The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 23: I treat you as a friend, but you

After being scolded harshly by Dr. Leslie for more than ten minutes, Mason couldn't explain himself. He couldn't say that a bastard mage had been smoking and opened a portal here before leaving. If he did, Dr. Leslie would probably doubt his mental state. This fully proved that getting involved with Constantine was never a good thing. That guy was a walking disaster and would bring misfortune to everyone around him.

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But the good news was that Mason's recovery was very good, so he was allowed to leave the hospital the next day at noon. He politely said goodbye to Dr. Leslie, but the latter coldly advised him to smoke less. How could this matter be explained clearly?

"Shall we go straight to the safe house?"

Commissioner Gordon took a day off today and came to pick him up. Sitting in Gordon's car, Mason fastened his seat belt and joked with him, "Don't think I'm complaining, but you really picked a good place this time."

"Yes, I learned my lesson from last time. I can't use the connections in the police station anymore, so I used my personal connections to find a more concealed place for you. Trust me, it will satisfy you, kid."

The commissioner raised his eyebrows and smiled. The real old man turned on the radio and started the car. After about twenty minutes, they stopped by a street with a good environment.

Mason opened the car door and saw a standard American-style house with a big garden and backyard. A young girl in a wheelchair was working on the lawn, and when she saw Gordon get out of the car, the red-haired girl, who was wearing black-framed glasses just like the commissioner, sweetly called out, "Daddy, why are you back so soon? Is this the Mason you've been talking about?"


Mason looked at Gordon in surprise. The latter showed an expression of "this is a surprise," patted the young man's shoulder, and said, "Stay at my house until the matter with the Assassin's League and the Penguin Gang chasing you is over. I'll personally protect you."


The young man immediately refused without thinking. He glanced at the young girl in the wheelchair who was coming towards him, and whispered to the commissioner, "They blew up a building to catch me last time, and a black wizard is still targeting me. Commissioner, this is not a joke. You still have family here!"

"Call me Gordon."

The commissioner didn't care about these things himself. He didn't explain immediately, but patted Mason's shoulder and said, "This is Barbara's suggestion. Also, don't underestimate my daughter."

He walked up with a smile on his face and hugged his daughter. Then, he pushed her wheelchair towards the door and took a few steps out before turning back to look at Mason, who was standing by the car with a tangled expression. He waved to him and said, "Come on, Barbara has prepared lunch in advance. Do you want to wait there impolitely until we invite you over?"

"I still think we need to discuss this."

Mason followed them with a tangled expression. He was really grateful for Commissioner Gordon's arrangement. Whether it was out of guilt for the previous incident at the safe house or not, it was already very kind of him to bring this risky guy to his own house. On the other hand, the young man knew that more and more secrets were being revealed about him. Facing the new appearance of the Star Society and the soul curse that the Commission had been commissioned to investigate, even the pursuit of the Penguin Gang and the Assassin's League were nothing."These secrets that ordinary people can't imagine are too dangerous. One misstep could drag innocent people into it.

As for whether Barbara Gordon is really powerful or not, Mason never doubted it. The story of this red-haired girl is not clear to young people, only the memory is fresh.

After all, she is a character who has been occupying the top ten of the "Sexiest Female Hero Ranking" for years.

Although this harmless red-haired girl is now sitting in a wheelchair, she was Batgirl trained by Batman himself before she was paralyzed.

Just like the unlucky "Robin," this is a "hero profession" rather than a simple title. Conservatively estimated, it is not difficult for Barbara Gordon, who is sitting in a wheelchair, to take down two or three adults with her bare hands.

But Mason's situation is too big, and it is not a threat that a paralyzed former superhero can handle alone.

So when sitting at the table with the father and daughter, Mason joked and planned to persuade Gordon to give him a new place.

Both the father and daughter are rare good people in Gotham City. They should not be in danger because of their own reasons.

But before he could say it, after finishing a steak, Gordon wiped his mouth and said something that almost broke through Mason's defense.

"What? Say it again?"

Mason maintained his posture of holding a knife and fork, and he was dumbfounded.

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He sat in his chair and stared at Gordon, saying:

"I may have misheard you. What did you just say? Who is my new guardian?"

"It's me."

Commissioner Gordon smiled and said:

"Mason, you're only 17 years old. You have no direct relatives and your situation is very complicated. The night when Batman sent you to Dr. Leslie's clinic, he called me and hoped that I could take care of you before you turn 20.

I agreed, and the guardianship procedure is already in progress.

Barbara also supports me doing this."


The red-haired girl sitting next to Mason showed a gentle smile, her black eyes and beautiful face giving her a peaceful feeling of a knowledgeable older sister.

