The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 26: Operation at Hunt or Big Sister'

"Your way of doing things reminds me of someone..."

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Sitting in the cool and heavy Batmobile, which was as flexible as a night shadow, driving through the streets of Gotham at night was an extremely exciting thing.

But having a talkative guy sitting next to you was enough to turn this beautiful thing into a boring night patrol.

Mason sat in the passenger seat, looking out through the internal transparent cockpit glass at the night scenery passing by. Beside him, Dick Grayson, dressed in Batman's suit, held the handle full of buttons like a race car and whispered:

"No wonder Batman pays so much attention to you."

"Are you talking about Jason Todd?"

Mason said expressionlessly:

"Since I contacted Batman, it seems that everyone is saying this kind of thing. Maybe you think it's a compliment, but I want to clarify that it's not. The first Robin was not every young person who had contact with Batman like you and Jason, eager to become the 'Bat's child'."

"Sorry, I just spoke my mind."

The young master stopped talking.

He skillfully drove the Batmobile through the deserted alleys of Gotham at night, and then rushed out of the alley a few seconds later, knocking down a group of robbers who had rushed out of the robbed store.

Several rope darts were shot out from the Batmobile's weapon system, manipulated by Nightwing, and tied the unlucky guys with broken bones to the electric pole on the side of the road.

Finally, he kindly reported to the police as Batman and informed them of the location.

The whole process was smooth and the speed of the Batmobile did not even decrease much. It was obvious that he was an experienced night patroller.

"Aren't we supposed to find Catwoman? Are you just blindly wandering around like this?"

Mason said:

"Forgive me for being straightforward, no cat will be waiting obediently for you to catch her, unless she wants to play games with you. But you are not Batman."

"Batman may be a lone wolf, but Robin is different. I have hired someone to help, and Catwoman's location has been basically confirmed."

The young master activated an electronic map in the Batmobile, and soon there was a red dot marking the target. He glanced at the map and drove the Batmobile into a dim alley.

Mason also stared at the map, and a few seconds later he said:

"Are we going to Crime Alley?"


Grayson nodded and explained:

"There is a clinic there that specializes in treating some street heroes in Gotham. People like Catwoman, who are both good and evil, occasionally go there for treatment."That was the only place within a dozen blocks that provided free treatment for the poor and homeless.

The doctor there had a high reputation in the area, and the poor people in the neighborhood would voluntarily protect her. In addition, the doctor treated all her patients equally, even saving severely injured gang members. As a result, the gangsters also respected her.

They even designated her clinic as a "truce zone."

When I was still Robin, I was sent there a few times by Batman when I got into trouble. Catwoman's injuries hadn't fully healed, and she needed a place to complete her treatment.

"There is a high probability that she will go there."

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The more Mason listened, the stranger his expression became. He tentatively asked, "Are you talking about Dr. Leslie Thompkins?"

"Hmm? You also know about it?"

The young master asked in surprise.

"I was sent there by Batman. I just got discharged at noon today."

Mason held the gun "Old K" and muttered in a low voice, "I didn't expect to say goodbye at noon and come to visit this doctor again at night. As expected, my intuition was correct. A doctor who can open a clinic in Crime Alley is not simple. What is her background?"

"Dr. Leslie was once Commissioner Gordon's fiancée..."

Grayson started, but Mason waved his hand to interrupt him, "I know this, tell me something I don't know."

"Uh, she used to be a physician at Wayne Hospital and was an assistant to Thomas Wayne. After the tragedy happened back then, she left the hospital and later left Gotham due to some events. After returning to this city, she opened a clinic in Crime Alley."

Perhaps the young master already regarded Mason as a trustworthy person, so he told the young man some of Leslie's past when they approached the clinic, and Mason nodded repeatedly as he listened.

Although he had read some comics, he was only an ordinary fan and did not know everything about each character that appeared.

From Grayson's description, it seemed that the cold-faced doctor with an extremely unusual background was also one of the few people who knew Batman's true identity.

Her clinic could open safely in Crime Alley, probably with the backing of the master.

"Enter ghost mode, scan ahead with the bio-radar!"

As they approached the clinic next to Crime Alley, Nightwing's fingers quickly pressed several buttons on the control panel of the Batmobile, which was covered in buttons.

The low noise made by the high-speed Batmobile immediately subsided, just like the faint sound of an electric car running.The biological radar was activated to scan the four-story clinic ahead, and the electronic screen reflected the three-dimensional structure and the living organisms within it.

Mason and Nightwing both held their weapons.

On the screen in front of them, the four floors of the clinic were unusually "busy," especially the third floor, where many red dots representing living organisms were moving quickly.

It looked like a melee.

"Catwoman is indeed here, and she brought trouble to Dr. Leslie's clinic."

Nightwing parked the Batmobile on the side of the road, and as soon as the cabin opened, he took out a grappling gun and shot it upwards. He also threw a few smoke bombs to Mason, who jumped out of the car with a gun, and instructed him:

"I'll go after Catwoman, you go save Dr. Leslie and those patients... if possible, cover your face. 'Robin's Beginner's Guide,' Lesson One, this is not only to protect your identity, but also to avoid trouble spreading to those around you."

