"Gotham is really lively at night."

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Mason stood by the window of the safe house on the top floor of an old apartment near the crime alley, looking through the blinds at the chaos visible to the naked eye outside.

There were several places where the chaos was visible in the distance across the Gotham River, where smoke from fires was rising.

It was really hard to imagine how much evil would happen in the city in one night, but what surprised the young man was that he soon saw the Batplane falling from the clouds and heading towards the fire.

He turned around and looked at Nightwing behind him, saying:

"Are you disguising yourself as Batman? Who is flying the Batplane?"

"Robin No. 3."

Grayson glanced at Mason and replied:

"I said, the Robins help each other."

"Is it already up to the third machine?"

Mason pursed his lips. No wonder there were always some absurd rumors circulating among Gotham's villains.

They said they had seen Batman appearing in three different places in the city at the same time to fight against the crazy car villains, and some people even claimed that Batman could split into multiple bodies and act at the same time as an alien orphan.

Anyway, these folk rumors were as absurd as they came, but these absurd rumors actually had prototypes.

"Are you ready to interrogate her?"

Mason looked at Catwoman, who was still unconscious and tied up by both hands and feet in a chair. He rubbed his neck, which had been clamped by Catwoman before, and said:

"I don't think you can get anything out of her. Even if you use torture, you won't be able to. She is Batman's lover and is considered your 'foster mother'. Secondly, you are a good person and can't do this."

"That's not how this relationship works!"

Grayson pushed his Bat-helmet and retorted.

But the serious expression on his chin and mouth under the mask also represented that the young master was quite distressed at the moment.

Although he had learned the means of torture from Batman, he was a true gentleman and could not do such a thing to a woman who was not a bad person.

"I'll do it."

Mason took the initiative to take over this task and said:

"I need some materials. Help me prepare them."

"Is it alchemy that you learned from the wizard again?"

Grayson looked up at him. Mason nodded and moved his fingers, saying:

"I saw a potion called 'truth serum' in the wizard's notes... Don't laugh, the wizards have used this name a thousand years ago. This is not something that the FBI or KGB has created.

Anyway, if we can't use torture, this potion is very suitable."

As he spoke, Mason took out a piece of paper and wrote down the names of many materials on it and handed it to Nightwing.

The latter looked at it in his hand and widened his eyes. After a few seconds, he shook the paper with at least fifty kinds of drugs on it and said suspiciously:

"Are you sure you need so many medicinal materials to make a potion? The quantity you want is enough to kill twenty adults."

"Alchemy has a failure rate, let alone I'm just a novice. What's wrong with preparing more raw materials?"

Mason asked expressionlessly:

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"Or is it because Batman is poor and can't afford so many things?"

"You'd better make sure it works."

Grayson no longer argued.

He got up and walked to the window, connecting the communication of the Batcave, and said in a low voice:"Alfred, I need some materials to complete the operation. I'll read you the list... No, I'm not planning to switch to opening a pharmacy, and I haven't read the outrageous amount wrong. Do we have them all in the warehouse? That's great! I need the Batwing to bring them to me as quickly as possible. And remind Tim not to drink too much coffee when flying the plane."

Hearing the conversation between Nightwing and Afuo, Mason behind him calmly revealed a knowing smile.

The herbs transported here were enough for him to make most of the primary potions of alchemy, but they were not prepared for the Truth Serum.

The real Truth Serum was not so easy to make.

Not to mention that the minimum skill standard for making this thing was at Alchemy Lv3, and the fermentation and purification process alone would take a whole month.

Not even a day could be missed.

And the core material in that thing was the feather of the Mute Bird, which was most likely not available in this world, and Mason didn't have a sample of that feather either.

With his current level, he couldn't make the Truth Serum at all, but that didn't stop Mason from taking advantage of this reason to fleece Batman.

Because he happened to have a finished product of the Truth Serum.

Kite Man found a lot of magic potions in the ruins of Hogwarts, and those things were now in Mason's bag, which he could use anytime.

A few minutes later, the ghost-like Batwing hovered over the rooftop of this old apartment. Several large boxes were thrown out of the plane. When Nightwing and the driver, the third generation Robin Tim Drake, exchanged greetings, those boxes heavy enough to crush people had already disappeared.

"Where did you put them? Did you eat them?" Nightwing asked in surprise, and Mason patted his bag and produced several oddly shaped beakers, saying briefly, "Magic, don't ask. I need twenty minutes to make the potion."

"Making a potion with alchemy on a rooftop of an old apartment to pry open the mouth of a street hero. This thing is not magical at all," joked the young master as he pushed open the door and walked up the stairs.

Soon, Mason heard the voice of a recovering Catwoman arguing with him. Catwoman was still scolding Dick Grayson for being heartless, saying that when he was Robin to Batman, she even bought him ice cream, and she might as well have held him when he wore open-crotch pants as a child.

