The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 30: Frost's sorrow, uh...oops, wrong

In the hideout at Pier 7, Catwoman leaned against the wall, playing with her cat-o'-nine-tails whip.

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She watched Mason, who was still tinkering with his small gadgets in the not-so-large area. But this time, he wasn't making potions. Instead, he was working on some electronic parts.

There was also the Penguin's umbrella next to him, which seemed to be severely damaged. It looked like Mason was trying to fix it.

Meanwhile, in a corner of the hideout, Robin was holding a recording board, carefully noting the expression and physical changes of the gang boss who was tied to a chair in front of him.

The latter had already been given six different kinds of drugs in the past four hours. He was still alive, but his left side was covered in terrible rashes, his right side was a strange purple-red color, and he kept twitching and convulsing in pain. Catwoman felt that this was a form of torture.

"I've shared the information with those bat brats. They're discussing their action plan in the Batcave. Grayson hopes we can work together with them. Apparently, the first Robin is quite satisfied with your performance," Selina glanced at the information on her phone and said to Mason.

"So, what's your answer?"

"How do we work together?" Mason, who was trying to install the Scarecrow's cranial disruptor into the Penguin's armed umbrella, looked up and asked Catwoman.

"Based on the current information, we need a lot of people for the Blackgate Prison and the Assassin's League's secret weapon storage. We also need some people for logistics and intelligence support. Including the first Robin Dick Grayson, the third Robin Tim Drake, you, me, and Charles, we only have five people. Even if we add Commissioner Gordon and Barbara in a wheelchair, we're still seriously lacking in numbers. We can't afford to split up. The Bat's plan is too simple," Mason said.

"What do you mean?" Catwoman nodded, thinking Grayson's proposal was a bit unrealistic.

"If Batman were here, that cold and invincible man could handle everything alone. The rest of us could go to the other side without any problems. But Batman isn't here now," Mason said.

"What I mean is that you and the Bat family should work together to destroy the weapons warehouse where the armed prisoners are. There are definitely many members of the Assassin's League guarding it, and we don't have enough people to deal with them."

Mason carefully opened the circular mechanical box of the Penguin's umbrella, scanning the components with the light screen to analyze its structure. He continued, "Charles and I will infiltrate Blackgate Prison and delay their jailbreak as much as possible. As long as you move fast enough, you can come to our aid in time. These two tasks don't necessarily have to be carried out at the same time. As long as we can hold on until the Bat God returns to Gotham, we've won half the battle. Maybe he'll bring back some help, like Superman."

Mason started disassembling the components of the mechanical box with his fingers.

"That's a good idea, but why do I feel like you don't want me to be in your group?" Catwoman asked suspiciously.

"Do you and your sidekick have any secrets that you don't want to share with me? I thought we were already a team," Mason said."You're overthinking it."

Mason said without even lifting his head:

"It's just that the invisibility cloak can only fit two people at most, so I can only work in pairs."

"Then we can just work together."

Catwoman squinted and said:

"Why? Would you rather work with an old man than let me protect you, a 17-year-old kid?"

"Are you serious, Selina?"

Mason hadn't even spoken yet, but Kite Man shuddered and raised his hand:

"Do you really think it's the right choice to have me, a third-rate villain, work with the Bat Family's offspring? They were all trained by Batman and they are ruthless. I broke three ribs the last time I encountered Nightwing, and I don't want to try it again."

"You see, this is the best way to split up."

Mason added quietly:

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"And I think that in the absence of the children's father, you, as their 'foster mother,' should take on the responsibility of taking care of them."

"You make a good point, I can't argue with that, but you better not make any more terrible jokes about 'foster mothers.' I'm still young!"

Catwoman was speechless, she rolled her eyes and said:

"I'll tell the Batcave about this idea and give you an answer later."

After speaking, Selina Kyle walked out of the hiding place with her increasingly amazing long legs under the tight suit. Kite Man wanted to speak but was stopped by Mason's hand.

The young man stood up and carefully searched the wall where Catwoman had just leaned against. A few seconds later, two bat-shaped listening devices were taken out from the gap.

He shook his head and put the things in his pocket, then turned to Kite Man and said:

"When dealing with the Bat Family, you must keep at least three eyes open. They all learned from Batman and have an irredeemable voyeuristic and monitoring tendency."

"Oh, I see."

Kite Man rubbed his head and felt emotional. No wonder he couldn't make it in Gotham. Look at the vigilantes' scheming minds, and then look at himself. He couldn't help feeling sad.

"Boss, do you really want to cooperate with the Bat Family?"