"Just focus on your own task."

Mason rushed towards the clinic with his gun without looking back, leaving Grayson shaking his head.

He flew quickly like Batman in the extension of the grappling gun, then opened his bat cape in the air and glided to the top of the clinic. As he landed lightly, the Batboy felt for a remote control and pressed a button on it.

Two launchers popped out of the back of the Batmobile parked on the side of the road in a cool way, and two black "missiles" were launched towards the clinic and exploded in the air.

No casualties were caused.

But at the moment of the missile explosion, all the street lights and lighting facilities on the entire street and the lights on the four-story clinic went out instantly.

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This is the fighting mode of the Batman family.

The night is their best friend, and covert operations in the dark are always their first choice.

If the initiative on the battlefield is not in their hands, then use various means, including financial resources, to make the terrain more favorable to themselves.

At the same time that the Batboy rushed into the building from the rooftop, Mason also rushed into the clinic from the ground floor.

Of course, he had put on his invisibility cloak beforehand, which was simply a godsend for infiltration without entering combat.

Thanks to spending a day and a half in the clinic, Mason was somewhat familiar with the place. He ignored the several black-clad men patrolling on the first floor, and went around them to the second floor, heading straight for Dr. Leslie's office.

These black-clad men from the League of Assassins were obviously well-prepared, and there were almost no signs of fighting along the way.

The patients in the wards were not hurt either. They were locked in their rooms, just like Dr. Leslie, who was tied to his chair by two black-clad men with ropes.Several night shift nurses were knocked out and lying on the floor in a mess.

Hmm...what a waste.

Most of the combatants were playing hide-and-seek with Catwoman on the third floor. The black-clothed men on the second floor were not many, but they were fully armed with assault rifles and some even carried samurai swords.

After confirming the situation, Mason didn't shoot recklessly. He put his pistol on his back and drew Sujie's Eagle with his other hand. Invisibility cloak on, he sneaked to the end of the corridor and attempted his first "stealth operation."

The combination of the razor-sharp Sujie's Eagle and the invisibility cloak made the process of taking down the first few men with knives smooth, each providing a "silent assassination" proficiency bonus.

However, Mason had not systematically practiced combat and infiltration. He made a mistake when killing the fifth black-clothed man.

The sound of the gun hitting the floor when the man fell immediately attracted his comrades.

Seeing that things were not right, Mason quickly threw his sword into his bag and drew his double-barreled shotgun from his waist, taking advantage of the fact that the invisibility cloak had not yet worn off. He quickly fired a shot at several approaching killers.

The low and powerful blast rang out like a bell, and the hot deer bullet burst out at the same time as Nightwing's smoke bomb was thrown on the ground.

Thick smoke poured out of the second-floor corridor, followed by rhythmic gunshots echoing in the dark floor. One black-clothed man after another was knocked down.

The invisibility cloak was quite powerful this time.

After Mason blew off the head of the last guard who held a hostage, the cloak was still in effect. It seemed to be in a good mood today.

The young man put away the invisibility cloak and rushed into the doctor's office, carrying the unconscious Dr. Leslie out and opening the locked wards along the way to evacuate the patients.

Several patrollers on the first floor probably received a support request and rushed into the stairs with their guns, only to meet Mason coming down from above.

Both sides drew their guns almost simultaneously, but Mason was clearly faster.

On the narrow stairs, the two shots fired from the double-barreled shotgun, a total of 16 steel balls, turned the four people in front of him into bloody sieves.

A few seconds later, amidst the screams of the patients, Mason led them out of the clinic.

He put Dr. Leslie, who was unconscious, on a chair by the roadside, and was about to wake her up when he suddenly heard an explosion overhead. Looking up, he saw a wall on the third floor explode in flames.Several burning black-clad assassins fell to the ground from the explosion, while in the sky illuminated by the fire, a slender figure grabbed the ejected rope and slid quickly towards the opposite rooftop.


Mason decisively knelt and raised his explosive hunting rifle, aiming at Catwoman and slightly tilting the muzzle.

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With a bang, the bullet shot out and accurately broke the rope that Catwoman used to escape in mid-air, making her graceful escape turn into a dance of falling.

But as an old-fashioned street hero, the big sister had plenty of little gadgets to save her life.

As she fell, she fired a hookshot gun that was almost the same as Batman's from her hand, allowing herself to glide through the air like a female Tarzan, twisting and flipping like a gymnast for seven and a half turns before finally landing in a shameful superhero pose.

Coincidentally, she landed at the entrance of Crime Alley.

Catwoman stood up and looked back in Mason's direction, making an un-ladylike gesture before running into the dark alley without looking back.

Mason took out Dr. Leslie's phone and unlocked it with the doctor's finger, then dialed a number, chasing after Catwoman while saying on the phone:

"Dr. Leslie is injured, Gordon, come quickly!"