It seems that these two are also old acquaintances.

Mason didn't waste any time on the rooftop. He lit the alcohol lamp brought from Barbara's safe house, took some of the newly acquired herbs, and began to boil the potion with several bottles of mineral water.

The formulas for wizarding world potions are very strange, and some of the materials are very weird.

For example, dried rat spleen or mint leaves picked at dawn and other strange things are not friendly to newcomers.

Therefore, Mason chose the primary potion series that had already been included in the blueprint. These primary potions were obtained from Old K, and the formula was improved by Old K. All the materials could be bought from a regular herb shop.

And the whole process was much simpler than traditional alchemy, but it was very challenging for the alchemist's level.

The young man tried four times.

All failed...

We are, find us on google.

It seems that the young master's ridicule is reasonable.In a drafty rooftop, brewing medicine was not magical at all. The God of Magic and Medicine cursed Mason for his disrespect, wasting precious 20 minutes of his life.

He shook his head, disposed of the black carbon-like residue, and took out the bottle of spitting truth medicine that looked very similar in appearance and color to Wind Oil Essence. He held it in his hand and walked downstairs, entering the safe house.

"You heartless little thing!"

As soon as Mason came in, Catwoman, who was tied to a chair, immediately screamed:

"Sister treated you so well, and you actually teamed up with Batboy to bully me! Men who can be valued by Batman are never good!"

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"First of all, I didn't wrong you. Instead, you owe me a favor.

Secondly, don't try to pick the lock. That thing is said to be specially made for you, a flying thief. Even if you break your fingers, you won't be able to unlock it.

Finally, I'm not here to harm you.

I even added orange water to ensure the taste."

Mason walked up to the irritable Catwoman, unscrewed the cap of the crystal bottle in his hand, and a pungent smell rushed out, making the nearby Daxiao slightly uneasy and step back.

The young man took out a small spoon.

He dripped two drops of sticky spitting truth medicine onto the spoon, looked at Catwoman's angry expression, estimated her level of anger and resistance, shrugged his shoulders, and dripped two more drops into the spoon.

This was a double dose.

If Mason had a bad intention, he could even ask about Catwoman's first love and the color of her underwear today... well, no need to ask for the latter.

This kind of big sister must prefer the mysterious and charming black.

"Also, you put us in danger. You should know that I just want a peaceful life."

Mason said, putting the remaining half bottle of potion back into his backpack.

This bottle of spitting truth medicine could be used ten times, which was worth the long production process.

He gave a wink to the nearby Batboy, who then stepped forward to fix the struggling Catwoman's face and hold her mouth, revealing her tightly clenched teeth.

To be honest, this scene was really too explicit.

"It's okay, this is enough. The medicine can seep in."

Mason put the spoon next to Catwoman's sexy lips and said:

"It can seep into your tongue. Don't struggle. It's said that the taste of this thing is good, like rum, and a small amount is harmless to the human body."

"What did you give me to drink?!"

After a few drops of cold medicine were dripped into Catwoman's mouth, Nightwing also let go of the struggling Catwoman. The two young men took a few steps back and looked at the somewhat manic mature beauty on the chair.

She yelled at Mason, and Nightwing took a glance at the young man and whispered:

"How long does the spitting truth medicine take to take effect?"


Mason replied, looking at Catwoman and saying:

"Your age!"

"Are you asking such a sensitive question right from the start?"

Daxiao shrank his head and said:

"This is a woman's Achilles' heel. Be careful, she might strangle you later."

"This is a test. Shut up."

Mason snapped his fingers to make Daxiao shut up, and the two men stared at Catwoman in front of them.Her expression was very strange, her whole body tense as if she was holding back something that was about to burst out.

She bit her lip tightly, refusing to say the damn answer.

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But the urge to share the secret with others surged in her heart like a cat's claw scratching, making it impossible for this tempting older sister to hide her inner thoughts.

Her face turned red.

Under the gaze of Mason and Nightwing, after nearly twenty seconds, she opened her mouth as if suffocating, and said while panting with her head down:

"18 years old..."

"Well, the test failed. Your truth serum is ineffective," said the young master helplessly, while Mason raised a finger and shook it, saying slowly with his arms crossed, "Don't jump to conclusions, she hasn't finished yet."

"18 years and 228 months and 17 days!" Catwoman finally said her answer.

The light in her eyes was burning like angry fire, glaring at Mason and Nightwing as if she wanted to tear these two guys apart, while the young master was in shock.

Mason's truth serum really worked if it could make a woman like Selina Kyle voluntarily reveal her true age!

Is this the power of magic?

Love it, love it.

"I want to test it too," said the young master, coughing, while Mason gestured to him to go ahead.