She put down her knife and fork, wiped her mouth, and said to the stunned Mason:

"I learned about your story from my father. It's hard to imagine that you can maintain a heart that is unwilling to associate with the gangsters in such a bad situation.

You are really strong and brave, Mason, and you also saved my father and many police officers when the thugs attacked the police station.

Batman also thinks you deserve to be helped. My father and I will do our best to help you.

Fortunately, little James doesn't come back to the boarding school usually, so you can stay in his room first. I've already packed it up for you last night."

"No, it's not that. Let me think about it first, it's a bit overwhelming."

Mason rubbed his forehead and straightened out the process of this matter. Then he looked at Gordon and said in a strange tone:

"I think I just accepted you as a trustworthy elder and friend, Gordon. But it hasn't been a day yet, and you told me that you might become my 'father.'

This caught me off guard."

"You can adapt slowly, Mason. But for now, this is the best way. It is not only to protect your safety, but also to give you a chance to adapt to a normal life.

The abilities you have shown are quite dangerous for ordinary people.

If I give you a gun, you can create a slaughter alone. As a policeman, I cannot just throw you into some foster home casually.

That would be irresponsible."

Gordon put on his glasses and said to Mason:"In addition, although my house looks ordinary, it is connected to Batman's security system. Once you encounter danger, this is one of the safest places in Gotham. I mean...wait, let me take an important call."

The Commissioner's words were interrupted by his phone vibrating. He glanced at the number and found it was from the police station. He got up and went outside the restaurant to answer the call.

Barbara Gordon looked at Mason, who had lowered his head.

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She turned her wheelchair to the young man's side and patted his shoulder, saying:

"Mason, I heard that you admire Batman very much?"

"Very much. When I was beaten badly as a child, I would often fantasize about Batman suddenly appearing to save me from the misery."

Mason rubbed his forehead and blurted out to the gentle girl:

"Barbara, you are a good person, just like Gordon. I really appreciate everything you and Gordon have done for me, but I'm sorry, I really can't bring danger to you."

His words made Barbara laugh.

The beautiful and gentle girl sat in a wheelchair and shook her head. She pushed her black-framed glasses and patted her stomach, joking with Mason:

"Danger is nothing to me. I was shot by the Joker and the malicious bullet shattered my spine, making me spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. Can the danger you bring to me and my dad be more dangerous than the craziest madman in the city coming to my door with a gun in the middle of the night?"

She squeezed her eyes and made a shooting motion.

Mason was surprised by the smile on her face.

He was sure that this girl was not forcing a smile. Barbara Gordon really didn't care about the "fatal joke" that almost killed her.

"I think this is probably why Batman asked my father to be your guardian."

The former Batgirl looked at Mason and said:

"At that time, I was too young and didn't know how to protect myself, so I became a sacrifice for the bad guys targeting Batman. I have also been shrouded in the darkness of cold time, but I eventually came out with the encouragement of my father and friends. Just like you now."

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The gentle Barbara reached out and held Mason's hands, saying:

"Mason, maybe Batman wants me to help you say goodbye to the past at this moment. And you can't leave! I have helped you clean up the room. You can't imagine how difficult it is for a person in a wheelchair to clean up a room. At least stay a few more days, okay? My father is working overtime until midnight, and I'm quite lonely at home."

Looking at Barbara's smile and invitation, Mason felt touched in his heart. He pursed his lips and joked:

"Is it really okay for a beautiful girl like you to invite a stranger to stay at your home so directly? Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad person or something? After all, I'm from the Penguin gang."

"I'm not afraid."

Barbara grinned and flicked her long red hair.

She waved her fist and said:

"My boyfriend is very powerful. If you dare to bully me, you will regret it."

"Kids, I have to go to Blackgate Prison now."

Gordon walked into the restaurant with his phone, putting on his coat and kissing his daughter's cheek in a hurry. He said to Mason and Barbara:

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"The Penguin is pretending to be crazy and attacking prison staff. His lawyer said he has a serious mental illness and is trying to take him out of prison for treatment. I asked Arkham Asylum to send a mental health expert to go with me. That bastard can't escape the punishment he deserves.""I may come back late tonight, you don't have to wait up for me, Mason! Don't wander around, remember? The Penguin's henchmen are still looking for you in the city."

"I know."

Mason got up and escorted Gordon to the door.

He glanced at the restaurant and whispered to the commissioner, "Leave me a gun, Gordon. You don't want to see Barbara in danger because of me, do you? I told you, it's a terrible idea to leave me here."

"Forget it, even with a gun, you can't beat my daughter. Don't underestimate her just because she's in a wheelchair."

