When Rong Si heard the urgent footsteps behind him, he immediately turned around. His mouth, which had been set in a straight line, started to rise at the corners as he prepared to welcome the little lady behind him with a smile. However, his smile had just curved up when they were arrested, and his lips resumed their horizontal bearing. His entire face turned cold.

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The expression in his eyes became deadly serious as he looked searchingly at Li Erqin’s gauze-wrapped arm and leg.

As for Li Erqin, she had long forgotten her injuries. She was running crazily, without any regard for what she looked like, and came to a screeching halt in front of Rong Si.

In the stillness of the night, a bright red car zoomed past behind Rong Si and cut a sharp trail through the orange streets in the back.

When Rong Si dropped his eyes, he saw Li Erqin standing in front of him with her delicate little chin raised so she could smile at him, her bright eyes full of laughter.

He quickly glanced over Li Erqin’s injuries and once again looked into her eyes. “Did I disturb your rest?”

Li Erqin shook her head repeatedly. “Not at all! I hadn’t gone to sleep yet.”

He looked once more at all the places covered in bandages. “Is it very serious?”

“Just abrasions.” Li Erqin giggled foolishly. “Why are you here?”

“Zige sent me a text.”

Li Erqin understood. “When did the competition end? How did it go?”

Rong Si was silent.

Li Erqin gradually grew uneasy under his steady gaze.

“Does it hurt?” he asked.

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LI Erqin‘s blossoming smile gradually evolved from bright and beautiful to a tender and warm glow. The person standing before her, her boyfriend, had just openly expressed his concern for her. The knowledge that she was precious to someone was what helped her find that missing sense of security she was searching for the last couple of days.

She mattered to Rong Si.

She really mattered to him.

In the quiet of the night, sentiments seemed to run faster than reasoning, and Li Erqin wanted to vanquish her overwhelming need to cry. Therefore, she purposefully made a funny face as she said, “It’s very painful!”

“Is it serious?” Rong Si asked again.

“They’re really just superficial cuts,” Li Erqin emphasised.

Rong Si sighed and quietly asked, “Were you afraid?”

Ultimately, the tears that she had been valiantly holding back flowed out at last, and when she spoke, her voice trembled. “So afraid…”

The next second, she was engulfed into a warm embrace.

Li Erqin buried her face into Rong Si’s chest, and all the feelings that she had suppressed and ignored erupted with her tears.

This whole time she could not bring herself to revisit what had transpired earlier in the afternoon. Those vicious fists that were raining down and battering her, the sharp fingernails and the overpowering feeling that they were using their entire body strength to tear her apart.

Holding on to a thread of willpower, she had willed herself not to cry, and after the incident, she had resolutely refrained herself from recollecting. She had it in mind that if she didn’t think or dwell on it, then the whole incident would become inconsequential. However, the incident did happen and those feelings existed, and just like a thorn from a thistle that had embedded and grown into a dark thicket, it was enveloping her layer upon layer.

Li Erqin had no idea how long she had cried. It was long enough for her worried dad to come looking for her.

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Li Zhengwen knitted his brows when he saw his daughter crying into the bosom of a young lad, and he could not comprehend why but he found himself releasing a sigh of relief. After waiting for a short while, he finally interrupted and called, “Er Lan.”
(TN : That’s his pet name for her. Er Qin – the Qin actually refers to hardworking, whereas he used Er Lan, the Lan refers to being lazy.)
(Minodayz : I love dad and his heart. She is his precious too.)

The young lad who was holding on to his beloved daughter did not push her away but with a calm and meaningful glance, turned his head towards him. It was then that he patted Li Erqin’s back and gently extracted her from his embrace.

Li Erqin wiped the tears off her face as she turned to Li Zhengwen and said with a blush, “Dad.”

Li Zhengwen stood where he was and said, “Bring your classmate into the house to talk.”

Li Erqin turned towards Rong Si beseeching.

Rong Si had already released Li Erqin and, mindful of Li Zhengwen, had maintained a comfortable distance from her. “Ok,” he replied.

In the Li family lounge, Rong Si sat upright on the sofa with a glass of ice water before him. He was calm and composed as he bore Li Zhengwen’s scrutiny. Li Zhengwen was simultaneously blowing on the tea leaves in his cup and sneaking cursory glances at Rong Si to size him up.

When Li Zhengwen had completed his round of observation, he stood up with his cup and said, “It’s getting late in the night so if you both want to chat more, then better get on with it. Once you’re done, I’ll arrange for the driver to send your classmate back to school.”

Rong Si offered his thanks.

Li Zhengwen gave Li Erqin one last glance as he battened down his heartache and grievances. From the moment he had known about Li Erqin’s situation to now, he had been trying all forms of methods to lift her spirits. However, she on the other hand, had on her nonchalant indifferent manner and in turn was comforting him. At the end of the day though, she was still an adolescent who hadn’t yet fully matured emotionally. If such an incident was not properly thought through and worked out, it would easily lead to a lifetime of scarring.
(TN: Mr. Li is mulling over the incident and its effect on LEQ. His heart is breaking for his precious baby girl and how this would impact her.)

Ultimately, a dad can’t compare to a boyfriend. This young lad had merely stood before her and what do you know, she finally gave in and let her tears spill out.
(Minodayz : I love a dad’s heart! He is so wonderful!)

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Li Zhengwen gave up the space to the two youngsters as he headed for the study to find his wife.

Xu Yunshu looked at him with concern written all over her face as she silently enquired of him.

Li Zhengwen gestured with his hands. “All is good, at least she was able to vent it all out.”

Xu Yunshu sighed in relief. “Has the whole situation been properly investigated?”

Li Zhengwen frowned as he placed his cup down. Then, with a serious disposition, he replied, “Old Zhang is looking into it. Tomorrow afternoon I will go and take care of everything.”

Xu Yunshu’s heartache was so apparent that it *could be heard from her words. “This time I’ll sanction the full use of your authority and power.”
(TN: 溢于言表 yiyuyanbiao, literally overflowing into and being expressed through speech)

Upon hearing this, Li Zhengwen chortled and laughed ominously. “All of you mothers are number one when it comes to fiercely protecting and shielding your children.

Xu Yunshu could not keep from seeing red yet again. She was so angry that her lips were trembling, and she was not able to utter a single sentence.
(Minodayz : something tells me that dad seriously has some clout indeed. It was implied previously but I believe he is a mover and shaker!!! Watch out nasty mean guys, Mr. Li will shake things up – mark my words!)

Meanwhile, in the lounge, Li Erqin was very quietly asking Rong Si, “Did my dad give you a scare? He normally isn’t that serious and stern.”

Rong Si laughed and replied, “Not at all.”

Li Erqin tugged at the corner of her pyjamas and asked warily, “You already know about what happened this afternoon?”

“No, I don’t.”

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Li Erqin pursed her lips. “Then…”


“I’d like to sit beside you.”

Rong Si laughed in spite of himself. “Come over then.”

Both of them sat side by side all prim and proper for a short while.

Then Li Erqin asked again, “Aren’t you going to ask me what happened this afternoon?”

Rong Si shook his head. “I’ll find out when I get back to school.”

“Oh.” Li Erqin lowered her head.

“Don’t think about it anymore,” Rong Si said. “It won’t happen again in the future.”




Rong Si was silent for a moment before stating, “From now on, I will protect you.”

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