Grayson quietly opened the communicator on his Bat-Armor and finally asked the question he wanted to know most, looking at the reluctant Catwoman.

"Why did you run away from Batman's wedding? Do you know how sad you made him, and he almost fell apart because of it?"

"I refuse to answer!" Selina Kyle was almost going crazy.

She screamed, but the devilish potion continued to work, making it impossible for her to hide the secrets she never wanted anyone to know.

She once again turned red from holding her breath.

She even wanted to bite her tongue off.

But in the end, she lowered her head weakly and whispered:

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid he'll get tired of me after having me. The cat that you can never catch is the cat you love the most. I'm even more afraid that I'll become the man's appendage after becoming the Batwoman. My anxiety drove me to do something stupid. Later events proved that I once again became a sword stabbing into his broken heart, even more deeply than his enemies did. I'm sorry for that. But I really enjoy the moments when he shows his hidden feelings to me shyly when we are alone. I hope this pattern will continue until I'm old. I swear! When the first wrinkle appears on my face, I will marry him without hesitation. But before that, I want to continue playing with him. I want to see who will fall first."

The young master curled his lips, while Mason listened expressionlessly but was actually a little moved in his heart. Hmm, is this the twilight love of the elderly? It's really artistic.

But this answer did not exceed Nightwing's expectations. He also opened the communicator on his arm and said to the other person on the other end in front of Catwoman:

"Did you hear that? Maybe it can help you untie your knot."After nearly ten seconds of silence, Batman's iconic hoarse voice sounded in the communicator.

He said:

"Dick! You're really boring!"

Then, the communication was hung up.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Mason walked up and looked at Catwoman, who had lowered her head and stopped resisting. He squatted down and said to the big sister whose heart had been exposed:

"Miss Selina, we really need the information in that hard drive. If you crack it, please tell us the content. Why are the Assassins' League and the Penguin Gang chasing us like crazy?"

"We are not on the same side, Mason! You are the most vicious of all the Bat-kids!"

Catwoman raised her head.

Her already teary eyes stared at the young man, and she said fiercely:

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"But I will tell you these things because the Penguin had colluded with the Assassins' League a long time ago. They are jointly executing a plan called 'The Day of Reckoning.'

The information I cracked is not much.

It is an intelligent program that has been self-encrypting all the time.

I cannot crack it with the Bat-computer.

Because it will parasitize Batman's database and security network, maybe even the theft of that hard drive itself is a conspiracy against that man.

But what I am sure of is that whether it is the Assassins' League or the Penguin Gang, they are only participants in this plan, and its first step is to start with the fall of Gotham and the death of Batman."

Catwoman took a breath.

She looked at Mason and said:

"The Penguin must retrieve the hard drive or destroy the information because he does not want to die silently. As for the Assassins' League, they do not want the entire plan to be cancelled due to this mistake.

Everyone who has contact with that hard drive must be eliminated, and you two cannot solve this!

Batman must come back...

Hey, why is your lapel pin glowing?"


Just as Catwoman finished speaking, a bullet flew in, breaking the window and heading towards her.

Mason pushed Catwoman and the chair down to the ground, and Nightwing, who reacted quickly, opened his bulletproof cloak to barely block the fatal bullet.

Mason drew Sujie's Eagle and cut the rope, then pressed Catwoman, who was trying to struggle, under him, and opened his invisibility cloak to wrap the two of them in it.

"Don't move!"

He scolded, then raised his head and said to Nightwing:

"I'll take her to a safe place, the seventh pier in Miller Harbor! I'll contact you proactively."

"Hurry! I'll distract them."

The young master was not sloppy at a critical moment. He threw a Bat-dart, shattered the glass, and rushed out. Then, there were the piercing sound of gunfire and the sound of the Batmobile starting up.

As for Catwoman.

She looked in surprise as Mason wrapped the two of them in the magical cloak, completely concealing their breath, and then escaped through the stairs.

"We are indeed on the same side, Miss Selina."

When they fled into the nearest alley, Mason picked up his gun and put it on his back. He said to the angry Catwoman:

"I want to get rid of these lingering chasers, and you hope to live until the day you marry Batman. We have a good basis for cooperation.

As for the truth serum...

I forgot to tell you, its effective time is only about five minutes."Mason shrugged, pretending to be moved as he wiped his eyes and joked, "It was your choice to reveal your secret with Batman, don't blame it on me. And, as a top thief in the world, can't you see Nightwing's small gesture when he opens the communicator? Your god-like love relationship is really twisted. It's really hard for master to deal with a fairy-like lover like you."


Catwoman, who had been exposed, pouted and put on her ruby goggles, saying, "Do you really think I've been loafing around for so many years? You bastard Batman's kid, I'm a professional at luring prey! Do you understand the technical content in those few sentences just now? It's enough to make that silent man love me to death."

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