The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 16: A wise person must learn how to m

"That damn thing almost scared me to death!"

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The Kite Man flew all the way to the ruins of Hogwarts before finally landing on the ground, his legs trembling. As soon as he landed, he sat down on the ground with weak legs.

He threw the park ranger key he held in his hand far away like a bad omen. It was this thing that almost got him eaten as a snack by the terrifying three-headed dog.

Who would have thought that there would be such a terrifying monster in the black forest? In the moment he came face to face with the zombie three-headed dog, Kite Man was almost scared to death on the spot.

It wasn't that he was timid. Although he was mostly a henchman when he was a villain in Gotham, Kite Man had also seen some things. He had seen killers like the Crocodile and Shark Man, and even had the fortune of sitting at a table with them to eat.

But could the Crocodile and Shark Man compare to the zombie three-headed dog?

Even if their actual combat power was not considered, from the appearance alone, they were not even in the same league.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz."

Kite Man, who was scared out of his wits, ran out and rested in place for a few minutes. Then he heard a strange engine sound. He grabbed his gun and stood up, turning his head to see Mason leisurely driving a blue motorcycle with a rocket-shaped bucket on the back.

The most outrageous thing was that the three-wheeled motorcycle with the rocket-shaped bucket was flying at least three meters off the ground, very stable, as if it was driving on an invisible suspended road.

Now Kite Man finally knew why Mason took such a big risk to get this motorcycle.

This thing could actually fly!

But as the motorcycle approached, Kite Man suddenly pulled out his gun and shouted:

"Stop! Mason, what's that thing in your bucket? Why does it look like a zombie to me? Why did you bring that unlucky thing over here?"

"Unlucky? This is the savior, show some respect."

Mason sneered, manipulating the flying motorcycle to land on the ground. He glanced at Mr. Potter, who was placed in the bucket.

Although his body was smashed by Old K, Mr. Potter, even after becoming a zombie, was clearly not an ordinary zombie. In these few minutes, his crushed body was slowly recovering under the influence of some strange power.

This was definitely not normal.

So Mason took the risk of bringing Mr. Potter out.

"What about Old K?"

Kite Man glanced in the direction of the Forbidden Forest, and asked with some fear:

"Can those two monsters really kill him?"

"I don't know."

Mason rubbed his slightly sore forehead and said:"Old K dares to stay and fight them, which means he thinks he can win. So we need to go back and finish them off later. Let's rest for a while and activate all the remaining engineering bombs."

"If we don't kill him, we're done for."


Kite-Man gritted his teeth and turned to take Mason's backpack, taking out the remaining 20 or so engineering bombs one by one and activating them.

Meanwhile, Mason got out of the car and picked up his invisibility cloak to inspect it. It was originally very beautiful, made of a silver-gray material that was undoubtedly very luxurious. But now it was covered in large patches of bloodstains, making it look ugly and ominous, with a cold feeling lingering on the cloak.

In fact, it was true:

Bloodstained Invisibility Cloak/Death Artifact

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Quality: Epic Tailor/Enchanted Item · Supreme Craftsmanship

Features: Concealment of Aura · Light as a Feather · Invisible Armor · Curse

Effects: Wearing the cloak allows for stealthy movement, blocking all life auras and immune to most detection and monitoring states. Provides armor-like protection and prevents the user from entering the [Serious Injury] state.

Curse: The invisibility cloak has been stained with the user's blood and witnessed the extinction of the Ignotus Peverell family bloodline, forming a mysterious curse.

There is a certain probability that the curse will fail when using the invisibility cloak in battle, and it will impose increasingly strong mental stimulation on the user.

This curse effect cannot be purified.

Creator: Ignotus Peverell

Item Description: Don't trust a magic cloak that has been contaminated by despair too much, it may be more eager to witness your death than your enemy's.

Mason frowned as he finished reading the information label, pursing his lips and gently stroking the bloodstained invisibility cloak as he murmured:

"So, as long as we don't enter into battle, it won't fail? This curse is really troublesome."

"Mason, look!"

Kite-Man suddenly pointed at Mr. Porter in the car and shouted, causing Mason to turn around and hear Kite-Man say:

"This guy has something embedded in him! It's a stone, a broken stone!"


The young man immediately looked at Mr. Porter and saw the strange thing on his chest through the crack in his Arrogant Armor that had been cut by Old K.

Several pieces of gray broken stones were embedded in his heart.

Mason squinted and picked up a pair of tweezers to remove one of the small pieces from Mr. Porter's heart. He thought it would be difficult, but it was actually quite easy.It seemed like that thing also yearned to escape from the dead body...

Under the afternoon sun, the small stone reflected a chilly light, causing the Kite Man to shiver and step back. He felt that this thing was definitely not a benevolent object.

