The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 3: Let's just say, even my grandma

The top floor of the police station was in ruins, as if it had just been through a war. Despite not being able to hear Batman and Mason's conversation, Commissioner Gordon grinned at the scene before him and handed the sword-shaped hard drive that he had kept in his pocket to Batman. Just like when Mason had given it to him, he let out a sigh of relief.

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Upon seeing the hard drive, Batman furrowed his brows, seemingly disapproving of its shape. Master looked up and saw Catwoman being carried out by the police, waving to him. He breathed a sigh of relief and then, under the gaze of a group of police officers, some in awe and some in admiration, he walked up to his lover and carried her towards the wall.

The black bat plane was already hovering there, and the unmanned cabin was sliding open. He was going to send the severely injured Selina to a safe place while chasing after the Penguin, who had already started to escape.

But the next second, Batman's black cape was grabbed by Mason.

"Special material detected: Tailor-made Bat Suit Cape. Basic blueprint analysis in progress. Tailoring skill branch unlocked, currently at Lv0."

As Mason grabbed Batman's cape, these words appeared on the screen in front of him, causing the young man's eyebrows to raise. Master looked back at him with a cold, emotionless gaze, putting immense pressure on Mason.

"I want to go with you."

Mason calmly watched the progress bar of the tailor-made Bat Suit analysis advancing on the screen in front of him, and whispered, "I don't want to work for the mafia anymore. There's no future in it. I want to resign to Oswald and become a good person, starting tonight."

"You've done enough tonight."

Although Mason had shown sincerity, Batman remained unmoved and spoke in a calm tone, "We need you here more. We'll talk after I come back."

Master pointed to the battlefield around and below them, saying, "This is not something a 17-year-old can handle. So, if you plan to lie to me about your background, it's better to spend some time coming up with a good excuse."

"I just want to help!"

Mason was taken aback. He pretended to be angry and grabbed Master's wrist. As soon as they made contact, another prompt appeared, "Special material detected: Engineering/Forging Bat Suit Combat Arm Armor. Basic blueprint analysis in progress. Forging skill branch unlocked, currently at Lv0."

Unexpectedly, Mason's eyes lit up. He stared at Batman with a fierce look, yelling like an impulsive and misunderstood young man, "I saved Catwoman! You can ask her yourself. I almost did everything I could to make up my mind. My father, who you have arrested three times, died in the gunfight between Penguin and Falcone at the pier last month. I know my background is not good, but that doesn't mean I can't turn over a new leaf."


Batman still remained unmoved, twisting his wrist to break free from Mason's grip.The young man took a step back and then, as if angered, grabbed the master's armor and multi-functional combat belt with both hands and shouted angrily, "Bah! I can't believe I used to admire you! I never thought you were just like everyone else, judging people by their appearance."

At that moment, three prompts appeared in front of Mason once again: "Detected special material engineering/tailor creation bat suit main armor, basic blueprint analysis in progress." "Detected special material engineering creation bat grappling gun, basic blueprint analysis in progress." "Detected special structure engineering creation multi-functional combat belt, basic blueprint analysis in progress." "Detected special material forging creation bat dart, basic blueprint analysis in progress."

The master, entangled by Mason, did not see through the young man's "wool cutting" behavior in front of him. He just looked up and down at the angry young man who was not recognized for his ideas.

A few seconds later, Batman reached out and took Mason's hand off his armor and said coldly, "Who you are and who you want to be does not depend on how I see you. Actual action is more important than words. A good person does not sit idly by while others suffer."

After speaking, the master took out an emergency hemostatic injection from his belt and threw it to Gordon. He then leaped into his bat fighter and, like a ghost, darted into the sky as the hatch closed.

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Mason stood in disappointment, watching Batman leave.

Commissioner Gordon, who had regained some of his hearing, patted the young man's shoulder and said softly, "Don't mind him. He's just that cold, but he's a good person. You are too, child. You helped us a lot tonight. Maybe you need to rest. Your head is still bleeding. Here, take this."

