The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 21: Do tor, do you think I still have

"Bang, bang, bang."

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The crazy shooting and hoarse voice from the sudden fog caused by the out-of-control magic explosion perfectly showed the poor young man's terrible psychological state. He had been kidnapped by a mad wizard and tortured to the point of losing his mind.

He lay on the ground, covered in blood, screaming and randomly shooting like a crazy veteran with PTSD. The flying bullets forced Zatanna and Tana to retreat.

Although they were magicians, they could still be injured by bullets. However, Master, who heard Mason's hoarse voice, rushed to him like a ghost in a bulletproof cloak.

Batman waved his hand and knocked the gun out of Mason's hand, then pressed his shoulder and pinned him to the ground.

He said in a deep voice, "Mason! Wake up! It's me! I'm here to save you. You're safe now, kid."

"Batman? Are you the person I admire the most after my parents' illusion? No! You can't fool me! You're just an illusion! You damn wizard!"

Mason howled on the ground, trying to strangle Batman's neck with his hands. Helplessly, Master had to give him a Batman tranquilizer shot to calm him down.

Master looked at the thin 17-year-old boy covered in blood and stains on his clothes, which was a messy state that could not be faked after intense resistance. This made Batman sure that Mason had been severely tortured by the mysterious wizard during the five days he was missing.

When Master picked up the unconscious Mason with his strong arms, Zatanna walked over holding some magic books she found near the big pit.

Master looked back at the beautiful female magician who had been his childhood friend and almost slept with him when they grew up. Her attention was now attracted by the torn books in her hands.

She was full of a mysterious and intellectual beauty. She said to Master in a professional tone, "These are indeed real magic books. From the obscure sentences in these books, they are definitely from an ancient sect that has been passed down for more than a thousand years."

"Batman, your city can really surprise me. I know the next request will make you uncomfortable, but I must use your influence in the city to ask the police to temporarily seal off this place. John and I must carefully examine the ruins after the magic explosion and collect all the magic items left here. You have to understand that once these items related to real magic fall into the hands of ordinary people, they will probably cause more chaos in your city."

"I understand, Zatanna."

Batman looked at Constantine, who had picked up a set of magic cauldrons from the pit, and whispered to Zatanna, "I will ask my friend at the police station for help, but what about that wizard? Can you track him? I need to know what he is planning in my city. This feels very bad."

"The magic line was severed in an instant. This is a very clever spatial magic. You saw it too. The whole house was transferred to a sudden open space. There was no sign at all. The reaction time left for John and me was too short, and we can't track him anymore."

The beautiful female magician looked around regretfully and shook her head, "He must be an experienced magician who prepared for this situation in advance. It should be that the noise we made while breaking the barrier disturbed him. I'm sorry that your tracking was affected.""But you should check the child's mental state. He has clearly been affected by the wizard's magic, and his mental stability is compromised.

Perhaps it is a malicious illusion spell. If necessary, you can contact me at any time. John and I will stay here for a few more days until the aftermath of this incident is completely resolved."

"I will. Thank you for your advice and help, Miss Zatanna."

Master looked around at the mess.

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He was not a superhero in the magic circle, and his understanding of magic was only superficial and theoretical.

He had encountered a sudden disappearance of a house before, and his previous experience told him that he should follow the advice of this trustworthy professional at this time.

But before leaving, Batman asked again:

"You're going to clean up here, but what about tomorrow's performance? Bruce Wayne is my friend, and as far as I know, he is looking forward to your arrival as a great magician."

"I have no choice. The main thing is more important."

Miss Zatanna, the female magician, gave a sorry and sweet smile.

This true magic girl from a magical family leaned on her magic wand, and while Constantine was not paying attention, she tiptoed and gave a quick kiss on the corner of Master's mouth under his mask.

Then she said meaningfully:

"Please explain to your friend Bruce Wayne that if he paid me a generous deposit, I will compensate him double."

"I don't think that playboy will care about these things. Goodbye, Miss Zatanna. I owe you a favor."

The beauty was in front of him, but Master restrained himself and took a step back. He took out a grappling gun and fired it towards the sky, bidding farewell to Zatanna before flying into the Gotham night with Mason who was still unconscious and quickly disappeared.

