Chapter 175 The Pain of Death

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At this time, Black Tiger jumped on the Red Hair King Ghost and joined the fierce battle.


Under the attack of two preys, the Red Hair King Ghost was distracted, which relieved the pressure on Zhang Yunyan.


The Red Hair King Ghost was angry that Zhang Yunyan survived his attack, and he could not wait to catch her immediately.


Currently, the Red Hair King Ghost was even more terrifying. With his mouth open, his teeth were flashing red light and the horrifying nails were even longer with nearly two feet long. Though incomparable with the “Sage”, his power and momentum were still daunting.


The Red Hair King Ghost did not want to kill Yunyan for the time being, for he had not released his desires yet. He wanted to catch her and enjoy the rare chance of meeting a beauty.


Because of this, Zhang Yunyan’s pressure had been relieved and she could hang on for a while.


The Red Hair King Ghost struck at Black Tiger, and Zhang Yunyan hurried to kill him from behind. When the devil hesitated, Black Tiger escaped.


The Red Hair King Ghost screamed with anger, for he failed to catch them again.


After several killings, the devil still didn’t catch them, and suddenly he became angry. He no longer hesitated, and immediately blew the evil wind with the stinky smell around the cave, which made his opponents hard to stand in the floating sand and dust.


However, he still did not want to kill the beautiful woman, because his filthy heart was eager to be soothed by her. At this moment, the hunger had given way to the full sex desire and he can only wait anxiously.


Zhang Yunyan was shocked when she saw the evil wind rising, and she thought she might lose her life.


In a blink of an eye, she was stunned again. Why didn’t she feel the strong wind?


As before, she did not feel any wind. Despite the strong evil wind, she was still flexible, quick, and skillful. The wind did not affect her at all.


Yunyan was very puzzled that since the wind was so strong, why did she not feel a little? Did she have the ability against the evil wind?


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She couldn’t believe it and had no time to think about it. Instead, she concentrated herself in the fighting with the Red Hair King Ghost.


However, Black Tiger was unable to do what it hoped to do, because its body was out of balance and its movement slowed down.


At that moment, the devil with sharp nails pounced on Yunyan. However, he still did not want to kill Yunyan who was pretty, because releasing his desires was the primary need for him at this moment.


As the sharp nails got closer, Zhang Yunyan frowned nervously and swung her sword in a hurry, but she did not hurt the devil.


Under the attack of the Red Hair King Ghost, Yunyan was very passive. She was so busy dodging his attacks that she was almost hit. Once she was struck by the terrible claws, she would be injured and unable to resist. Then she would be sexually assaulted and killed.


When she was about to be hit, she was determined to die, and in no case could she give the devil any chance to bully her.


Suddenly, a black shadow flied like a sharp arrow, biting the Red Hair King Ghost’s arm and tearing it desperately.


It turned out to be Black Tiger. Although it was unstable in the evil wind, it did not flinch, still struggling to save its friend.


The Red Hair King Ghost was shocked. His anger rose and he waved the other hand to hit Black Tiger.


In the evil wind, Black Tiger couldn’t control itself, nor could it avoid the attacks. Suddenly, it was penetrated by the nails, and then it collapsed on the ground with a groan.


Then the Red Hair King Ghost broke away from his bitten arm and hit Black Tiger hard again, penetrating it in the chest and abdomen.


Poor Black Tiger was bleeding and after it was thrown to the ground, it no longer moved or groaned.


Black Tiger helped Zhang Yunyan survive, but it died.


The Red Hair King Ghost was still angry, so he turned to Zhang Yunyan to release his full anger and desire. Without Black Tiger, it was easier for him to catch her.

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Zhang Yunyan felt frightened. She knew that she was doomed to fight alone. Once captured by the devil, she would be sexually assaulted and eventually die.


The Red Hair King Ghost’s eyes were red. In his evil mind, he was eager to release his sex desire with the beauty.


When Black Tiger was dead, Zhang Yunyan was desperate, for she could not deal with the devil. With the devil coming, she was determined to fight back and commit suicide, so that she would not be insulted.


When the Red Hair King Ghost was about to rush to Zhang Yunyan, suddenly, he was trembling and panicked, which made him look painful. He no longer cared about her, and ran out of the cave as if he was mad. The whistling evil wind soon disappeared.


Zhang Yunyan was frightened and grieved. However, she was surprised at the strange change and escape of the Red Hair King Ghost. She was also very puzzled that since it was easy for the devil to catch her and meet his evil desire, why did he let her go again?


When she inspected the cave, she found that there was no living thing, nor any subtle change, except herself and the dead dog.


Why did the Red Hair King Ghost become frightened and run away madly after his struggle? Was he suffering from any illness that he could not bear so he had to run away?


