It was getting close to lights out when Rong Si returned to the hostel. Peng Zige was pacing frantically while waiting by the main entrance of the hostel. When he finally saw Rong Si, he had the exact same reaction as Li Erqin. Taking two giant steps instead of the usual three steps, he ran to Rong Si. “Sheesh, you’ve finally returned!”

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Rong Si could no longer conceal the weariness from his appearance. “Yes.”

“Where did you go?” Peng Zige asked fretfully. “The rest of the competition participants returned ages ago.”

“I went to Li Erqin’s home.”

Peng Zige was stunned. “You went to her house?”


“Why didn’t you wait for us to go…” Peng Zige sensed that something was amiss and, wide-eyed, he asked, “You and Li Erqin?”

Rong Si walked to the wash basin to freshen up. “Yes.”

“You’re both?”

“We’re together now.”

Peng Zige was so staggered that he looked like a stunned goose. “When did this happen?”

“The day before I left for the competition.”

Peng Zige blinked as he struggled to take it all in. “I didn’t even know a thing about it.”

Rong Si did not reply as he headed to the foot of his bed to look through his belongings in the drawers underneath.

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Peng Zige looked at him strangely.

After rummaging for a while, Rong Si asked, “Do you have anything I can eat?”

Peng Zige honestly replied, “Biscuit. You haven’t had dinner?”

Rong Si nodded.

Peng Zige hurriedly supplied him with the biscuits and even offered a bottle of water.

As he was opening the bottle to drink, Rong Si asked, “What happened this afternoon?”

“A few of the girls from the next class got into a fight with Li Erqin. It was said that Li Erqin was the one who started it.”

Rong Si paused just as he was opening the packet of biscuits, “What happened next?”

“Well, obviously Li Erqin was no match for them. When the teacher arrived at the scene, she was covered in bruises and her clothes were ripped.”

Peng Zige heard the sound of the mineral water bottle being crushed into a pulp.

“Whoa, calm down!” Peng Zige rushed to soothe.


Peng Zige bore the look of someone who was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He was well aware that what he was going to say next might cause Rong Si to behave irrationally. “The main instigator is a girl called Shi Meng. Previously she had approached us to pass on a confession letter to you. Then she also demanded that we give her your mobile number. Both times, Li Erqin had turned her down. The situation went south between us, but then again it was mainly Su Zi and I who were speaking mostly while Erqin was reticent and kept quiet.”

Rong Si’s expression actually turned more unpleasant-looking.

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“Then, after a couple days, they continued to spread rumors…” Peng Zige looked at Rong Si. “They said she and Ruan Mingxian were under the stairs doing…you know, bang bang bang…”

Rong Si’s demeanour could no longer be described as merely unpleasant-looking. It became downright menacing.

“Do you still want me to continue?” Peng Zige hesitantly inquired.


Peng Zige gulped and carried on, “I heard the girls next door saying that at the time, they had intentionally gone to the broadcasting studio looking to make trouble for Erqin. While there, they said some unsavoury things about her, and Erqin, incited, threw her phone at Shi Meng. Then, the fight ensued.”

Rong Si did not speak any further. In the end, he didn’t eat a single thing either.
(Minodayz : OOoo…our MG is furious!!!)

The next day, news of the disciplinary action taken against the group of female students who had gravely violated the school rules was announced. The key perpetrator was suspended pending investigation and faced possible expulsion. The rest of the girls also received severe consequences.

However, while there was no disciplinary notice given to Li Erqin, she was still absent from class.

When Rong Si passed the disciplinary notice board, he deliberately took note of the string of names listed on the notice before composedly walking on by.

The repercussions of this incident had stirred up a big storm. Even the school board was pulled up by a Ministry of Education officer, and they were criticised and nitpicked for failing to have in place good disciplinary measures, a safe learning environment and even proper teaching pedagogy. Suddenly the whole school seemed to be shrouded in the strict atmosphere of discipline and the corresponding tension that comes with it. Even the girls who had been disgruntled and murmuring about Li Erqin not receiving any disciplinary action were momentarily subdued.

Under the banner of the school having to uphold its discipline and safe environment regulations, Rong Si was diligent in ‘catching’ a few students who were breaking the regulations. Someone had noted that names that had once been on the disciplinary notice board were once again making an appearance.
(Minodayz : Oooo RS – vindicative indeed. Me Like!!!! Go get them!!! evil glint)

After a few days though, everything seemed to calm down again. Some of the slicker “repeat-offenders” even returned to their previous behaviors.

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Sadly, there was still nary a smile to be seen on Rong Si’s face.

Peng Zige felt as if he was being stifled to death. During lunchtime, he secretly discussed with Su Zi, “Hey, is there any way to make this *oppressive being beside me release some pressure? I’m literally dying here!”
(T/N : 低气压大山 low pressure that is squashing the mountain – oppressive)

Su Zi, who had been appraised of Rong Si and Li Erqin’s relationship by Peng Zige, could only shake her head. “I don’t know, we’ll just have to wait for Erqin to come to our rescue.”

“Did she say when she will be returning to school?”

“I don’t know.” Su Zi pouted, “I heard that her Dad is stopping her from coming.”

Peng Zige was about to burst into tears.

Su Zi wanted to cry too. Without Li Erqin’s company, she was finally able to commiserate with what Peng Zige had once talked about – that utter sense of loneliness! This misery was even more unbearable compared to when she had confessed and was turned down by Rong Si!
(Minodayz : such precious friends!!! I WANT!!!!)

Peng Zige and Su Zi were aware and conscientious enough to avoid ‘disturbing’ Rong Si, but there was someone who wasn’t as clued in.

Before the start of the evening self-study class, a female student by the name of ‘Shi Meng’ had returned to school after her suspension. The first thing she did was to pay a visit to Rong Si’s classroom, walking into class to present Rong Si with her confession letter.

Rong Si silently watched her.

Shi Meng swept her hair together and displayed what she felt was her satisfied and confident smile. “My name is Shi Meng. I like you.”

Rong Si laughed suddenly.

Shi Meng handed her confession letter out. “This letter is for you.”

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The whole class’s attention was focused on both of them. Peng Zige was getting agitated and was seeing red. He was already deciding in his heart if he was really going to beat up a girl.

Rong Si stood up from his seat, his eyes dropping to spare a glance at the pale blue letter before reaching his hand to accept it.

Shi Meng’s smile widened, but when she caught sight of Rong Si’s expression, she was stunned.

His whole face was blizzard cold and the icy look in his eyes was piercing through her.

Then, right in front of her, he tore the pale blue letter in two.

“YOU?” Shi Meng’s face changed. “How could you do such a thing?”

Even Rong Si’s voice was icy cold. “Get lost.”

Peng Zige seized the opportunity to immediately chime in and shout, “Hurry up and go away! Our class doesn’t welcome the likes of you!”

A few of the classmates who were indignant on Li Erqin’s behalf joined along to holler, “Get out of our class!”

Shi Meng felt immensely humiliated. Her face paled and twitched with fury as she glared at Rong Si. “Who knew you were this kind of person! We were so wrong about you!”


There was no politely disguised contempt but only pure unadulterated disdain in Rong Si’s eyes.

Shi Meng screeched, “You’ve wasted all our affections towards you!”

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