Chapter 176 It Was Alive!

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Previously, in the horrible “Hell”, only Black Tiger accompanied her. It was her dependence, her solace to loneliness and fear, and it also gave Zhang Yunyan courage.


Now, Yunyan was alone with nothing, facing the encirclement and suppression of the devils of Jiuyou Sage. The consequence was terrible.


The Devil’s Cave was like a terrible hell. With no way to escape and no ability to fight, Zhang Yunyan would be eaten by the devils sooner or later.


In the horrible “Hell”, a tragedy was being staged and the fear and withdrawal couldn’t reverse the situation. Death was an inevitable result.


Leaving life and death out of consideration, Yunyan was full of the feeling of grief and the rage of revenge to fight desperately with the devils.


Before Black Tiger died, this inevitable result could not dispel her desire to live. Yunyan still had the desire to escape, hoping that she could survive in this desperate situation and realize her slim fantasy.


Now, since Black Tiger was dead, she lost her companion and dependence. Now she was like a ghost who lost hope.


Yunyan held Black Tiger with no desire to live. The fantasy of escape was also shattered, and she could only wait for the arrival of Death.


The Black Tiger’s death was a heavy blow to Zhang Yunyan. She was so grieved that her heart was bitterly disappointed like falling into an ice cave.


She just wanted to stay with Black Tiger and left this cold world with her friend, letting her fragile body and mind be completely relieved. She really had no strength to endure terrible blows and torture.


In the pain, the scenes which happened tonight flashed again and again and made her shocked and scared.


The fierce wolf, the weird sika deer, the woman who claimed herself to be half an immortal, the “Sage” who ate people, and the four brothers of the Red Hair King Ghost were so weird and terrible. Poor Yunyan walked step by step on the road with no return.


A series of strange mysteries appeared one after another, which could not be explained and were daunting.


The Devil’s Cave was horrible, shrouded in anger and sorrow without shouting and crying, which was as dark and quiet as dead.

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The calmness here was not calm at all, and the storm would come soon. It was followed by violence, hatred, murder, bloodiness... The horrible atmosphere filled the entire Devil’s Cave.


Black Tiger died., Although Zhang Yunyan was sad and angry, she knew that such a tragedy would happen to her. She still had to accept the cruel reality and face the coming danger and disaster.


The roaring and tears vented the anger in her heart, and the anger and pain were also released. Her haggard body and mind eased.


Holding the Black Tiger, Yunyan thought about what to do. She couldn’t sit here and wait to die.


She had no idea or method. The idea of killing the devils to take her revenge was an arrogant fantasy. And it was impossible to escape since Turtle Elf had already clearly told her that entering the Devil’s Cave would have no way out. Everything was wishful thinking.


With only the devils but no way out in the “Hell”, Zhang Yunyan was doomed. She could only hide temporarily because she would be killed by the devils sooner or later.


Yunyan knew clearly that she could only have the same ending as Black Tiger. This was the helplessness in despair and also the despair in helplessness.


She didn’t know what to do and where to go. She asked herself silently, “Am I waiting to die here?


Yunyan did not want to wait for the devils, and then died tragically. She had to take action rather than sit still.


She looked around, only to see the dim cave and smell the stench. She shook her head and sighed from time to time helplessly. Here was the place of the devils. She had no ability to decide her own destiny but only bore the coming dangers and disasters.


Zhang Yunyan hated these murderous devils. Looking at Black Tiger in her arms, she seemed to see her upcoming end. She sighed and held Black Tiger to stand up, still not knowing where to go.


Yunyan looked around and there was no change in the cave. The tea set and the chess pieces on the stone table did not move.


She shook her head and sighed. Even Turtle Elf said that there was nowhere to hide. Where could she go?


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Although there was nowhere to hide, Yunyan could not wait for the devils to arrive. Then she immediately got up and left the bloody cave.


It was dark and quiet in the Devil’s Cave. Here was the place of the devils which was full of strange and terrible mysteries. Where could she hide?


Zhang Yunyan was not familiar with the complex “Hell”, and still did not know where to go.


However, she knew very well that the tragic ending could not be avoided because even Turtle Elf did not know where it was safe. In any case, she couldn’t wait to die, and she had to do something.


Yunyan believed that she couldn’t go to the places with handwriting, since those caves must be places where the devils often appeared. Then she was likely to encounter them.


Zhang Yunyan wondered around with holding Black Tiger, wanting to find a quiet place that was not disturbed by the devils. She could accompany the Black Tiger and leave this world quietly over there.


This was her only purpose and the biggest wish which was probably a delusion. In the “Hell” of the devils, this poor and sad wish was also an extravagant hope.


