The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 15: Hi, Potter, this thing is mu h mo

Not far from Hagrid's hut in front of the endless Forbidden Forest ruins at Hogwarts, the zombie dog Fang seemed to be completely dead.

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But in fact, it was only its claws that were cut off and its stomach blown up. The vitality of a zombie is not so fragile.

In this combination of things, Old K held the tattered Sorting Hat and waited for Mason's answer.

The cunning old hunter also took a glance at the golden bomb remote control in his hand. The red dot representing Mason was right in front of him, completely in line with Mason's current position.

The bomb was still on him.

" I've been trying to persuade myself that joining you in this 'entrepreneurship' might be a good choice."

Mason leaned on his explosive hunting gun named "Old K" and stared at the old hunter, ignoring the bomb girl behind him with a cold face, and said:

"But unfortunately, I haven't been able to convince myself until now, maybe because I don't like being invited in such a unique way as having a bomb implanted in me.

I'm quitting your team, Old K."

The young man had no disguise, nor any delay.

He said very directly:

"I have no interest in the damn Star Society. I want to leave this damn world and go back to Gotham to live my new life that I just earned for myself."

Old K stopped playing with the Sorting Hat.

He raised his head, the pipe in his mouth moved, and he blew a smoke ring:

"Do you know what you're talking about? Are you on drugs? I thought you would be more rational."

"We can part on good terms and still be friends in the future."

Mason said helplessly:

"The hat in your hand may be the most valuable thing here. It's enough for me to pay off the favor I owe you."

"Too bad."

Old K discerned Mason's expression.

After confirming that the young man was not joking, the light in his eyes cooled down, and he sighed:

"I really have high hopes for you, Mason, but there is no such thing as 'quitting' in this line of work. Either you die, or you keep going. You made the wrong choice.

May your death please the Dark Stars and light our way forward."


After Old Hunter finished his eulogy, he pressed the detonator button on the remote control in his hand, and a muffled explosion and a scream rose up in Mason's arms.

In the gaze of Old K's slightly changed face, the birdcage ornament emitting black smoke in the young man's arms fell to the ground. The zombie tiger cat inside it was blown up and almost cut in half.


As Mason rushed forward, he pressed the miniature remote control hidden in his hand.

The two engineering bombs hidden underground behind him instantly exploded and lifted the bomb girl who was about to shoot with her crossbow and flew out.

The piercing sound of gunfire erupted, and Old K, who was about to swing his sword in front of Mason, was forced back by the three rapid-fire shots of the double-barreled pistol, but in the next instant, he flashed to the side of the young man.The golden hilted sword in his hand shone with an arc of light as it chopped down, and the young man enveloped in the arc of light seemed to be hit by a flash grenade.

He instantly lost his sense of sight and felt like his eyes were going blind.

But at the same time, he activated the dizziness count's skull interference device bound to his wrist, and the electromagnetic waves that destroyed his senses rushed out in all directions, causing Old K's sword, which was aimed at Mason's neck, to deflect and chop onto the young man's shoulder.

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The sharp sword left a bloodstain, causing Mason to scream. He squeezed out an engineering bomb from his pocket and threw it out, while crawling out and twisting open the last swallow potion to drink.

The sword is weird!

The flash when it swings can temporarily blind people.

But the relic left by the dizziness count is quite useful. Old K, who was caught off guard, felt dizzy and uncomfortable, as if he was suffering from motion sickness.

The cautious hunter did not rush forward but stayed in place and took out a small bottle of potion to drink, instantly smoothing out the uncomfortable dizziness.

Mason's blindness also recovered a few seconds later.

He climbed up with a dirty face, put the gun on his back, took the umbrella of the penguin man's arms, and just as the explosion girl jumped up with her hair scattered and shot two arrows at him.

The armed umbrella opened up in that direction.

The moment the crossbow arrow hit the umbrella surface and bounced off, the energy injected into it exploded, blasting Mason and the umbrella away. When she saw Old K holding his sword and flashing towards Mason, the explosion girl's face didn't show much anger.

There was no deep hatred between her and Mason. He just treated her as bait to attract zombies at the station and almost shot her at the magic platform.

Of course, Mason also saved her from the zombie cat.

So it was enough for her to do what she did, and she didn't go forward to take revenge.

Betty Sussie considered herself a person who distinguishes between gratitude and grudges. Besides, Old K would take care of the rest.

But just as the bomb girl put down her crossbow and prepared to enjoy Mason Cooper's moment of death, a breeze suddenly blew behind her, making her uncomfortable and moving her body.

She didn't feel anything wrong, but Old K, who was walking towards Mason with a sword, suddenly stopped at this moment.

The old hunter's nose moved.

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As he shattered the bullets shot by Mason with his sword, he suddenly turned his head and shouted at the explosion girl, "Get down! There's something behind you!"


The explosion girl shuddered, subconsciously stepped forward and took a look.