The voice of the commissioner on the phone exclaimed.

Then the harsh sound of car tires rubbing against the ground during a high-speed turn was heard. Mason grinned, it seemed that the "old lover" relationship was reliable after all.

There was no need to worry about the doctor's side.

At the same time as Mason rushed into Crime Alley, a black figure jumped out of the explosion hole on the third floor of the clinic and dealt with the black-clad assassins. Nightwing opened his black cloak and glided towards the other end of Crime Alley.

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This famous alley in Gotham was not long, and the tops of the buildings on both sides were very flat, with almost nowhere to hide.

While Nightwing was gliding in the air, Catwoman did not choose to expose herself actively, but hid next to a trash can in a dark alley, preparing to ambush the pursuers.

She did not know that Mason had stopped her escape, and thought that other members of the Bat family were assisting Nightwing.

Mason rushed into Crime Alley, taking off his explosive shotgun for close combat in the darkness without streetlights, and opened the tactical flashlight hanging on the muzzle as he walked forward, shouting:

"Ms. Selina, come out! I have no ill intentions, I just want to ask you something. You shouldn't have forgotten me, right? I'm Mason, I even saved you once."He looked around cautiously as he walked forward, but was suddenly attacked by a swift black shadow from the side.

Catwoman pounced on him without any familiar greetings, kicking the long gun out of Mason's hand with her deadly long legs, and then precisely cutting his wrist with a wave of her hand, causing him to drop the double-barreled pistol he had quickly drawn.

She then clamped her legs around Mason's neck and tossed the young man in the air with a dazzling series of acrobatic moves before slamming him to the ground.

"You heartless little guy! I thought we were allies!"

Wearing a full bodysuit and red goggles, Catwoman pressed down on Mason's chest.

She looked displeased at the young man who had indeed saved her a week ago, and brandished her "cat claw" knife, threatening him in a fierce tone:

"Don't play with the Bat-Brats! They're not good friends. I'm leaving now, and you better not stop me, or I'll scratch up your pretty face."

"I have no intention of stopping you."

Mason, who was pinned to the ground in an indecent position by Catwoman, did not resist. He said straightforwardly:

"But the thing you're hiding has dragged me into the mud too. The Penguin Gang and the Assassin Alliance's killers are looking for the information on that hard drive. You can't be so selfish, Selina Kyle."

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Catwoman hesitated for a moment and shook her head, saying:

"I can't give it to you guys. You can't handle this level of thing. I have to wait for Batman to come back. It's a matter of life and death for Gotham City, and I only trust him!"

"Why didn't you give it to him when Batman took you for treatment?"

Mason asked back, clearly suspicious of Catwoman's sincerity.

The latter rolled her eyes in a charming and flirtatious way and said unkindly:

"I was in a coma those days, you little genius. When I woke up, he was too busy dealing with your mess to have time to accompany me, and it also takes time for me to crack those information.

This was just an accident, but it happened because of you.

I've never seen that cold man care so much about anyone. To be honest, I'm a little jealous. Anyway, wait for Batman to come back."

She released her suppression on Mason and kicked his two guns even further away. After seeing Nightwing landing at the other end of the alley, Catwoman turned around and said:

"Don't come after me, little guy, or I won't be polite to you."

"Sorry, but tonight, I'm the one who won't be polite."The moment Mason was released from being suppressed, he pulled out Sujie's eagle from his luggage. Of course, he didn't stab it, he just deflected the blade when Catwoman kicked her long leg towards his head.

Nightwing, who rushed over, had learned his lesson and stopped abruptly, covering his eyes.

But Catwoman obviously hadn't learned her lesson from the sword. The light refracted by the blade hit her face head-on. Even with goggles to protect her, she lost her vision in an instant and staggered backwards. Mason jumped up and grabbed her shoulder, slamming her against the wall with a reverse wall slam.

"Keep going!"

Nightwing threw a lock over, and Mason caught it and slapped it on Catwoman's struggling hands. With a click, the black bat lock locked her hands behind her back. At the same time, Mason also collected the blueprint of this exquisite bat lock.

But the big sister's counterattack was so fierce.

She kicked her long legs towards Mason's crotch, but the young man reacted quickly and dodged the vicious attack with a back jump.

Nightwing rushed up like an evil accomplice who attacked and imprisoned a mature woman's perverted criminal, and waved his hand to insert a bat tranquilizer into Catwoman's neck, finally quieting the struggling wildcat.

"Happy cooperation!"

The young general carried Catwoman on his shoulder and gestured a thumbs up to Mason.

This was still a silly action that Batman would never do, and it looked very discordant with his bat suit.

"Where to next? The Batcave?"

Mason picked up his gun and wiped the dirt off the barrel, asking. Grayson shook his head and said:

"You're still not allowed to enter the Batcave, so we're going to a nearby safe house to immediately find out where Catwoman hid the information. I found the elite shadow warriors of the Assassin's League in the clinic just now. Things are deteriorating rapidly, Mason. Their patience is wearing thin, and from my past experience, this is not a good thing."

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