The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 29: Well, sin e we are already friend

At the underground hiding place of Miller Port Pier 7, Catwoman personally used her despised truth serum to interrogate the loyal members of the Penguin Gang.

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Kite Man assisted her while trying to get close to the "famous figure" in Gotham's criminal circle.

Mason stood outside the hiding place in the cleared sewer.

He found a quiet and dark place and held Scarecrow's Hell Eye in his hand. The despicable black magician was somewhere unknown, but his voice was coming from a small pendant:

"Your curse is really troublesome. I even had to deceive Little Zha for help. You made me owe a debt of conscience, which should be included in my reward! Do you hear me?"

"I despise your behavior of deceiving your ex-girlfriend, and I doubt how you can feel guilty about something you don't even have?" Mason said bluntly.

He knew that Scarecrow was a person who would never give up until he reached his goal, so he took out Voldemort's magic book from his suitcase and held it in his hand. He also moved his finger covering the Hell Eye and waved the magic book on the eyeball of the pendant.

He knew that Scarecrow could see his surroundings through this thing.

Sure enough, after taking out the real thing, Scarecrow's impatient voice immediately became gentle and tolerant.

He explained:

"We'll talk about your slander later, my dear friend. Let's talk about your curse first. I'm not exaggerating the difficulty of this curse. It's really different from all the curses I've seen before. I couldn't even get any hints from my friends who live 'below.' I had to ask Little Zha for help. She has a rich family tradition in this area. Anyway, I found something similar in Little Zha's library, which may explain the cause of your curse."

After teasing Mason's appetite, Constantine stopped and said:

"According to the 'Netherworld Grimoire' in my hand, the tattoo on your arm must come from the power bestowed by an evil god no weaker than the lord of the ninth layer of hell, and it must come from another dimension, rarely appearing in our world's dimension. I can't understand why such an existence would notice you. But I must inform you with compassion that the ghost claw tattoo on your arm is only the 'beginning' of this curse."

"Beginning?" Mason frowned and asked, "What do you mean by beginning? Do you mean it will change later?"

"Yes, it's a rare 'growing curse,'" Scarecrow explained in a very academic tone."The ghost claw tattoo you see now only represents that the evil god sees you as its 'pan-believer' or 'pig in a breeding farm'. It depends on which explanation is easier for your fragile ego to accept. After meeting certain conditions, it will 'evolve' to the next stage on your body autonomously. According to the rare example I found from Little Zha, that tattoo will gradually become 'complete'. It will display the devil's body and reflection at different stages until a complete devil tattoo appears on your arm. By reaching that level, you can basically be regarded as an 'son of the devil' or something similar. I know, children your age may think it's cool..."

"No! It's not cool at all!"

Mason interrupted Chas's words and said, "Even if I use my toes, I know it's not a good thing. Is there a way to remove it?"

"Why use your toes to think if you have a brain?"

Chas made an unfunny joke and then said in a prolonged voice, "No, currently I have only found its type. I haven't even figured out its cause. Mason, as a rigorous magician, how can I dispel something I don't understand at all? You have to give me some time. Or a little motivation. Actually, there are some things I haven't told know."

"How do I give it to you?"

Mason asked with a cold face, and Chas's unscrupulous laughter sounded from the opposite side. Then, accompanied by Chas's recitation of strange spells, a hovering green firefly-like flame appeared on the needle of the Eye of Hell, which soon burned into a floating flame hand. It opened its five fingers towards Mason, as if asking for something.

The young man opened Voldemort's magic book, tore off the first page, and put it on the flame hand amidst Chas's cursing. In the dissipating flames, five fingers raised one middle finger towards Mason and cursed, then exploded into a ball of fire.

Chas angrily said, "That level of magic book itself is a rare magical item. Each carefully crafted page has its own unique power. How can I use it now that you tore it off? You, a useless pharmacist! Can't you be more professional?"

"Well, that's your problem, not mine, Constantine."

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Mason waved the magic book that had been locked up again in his hand and imitated Chas's tone, saying in a prolonged voice, "Can't you be more professional?""In order to protect this precious scripture from being destroyed by me, a useless bastard, you should hurry up and get the original before its dark magic dissipates. Tell me everything!"

"Wait, I need to check its authenticity!"

Zhakang said impatiently, "Do you think I've been loafing around for so many years? Dealing with a cunning guy like you requires no room for carelessness. Give me a few minutes and I'll make some contacts."