Mason stared at the small stone and quickly saw its information:

Broken Resurrection Stone/Deathly Hallows

Quality: Epic Alchemy/Inscription Item, Supreme Craftsmanship

Attributes: Death Resistance, Soul Calling, Broken Curse

Effect: The holder can forcibly resist death summons and lock their life state. They can also use the Resurrection Stone as a medium to summon a deceased thought form. However, the item has a natural curse effect, and the longer it is held, the more unbearable mental pressure the holder will suffer until they go insane or die.

Curse: After the Resurrection Stone is violently broken, its effects become uncontrollable and will continuously summon deceased thought forms to cause soul shocks and inflict mental torture on all surrounding life forms.

This curse cannot be dispelled.

Item Description: Look back! It's looking at you...


Mason suddenly turned his head and unsurprisingly saw a shattered spirit floating beside him.

As he took each broken Resurrection Stone from Mr. Potter's heart, the face of that spirit became clearer.

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It was the middle-aged Harry Potter.

This poor hero and savior had long since passed away, but his broken soul had been trapped in the decaying body by the Resurrection Stone, unable to be freed.

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From this perspective, Mason and Old K's attacks could be considered as giving this poor soul a final release.

As for why Potter, in all senses a good person, would embed such an evil item in his heart... perhaps this former savior was trying to turn the tide of disaster with this almost suicidal method?

Unfortunately, he couldn't perform the myth of saving the world this time.

"Who did this?"

Mason saw Mr. Potter's spirit dissipating quickly under the sunlight and quickly asked, "Who did all of this?"

"Over there! Go to the top of Gryffindor Tower, I left everything there..."

The shattered spirit had little thoughts left. Facing Mason's inquiry, he raised his hand and pointed to a direction before disappearing like a soap bubble in front of the young man.

Mason suddenly stood up and looked towards the direction the spirit had pointed to.There was a completely collapsed tower ruin. Because it had been burned, only ashes were left, so Mason, Kite Man, and even McGee had not searched that place.

"That...that was a ghost...right? It's a ghost!"

Kite Man was already scared pale. The experience of seeing a ghost with his own eyes made this third-rate villain's legs tremble.

This kind of experience obviously should not be encountered by people in the living world, which caused great mental pressure on poor Charles. Of course, it is also possible that the resurrection stone placed next to him by Mason has begun to exert psychological impact on him.

The young man did not immediately set out to search for treasure. He glanced at the zombie Mr. Porter in the bucket of the car.

After the resurrection stone was removed, the exhausted soul that had been wandering alone in the ruins of Hogwarts for an unknown period of time could finally rest. The cursed body also finally stopped moving.

Even a hint of creepy smile could be seen on the withered cheeks.

It seems that there is no more resentment or anger.

"Help me, carry him down and burn him. Don't be afraid, he's dead, completely dead."

Mason said to Kite Man, who swallowed his saliva and was ready to argue with Mason.

But he found that the new boss had already picked up his "cat cage" and was using the fragment of the resurrection stone to gesture on the wound of the zombie tiger-striped cat that had been blown into two pieces. Kite Man suddenly felt that this young man Mason might have gone crazy.

He seemed to really want to keep this zombie cat!

"This thing can help you, Professor McGee, so calm down, okay?"

Mason used tweezers to pick up the gray resurrection stone and placed it on the broken spine of the zombie tiger-striped cat. One was not enough, and another one was placed on the pitiful zombie cat's spine.

Under his gaze, in about three minutes, the almost blown-up Professor McGee began to repair his dead body under the action of the resurrection stone.

Perhaps because the zombie could not control magic due to not completely dying, she still maintained her cat form and did not intend to change to human form.

This is also good.

Mason thought.

It's still reasonable to keep a zombie cat. If he keeps an old zombie witch as a cat...uh, he won't be able to explain it if someone sees it.

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"Leave the remaining fragments of the resurrection stone to Yaya and Maomao."

The young man put the voodoo bird cage back into his arms, wrapped the remaining pieces of the resurrection stone, and planned to give them to the watchdog left by Hagrid.

That's also a good dog.

"Are you ready?"After almost ten minutes, Mason finished the last sip of water and picked up his gun with a fierce momentum, saying to Kite Man beside him.

The latter was a bit scared, but still nodded under Mason's gaze.

"Good! Let's go for the kill."

The young man said loudly:

"It's too late to turn back now, Charles. Bring out the momentum you had when you followed the Joker to rampage in Gotham! For our future lives, K must die here!

You have a son with your ex-wife, right?

Don't you want to see him grow up with your own eyes?"

