Chapter 166 Is It the Demon Deer?

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Zhang Yunyan was surprised and nervous to meet the sika deer, and she didn’t know if it was the demon deer she had met in the past.


Just then, a fierce beast came to chase the sika deer at great speed. It turned out to be a wolf.


Yunyan was surprised again to see the evil wolf chasing the sika deer, and she immediately remembered the strange adventure in the alienated world where Samuume was chased by the demon wolf.


She was shocked. Was this wolf a monster?


It was so terrible. In the dark, she encountered a sika deer and an evil wolf in the troublesome place once again. What a fearsome situation. If they were all monsters, that would be a disaster, and both she and Black Tiger would be doomed.


In the emergency, Black Tiger suddenly broke free from Zhang Yunyan and rushed to attack them with a roar.


Frightened, the evil wolf immediately stopped running and looked back with a fierce look. Growling, it was ready to attack Black Tiger.


Zhang Yunyan wouldn’t put Black Tiger in danger, so she got up and rushed to protect it.


She realized that the sika deer was not the monster of the past. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be so scared of the evil wolf. Her worries were unnecessary.


The law of the jungle was especially true in nature, which no one could control.


In the night, Zhang Yunyan did not think that she had encountered the hunting among animals, and the prey was a meek sika deer. She pitied the sika deer and would not ignore it. Besides, Black Tiger had already taken actions.


Staring at the woman with a sword, the wolf showed a helpless look with its sparkling eyes.


With its mouth open wide, it drooled and hummed. Then it turned to look ahead. The sika deer had disappeared. Looking at the woman who came from nowhere and Black Tiger who refused to let go, the wolf dared not to move, so it had to go away disapprovingly and find another prey.


Seeing the evil wolf running away, she was relieved and her nerves were settled.


She understood that Black Tiger insisted on coming here for the sika deer and the evil wolf, and finally her mind was at last set at rest.

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Yunyan admired Black Tiger sincerely. This black dog was so smart that it could see clearly what was happening in the distance and know that the sika deer was in danger. Compared with it, she candidly admitted her defeat.


Perhaps, Black Tiger had extraordinarily perception ability. Its forefeeling was so strong that common people couldn’t understand and no dogs of its kind could rival.


In the dark, Black Tiger could find her outside the village, which was also due to its perception ability.


Following the black dog to the foot of Qinglong Mountain, Zhang Yunyan found that nothing terrible happened, and accidentally saved a sika deer. She laughed happily.


She was a little confused that the scene seemed to be a repetition of that encounter in the alienated world. She remembered clearly that as soon as she set foot on the land of the alienated world, she met a wolf monster chasing her sister Samuume. It was when she resolutely saved Samuume that they came to know each other and had strong sisterhood.


Just now, they saw the evil wolf chasing a sika deer. Then it was saved by both of her and Black Tiger. Although it turned out that the sika deer and the evil wolf were neither elves nor monsters, she couldn’t help thinking about the experience in the alienated world for they were similar and disturbing.


Looking at the forest covered in darkness, Zhang Yunyan was still nervous and worried.


She urged as she stroked the black dog, “Black Tiger, everything is fine. Now is it time to go home? Let’s go and play again tomorrow. It’s safer during the day.”


Black Tiger looked at her without any movement.


Yunyan sighed with a frown, and then she said to herself, “Tomorrow, I will leave Qingshan Village. I can’t come back in a short time, so I can’t accompany you anymore. Go and play by yourself. Good-bye, my good friend. I’ll come to see you again if I have a chance.”


She felt bitter in her heart, and her eyes were moist, showing her reluctance to leave.


Black Tiger looked at Yunyan and whined. Whether it was answering her consciously or not was unknown. It did not move, nor did it show the intention to leave, and it fixed its bright eyes to the front.


Zhang Yunyan wondered if something else would happen. Would there be any danger this time?


Frowning, she looked around and found nothing suspicions. She didn’t hear any suspicious sound. She looked at Black Tiger with doubt and wondered what it had discovered with its keen perception, which made her nervous and uneasy.


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Suddenly, there was a slight noise coming closer and closer. Yunyan took the black dog behind the big tree to watch in case of danger.


With the sound of “Yo”, a sika deer ran up to them, groaning and rubbing its head against Zhang Yunyan’s body.


It was the sika deer which was just chased by the evil wolf. With no fear, it was very close to her. Perhaps it was a way of showing gratitude.


Yunyan smiled bitterly, touching the smooth fur of the sika deer, and sighed, “You scared me a lot. Alas, this was a troublesome night. I am also scared in this dangerous place.”


As she spoke, she looked around. When she saw Qinglong Mountain, she sighed again.


Yunyan looked at the sika deer with a smile on her face and a sense of intimacy, “It was very dangerous just now, little fellow. If it hadn’t been for Black Tiger, the consequences would have been unimaginable. In the dark, the beasts are looking for preys everywhere. Besides, there are always devils here. Don’t wander outside. Go home and find your companions.”


