The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 24: Stop pretending, you're not Batma

In Gordon's house, Barbara was standing by the window in her room, holding a silver-grey combat stick with bat-shaped symbols on both ends. Blue high-voltage currents were jumping on it. She looked out the window to the backyard and saw several black-clothed people climbing over the wall. There were at least thirty of them.

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"They won't leave Mason alone. They are so persistent," Barbara said with a hint of disgust on her gentle face. She then picked up a silver-grey earphone and whispered, "Bat Network Security Access Code 0274, codename 'Oracle,' requesting communication with the Bat Cave. Alfred, Gordon's house has been invaded. Please provide immediate support!"

However, all she got in response was a busy tone. This made the former Batgirl's face change slightly. Did these people block the signal in advance? They were really professional. No wonder they were the source of all the Asa Sin legends.

But this was not enough to stop a former superhero. Barbara stepped back to the bed, opened the drawer of the bedside table, and took out a portable bat signal gun, which she put in her pocket. Since communication was not available, she decided to set off a big firework.

Barbara took a deep breath, disassembled the combat stick into two pieces, and hid them in her wheelchair. She took a few bat darts and quietly opened the door of the room. At the same moment, several smoke bombs broke through the window and were thrown into the room, along with a flash bomb. Barbara, who was experienced in this kind of situation, immediately pushed her wheelchair to turn around, but was still stunned by the dazzling flash bomb.

In the pungent smoke, several figures rushed into the room and headed straight for the girl in the wheelchair. However, in the subsequent low gunshots, the fastest one fell to the ground as if hit by an invisible punch. A huge wound in the heart area represented the invisible gunman who had started to reap. The reason why he didn't shoot in the head was that Mason didn't want to splatter any dirt on Barbara.

Although headshots were cool, they were too troublesome to clean up later.

The attacked black-clothed people immediately scattered, but it was useless. Mason, who was hiding in the invisibility cloak, stood casually in the smoke, less than ten meters away, holding a slender explosive shotgun, and shot each of them in the head.

When Barbara regained her senses, the whole room was filled with corpses except for her. The former Batgirl was amazed. When she heard her father say that Mason was good at shooting, she thought it was just an exaggerated description. But tonight, she saw the "real kung fu."

"I seriously doubt that my dad is blind. This is not something that can be summed up in just three words of 'good at shooting,'" Barbara said, covering her mouth and nose, pushing her wheelchair out of the front door of the house, and looking back at the corpses of the black-clothed people in the house and the rhythmic gunshots in the backyard.

She moved at a steady pace. Just from the rhythm, she could imagine a 17-year-old young man hiding in the dark, pulling the gun bolt, and coldly watching one killer after another being harvested.

"Bang."The former Batgirl raised her hand and launched the signal flare into the sky, the red light resembling a firework exploding and forming a bat symbol under the dark clouds.

At the moment it lit up, the Penguin's gang members hiding at the street corner charged forward once again, only to be knocked over by Barbara's thrown batarang.

She may not be able to handle the League of Assassins' killers due to her wheelchair, but bullying these gangsters was not a big problem for her.


Barbara twisted her combat staff with both hands.

The silver-grey long stick spun and flickered with blue electricity, illuminating the eager eyes of the hidden hero now known as "Oracle".

As for the handguns in their hands...

Don't make me laugh!

After being shot by the Joker, Batman had specially designed this wheelchair and a set of bulletproof clothing for her.

Those small-caliber bullets were no threat to her.

After all, it was an exaggeration to say that this sister's underwear was also bulletproof!

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While Barbara fought in the front yard, the battle in the invaded backyard by the League of Assassins' black-clad men was even more intense. Bullets flew and the assassins fell every moment, but they could not detect the enemy's trace at all.

They could neither see who was shooting nor capture the trajectory of the bullets.

Even smoke bombs could not block their aim. It was like a ghost was shuttling through the night, and those who were targeted by him could not leave this ordinary yard unscathed.

Mason moved and shot, changing his position after each shot to avoid being caught and counterattacked.

Wearing a stealth suit, he was like a cheat, walking one meter in front of a vigilant black-clad assassin hiding behind the yard wall, and then shot him on the way.

Thus, another unlucky guy met his end.

Losing one-third of their men in just a few minutes made the captain of the black-clad men feel uneasy.

He immediately ordered a retreat.