The black-haired magic girl watched Batman disappear and then focused on the magic book in her hand, struggling to interpret the ancient language from over a thousand years ago.

A few seconds later, a faint voice came from behind her:

"Batman is really stupid, thinking I can't see him when he turns his back. But Zatanna, did you say that nothing happened between you and Batman?

And what's the deal with Bruce Wayne's invitation? You didn't tell me before that he was a world-class rich man and a famous playboy inviting you to a party. It's like a little lamb walking into the wolf's mouth voluntarily.

You know, I'm feeling very insecure about this."

"John, don't be childish. We're both adults."

Zatanna had no explanation, she just waved her hand and said:

"Besides, we've already broken up, haven't we? Before you cut ties with those strange women from hell and heaven, don't bother me with your business."

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"But I haven't contacted them for three whole days. They call or write to me, but I don't even look at them, my dear Zatanna."

Constantine squinted and looked in the direction where Batman had left, wailing:

"You have to believe my sincerity this time!"


"Special alchemical compound detected in the body, analysis in progress... The item is 'Batman combat accessory - special potent sedative', and the formula has been recorded."

When Mason regained consciousness, he opened his eyes and saw this prompt on the hospital bed.

And outside the translucent screen, there was a cold-faced female doctor in a white coat who was in her forties and was using a stethoscope to examine his body.

At this time, warm sunlight shone in from the window. It was already the early morning of the second day. And there was someone sitting beside the hospital bed that Mason didn't expect.

James Gordon, the commissioner of the Gotham Police Department.Looking at the dark circles under Commissioner Gordon's eyes, Mason knew that he probably hadn't rested well during the days he was missing.

"Thank God, you finally woke up."

When the commissioner noticed Mason opening his eyes and looking at him, he suddenly smiled, with a hint of guilt, and said to Mason:

"I'm sorry, kid. The news about the safe house was leaked by an informant within the police department. It was my mistake, but the informant has been arrested. I only truly breathed a sigh of relief after Batman told me that you were safe."

"It's not your fault, Commissioner. We both know that."

Mason's voice was still weak, not entirely a pretense. The tension of the past few days, combined with the strange curse of the Starry Sky Sect, had left him in a really unhealthy condition.

But he still reached out and patted Gordon's wrist, trying to smile and say:

"At the time, I thought those were Penguin's assassins, but now I understand. Gotham's underworld isn't powerful enough to be that outrageous. Who are they? And why did they come after me?"

"Well... how should I put it? They're probably an organization like a folk legend."

Gordon took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes wearily, saying:

"Have you ever heard of the League of Assassins?"

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As soon as the commissioner mentioned that name, the female doctor who was examining Mason stood up, hands on her hips, and said:

"You can't talk about these things in my clinic. I have other patients, and this child is weak and needs rest. Maybe I should ask you to leave."

As the head of the Gotham Police Department, Gordon should have had an imposing presence. But Mason noticed that this rare conscientious cop and tough guy in Gotham seemed particularly powerless when faced with this cold doctor. He even felt a little nervous.

He immediately stood up and gave an awkward smile to the doctor, then smiled at Mason and said:

"Leslie is right, Mason. You should rest now. When you recover, I will come to pick you up. Oh, by the way, don't worry about your residence. I have arranged a new safe house for you. It will be absolutely safe this time!"

After speaking, he smiled slightly at the cold doctor, trying to please her, but she didn't even look at him. It wasn't until the commissioner left the ward with his exhausted body that she shook her head.

She turned back to Mason and said:

"There are no obvious external injuries, and most of the scratches have healed. But your spirit is weak, kid. I'll give you some medicine to see how it goes. If everything goes well, you can be discharged tomorrow."

Mason nodded politely and thanked the doctor, then asked in a low voice:

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"Are you an old acquaintance of Commissioner Gordon?"

"I used to be his fiancée, until that dog started hooking up with my best friend about ten years ago, and our relationship fell apart after the divorce. He came to me again with his two children after the breakup. Do you like my story, you gossiping little guy?"

"I didn't mean any disrespect, Dr. Leslie. If I offended you, I apologize."