Suddenly, there was a tumult in the cave. Soon, with an amazing shout, the wind and the thrilling whistle rose and fall one after another, and shredded the gloomy silence, making the “Hell” even more terrifying.


Needless to say, the devils began to act, and more than one was coming. They were looking for strangers who broke into the cave and then destroyed the creatures who dared to resist the Red Hair King Ghost.


The devils had begun to search, and death was coming. Zhang Yunyan was even more fearful. She felt extremely nervous and her heart was full of despair.


She didn’t dare to stop. She ran wildly in panic, not knowing where to go. She just wanted to look for a remote place where the devils never visited. She had no desire to survive, but just hoped that she would not die miserably and could accompany Black Tiger to leave the world quietly.


Trying to avoid the devils’ pursuit, Zhang Yunyan kept running and running... She hoped that she could avoid the search of the devils in the running to live as long as she could like last time.


Suddenly, she stopped with a look of horror. She was stunned, and her arms holding Black Tiger did not loosen.


She saw glittering fluorescence in the cave ahead, and there were many shining words of fate.

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Unexpectedly, she ran around and finally went back to the place she didn’t want to see.


Zhang Yunyan was very puzzled. How could this be? She was originally going to the depths of the cave. Why did she return to the terrible place?


Actually, this was not surprising. The cave was huge and complex, like a maze which was difficult to distinguish the direction. Yunyan was here for the first time so she was not familiar with it, and she was already disoriented. It was not surprising that she ran around and came back.


Zhang Yunyan was very frustrated and more fearful that she was too nervous to control herself. Listening to the screams and the whistling of the evil wind, she knew that the devils were searching around for her, so she rushed to the dark place of the cave.


She was very nervous and helpless, and could only run blindly, not knowing where to go. Maybe when there was no way to escape, it was time to be killed by the devils.


Although Zhang Yunyan was hopeless to survive, she was still alive, so she couldn’t give up. She wanted to linger for a while, hoping to hide in a place to die quietly.


This wish was not excessive at all, but very pitiful and sad. She had already had no illusion of living, only hoping that she would die in a better way, not too tragically.


At this moment, this poor request was a dreamy expectation which couldn’t be fulfilled.


She was still alive so she couldn’t give up. She was running and avoiding the fierce devils, and pursuing that dreamy extravagant hope...


Zhang Yunyan was running anxiously when a pair of big blue eyes suddenly blocked her. She was surprised. With a scream, she hurriedly stopped.


Yunyan looked at the guy who was in the way and trembled involuntarily. The nervous nerves completely collapsed, and her whole heart was full of surprise and fear.


At this moment, she had been surrounded by the devils desperately. She did not expect that she was going to be killed so soon. Since she would die soon, she had to accept her fate.


This was the inevitable ending of entering the Devil’s Cave, which was doomed.


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In the dim light, though she couldn’t see clearly the guy opposite, Zhang Yunyan still recognized him unbelievably. Was it him?


She saw that this guy was fat, like a wall blocking the way. It had thick limbs and sharp claws, like sharp knives with cold light.


Turtle Elf? Was it Turtle Elf?


It was definitely Turtle Elf. There would be no other Turtle Elf in the Devil’s Cave.


Zhang Yunyan never imagined that her animal friend was still alive and lived well. At the time of the crisis, she met Turtle Elf again. She was very surprised and excited.


At this moment, Yunyan forgot the dangerous situation, and she was excited because her friend was alive. She had the joy of reunion with her friends, but she also had incredible doubts.


Turtle Elf was very surprised to see Zhang Yunyan. It didn’t expect that its human friend had entered the Devil’s Cave again.


It was very anxious and also puzzled. Why did Yun Feiyan enter this dead “Hell” again? Why did she not learn from the lessons, but came here to die?


Yunyan was very excited. She grabbed Turtle Elf and smiled, “Friend, it’s so good that you are not dead. How could Jiuyou Sage let you go?”


Turtle Elf shook its head and sighed repeatedly, “Yun Feiyan, don’t talk about me first. Why do you come again? Do you come to visit the “Immortal” again? Don’t you want to live? Are you crazy to come here yourself?”


Zhang Yunyan sighed helplessly, “I also know that this is the place where the devils are rampant. I don’t want to come in. How could I know that I would fall down unexpectedly? Well, it’s really sad that I was probably blindsided. I don’t expect that I can’t escape tonight...”


Turtle Elf was very nervous and scared. It was also anxious.


It sighed repeatedly, and it was anxious and helpless, “Yun Feiyan, you are indeed doomed. You were lucky enough to escape last time, but this time you are not so lucky. Alas, how could it be? I’m so worried...”


“Well, I know that there is no way to escape. I just want to find a place to hide. Turtle Elf, think about whether there is a place in the cave that we can hide for a while?”

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