Mason nodded and took the emergency hemostatic injection that Gordon handed him. As he injected the treatment medication into his veins, another prompt flashed before his eyes: "Detected special compound batman's personal rapid hemostatic analgesic, basic blueprint analysis in progress. Alchemy branch opened, currently at Lv0."

He looked at the seven special equipment blueprint analysis progress bars that were slowly advancing under the character card screen in front of him and had a strong feeling that the master was indeed a generous tycoon who spent money like water.

On their first meeting, he had given him seven advanced blueprints in various fields.

Look at his generosity. What can the stingy Penguin compare to?

Of course, he still had to show a disappointed look after not being recognized, then turned around to help the injured police officers evacuate.

The hospital ambulance had received the message and arrived at the police station building, and things became busy again.

"Commissioner, we found this downstairs."

A limping police officer walked up with a tablet-like device and handed it to Commissioner Gordon, saying:"It was confiscated from the Penguin Gang boss who was knocked down by Batman from below. He refused to tell us what it was, but knowledgeable brothers said it should be a tracking device."

Gordon frowned and took it in his hand, glanced at it, and saw a red dot moving constantly on a minimized map. He felt that this thing was important, but the Gotham police department was currently unable to send police to track it down, so he casually placed it on his desk.

"It's that hard drive!"

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Mason, who was helping on the side, squinted at the tablet next to Commissioner Gordon and thought to himself:

"Catwoman told me that the Penguin made a locator for his treasure, and that hard drive is now in Batman's hands, so as long as we follow that coordinate, we can find Batman and the Penguin.

My goal of whitewashing has been achieved, and I am now fighting alongside the Gotham police. No one can accuse me of being a villain anymore, and new career planning can be put on the agenda.

Tonight was really exciting.

But now it's the Boss battle between Batman and the Penguin. Should I go and watch it up close?"

After more than ten minutes, Commissioner Gordon, who had finally breathed a sigh of relief after sending the last injured person to the ambulance, sat in a chair and let the medical staff next to him stitch up his wounds.

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But soon, the commissioner realized belatedly:

"Hey? Where is the tablet used for tracking just now? Who took it away? Damn it, that's important evidence!"


"Oswald is on the car below."

The black bat fighter jet quickly flew through the dark night and around the border of the DC area. Batman had locked onto the Penguin's location through Alfred's signal.

As he left the driver's seat and prepared for a parachute jump, he said to Catwoman, who was lying on the passenger seat:

"Afu will take you back to the mansion, where a healing pod is prepared."

"This situation is not quite right, Bruce."

Catwoman, who was injected with a sedative and was very weak and tired, whispered:

"You have to be careful. Oswald and his men attacked the police station like crazy, indicating that there must be something important enough to make him lose his mind in that hard drive.

And that boy, Mason.

I saw the way you looked at him just now, and he reminded you of Jason, right? Are you planning to make him your next Robin?"

The master was silent for a moment and said:

"I don't plan to train a new Robin anymore. I don't want to see those kids bleeding for my cause again. Jason's death was enough.

But Mason...

The young man's abilities tonight were indeed unique. I think I may need to pay attention to him for a while. That's enough, you need to rest."

After speaking, the bat fighter jet opened a parachute door and the master, wrapped in his cloak, leaped down.

At the moment he left the fighter jet, the ghostly aircraft was taken over by Batman's old butler, Alfred, who piloted it elegantly and swiftly towards Wayne Manor outside the city.Batman fell head down in the air and opened his black, soft cape at a safe height. In an instant, the black cape stretched straight into a glider-like structure, allowing Master to glide down like a predatory bat and finally land precisely on the top of the speeding Lincoln car below.

The collision immediately alerted the Penguin and his henchmen in the car, but before they could react, a black batarang flipped and inserted itself into the hood of the car in front of them. The mini EMP bomb exploded, causing all electronic devices in the car to malfunction.

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The out-of-control Lincoln car rolled twice on the street like a drunk snake, then crashed into a fire hydrant on the side of the road with a loud bang. The car door was kicked open roughly, and four or five black gangsters with submachine guns jumped out and fired at Batman, only to be knocked down one by one by Master, who swung over from the power pole in a close combat attack.

It was a one-sided massacre.