Charles asked softly:

"I don't think this is reliable. Everyone in this city knows that Batman and Robin don't kill, but they won't hesitate to act. The Joker used this to bully them. They failed, but Batman has their backs. But we don't. We're not like them."

"Cooperation is necessary. We only have two people and we need them to attract some attention."

Mason touched the suitcase next to him and said softly:

"But we don't have to be constrained. What I mean is, we have to get this done before Batman comes back! I'm tired of being chased every day. I plan to use this opportunity to take down most of the Penguin and the Assassins' League's forces in the city. When they release prisoners and the Penguin gathers them together..."

"But we don't have the kind of weapon that can take them down in one fell swoop!"

Kite Man spread his hands and said:"Our martial arts levels are not high enough, unless we revive Old K. I think that old man carrying two swords could easily kill all those guys."

"Who says we don't have it?"

Mason smiled, patted his suitcase, and looked at Kite Man, saying:

"How did Old K die?"

"He was killed by monsters...ah, I understand!"

Charles nodded instantly.

He also looked at the suitcase in Mason's hand. If he remembered correctly, their boss brought back three undead monster zombies from the ruins of the wizarding world.

But then, Kite Man became a little worried and said:

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"Will it spread? This thing is too terrifying. If it gets out of control, all of Gotham will be finished."

"Have a little faith in your own world, Charles."

Mason returned to the temporary workbench and continued to assemble Penguin's armed umbrella. He casually said:

"As long as Batman comes back, everything will be over. Have faith in that man. He is deeper, stronger, and more terrifying than you think."

"It looks like I need to prepare early too."

Kite Man also made up his mind. He sat opposite Mason and took out a semi-finished flying backpack from the travel backpack that Mason had just returned. He said to the young man:

"I changed its design concept a bit, but there are still a few problems that haven't been solved. Boss, help me take a look. And this magic coat, I plan to modify it into a flying suit."

Charles took out Hagrid's mole skin coat and said:

"This thing is much better than any bulletproof vest, but I can't find a suitable tailor. I took it to a friend yesterday, and he said that this leather is difficult to cut with ordinary tools, let alone redesigning the shape."

"Just make do with it for now."

Mason also said with a difficult tone:

"I'm a little tight on time now, and I can't spare the energy to do tailoring. After this is over, I will study it and try to get your flying suit done before someone from the Starry Sky Society contacts us. As for cutting, you can ask Catwoman to cut off part of Sujie's eagle to make it fit."

"And, here's a gun for you."

He took out a hand-made black gun from the suitcase and handed it to Kite Man, introducing:

"I made it before as a practice. Although it is a hand-made black gun, it is definitely much better than the things on the assembly line. If you need anything else, just tell me."

"I want those explosives, flight engineering bombs! Boss."

Kite Man grinned and took the gun and put it on his back. He gestured to Mason and said:

"That thing is powerful. I fell in love with it after using it last time, especially the swarm bombing. It's so cool."

"Here you go."

Mason waved his hand and threw more than thirty newly assembled flight engineering bombs from the suitcase, and also gave Kite Man a control tablet.

The latter turned around and left the hiding place to find Catwoman to borrow a long sword to cut clothes. A dozen seconds later, Catwoman rushed back with anger, shouting at Mason:

"You wasteful bat brat! Do you know how rare this top-quality fur is? I've been in Gotham for so many years and I've never seen such good fur. And you want to cut it open!"

"That clothes are for half-giants to wear."

Mason said without even lifting his head."After cutting it open and making a flying suit for Charles, there's enough left to make a coat for you, who has a petite figure. I can even waive the labor fee and make it for you for free. Just need some time and the coat pattern you provide."

"So, do I have to share a ragged piece of clothing with a stinky man? How can I, who has a wealthy boyfriend, endure this humiliation?"

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Catwoman became even angrier.

She snorted and pulled out Sujie's eagle. With a few swift cuts, she split the high-quality fur coat and said with her hands on her hips, "I don't want it! I'll buy a better one another day."

The time came to the evening of the second day, two hours before the operation.

In the silhouette of the pier shrouded by the approaching darkness, the cool Batmobile drove at high speed and made a stylish, sharp turn on the somewhat desolate and abandoned Pier 7.

As the black cockpit opened, the young Grayson, wearing a Batman suit, jumped out.

At first glance, he saw Mason, who was wearing a slim gray coat and a gentleman's hat, holding a black penguin umbrella in his left hand, and Charles, who was dressed like a successful businessman and carrying a vintage briefcase, behind him.

Beside them was Catwoman, who was fully prepared for battle. In addition to her usual cat tail whip and combat belt, she also carried a sword on her back.

