The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 22: No hope, enjoy good food and fun,

"This is a symbol formed after a certain curse has solidified. The black circle represents that it may come from hell or a similar place, and the appearing ghost claws represent the type of curse.

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Generally speaking, if there are features such as hands, chains, and tentacles, it proves that the one who is cursing you wants to restrain you, rather than simply torture you."

Sitting next to Mason, the black mage and famous scum John Constantine were blowing smoke rings and casually "introducing" the peculiar tattoo on Mason's arm.

He appeared confident and had some useful information. Mason nodded repeatedly, his eyes showing fear and helplessness.

His posture was like that of a teenager who had stumbled into a supernatural event and didn't know what to do.

The young man hesitated for a few seconds and whispered, "It gave me an offer I couldn't refuse when I was trapped in a desperate situation. That's how it brought me back to the human world. I don't want to have anything to do with these things."

"Haha, I'm too familiar with this way of fooling people."

Constantine smirked, flicked his messy hair, took a puff of smoke, and made a "I am a master" gesture, saying, "It's likely a devil who likes to play this kind of cat-and-mouse game, but occasionally some eccentric gods also play this game. So you have to provide me with more clues, Mason. Also, you see, I left my sweet girlfriend behind and came to warn you of the imminent danger. Maybe I can continue to help you, but whether it's a devil or a god, they are all a group of petty guys. I also have to take a big risk..."

He glanced at Mason with a meaningful look and said, "I believe that as a good kid who is being watched by Batman, you won't sit idly by and let others be endangered because of you, right?"

Mason now knew why Constantine came to "interfere". This bastard must have discovered some clues and wanted to get some benefits from him.

The young man pretended to hesitate for a moment. He lowered his head and dodged Constantine's gaze, whispering, "But I don't have anything to give you, Mr. Wizard. As you can see, I'm just a poor young man who has just escaped from the gang."

"Hey, that's not very sincere of you, kid."

Constantine stood up and no longer pretended to be generous. He played with his silver angel-shaped lighter and his tone became gloomy.

He walked to the window and turned his back to Mason, saying, "Do I have to reveal your little secret? In that pit where the house disappeared, there were two life breaths left, one was you, and the other was your companion, right?"


Mason seemed to be frightened. He curled up on the bed, and Constantine turned around and looked at him with an evil and cunning expression.

He threatened, "Do I know everything?""Little Zha is a powerful but simple-minded white wizard, and Bat Boy is a stupid guy who likes to mess around with bats, but I'm different. In order to stay alive, I had to learn a lot of crooked ways, and tracking the breath of life, which is what these hellish creatures are best at, happens to be something I'm good at.

Mason, you don't have to hide these things from me.

I've had many experiences where I had to make deals with the devil to survive in desperate situations, so I understand your pain and helplessness.

But you have to trust me first before I can help you better.

Don't be afraid, child. The handsome John in front of you has banished no less than fifty hellish creatures with his own hands in the past twenty years and has helped at least a hundred people lift various curses.

I'm a true expert in this field.

Tell me!

What did you get from that mysterious black wizard?"

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"Detecting foreign energy entering the body, analyzing... the energy is a kind of mind-guiding spell with a weak allure effect, but harmless to the human body.

Caster: John Constantine."

A prompt appeared on the light screen in front of Mason, and he knew he had to say something to keep this scumbag Constantine in check, otherwise, this guy without a bottom line would cause even more trouble.

So the young man sat on the hospital bed, holding his knees helplessly, and answered in a painful tone:

"Well, I'm not the only unlucky person who was abducted by that wizard into his house. There were three other people imprisoned with me.

We were treated as playthings by that monster. He set up a maze-like illusion for us to fight each other and various monsters appeared in it.

I formed an alliance with another person.

We supported each other and were forced to sign contracts with monsters to survive until the last day.

The wizard told us that he wanted to see the despair of this kind of fighting to make some strange things. If it weren't for Batman, you, and your girlfriend interrupting the process at a critical moment, I would already be a corpse."

He looked up at Constantine and said:

"We did get some 'spoils of war' during those five days of fighting, but they were just small tricks set up by the wizard to give us hope and then make us despair.

If you can really help me lift this curse, I'm willing to give you all the spoils as a reward.

Those things are ominous!

I don't want them at all."

"Very good, this kind of honesty is what we need."

When Constantine heard the word "spoils of war," his eyes lit up. He walked up to Mason and put his hand on his shoulder, patting him and saying:

"Where are your friends now?"