This sentence was like a key that instantly unlocked Kite Man's anxious heart. The man in his thirties gritted his teeth and opened his kite, shouting:

"F*ck K! Let's go! Kill him!"

"You're still going to use the kite to go over there? It's against the wind now."

Mason rode his beloved flying motorcycle and patted the car bucket, saying to his little brother:

"Get on! We'll fly over."


At the entrance of the Forbidden Forest, not far from where Bombshell was killed, the forest in front of Hagrid's hut had already been turned into a hellish scene of fierce fighting.

Hagrid's pet three-headed dog, Fluffy, or with a cuter name, Furry, could no longer arrogantly rampage in the Forbidden Forest.

The brave old hunter used two sharp weapons to chop off all three of its heads and blasted its two hearts with enchanted explosive arrows.

Of course, the old hunter paid a terrible price for this.

But as a C-level member of the Starry Sky Association, and having experienced many life-and-death battles in at least ten worlds, Old K naturally had his own trump cards. He was not immersed in the glory of hunting and killing the zombie three-headed dog alone, and was still fighting to the death with the eight-eyed giant spider with an indescribable amazing swordsmanship.

The latter's frontal destructive power was much weaker than that of the three-headed dog, but as a spider-like creature, its innate ability to spin webs and produce venom made it still maintain a quite tricky characteristic after becoming a zombie.

It may not be invincible in a hundred battles, but it can definitely drag powerful enemies to hell together.

Old K was already at the end of his strength, but the eight-eyed giant spider was not doing any better.

After using the strange magic seal in the bottom of the box and expensive divine arrows in battle, the bloated abdomen of the eight-eyed giant spider had been burned beyond recognition.

Its pitch-black compound eyes were also poked out by Old K for the most part.In theory, even zombie-like beasts should have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. At this point in the battle, they should have found a way to escape.

But what puzzled Old K was that both the three-headed dog from earlier and the eight-eyed giant spider in front of him fought him to the bitter end as if he had done something wrong to them.

The problem was that Old K's "job interview" was completed in this world, but he was just testing the waters and hadn't even stayed for three days. How could he have angered such powerful creatures?


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With these doubts, Old K, exhausted, swung his giant hunting knife and sliced the zombie-fied eight-eyed giant spider's head open. The monster's body trembled and moaned before collapsing.

Old K was too weak to pull out his knife. He took a few steps back with his bloody sword and heard a strange whistling sound. Then, more than twenty engineering bombs flew in and exploded together, turning the surrounding area into a sea of fire.

But the old hunter was still alive.

A strange magical shield protected him from the explosion, but he was too weak. He knelt down on the ground, panting heavily, and tremblingly took out his last trump card from his backpack.

It was a slender crystal bottle filled with amber-colored potion.

As long as he drank it, he could "resurrect" on the spot and then go find Mason and Kite Man to bury them here completely!

Anyway, the harvest this time was enough to cover the costs. There were plenty of weird and extraordinary people in Mason's world, such as Gotham's Batman...

But that activation seemed a bit tricky.

No matter, he could take his time.

However, Old K, with his back to the eight-eyed giant spider, did not notice that even at the moment of death, the remaining few compound eyes of the spider were still shining with anger and resentment that could not be extinguished even in death.

Especially the familiar and cold breath emanating from the giant hunting knife that had been plunged into its head, which almost drove the zombie-like beast crazy.

That was the breath of a, that was the breath of family...

This guy in front of it...

The murderer!

Kill the murderer!

"Poof."With the last of its strength, the sharp spider leg pierced through Old K's body from behind like a spear, causing the old hunter's hand to shake and the amber crystal bottle to fall to the ground, rolling forward.

Old K screamed and turned around, cutting off the poisonous legs of the eight-eyed giant spider, but the latter had already died with that blow.

The old hunter really couldn't understand!

What was driving these two monsters that had already died to fight him to the death?

Where did these zombified creatures get such strong emotions?

But now was not the time to consider this.

He fell to the ground and reached out to touch the crystal bottle. Just as his bloodied fingers were about to touch the bottle, a shoe from a silver-gray invisibility cloak stepped on the crystal bottle.

All the hope in Old K's haggard face froze at that moment.

"I guess you must be curious why they would go crazy and die with you."

Mason's hoarse voice rang out in this hellish forest.

He rarely spoke so much in front of others, as if saying goodbye.

"The three-headed dog in front of you is called Mao Mao, the eight-eyed giant spider behind you is called Aragog, and the good dog whose claws you cut off and left to die at your doorstep is called Yaya.

Their only commonality is that they are all children raised by Hagrid.

So, sorry, Old K.

But this arranged death match is indeed a personal grudge between you and Hagrid's loyal pets. You said, four days ago, you left me alone in Gotham, didn't you?

No one really wanted things to come to this."

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