The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 2: Here he omes, here he omes, tha

"Boss, that slut rushed into the Gotham Police Department. We have a mole here, we..."

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"I don't want to hear about that! I only want Catwoman's body and my stuff. Get it done before that bat shows up. If you can't get it, blow it up. You know how hot that stuff is! If it leaks, me and my family will die first, and you and your family will follow."

"Understood, boss."

After the brief communication, the piercing sound of gunfire rang out in front of the Gotham Police Department building.

The madmen under this group of penguin people quickly gathered more forces. Before the police arrived to support them, they had already entered the building that should have symbolized city order, wielding automatic weapons.

Of course, the police who maintained a surface balance with the Gotham gangsters in this situation were also ruthless. Commissioner Gordon, who received the news in advance, had already opened the weapons depot and mobilized the on-duty police to hinder the advance of the gangsters.

The civilian staff who had worked overtime were asked by the commissioner to evacuate from the back door, and the commissioner himself was certainly not going to abandon his subordinates in this situation.

But for Commissioner Gordon, the most important issue now was:

"Did you make that call just now? Who are you?"

Wearing a bulletproof vest, a helmet, and fully armed, Commissioner Gordon frowned and looked at Mason, who was escorted by three police officers in front of him.

The young man had an innocent look on his face, as if he were a harmless little baby who had accidentally been involved in tonight's crazy situation.

At the moment he saw the commissioner, he handed him the sword-shaped hard disk in his hand obediently, as if he were throwing away a hot potato. He also lied to Gordon:

"I am a spy planted by Batman in the Penguin gang. I usually maintain a single-line contact with Catwoman. Today, we caught the most important thing in Penguin's hands in the net.

As a law-abiding citizen of Gotham, I think the police are capable of protecting this important item."

Commissioner Gordon widened his eyes.


Batman is also starting to plant undercover agents in the gang?

Why doesn't his old comrade-in-arms know about this?

The commissioner glanced at the hard disk in his hand, and then at the police officer behind him. The police officer pointed to Catwoman, who was being rescued by emergency personnel outside the office, indicating that what this guy said might be true.

After all, who in Gotham doesn't know that Catwoman and Batman have a relationship?

This is basically a semi-public secret.

On the "Villain Forum" in Gotham, super villains often joked about Catwoman being Batman's pet, which made the very independent female thief, Big Sister, very unhappy.

"You stay here!"

Commissioner Gordon waved his hand and let the young man stay in the office. Mason looked up at the sky through the window, and the reflection of the black and white bat lamp on the dark cloud layer below gave him a little peace of mind in the current situation.

"I can help."

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Mason spread his hands and said to Commissioner Gordon, who was preparing to leave the office to intercept the crazy gangsters:

"I betrayed the Penguin gang. They won't let me go. You should know their style better than me. I risked my life to bring Catwoman and this thing here to show my sincerity.

At least give me a gun."

"Boom."As soon as the young man finished speaking, the entire floor shook violently, and the sound of an explosion from below made every armed police officer on this floor turn pale.

It was definitely the sound of heavy artillery bombardment.

Several timid officers were already trembling on the ground, while Gordon shook his body and climbed up to the window to look down. He was shocked to find that several Penguin gangsters were unloading the kind of "little cuties" that could be carried on their shoulders and fired from their carriage.

"This is insane!"

The commissioner cursed and turned to look at Mason.

The latter had already snatched a semi-automatic rifle from a young officer who was almost scared to death, and turned around to rush into the adjacent armory, not knowing what he was doing.

Two seconds later, Mason rushed out with a bag of grenades, raised his hand and shot the glass, then picked up a grenade and pulled out the pin.

Although he didn't understand why the armory of Gotham Police Department would have something that ordinary police officers would never use, the young man still adjusted the strength and landing point according to the trajectory marked in his eyes, and took a step forward to throw the grenade out.

With a loud bang, people on the lower floors of the five-story police building were thrown to the ground.

Commissioner Gordon, wearing a helmet, leaned against the window and used "African shooting" to fire a row of bullets for suppressing fire, and took a look when he was free.

The grenade thrown by the young man fell on the pickup truck loaded with heavy weapons of the gangsters, and the explosion completely extinguished their dangerous firepower.

"Well done!"

The commissioner excitedly clenched his fist and pounded the wall. Other police officers also looked at Mason with admiration and hope that he would bring another divine weapon.

"R! P! G!"

Just as Mason was busy putting on a bulletproof vest, a female police officer's screaming scream sounded from the other side of the floor. A group of people crawled on the ground, and the rocket fired from below hit the wall on the top floor, and the violent explosion directly blasted half of the wall.

"Commissioner, they are coming up from below!"