Mason slapped Constantine's hand away and glared at him, saying:

"I've been enduring in the human hell for five days, Mr. John. I'm not a fool. Those spoils of war in possession of my friends are our last hope.

You can have them.

But this curse!"

Mason rolled up his sleeve, revealing the ominous symbol, and said:

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"You must lift this curse first, or show that you have the ability to solve it."

"Oh, this makes it difficult for me."Zhakang pursed his lips and carefully examined the tattoo on Mason's arm that he had put his hand on.

With his abundant experience dealing with hell creatures and knowledge of black magic, he couldn't find any useful information from this symbol.

The more he looked at the ghost claw tattoo, the more he felt a little frightened.

An expert could tell from the appearance and details of the tattoo that the other party was a very powerful guy. Most importantly, Mason's tattoo did not leak any breath, only existed as a taboo image. If one did not look carefully, they would think it was just a behavior art of a young man pursuing freedom.

But the degree of this hidden breath could determine that the other side was a "super big guy".

At this moment, Constantine regretted getting involved in this kind of thing.

Seeing Zhakang fall silent, Mason felt that this scum mage might have thought of retreating, but the young man did not want to miss the opportunity of someone who had taken the initiative to come.

The character card could not identify the effect and triggering method of this soul curse, which made Mason feel like he had a timed bomb that could explode at any time.

He knew nothing about magic and it was probably too late to learn now.

So he needed someone who knew what they were doing.

At present, no one was more suitable than Zhakang, a greedy and unscrupulous non-mainstream spellcaster, as long as he gave Zhakang a satisfactory reward, he would definitely not resist the desire to participate.

"I and my friends got the wizard's magic book that he carried with him before his house disappeared!"

Mason whispered.

Zhakang's eyes lit up immediately, like a light bulb...

Uh, okay.

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This was where the energetic Zhakang began casting spells.

Two green halos surrounded this guy's eyes, as if he was wearing some kind of special glasses.

At the same time Zhakang was casting spells, the cat school badge that Mason wore around his neck began to vibrate slightly and was immediately pressed down by Mason's arm.

His arm trembled and Zhakang glanced at him and said, "What are you afraid of? This master is here."

"No, I didn't mean to shake it," Mason explained. "When you looked at it, my arm started to heat up."

He wasn't lying.

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When Zhakang used magic to examine the tattoo, his entire forearm began to heat up, as if he had reacted to being "observed".

This statement surprised Constantine.

He took a few steps back and immediately lifted the spell, looking at Mason's shaking arm with suspicion and uncertainty, saying, "Even this degree of weak observation can cause a reaction? Hmm, kid, I have to say, your illness is probably incurable, eat something good these days, play some tricks, and be happy. Oh, by the way, my girlfriend is waiting for me at the restaurant, I don't want to make her angry. I'm leaving now."

After speaking, this guy who felt the risk and had no sense of propriety drew a large arc on the wall behind him with a burning cigarette, apparently preparing to open a teleportation door and leave."We got two magic books! One of them records a complete collection of black magic from another world," Mason said, causing Constantine to pause in his motion of drawing a teleportation portal.

"And some miraculous potions I took from his treasure trove," Constantine added, his cigarette extinguished and the green glow on the wall dimming.

"I used one of the potions to revive my friend whose heart was torn apart by a monster... the whole process took less than ten seconds," the young man sitting on the hospital bed added in a low voice.

Constantine suddenly turned around, looking at Mason up and down with a skeptical expression.

"I feel like I've fallen into a trap set by a seemingly harmless but actually very scheming bad guy. I won't hide it from you, Mason. The curse on you is very troublesome. I haven't seen this kind of 'dirty stuff' for almost ten years. If you want my help, you have to give me something valuable," Constantine said.

"Valuable? Okay," Mason reached out and took the record board hanging by the bed, picked up a pen, and quickly wrote down the ingredients and production process of the healing potion on the alchemy branch already recorded in the light screen in front of him. Then he threw the paper to Constantine.

The latter glanced at it, sneered, and did not hide his disdain.

"I can make a whole box of this low-level potion in the time it takes for me to go to the bathroom. It's meaningless to me as a master except for its quick production and simple process."

"Okay, then give me back the paper," Mason reached out to ask for it, but Constantine folded the paper and put it in his pocket. He lit another cigarette, exhaled a smoke ring, and said, "I mean it's useless to me, but it's still good to trick those newbies in the field. With a bit of luck, you might even trick some naive female apprentices into bed. Uh, you didn't hear that, and I didn't say anything about 'bed.' Don't tell Little Zha, or I'll curse you again and make you wish you were dead. So, is this all you can give me? Knowledge from that mysterious wizard's treasure trove? I'm sorry, but if that's all, it's hard for me to help you."