There was clearly nothing behind her...


Suddenly, a sharp pain surged into Betty Sussie's heart with the sound of claws piercing flesh.

The running explosion girl seemed to be stabbed in the heart by an invisible ghost from behind, and that ghost quietly crushed her heart before the blonde girl felt the pain.

Blood gushed out of Betty's plump chest in large mouthfuls.She was at a loss, as if she had returned to the war-torn battlefield of Afghanistan. She knew she would die somewhere, but she didn't expect death to come so suddenly.

In the end, fueled by anger and resentment towards death, Explosion Girl decided to make her death more "fiery."

As Old K and Mason watched in astonishment, a chaotic and dangerous energy began to surge in Betty Suzi's body. It was her superpower that was going to take its final bow at the moment of her death.

Old K disappeared with a whoosh, while Mason turned his head and threw himself forward with all his strength.

There was a loud explosion.

A small mushroom cloud exploded in place.

Explosion Girl could make everything she touched explode, and this time she chose to detonate herself, burning almost everything within 50 meters to ashes.

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Mason was blasted away several meters by the shockwave, and when he hit the ground, his vision went black. It was like a heavy hammer hitting his chest, making it hard for him to breathe.

But at least he survived.

On the other side, Old K appeared on the trunk of a tree, holding his double-edged sword with a cold look as he watched the burning pit left by Explosion Girl's death. His eyes had turned into strange yellow cat pupils and were emitting a faint light, while his nose kept twitching, indicating that he was searching on a large scale.

"Mason, it's still there!"

A few seconds later, Old K shouted down to the young man who was trying to run away:

"It can turn invisible, no, worse than that, it's a highly skilled aura concealer! It's probably a magical effect, and even my hunter senses can't find it.

You can run.

But if I happen to die here, you're next.

I don't think it will spare any fresh flesh and blood, and I'm absolutely sure that I will be the last one of us to die. Want to bet?"

"That kind of explosive power couldn't kill it?"

Mason's heart skipped a beat and he stopped in his tracks, turning to look at the old hunter on the tree trunk. He said:

"You're kidding, right?"

"It was injured, but it was already dead. It's a 'magic zombie', who knows what kind of strange ability it has."

Old K's expression was also extremely ugly.

He hid on the trunk of the tree, scanning the surroundings that had become extremely dangerous in an instant, and said:

"That thing... I can't be sure what it is yet, but I believe it's one of the most dangerous creatures in this wasteland. I need your help, Mason."

"After we cooperate to hunt down this thing, we can discuss your conditions for leaving the team again."

"By 'cooperation,' do you mean using me as bait to lure it out?"

The young man held his combat shotgun and looked around warily, reloading the gun with a new magazine, and said:

"I'm a shooter, Old K. If you really need a decoy, it should be you, the swordsman."

"You're a shitty shooter."Old K disdainfully sheathed his swords, took out his huge hunter's crossbow from his back, and aimed it at the tree. His tone was cold as he said, "Where we come from, guys like you can't even pass the first trial. You're just bait. Otherwise, I'll shoot you right now. Unless you can escape 300 meters away in one second, my arrow will give you a lobotomy."

Mason took a deep breath and walked towards Old K. He didn't believe anything Old K said, but the fact that the old hunter proposed an alliance while being in an advantageous position indicated that the invisible person who killed Bombshell was indeed difficult to deal with.

Who knows when that guy appeared.

Perhaps when the team climbed the ruins of Hogwarts, the "magic zombie" was already watching from the sidelines.

As Mason walked forward, he looked at the constantly moving crosshairs that couldn't lock onto a target. He was on edge, and any rustling of the leaves made him alert.

But suddenly, Mason noticed something strange.

He stopped and shouted to Old K, who was aiming his crossbow at him from behind, "Old K, can you still sense the voodoo birdcage you gave me?"

"What do you mean?" Old K asked with a frown.

"That birdcage!" Mason pointed to the place where the three people had just faced off.

He stared at the ground covered in blood and flesh and shouted, "The birdcage that held Professor McGee is gone! I swear it was there just now! Maybe the magic zombie took it...wait!

I think I know who the attacker is.

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It's not here to kill us!

It's because you hurt Professor McGee with the bomb that it was provoked. It still has its own thoughts and hasn't completely lost its mind. Mr. Potter?

Is it you?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who's Professor McGee? Who's Mr. Potter? Are you cursed?" Old K was completely confused and couldn't understand what Mason was saying.

But the clue provided by the young man was a train of thought, and the old hunter took out a strange, dirty voodoo doll from his pocket.

In the next moment, his face changed, and he quickly turned his crossbow towards a spot 5 meters away from Mason and fired three arrows in a row.

Two arrows were aimed at the monster, and the last one was left for Mason.

Obviously, he intended to kill two birds with one stone!


The sound of the arrow piercing the flesh was so terrifying in Mason's ears.