Mason knew he had asked the wrong question. His age had helped him once again. Dr. Leslie obviously didn't intend to argue with a 17-year-old child. She just vented her anger at the appearance of Gordon.

After reminding Mason not to overexert himself, she pushed open the door and walked out.After the doctor left, Mason stood up and walked to the window to take a look outside. He was surprised to find that the clinic was not located in the bustling area, but near the famous "Crime Alley" in Gotham City. From the second-floor window, he could even see the famous alley, where Bruce Wayne lost his parents and where Batman was born thirty years ago.

"I dare say this doctor is not an ordinary person to open a clinic around here," Mason thought to himself.

Crime Alley was a famous chaotic area in the city, where major gangs had their industries. The fact that Batman had brought him here last night proved that there must be some relationship between the clinic, Dr. Leslie and Batman.

Mason wanted to find a way to contact his little brother, Kite Man. However, he suddenly realized that they had not exchanged phone numbers, and even more embarrassingly, he had not owned a phone since his rebirth.

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After some consideration, he could only wait until two days later when they would meet at the Miller Port on schedule, hoping that Kite Man would not encounter any danger.

After the tension eased, Mason fell into a state of idleness. He lay back on the bed and began to check the blueprints of his various branch skills that he had accumulated so far. He picked out something he could try his hand at right now.

He spent the whole evening picking and found that his days ahead would be very busy. Whether it was engineering or alchemy, there were too many blueprints waiting for him to try and make. Especially alchemy.

The alchemy notebook left by Old K recorded more than twenty kinds of advanced potions with different effects, as well as the downgraded version of low-level drugs, and the Hogwarts Potion Handbook, and so on. From the information of the Philosopher's Stone and the magic engine of the Hogwarts Express, Mason could judge that he needed to "develop comprehensively" if he wanted to obtain higher-level blueprints and items in the future.

In other words, he not only had to practice the unlocked branch skills but also had to arrange the unopened enchanting, jewelry processing, forging, and collection branches as soon as possible.

What's even more outrageous was that Mason even saw "cooking" in the unopened branch skills. This was really going to make him a "full-time master."

But one person's energy is limited. Mason couldn't imagine how much time he would need to integrate so many branches.

With such thoughts, the young man decided to take a nap before lunch, and then see if he could come up with a plan in the afternoon. However, just a few minutes after he fell asleep, Mason was suddenly awakened.

He opened his eyes and saw a guy in a khaki windbreaker with a white shirt inside and a casually tied red tie around his neck, smoking in the ward. It was Scumbag K. Mason recognized him at a glance. He had seen him with Zatanna and Batman last night.

But before Mason could say anything, Scumbag K grabbed his left hand. The wide sleeve of his hospital gown was pulled up, revealing the strange tattoo of the black claw on Mason's arm.

"Whoo!" Scumbag K blew out a smoke ring, satisfied.

He sat boldly beside Mason's bed, flicked the cigarette ash on the disposable paper cup that Mason had drunk from, and glanced at the young man, saying in a prolonged voice, "Hey, John Constantine came to see a doctor for you, Mason Cooper, you little guy with secrets. Look at your illness..."The annoying guy pointed to the tattoo on Mason's arm and said meaningfully, "I thought I was mistaken last night. After I banished the eight undead grudges buried deep in the asylum in this city last year, how could there still be such a dark aura in this city?"

But it turned out that John was still powerful even after being dumped by his girlfriend!

"You're really sick, young man," said Constantine, blowing out a smoke ring full of malicious intent and forming a green skull of strange-colored smoke in front of Mason.

While playing tricks, he said, "How did you survive five whole days under the torture of that dangerous black wizard? Come on, tell me quietly, did you make a deal with some strange and mysterious existence to stay alive?"

Hearing Constantine's guess, Mason, who was originally nervous, suddenly relaxed.

Constantine's suspicion was actually quite reasonable and logical, but the problem was that besides the correct result, everything else he guessed was completely wrong. Genius!

Maintaining a slightly frightened expression, the young man looked at the triumphant Constantine and sneered in his heart.

No hurry.

First, test what this guy who hates ghosts and hates demons is doing here.

Hmm, let's play with him first.

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