While people were crawling and rolling, the armed police defending the stairs also rushed up with shields full of bullet marks. The dirty-faced Commissioner Gordon grabbed his gun and ran over to support them. Before leaving, he reminded:

"You, young man! Although I don't know who you are, you are definitely not an ordinary person. Help us defend here. Batman is already on the way!

Holding on is winning!"

"Well, at least give me a good gun."

Mason pulled out two pins again, and threw the grenades in his hands to the left and right along the blown-up wall with an almost perfect trajectory.

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In the roaring explosion, he grabbed a helmet and put it on his head, waving the rifle in his hand and shouting to the commissioner:

"I need some accessories to modify this thing. Your weapons are rotten! They can't match the firepower of the gangsters. There must be someone in this police station who is embezzling."

"They are all in the armory, find them yourself."

At this time, the commissioner, who was already stuck between the stairs on the fourth and fifth floors with his men, immersed himself in his "gunfight dream" and shouted without looking back.

A few seconds later, there was a terrifying movement of a grenade exploding in the elevator.

After Mason finished throwing the grenades in his hand and perfectly destroyed all the gangsters' support vehicles, he turned around and rushed into the armory. The injured Catwoman was also transferred here by two female police officers for emergency hemostasis and surgery.The young man rushed in and opened the weapon cabinet, searching for suitable weapon components according to the newly unlocked rifle blueprint on the screen in front of him. He also took a quick glance at the Catwoman lying on the table with a pale face.

"Master, oh master, I'm risking my life to protect your wife. If this still can't increase her goodwill towards you, then it's pure discrimination!"

At the same time...

In the dark night sky outside the city, an extremely cool black bat-shaped aircraft was shuttling through the clouds at high speed.

The man sat in the cockpit like a king, his tall body covered by a black cloak, while the mouth under the bat mask on his head outlined a serious and stern expression.

"Alfred, I need real-time monitoring of the combat zone."

He changed various components of his cool multifunctional combat belt to assault accessories while speaking to his butler and assistant through the communication.

"Okay, young master. Wayne Industries launched three of the most advanced communication satellites last month. Maybe we can 'borrow' them."

An old but gentle voice sounded in the communication, somewhat complaining, "Also, do you really need a new full-time assistant? My sleep quality is already poor as an old man. Do you need me to prepare a medbay for Miss Selina? I heard she was seriously injured. From the current situation, that woman who loves stealing might be the most likely candidate to become the matriarch of the Wayne family this generation."

Search "pawread dot com" for the original.

After a few seconds of silence, the master sighed and said, "We're in a war, Afuo. Please be serious. Approaching the combat zone, emergency parachute in three minutes. You operate the aircraft and provide fire support for me. Also, track Oswald's private communication signal. He went too far tonight and needs to cool down in Blackgate Prison."

"Okay, young master. The non-lethal firepower suppression system of the Batplane is online. Have a good workout after dinner. Don't forget to bring Miss Selina back. She might be able to act as the temporary hostess for tomorrow's charity dinner."


"No wonder it's the Gotham Police Department. They have everything in the arsenal that they should and shouldn't have! Awesome."

Mason looked at the assault rifle that had been urgently assembled in front of him. Without changing its appearance significantly, the addition of multiple extra components made it heavier and gave it an indescribable sense of professionalism.

The label jumping on the screen proved its changes:

Name: M14 Assault Rifle

Quality: Standard item, poor workmanship

Features: Precision aiming component, large-capacity drum component, recoil weakening component, underbarrel grenade component

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Creator: Mason Cooper

Item Description: You just combined various components in a more efficient way. This is far from the essence of engineering, but it's well done, rookie.

Successfully completing an engineering creation assembly increases proficiency in the engineering branch skill.


Just as Mason inserted the circular drum into the magazine, a violent explosion erupted outside the arsenal.

The strong shock wave shattered the glass of the entire floor and made the female police officer behind him scream. Her hand slipped, causing the Catwoman lying on the table with her chest half-exposed to twitch in pain."Stay steady! Don't be afraid! Girls, we can win!"

Mason stood up from the wall, feeling a little dizzy. He inserted a black grenade into the underslung launcher and wiped the blood off his face before shouting to the two female police officers in front of him. He also gave a thumbs-up to the catwoman who was staring at him.

Then he took a deep breath and rushed out of his hiding place, sliding and tackling a tactical move to the ground.

The armed police officers led by Commissioner Gordon had been completely suppressed by the surging gangsters. Seeing that the large group was about to rush out of the stairwell, Mason raised his gun and shouted, "Get down!"


In a low vibration, the black grenade flew out of the gun and hit the guys who were rushing up the stairs. In that instant, Mason saw the leader, wasn't that the big boss who he had knocked out?