Grayson was very familiar with the sword that could blind people.

"Can you two handle it?"

Nightwing walked up to the three of them and asked Mason in Batman's tone.

After practicing alchemy and engineering proficiency all night, Mason pulled down the brim of his hat and drank the blue primary vitality potion.

He put the slender crystal bottle back in his pocket and stretched his body, saying, "Delaying time with the invisibility cloak is still possible, but you'd better hurry over there. Will Commissioner Gordon also join the operation?"

"No way, I can't persuade him."

The young Grayson sighed and said, "He said it was his duty as a Gotham police officer, so he has already brought SWAT to Blackgate Prison. We can't transfer the Penguin in advance. If we are robbed midway, it will be more harm than good. There are assassins alliance spies everywhere in this city. This is for you."

Nightwing took out two specially customized communication earphones and said to Mason and Kite Man, "Barbara will serve as our intelligence support and communicate the battlefield situation at any time. If you can't handle it, call for Batwing support."

"Non-lethal weapons again?"

Mason said, "There's no 'no-kill rule' in this situation, right?"

"Yeah, it's already at this point. Don't worry about it! You need stronger deterrence when facing a group of ruthless killers."

Kite Man also advised.

"These rules constrain us and make us great, but they also hinder us and protect us, Mason."

The young Grayson said seriously, "He set an example for us and drew a line that we cannot cross. Once the identities of 'protector' and 'killer' are confused, it is the beginning of willpower corruption. No one can resist the temptation of solving problems with violence once and for all, so the best way to fight against it is to draw a clear line from the beginning.""Tsk tsk, the Batboy is starting to ramble on like the old Batman, spouting clichés without any originality."

Catwoman was impatient with this.

She swayed her waist and walked towards the Batmobile, deftly jumping into the driver's seat. She threw a passionate kiss to Mason and said:

"Be careful, little guy. Once I'm done over there, I'll come save you."

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After speaking, the wild and untamed beauty cat stepped on the accelerator and drove the raging Batmobile out of the dock like a roaring beast with even more exquisite control than the Bat.

Nightwing shook his head and flew into the sky with a grappling gun, chasing after the Batmobile.

Mason watched them leave and snapped his fingers lightly.

The Kite Man behind him opened his suitcase and pressed the button of the traceless extension curse. The blue flying motorcycle appeared in front of them with a swish.

The young man inserted the key and started the engine, throwing out the rocket-shaped sidecar.

Kite Man jumped into the sidecar with the suitcase in his arms, just like holding a nuclear bomb case. Mason twisted the handlebars, and the blue retro classic slowly moved forward before flying into the clouds three seconds later.

As Kite Man changed his clothes, he grinned and said:

"By the way, boss, maybe we should come up with a cooler name for ourselves. Like our gang could be called the 'Kite Gang' or something."

"A gang of two people?"

Mason sneered:

"That would be laughed at by our fellow Gothamites. Besides, I've already left the mafia, and don't we already have a name? The K Squad... It actually sounds pretty good, right?"

"Charles, did you forget to feed McGee, Tooth, and Furball today?"

Mason asked, wearing flying goggles.

Kite Man, with a flying backpack on his back, shrugged his shoulders and patted the box with malice, saying:

"Of course not, boss. As per your orders, Mason Cooper's Death Beasts are starving now. They... are very hungry."


On the other side, in the speeding Batmobile, Nightwing, who had just been relieved from the co-pilot seat, hadn't even had a chance to breathe when Catwoman suddenly spoke up:

"I've changed my mind! You Batboys who were trained by him can handle that side! I'm not going, and I'm more worried about my little brother Mason than you guys who are not very likable."

After speaking, she pressed a hidden button on the Batmobile steering wheel.

With a click, the tank-like Batmobile hood in front of the driver's seat popped open and ejected the driver's seat along with Catwoman. The precision module had already turned into a black, slender Bat motorcycle when it flipped and landed in the air.

Catwoman lay flat on the motorcycle and completed an almost impossible 180-degree turn in place. Under Nightwing's helpless gaze, she raced towards Blackgate Prison.

As for the Batmobile, which had lost its front and rear wheels...

Don't worry!

This war machine, which cost billions to build, also reloaded the spare tires at the moment of releasing the Bat motorcycle, and a spare control panel popped out from the co-pilot's seat.

"Jason wanted to steal the tires of this car back then."

Nightwing, holding the control panel, continued to accelerate, sneered, and whispered:Translation:

At that time, he didn't know yet that there were eight spare tires in this car... sigh, Jason, how good it would be if you were by our side in this situation.

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