The Penguin, a black gang boss who wore a black tailcoat, a high hat, a monocle, and carried a black gentleman's umbrella, like an elegant and arrogant emperor penguin, took advantage of the chaos to escape from the other side of the car, carrying a suitcase in one hand and holding an umbrella in the other, and staggered away.

Batman beat up his bodyguards and subordinates from behind, but the Penguin didn't even look at him.

However, this guy wasn't just running away. The moment Master dealt with all his subordinates and threw two batarangs at him, the short Penguin turned around and opened his Bulgarian umbrella. With two clangs, the seemingly weak but tough umbrella surface actually bounced the batarangs away.

Then the Penguin pulled the curved handle of the umbrella and held the open umbrella like a machine gun, firing several shots at Batman, who was charging towards him. But Master was also experienced in battles and defended himself with his cape while accelerating towards the Penguin.


A snowy white blade popped out from the umbrella head that the Penguin had put away, and the short black gang boss surged with a fierce momentum, just like holding a spear, stabbing Batman three times as he charged forward. After being blocked by Master's combat arm armor, he twisted the umbrella handle switch and finally forced Batman back with a burst of flames from the umbrella head.

"That thing is on you! They won't let you go!" The sweating Penguin kept shooting at Batman with his umbrella, and shouted desperately, "But why don't you let me go, Batman? I can pretend this never happened, and I can also get away with it over there. You know, my territory is the most orderly place in Gotham, and I just want to make money without causing any trouble. For the past few years, haven't we been getting along just fine?"

Master didn't answer. The cold and ruthless Batman was not a superhero who liked to talk during battles, and this was also part of the sinister style he deliberately maintained. The Penguin saw Batman retreating and disappearing into the shadows, and became vigilant, constantly backing away while clutching his umbrella. He was under a lot of pressure.All attention was almost drawn to Batman hiding in the shadows in front of them, ignoring the skinny figure hiding behind the flower bed on the other side of the street behind them.

Mason squinted in the grass, quietly raising his engineering gun, the combat-assisted sight had locked onto the short penguin man, and the preset trajectory had drawn a red dotted line in front of him, like a straight line falling between him and the penguin man.

This was actually the first time Mason had met his nominal boss in person, the previous meetings didn't count.

"Batman! Stop hiding and come out!"

The penguin man, forced into a corner, shouted:

"The other lunatics in this city don't understand your ideas, but I do! I know you drew a line for us, as long as we don't cross it, you can tolerate us living in the gray area.

I promise you, tonight is just a small accident.

I stabbed your little lover, but it was just a misunderstanding. You don't know what's in that hard drive, do you?

You better take a look for yourself.

Then you'll see that we can actually work together.

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Our city is on the brink of disaster!"


A bat dart thrown from another corner interrupted the penguin man's rambling, and Oswald turned his umbrella head and fired wildly in that direction.

In the instant he turned his back to the street, Mason also decisively pulled the trigger.

A light bang.

The bullet spun out of the barrel at high speed, flying dozens of meters along the preset trajectory in an instant, biting the penguin man's hand like a venomous snake.

Blood splattered as the pained penguin man jumped in place, two broken fingers wriggling on the ground like dying snakes, but he was then tackled by the Batman who had descended from the sky.

The bulletproof bat cape was raised to cover his enemy, preventing the second bullet from flying over and killing him.

But Mason had no intention of continuing to shoot.

After firing the shot, he stood up from the grass, holding the gun in his left hand and raising his right hand, walking towards Master on this side, shouting:

"That shot was my resignation to the Penguin. You said actions speak louder than words."

The young man looked at Batman, and Batman looked at him.

As their eyes met, Mason threw his gun on the ground and said:

"The whole city knows you don't kill, and I didn't plan to kill in front of you either. I just want to tell you that Mason Cooper, who served the Penguin, is dead.

From now on, I just want to live a peaceful life."

Batman didn't answer.

As he injected a tranquilizer into the howling and pig-like penguin man's neck, he glanced at the two bloody broken fingers at his feet.

In the dimly lit street, he said hoarsely to Mason:

"No, this shot will never let you live a peaceful life again. If you knew how the gangs in this city deal with traitors..."

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