Hey! You should have stayed lying there honestly if you wanted a bright future!


In the stunned gaze of the blood-covered big boss, a small-caliber grenade launched by his own useless little brother hit him in the chest, followed by a violent explosion that engulfed the entire stairwell.

Using weapons like grenades indoors was undoubtedly suicidal, but the situation at hand couldn't care about that.

In the demolition-like noise, Commissioner Gordon, who was temporarily deafened by the explosion, climbed up with a grimy face and saw the young man who called himself the "Batman informant" running out with a strange-looking gun.

He stood on the top of the collapsed stairs, holding the gun with an unconventional posture in both hands. With the assistance of his combat aid, the dust and smoke-covered place could not block his vision.

The floating aiming frame in front of his eyes kept moving, locking onto one approaching figure after another.

And the elongated preset red dotted line trajectory made the young man have the illusion of "playing FPS games in the real world" again.

"Take this as my farewell to Oswald. That miser not only asked me to drop out of school, but also swallowed the insurance compensation my dad left me, whom I've never met!"

Mason shouted loudly.

The next second, the sound of gunfire like popping beans rang out in the destroyed stairwell, and the gangsters' assault was quickly suppressed.

But they had some dirty tricks.

Seeing that the group of useless police officers miraculously held onto the building tonight, the Penguin's confidant below gestured to his little brothers beside him.

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Soon, homemade Molotov cocktails were thrown into the messy building, quickly igniting a large amount of files and paper on one floor. The fire intensified, and the gangsters quickly rushed out, some of them grabbing explosive barrels from the arriving cars and pushing out several large gasoline barrels.

They were executing Plan B.

Bury this building and everyone and everything inside.


A gunshot came from the top floor, and Pals, who was rolling the gasoline barrel, was shot in the chest and fell to the ground. Then another gunshot made the guy holding the explosives fall to the ground as well.

"There's a sniper! Take cover!"

Someone shouted, and the fierce gangsters suddenly panicked.

Meanwhile, Mason, who was standing by the blown-up wall on the top floor, dropped the empty drum in his hand and took a magazine from Commissioner Gordon, inserting it into the gun.He glanced at the "shooting proficiency increased" prompt that was flooding his vision, then looked down at the commotion below and said to Commissioner Gordon, who was covered in blood:

"If that guy doesn't come soon, we'll be blown to bits."

"What? What did you say? Speak up, I can't hear you!"

Commissioner Gordon pointed to his bloody ear and shouted at Mason, making the young man sigh helplessly.

Commissioner Gordon had a sense of serving the citizens, a will to uphold justice, and loyalty to his friends that was admirable, and most of the time he was brave and resourceful. The only flaw was that his combat ability was a bit lacking. Wouldn't it be great if he were a Rambo who could take on a hundred people alone?

"He's here! Look!"

Just as Mason was about to use his combat assistance to intimidate the opposing gang members and buy some time, the temporarily deaf Commissioner Gordon grabbed his wrist and joyfully pointed to the sky.

The young man looked up.

A cool and incomparable black Batplane flew over the police station building like a ghost, and a flexible turn in the air revealed a rapid-fire machine gun from the belly of the plane, whistling down towards the ground like a ground suppression airship. One sweep scattered the Penguin Gang's gang members, and a few smoke bombs were thrown onto the ground.

Then Mason saw a black figure glide down like a bat with its wings spread open, silently falling into the chaos.

The sparks that occasionally jumped up from the rolling thick smoke represented that the battle was still ongoing, but the cries that came one after another made this scene in front of him seem like a one-sided "slaughter."

Mason breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his gun and closed the safety, then took off his tattered bulletproof vest and helmet and threw them aside. He and Commissioner Gordon sat side by side against the blown-up wall, watching the chaotic battlefield below like watching a movie. He then took a crumpled cigarette from the relieved commissioner's hand and leaned over to let him light it for him.

A minute later, the Batplane flew over the police station again, switching to firefighting mode and spraying a large amount of foamed water mist to put out the flames at the police station, also drenching the unsuspecting Mason and Commissioner Gordon.


In the firing and pulling of the grappling gun, the ghostly man flew out of the battlefield mixed with water vapor and gunpowder, like a bat folding its wings, and landed steadily next to Mason and Commissioner Gordon in his cape.

He glanced at the messy police station, then reached out in the cheers of the police officers and took the cigarette from Mason's mouth and threw it on the ground.

The master stared at the young man and said in a hoarse voice as he noticed his subtle expression change:

"Mason Cooper, a high school dropout from Gotham, your father Robert Cooper was once Oswald's confidant and was sent to prison by me three times. You're 17 years old! Minors are not allowed to smoke."

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