After saying that, Mason closed the eyeball on the needle of the Hell's Eye in his hand.

The young man pulled up his sleeve and looked at the ghost claw tattoo on his arm in the dark. Combined with Zhakang's words just now, this thing became even more ominous.

He didn't know about its existence when he burned Old K's body before and didn't check if there was the same thing on Old K's left arm, but he could easily guess that this curse of growth should be one of the means that the Star Group used to control or monitor its members.

The most troublesome thing is that the triggering method of this thing is unknown.

This made Mason always feel helpless when doing things, afraid that he would accidentally offend the taboo and lose his life in an instant.

"Boss, are you busy?"

The voice of Kite Man Charles came from behind. Mason lowered his sleeve and adjusted his expression, then turned around and asked, "What's up?"

"I found out."

Kite Man walked out of the darkness, his face changing constantly. He whispered to Mason, "I ran out of truth serum, but it was worth it. They are planning something amazing. In addition to chasing you and Ms. Selina at all costs, they are also gathering manpower to prepare to rescue the Penguin from prison. Not only are there their people in the Gotham Police Department, but according to that guy, a considerable number of assassins from the League of Assassins have infiltrated various places in Gotham, and the Penguin Gang has provided them with logistics and weapons. The backbone of the major gangs in Gotham that were destroyed by Batman before have also been recruited. It is said that the Falcone family's Mafia is also in contact with them. They also know that Batman is not in Gotham now. So they plan to release all the prisoners in Blackgate Prison after the prison break and cause a riot in Gotham to facilitate their larger-scale actions later."

"When is the prison break?"

Mason asked, rubbing his chin. Kite Man glanced at him and said, "Tomorrow night! The Penguin's gang is responsible for attacking the prison and diverting the police, while the elite of the League of Assassins will sneak into Blackgate Prison with enough weapons and turn it into a temporary riot headquarters."

"Tomorrow night..."The young man's fingers moved as he asked:

"Can Catwoman contact Batman?"

"She already did."

Kite Man was a bit excited as he spoke about it, saying:

"I was listening in, and Batman said he'll come back as soon as possible before the riots happen. But he also said that before he comes back, the members of the Bat Family in Gotham will help out."

"So, the master might not be able to come back on time?"

Mason's eyes lit up immediately.


Kite Man was surprised at the special title the boss gave Batman.

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But upon closer inspection, this slightly exaggerated title was actually no problem at all. Considering Batman's position in Gotham, calling him "Master" was perfectly fine.

"Do you have a plan, boss?"

Charles asked, and Mason looked at his suitcase, nodded, and said:

"Perhaps we don't have to wait until the riots start to try to stop this catastrophe. Maybe we can use a more direct approach.

But Batman must not find out about our actions.

He definitely won't like our way of doing things, so the key is timing! The right time is very important, and we must have a reasonable conclusion to avoid any backlash.

I'll think about it some more.

You go take care of that guy."


Kite Man nodded and pulled out his gun from his waist, loading it with a click.

Although he wasn't a heinous criminal, as a well-known third-rate villain in Gotham, Charles didn't feel any psychological pressure executing a senior member of a notorious gang.

But as he turned to leave, Mason stopped him.

"Don't use bullets, use these!"

The young man took out a bag of colorful potions from his bag. These were "accidental products" from his previous practice of alchemy. He handed those strangely colored potions to Kite Man and said:

"I don't know their specific effects, so maybe that loyal gang boss who's devoted to Oswald can help me explore the mysteries of alchemy.

You need to record the entire process and the specific effects of the potions.

They are all basic potions, and their effects and duration will not exceed thirty minutes.

So let's schedule one hour per round, and remember to have him rinse his mouth every time to avoid affecting the experimental results."


Kite Man looked at the strange colored potions in his hand and couldn't help but shiver, whispering:

"This...seems a bit inhumane, doesn't it?"

"It's not poison!"

Mason's eyes widened as he scolded him."Am I the heartless bastard who doesn't care about human life? Don't worry, at most it will just make him seriously ill. It's not a big deal."

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Kite-Man didn't plan to argue with his boss. He took the medicine and turned to leave, leaving Mason alone in the darkness to ponder.

Several minutes later, he opened the eye of the Hell Needle that he was playing with in his hand.