Yunyan didn’t know that. Except the Red Hair King Ghost, nobody knew. It was a puzzle.


She knew that the devil had no virtue. There must be another reason why he was so afraid that he gave up killing her and ran away.


Zhang Yunyan was in no mood to think about these terrible things, nor did she want to solve the mystery. Ignoring her own life and death, she threw herself on the bloody dog and burst into tears.


The death of Black Tiger was too fast and sudden. She held Black Tiger in her arms sadly in tears.


For Zhang Yunyan, Black Tiger was not only an animal partner, but also an interdependent friend. They had deep feelings between each other.


Especially tonight, in the time of loneliness and fear, Black Tiger appeared in time and accompanied her all the time, so she felt less upset with it by her side.


Just now, in order to save Zhang Yunyan, Black Tiger fought against the Red Hair King Ghost, and in the end it exchanged its life with Zhang Yunyan’s survival.

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It was a very tragic moment. Although Black Tiger was a dog, it was also admirable and touching for its brave fight. Its bravery and feats were remarkable, even among human beings.


“Black Tiger, my good friend, it’s so heartbreaking that you left me so soon. You died so miserably... I would avenge you!”


Zhang Yunyan made a sad and angry oath in a strong voice.


With angry eyes, grinding teeth, frowning eyebrows and numbing face, her whole body and mind was filled with pain. She wanted to destroy the Devil’s Cave completely and bury Jiuyou Sage and his devils, together with herself deep underground.


“Damn the devil, I will kill you! Kill you!”


Her body and mind were burning with rage, and she was in an unbridled fury to avenge Black Tiger, which showed her stubbornness as a heroine.


Zhang Yunyan was like a volcano waiting to erupt, which made her eager to release her grief and indignation to destroy everything in front of her.


At this moment, Yunyan was not afraid of death, but full of hatred. She had no desire to survive, only the determination to kill the devils and avenge Black Tiger.


But revenge was not easy. She was so angry that she burst out these words, which reflected her true feelings.


Zhang Yunyan was extremely uncomfortable, furious, and painful… Her whole body and mind were expanding and tearing her apart. It seemed that she would destroy the horrible Devil’s Cave as well as herself.


Yunyan was crying, shouting to vent her anger and sadness. With Black Tiger in her arms, she felt her heart was being cut by a knife, and she was heartbroken.


Just now, her animal friend was still snuggling around, just like a brave God of War fighting with the devil. But in an instant, it died.


Her friend’s death was so shocking that Zhang Yunyan couldn’t accept the cruel tragedy and blow, but she had to accept them.


Black Tiger died for her, otherwise she would have died. It bought Yunyan’s survival with its own life. She felt deeply guilty and self-reproached for her inability to stop the tragic moment.

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Yunyan could not let her good friend die in vain, but she had no ability to slaughter those devils and ask them to pay for what they had done. She wanted to destroy the terrible “Hell” and bury herself with the devils so as not to endanger the world again.


However, this was an empty desire which was caused by her utter sadness.


Compared with these devils who ate human beings, Zhang Yunyan knew her limits. She would only end up being slaughtered by the devils. How could she kill her enemies?


Faced with the chase of devils, she would die miserably in a short time like Black Tiger…


In the Devil’s Cave, there was only horrible bloodiness and extreme sadness, as well as sad crying.


In the silence, her rage was burning and Zhang Yunyan felt grieved and helpless.


At that time, the Devil’s Cave was quiet, but what was hidden beneath the peace was endless evil, cruelty, killing, bloody and so on. In the “Hell” of death, tragedies happened suddenly like a storm, and life would be gone in an instant.


Zhang Yunyan was holding Black Tiger tightly and kept crying. Her clothes and cheeks were stained with the blood of Black Tiger.


At that moment, sadness and indignation filled her heart. Yunyan did not realize that she was covered with blood, nor did she care about it. She wanted to kill the Red Hair King Ghost and avenge Black Tiger.


Zhang Yunyan hugged Black Tiger tightly, and Black Tiger was covered with blood, so was she. She loved it very much and wanted to be with it and save it with her own soul. She hoped they would never be separated.


Yunyan didn’t want to let go of Black Tiger, so she kept holding it tightly. Tears and blood were flowing on Black Tiger and her clothes were soaked.


Zhang Yunyan who was alive and Black Tiger who was dead seemed to be in communication. It was just the circle of life. In fact, it was just a delusion in extreme grief and the vent of her true feelings.


Zhang Yunyan wiped her tears, still holding her animal friend tightly and sobbing to release her sadness and anger.


The death of Black Tiger greatly stimulated her. It was a devastating blow, and it also foreshadowed her imminent ending.

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