"I'm not a mage, and I can't remember so many complicated things," Mason glanced at Constantine, who was trying to bargain.

Thinking of the stories he had heard about Constantine, Mason had a sudden inspiration and wrote down the taboo item, Voldemort's Horcrux, on another book of magic. "I only read a few pages in a hurry when the situation was urgent, and I don't know if it's any use to you," he said, handing the paper to Constantine.

Constantine took the paper and glanced at it. He didn't care at first, but when he saw the description of the "Horcrux" and the description of the "immortal" state after soul splitting, he narrowed his eyes.

Constantine's most famous feat was selling his soul to more than a dozen demons to keep his creditors in check and ensure that he wouldn't go to hell in a short time.For Scum Constantine, who was always dancing on the edge of a knife, the soul tool that was taboo knowledge in the eyes of outsiders was really to his taste.

As a cool man who was either challenging the bigwigs or walking on the path of provocation every day, he certainly wished to split his soul into dozens of pieces and hide them in different places, so as to avoid an irreparable disaster if he accidentally crashed.

See, even Scum Constantine himself knew that his crash was only a matter of time.

"Tsk, nothing special."

Despite really wanting it, Scum Constantine made a tough guy face and casually flicked a flame that burned the piece of paper in his hand.

He lowered his head and lit a cigarette for himself, took two quick puffs, and said to Mason, "The thing you gave me is too cheap, it doesn't interest me at all. But who made me have a compassionate girlfriend? To please her and avoid her suddenly giving me trouble, I took on this life-saving job for you. Don't go to places where many people have died recently, and don't fight with others. Just stay put!

I'll study it and give you an answer in a few days. But it's against the rules to do this job without payment, and since you insist on giving it, I don't feel good about not taking it."

Upon hearing Scum Constantine's shameless statement, Mason remained expressionless but felt happy inside.

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He knew that Scum Constantine had taken the bait.

The tough guy Constantine blew smoke rings and casually took something off his collar and threw it to Mason, saying, "I'll use it to contact you."

Mason took the thing in his hand and found it was a small button with a very complex and strange shape on the surface of the metallic material, resembling an eyeball.

He immediately got the information label of this thing:

Constantine's Hell Eye

Quality: Excellent Enchanted/Inscribed Item · Outstanding Craftsmanship

Effect: The Hell Eye, which emits the aura of black magic, can reveal nearby traps, lurking lives, or imminent dangers to the wearer. It can also be used as a communication and positioning item while sharing everything it sees with its owner.

Maker: John Constantine

Status: This item requires Enchantment Lv3, Inscription Lv2, and Jewel Processing Lv2 to analyze the blueprint.

Item Description: You'd better not ask where Constantine learned this kind of monitoring method of hell creatures. You just need to know that he paid a lot for it. Oh my god, the succubus sisters on the ninth level of hell are hard to deal with in various situations.

"I'm happy you gave me something."

Mason also put the creepy Hell Eye accessory in front of him. As Scum Constantine left gracefully, he said, "But can you remove the surveillance magic you put on this thing? Although I'm young, I'm not used to carrying such a trendy 'magic camera' around."

"Oh, you're an expert."

Scum Constantine, who was caught off guard, turned back and grinned without any guilt.

He patted his head and said apologetically, "It's my professional habit. Don't mind me, I'm just a guy who likes to peep on others.""I'm not bragging, but last time I used this thing to peep on Zuckerberg taking a shower, it was really useful. Of course, it was terrible when she chased me and killed three interdimensional beings afterwards."

As he spoke, he reached out and flicked the Hell's Eye pendant.

The eyeball icon above the emblem also mysteriously closed its eyes.

"I know you don't tell Batman about these things because you admire him so much and don't want him to know that you've been locked in by the darkness and become distant from you."

Zha Kang waved his hand and drew a pentagram on the wall, opening a cool door.

Before leaving, he turned his head and said to Mason:

"So this is our secret between the two of us, little Mason. Your powerful friend John will give you a surprise, but it depends on how generous you are.

Learn from Bruce Wayne.

That guy's generous payment to Zuckerberg's performance makes me suspect that he wants to keep my girlfriend, and it makes me hate myself for not being a woman...

It's really weird!"

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