The sika deer nodded and looked very happy, as if it understood her.


Zhang Yunyan was surprised. How could this Sika Deer understand human language? Isn’t it... Isn’t it an ordinary sika deer?


The sika deer leaned on Zhang Yunyan, groaning and licking her hand, and showed benevolence to Black Tiger from time to time, as if it thanked the dog for saving its life.


Zhang Yunyan couldn’t believe that such a meek sika deer would be a terrible monster. It might have dropped its head unconsciously and falsely led her to believe that it understood human words.


In the moonlight, the sika deer looked very big with bright eyes and fluorescent fur. The spots of its body were clearly visible. Such a sika deer was rare to see.


Yunyan couldn’t help thinking of Samuume whose fur was also extraordinarily shiny. Was this sika Deer also an elf?


She was nervous. As she looked at the deer, she kept thinking and denying. If the deer was an elf, it would be never afraid of the wolf and would never be chased by it in a tight corner.


Zhang Yunyan was no longer suspicious of the sika deer. She looked at it with a big smile and felt closer to it.


In a passion of tenderness, she caressed it and said, “Look, your body is all wet. How sweaty you are! Apart from the tiredness, you must be frightened by the wolf. Go back and have a good rest.”

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The Sika Deer was leaning closely to her and bleated at her.


Black Tiger looked at the sika deer and then switched its gaze to the distance.


Zhang Yunyan advised, “Go home. It’s dark and in the wilderness. It’s too dangerous. It’s even worse if you encounter demons and monsters. You take a break to dry your sweat before you go. It’s time for us to go home, too.”


At the foot of the Qinglong Mountain, she was nervous as she thought about the devils of Jiuyou Sage. She kept looking around ceaselessly. As the scenes of the past in the Devil’s Cave flashed back into her mind, she was worried and frightened.


After the terrible scene, the field was quiet. In silence, human and breasts were communicating in harmony.


They could not express it in words, but they felt the sincerity of each other. She, the sika deer, and the dog were very happy.


In the dim moonlight, Zhang Yunyan had an unexpected discovery and was immediately shocked. Was it the sika deer?


The sika deer had a special spot on its left hind thigh, which was quite different from the round spot on its body. The shape of the special was like a plum blossom.


Zhang Yunyan had seen a sika deer with a special spot in Tianyue Country in the alienated world. It was Samuume. However, she was not so surprised and nervous because of this. She just remembered that she had seen such one in her own world.


The deer that hurt her with the demon monkey also had a special plum blossom spot, which was also in the position of the left hind thigh.


At this time when she saw such a special sika deer, how could she not suspect that the sika deer was the monster?


Zhang Yunyan got more scared and alert. However, she could not hide, nor could she escape. If it was the demon deer, she could only fight for life.


While the sika deer leaned on Yunyan, it still looked so gentle and so kind without any sign of malice. Its looks and behaviors were so different from the demon deer that they seemed not to be the same sika deer.


Zhang Yunyan thought to herself that the deer would not be an evil monster, otherwise it would not be chased in fright by the demon wolf, and the wolf would have been killed by it.


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Perhaps, it was just an ordinary deer, only with a special mark. Perhaps there was a species of such sika deer in the world, but it was relatively rare.


When thinking of this, she no longer feared though she’s unable to confirm. Instead, she began to caress the deer gently, showing her kindness.


She knew that this idea had been denied by Xiao Tianlong. There was no such species of sika deer in the alienated world, nor there was any in today’s world. Nevertheless, she did not want to view this meek sika deer as a horrifying monster, because she could not bear to make herself threatened.


After a while, the sika deer got up and left. Seeing Zhang Yunyan sitting there without moving, it ran back to pull her sleeve with its teeth.


Zhang Yunyan touched its head with a smile and said, “Do you want me to accompany you home? Well, I’ll take you home, or Black Tiger won’t be at ease.”


She got up to pat the dust off her clothes, and set out together with Black Tiger and the Sika deer.


In the quiet night, human and animals were walking together. Though they’re unable to communicate with each other, there were human voice and low deer bleats. The sweetness between her and the deer also infected the creatures nearby.


Basking in the pure friendship, Zhang Yunyan found that her troubled thoughts disappeared. Accompanied by her intimate companion, Black Tiger as well as the pure and lovely sika deer, her heart was quiet and clear as water.


Yunyan and two animal partners walked leisurely. Before they realized, they had already been half way up the mountain.


In the night, the rolling mountains and the dense woods were quiet and disturbing.


Zhang Yunyan suddenly realized that she had come to Qinglong Mountain and paused for a bit.


She looked around and said confusedly, “Where do you live, little fellow? How did you get to the mountain? Did you get lost?”


It was quiet and there was no response.


Yunyan looked around and found the sika deer nowhere to be seen.


Why? It had been following around her all the time. How could it disappear in the blink of an eye? Could it fly?

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