhang Yunyan was shocked when seeing a sika deer and thought of the encounter of a demon deer last time. That was a sika deer. It cooperated with the demon monkey and had almost killed her.


Once bitten, twice shy. Since then, she was somewhat sensitive and uneasy with sika deers.


At that time, Yunyan saw a sika deer again, in the darkness and under the desolate Qinglong Mountain. She was greatly shocked. It was not a good sign to encounter sika deer in the darkness. Perhaps, something dangerous would happen.


Yunyan looked at Black Tiger and found that it was about to take action. She felt more uneasy. She did not know whether it was that demon deer. She could not take risks, so she held Black Tiger at once.

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