Scarecrow's voice sounded from it, as stubborn as ever:

"I've seen that vicious thing called a soul weapon. It's just average."

Search "pawread dot com" for the original.

"Oh, it seems you're not satisfied?"

Mason sneered.

"Then should I burn this book as firewood?"

"Up to you."

Scarecrow snorted.

Mason could even imagine him scratching his head and chin at this moment from his nasal tone.

For a black magic master of his level, a soul weapon might indeed be a crooked path not worth mentioning, but the forbidden technique that safely separates the soul is definitely something he needs.

Power can be strong or weak, but knowledge has no such distinction.

"Well, I'm barely satisfied with this transaction, so listen carefully to what I'm about to say next."

Scarecrow coughed and spoke seriously:

"The curse didn't bring you only bad things. Although the evil gods don't care about the life and death of their pan-believers, if they create such a curse to develop their believers, they often give them a little 'sweetness' while imposing the curse to win over those who are not firm in their will.

In other words, you have been cursed and theoretically have received a 'blessing' from the curse caster.

But I've never encountered this kind of curse before, so it's hard for me to give you specific advice on how to activate that power. If possible, you need to meet me in person soon.

I need to do some experiments on you to verify this."

"Meet in person?"

Mason narrowed his eyes at this suggestion. He wiped his arm and was silent for a few seconds, as if he had made a certain decision. He said to Scarecrow:

"Okay, I've been in Gotham for a long time. Whenever you're free, just come over. Remember to let me know in advance so I can arrange a place where we won't be disturbed."

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"Heh, you're underestimating me, Mason, a master of magic."

Scarecrow immediately boasted:

"In Gotham, I can come and go as I please..."

"You know, I'm being watched by Batman."Mason's killer sentence made Shazam immediately shut his mouth, and at the same time, there was a curse from "Fack Batman" on the other side.

After a few seconds, Shazam's tone changed and he said, "Speaking of Batman, is he not in Gotham recently?"

"Why do you ask?" Mason asked back.

Shazam didn't have anything to hide and said straightforwardly, "I hate that guy. He refuses to let any foreign heroes into his Gotham and treats us academic researchers as thieves. He's a really annoying guy.

But Gotham City is one of the earliest immigrant cities on this continent, and the pioneers hundreds of years ago were not just ordinary people.

Many spellcasters who fled from Europe and other parts of the world left their secrets here.

As far as I know, there are many great things buried underground in Gotham, but because of Batman, I can't get close to there at all.

Mason, we're already friends, right?

Just tell me, did Batman leave his city?"

"Where are those things you mentioned?" Mason asked, and Shazam snorted and said, "Many places, like the abandoned Gotham orphanage, the underground of Naihe Island, near Blackgate Prison, and the Arkham Asylum in the suburbs. Those places where paranormal events often occur often have these things.

But I don't recommend you to go looking for them, you're not a professional."

"Hmm, are there any near Blackgate Prison?" The young man was stunned for a moment, then grinned and said to Shazam, "Well, since we're already friends, I'll reveal some insider information to you, Constantine. According to my contact with Nightwing, Batman is indeed not in Gotham.

But he's already on his way back and will definitely be back by midnight tomorrow at the latest.

So if you want to dig for treasure in Batman's backyard, please do it quickly.

Also, I think this news is enough to repay the favor of you and Little Zha rescuing me from the Black Wizard's cage that night, so don't use this to blackmail me in the future."

"Who are you? Just calling my girlfriend by her nickname?" Shazam scolded dissatisfiedly, "Can you show some respect? Little Zha is not a name you can call! Bastard... Oh, dear, stop knocking on the door, I'll be out of the bathroom soon! Yes, yes, I know we're going to have dinner later, wait a moment.

That's all, Mason. Talk to you next time!"After finishing, Constantine interrupted the magic, and the eyeball of the Hell's Eye in front of Mason closed strangely. The young man put the pin on his collar and picked up the suitcase next to him, turning to the hiding place.

As Mason walked out of the darkness, he touched the pin on his collar and thought to himself:

"Scumbag Constantine's appetite will only get bigger and bigger. I don't have enough resources to fill the black hole in his heart, so I have to figure out a way to make him feel pressure and take action on his own.

Well, since we are already friends...

Please help me take the blame and allow me to use some of your time to introduce you to the glorious Star Association, my dear John."

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