A large number of smoke bombs were thrown out to cover their quick retreat, but the auxiliary targeting frame still accurately locked onto every target in Mason's field of vision.

He did not pursue them.

Instead, he picked up a few grenades from the waist of a headless corpse beside him, adjusted the throwing curve in front of him, and threw them out one by one with a bang, blocking the black-clad men's retreat route. Then, he picked up an assault rifle and shot down several more.

Mason's shooting skill had undergone a qualitative change with his level 3 shooting technique, coupled with his unbelievably steady hands in any situation, even his hit rate in continuous shooting had greatly improved.

He had no intention of letting these black-clad men go, as running away would only cause him trouble.

However, after three consecutive shots in the backyard, when Mason was reloading his shotgun, the magic power wrapped around his stealth suit suddenly dissipated, triggering the curse of the blood-stained stealth suit. His brow furrowed, and the next moment, he was exposed in front of the already panicked black-clad men.

"There he is!"

Someone shouted, and bullets whizzed past him.The young man slid into the corner of the wall without any panic. He knew that the invisibility cloak was unreliable when he got it, and his experience at Hogwarts taught him how to fight. He didn't blindly attack, but held the dual-barrel blaster at his waist, breathing steadily and patiently waiting.

A few seconds later, several figures rushed out from two directions. They raised their guns to shoot, but Mason's movements were faster. He triggered "Quick Draw" at close range, and the young man's shooting speed was as fast as lightning. Two gunshots almost simultaneously rang out, and the four black-clothed men rushing out from two directions were shot into sieves by 16 hot steel balls from two deer bullets.

"They came with about thirty people, not counting these four. They have at most six people left."

Mason and a veteran six crouched back into hiding, taking off the invisibility cloak and stuffing it into the backpack, while loading the blaster with large deer bullets. He calculated in his mind, "If I'm lucky, triggering another round of Quick Draw will end the battle. The 'special training' that Old K took me to the wizarding world was really useful. Look how powerful I am now. Oh, right, there's also this good thing!"

The young man took out two gray bottles from his backpack, containing a viscous liquid like mercury. This was the magic potion he and Kite Man found in the ruins of Hogwarts, which had never been used. Mason stared at it, and a label popped up quickly on the light screen:

Petrification Potion

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Quality: Excellent Alchemy Item · Standard Craftsmanship

Effect: Rapidly petrify all living creatures that come into contact with the potion, and the effect lasts for 120 minutes.

Status: Blueprint has been recorded

Item Description: The secret to making soup is to add a little poisonous mushroom, and an old shoe heel...

Mason smiled slightly and tossed the potion bottle up and down in his hand. After waiting for a few seconds and not seeing the black-clothed men attacking, he looked back and accurately marked the remaining six people's positions with the free-aiming reticle in his field of vision. They were crowded together, seemingly discussing how to launch an assault.

The young man took a deep breath, rushed out of the hiding place, and threw the petrification potion towards the heads of those black-clothed men along the throwing curve in his field of vision. Then he raised the light sniper rifle when he fell to the ground. The sniper mode locked on and shot with a bang. The gray potion bottle that flew through the parabola was shot and exploded in mid-air. The sticky mercury-like potion was splashed everywhere like raindrops.

The six black-clothed men who were gathered together were caught off guard and were splashed all over by the flying potion. They thought it was poison, but they didn't feel any pain. Instead, the "Ghost Boy" who had been hiding all the time took the initiative to rush out, which made the captain of the black-clothed men happy and he picked up his gun to shoot.

When he raised his hand, he saw a layer of gray substance spreading like a spreading shadow rapidly up his arm and leg. Wherever it went, he rapidly lost all sensation. His five subordinates were also petrified into human-shaped "sculptures" in a blink of an eye in panic.

Mason picked up his gun and climbed up from the ground, patted off the grass debris on his body, and walked out of the backyard of the Gordon house, planning to smash those stone statues to finish everything. As he walked, he pulled out Sujie's eagle from his back and said,"I swear, when I have free time, I'll make hundreds of bottles of petrification potion to defend myself. Isn't that much better than using noisy and dangerous grenades?"


A black shadow flew across the night sky behind Mason without affecting his movement. He walked up to several stone statues with different shapes and stared at their expressions that still showed surprise and fear.

Shaking his head, he brandished his sword with a gorgeous golden eagle hilt.