The young man who was hit by the arrow slid away and pulled out the arrow that had been embedded in his back. He drank a high-level healing potion and pulled himself back from the brink of death.

He turned around and saw that the magic arrow shot by Old K was piercing the chest of the "magic zombie" that could turn invisible. The arrowhead burst into dazzling lightning, forcing that guy out of his hidden state.In the splashing lightning, Mason could still see clearly the zombie-like face and sunken eye sockets of that guy.

His hands had transformed into zombie claws.

The left claw held a broken heart, while the right claw tightly grasped the birdcage containing Professor McGee. His withered short hair couldn't hide the unique lightning symbol on his forehead.

It was really him!

Harry Potter.

The savior of the wizarding world...

He was fixed in place by the power of the magic arrow from Old K, unable to move. He wore a vintage black long coat and suit, with a very large silver-gray magic cloak over it.

When Mason saw this thing, his heart immediately began to race.

But Old K didn't recognize this guy.

Seeing that the magic arrow had really revealed the hidden figure, the old hunter flickered to the ground, drew out his double swords and rushed up, stabbing Potter several times with a few swishes, and then crossed his swords to give him the final blow.

Mason also bravely rushed up.

But he wasn't there to help Mr. Potter, he grabbed the invisibility cloak on Potter's body, pulled the strap tied to his chest with all his might, and took it off.

Then, to Old K's stunned gaze, he put the silver-gray cloak on himself, and made a "bye-bye" gesture to Old K.

In the next instant, Mason's figure, along with his breath, disappeared completely from the spot, making Old K so angry that he wanted to swing his sword and chop the black-equipped jerk into pieces.

Obviously, Mason had known the wonderful use of this cloak a long time ago.


Mr. Potter, who was still struggling to fight back, was knocked down by Old K's superb swordsmanship with one sword, and the next blow would be the thunderous execution and killing.

But at this moment, a muffled sound came, and a sniper bullet flying from nowhere shattered the head of Mr. Potter who had fallen to the ground before Old K could strike again.

Seeing the zombie head exploding in front of him, the whole body of the old hunter froze in place, with an indescribable anger surging up in his heart.

It was one thing to steal treasures, but now they even wanted to steal heads?

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This young man...

Has no martial arts etiquette!

This is provocation, right?

This must be provocation!

"Mason Cooper!!! I bet my cat's honor on it! I'm going to kill you!"

Old K, who was in a state of powerless rage, kicked the corpse under his feet and planned to find a way to deal with Mason, who was becoming more and more outrageous.

But in just a few seconds, Old K frowned and looked towards the Forbidden Forest.

A growing sense of danger was surging in that direction, as if something terrible was rushing out of that dark forest.

Old K picked up his crossbow and filled it with a precious magic arrow, then he saw the terrified kite man screaming as he flew out of the Forbidden Forest, and flying towards his direction in panic.

The old hunter sneered and aimed at Mason's accomplice.

But before he could pull the trigger, Old K's face changed dramatically and he re-aimed the arrow at the entrance to the Forbidden Forest ahead.In the ground tremors, a black giant beast with a height of five or six meters violently broke through the trees from the darkness. It had a body like a small mountain, terrifying claws, and three heads that let out low howls.

A three-headed dog!

Looking at the crimson gleaming in its six eyes and the wounds and blood on its black skin, it was not difficult to distinguish that it was a zombie three-headed dog.

How could there be such a thing in this forest?

Old K began to back away, preparing to temporarily leave the battlefield.

For safety's sake, the old hunter put his crossbow back on his back and grabbed his long sword and hunting knife. But just as his hunting knife was unsheathed, the terrifying three-headed dog chasing after the kite man suddenly stopped.

In the stunned gaze of Old K, the three nostrils of that thing twitched simultaneously, and then its six crimson eyes stared at him.

And after the three-headed dog, an even more creepy figure quickly rushed out of the forbidden forest with eight spider legs.

The zombie eight-eyed giant spider, whose head was not much smaller than the three-headed dog, also locked onto the old hunter holding the Hagrid hunting knife.

As an excellent hunter, Old K could understand the angry roar of those two beasts as they stepped forward. Although he didn't know why he had angered them, he had nowhere to run.

He couldn't match the speed of these two beasts.

It was also difficult to win in combat in this unprepared environment. He sighed and regretfully took out a stone inscribed with runes from his pocket and threw it under his feet, intending to use magic to temporarily retreat.

But just as the stone flashed, a bullet suddenly flew over.

With a bang, the rune stone was sent flying.

The light of teleportation also dissipated in the air.


The old hunter gritted his teeth and took three bottles of strange-colored potions from his waistband, drinking them down. The black veins surged from his neck to his cheeks in an instant, making him look like an evil spirit.

He swore!

After killing these two monsters, he would definitely crush Mason Cooper to pieces!

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