The commissioner shook his head and said to Mason, "The second drawer under the desk in the study has what you need. I've seen your skills, help me protect Barbara."

After speaking, the commissioner left.

Mason returned to the restaurant to help Barbara clean up the tableware. When she went back to her room to study, he went to Gordon's study and found a fully loaded gun with a professional silencer under the desk.

He put the gun on his waist and went back to his room.

"Mason! Are you busy?"

A few minutes later, Barbara's voice came from outside the door. Mason, who had just lay down, got up and opened the door. He saw the beautiful and gentle girl holding a sun hat and looking at him, saying, "The garden hasn't been built yet. Since you're a strong tenant, why don't you help me with it?"

The young man shrugged and pushed Barbara out of the door.

The two chatted and spent several hours cleaning up the lawn until dusk. When they were discussing what to have for dinner, the serious problem, Barbara suddenly pointed to Mason's collar and exclaimed, "Wow, your lapel pin is glowing. It's such a cool little thing."


Mason looked at the Hell's Eye on his collar and saw a faint light flashing in the evening darkness.

But the thing that Scarecrow gave him wouldn't glow normally. It was warning of danger! This made the young man's expression serious. He pulled out the gun from his waist and loaded it with a click.

He said to Barbara behind him, "Go back to the house! Barbara, find a place to hide and call for backup. Trouble is coming."

The red-haired girl in the wheelchair didn't scream in panic like an ordinary girl in danger. On the contrary, she calmly pushed the wheelchair back into the house.

Mason stood at the door holding the gun and installed the silencer, hiding beside the lawn.

He saw a few guys with weapons walking out of a car across the street, and they were walking towards Gordon's house in a menacing manner.

Their unrecognizable gait and arrogant attitude made Mason squint. The Black Hand Assassins League he had encountered before would not be so blatant.

So, the gunners who came to the door this time were the real Penguin henchmen?

Mason wasn't surprised.

But he thought Gordon should seriously review the confidentiality work in the police station. He was discharged from the hospital at noon, and gunmen came to the door in the evening. The Gotham police station had really been completely infiltrated.

When he saw one of them aiming their weapon, Mason decisively pulled the trigger.

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His Lv3 marksmanship allowed him to easily blow that guy's head off even without using combat assistance at this distance. The feeling of killing nearly a thousand zombies in the wizarding world did not disappoint him either.

Gunshot. The man fell.

The guys on the other side hadn't reacted yet, and the second shot followed closely. In just two seconds, Mason had knocked down three of the six gang bosses, and they hadn't even fired a shot.

The remaining three were scared silly and ran away.Mason planned to make up for the gun, but as he stood up, a car suddenly rushed out of the evening darkness at a terrifying speed, and with a bang, it hit the three escaping gunmen accurately, making them fly on the spot.

The farthest one flew five meters before landing.

This scene made the young man raise his eyebrows, and then the car window rolled down, and a guy with sunglasses waved to him, indicating that he should come over.


Mason walked quickly to the side of the car, looking at the Kite Man disguised as a driver, and said:

"Weren't you supposed to meet me at the pier?"

"I'm just worried about you, boss."

Kite Man grabbed the steering wheel and said with a smile:

"I've been looking for you since Batman took you away. I ran into these Penguin gangsters who were high on drugs and said they wanted to avenge the traitor.

I knew they were here for you.

But boss, these guys are just bait. There are some black-clothed people who look difficult to deal with in the back alley. They're coming soon."

Charles threw his travel backpack to Mason and said:

"This is your equipment. Do you need my help?"

Mason tied the small leather bag around his waist, waved his hand to take out the invisibility cloak from it, put it on, and looked at the house behind him. He said to Kite Man:

"You go quickly. Batman is monitoring here. He may come at any moment. Hide the box, and we'll meet at the pier tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, there are still some of their people in the bar. I'll go back and see if I can catch someone alive and find out who's behind it. We can't live in fear like this all the time, right?"

Kite Man waved goodbye with a wink.

Mason watched him leave while wearing the invisibility cloak. He also looked at the three poor guys who were hit and flew, feeling that having a reliable little brother to help was a good feeling.

And what Kite Man said was right.

He didn't risk his life to escape from another world just to live in fear!

In the next moment, he put on the invisibility cloak, grabbed his handy explosive hunting rifle from his waist bag, inserted the intimidating double-barreled pistol into his waist, and carried Sujie's Eagle with a sheath on his back.

Mason moved his neck a bit and sneaked quietly towards the Gordon house in the dark night.

He had to make things bigger so that Gordon could see the danger.

This way, he wouldn't have to call him "dad" anymore, right?

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