At that moment, a prompt popped up:

"Entering combat mode..."


Mason turned around and slashed the hidden weapon thrown at him, which flew towards him from behind. It landed in front of him and made him frown.

A standard bat dart.

In the dark night in front of him, the familiar figure jumped down from the roof of the Gordon house.

The black cape swayed and covered the cool and low-key black armor, revealing only the bat logo and the golden combat belt on the chest.

The man walked towards Mason with an extremely imposing posture. The majesty of his chin under the Bat suit seemed to reveal his dissatisfaction with the battlefield full of corpses around him.

"Barbara has requested assistance, you should wait for rescue."

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Batman stood ten steps away from Mason and said in his signature hoarse voice:

"You're still just a kid."

A quick look at will leave you more fulfilled.

"So what?"

Mason frowned at Batman.

He always felt that this person in front of him was a bit strange, so he retorted along with Batman's words:

"You didn't arrive until ten minutes after they rushed into the Gordon house. If I hide, who will resist these wicked guys? The cute little one in the wheelchair?"

Batman fell silent.

He seemed unable to refute Mason's words, so he skipped the topic and looked at the six "stone sculptures" behind Mason. After a few seconds, he said:

"You clearly have a way to capture them alive, but you insist on using bullets to reap these lives... You remind me of a familiar person, firm, decisive and ruthless."

"I'm not you, I don't have a set of armor that is invulnerable to knives and guns, and I can't knock down a hundred people without breathing. All I have is this gun and some small gadgets I stole from the wizard."

Mason lowered his head and let his sword drop.

He seemed uninterested in arguing with Batman and took his gun off, making a "please" gesture to Batman.

It meant that since you're here, you can finish it.

Batman didn't care about this either. He took a step forward and approached the six stone statues. As he passed Mason, the young man's eyes swept behind the master.

"This looks like some kind of magic..."

Batman carefully examined the stone statues in front of him. Behind him, Mason quietly raised Sujie's eagle and swung it towards his neck in the next second.


Batman reacted quickly and swung the shark-toothed knife on the combat armguard of his left arm, accurately blocking Mason's sword that was chopping down. He scolded:

"You're crazy!"

"Who are you? You're not Batman!"

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The young man shouted and took a step back, drew his sword, and imitated Old K's movement to flip the blade when swinging it at the guy in front of him who was throwing punches.A dazzling light reflected from Su Jie's sword, catching the "Batman" off guard and causing him to enter a state of blindness and dizziness.

He reacted quickly and threw three bat-shaped throwing knives in different directions, but the next moment, he was kicked down by Mason.

That guy was still fighting back.

Even in a state of blindness, he didn't lose his way and used his excellent blind fighting skills to deflect the cold blade that was swung at him. However, the second bottle of petrification potion was mercilessly smashed on his feet by Mason.

The crystal bottle shattered with a loud bang.

The fake Batman maintained a comical posture as if he was about to jump, and was quickly petrified in place. Before he was completely petrified, Mason pulled off his Batman helmet.

What came into view was a handsome face, with stylish black hair and gentle blue eyes.

Quite a bit of a pretty boy's temperament.

He seemed to want to explain something to Mason, but before he could speak, a layer of gray rock covered his handsome face, turning him into a "charming" male statue.

"Mason! No, what did you do?"

After lecturing the Penguin's gangsters in the front yard, Barbara Gordon pushed her wheelchair into the backyard. She was shocked by the scene of corpses everywhere and then saw the fake Batman across the street being petrified.

The gentle big sister was no longer gentle.

She pushed her wheelchair over in anger and stared at Mason, saying, "Why did you turn my boyfriend into this? Are you not only a gunman but also a wizard?"

"This is your boyfriend?"

Mason grinned and quickly appeased her, "Don't worry, Barbara, I can make an antidote, but I need some materials. But it's not my fault, who told this guy to pretend to be Batman and try to teach me a lesson?"

"How did you find out?"

Barbara on the wheelchair breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that petrification could be cured. Then she pushed her black-framed glasses curiously and asked, "Grayson has replaced Batman on patrol more than once, but he hasn't been exposed so quickly."

"First of all, Batman wouldn't talk so much!"

Mason snorted and played with the Batman helmet in his hand. Looking at the handsome guy petrified in front of him, he sarcastically commented, "Secondly, the old man's butt isn't that perky..."

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