The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 31: Gordon's heart skipped a beat

"Director, the prison guards and security personnel of Blackgate Prison have already withdrawn. They have formed a temporary defense line behind us to defend against possible attacks outside the prison!"

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The SWAT commander of Gotham Police Department reported the current situation to Commissioner Gordon, who was wearing a bulletproof vest. The old Gordon, who had served in the army and executed dangerous missions, seemed to have regained his youthful vigor. He took an automatic rifle from his colleague and said to the SWAT commander:

"What about air support? Are three helicopters enough?"

"They should be enough."

The commander said:

"When designing Blackgate Prison, we considered the issue of prison breaks. With all the prepared facilities activated, unless the enemy uses military-grade firepower, they cannot even pass the first door.

We have also installed detectors near the sewers. If there are infiltrators, we will detect them first."

"Very good!"

The commissioner was slightly relieved.

He stood on the command vehicle and looked around the completely sealed Blackgate Prison. He did not find any obvious loopholes, then raised his watch to check the time, and personally led a team of SWAT into the prison.

Since they already knew that the jailbreak was for the Penguin, only he could rest assured by guarding the area near the Penguin's cell.

At the same time, in the sky above Blackgate Prison at night, Mason's flying motorcycle landed silently in a remote area where it was not easily noticeable. The young man and Kite Man got off the bike and threw it back into the suitcase.

He turned his head and threw a black earphone to Kite Man, who was preparing, and said:

"Ascend only after the Assassins League disrupts this place. You guard the entrance and exit of the prison. Whoever comes out from inside during the jailbreak, take them down!

Remember to put on this pair of earphones. I made them myself, and they are only for the two of us."

With Lv2 engineering modification, he easily transformed a pair of earphones. After all, what was going to happen next was not suitable to be said in public on the Bat Network.

"I'll do my best, boss."

Kite Man put the gun on a special strap and started the swarm mode of the flying engineering bomb. He looked at the prison under the dark night and said:

"I can't block it for too long alone, after all, the amount of ammunition my flying backpack can carry is limited."

"Don't worry."

Mason put on the invisibility cloak, picked up the suitcase, and said to his subordinate:

"When the news of a large-scale zombie outbreak is sent out, the Batplanes will definitely come to support. Your mission will be completed then. Remember to take good pictures and take a few more rounds nearby. I received a message that someone will be 'tomb raiding' around here tonight.

It's best to take pictures."


Kite Man, who was putting on the cut "bulletproof flying suit," was stunned. He scratched his head and said as he watched his boss disappear from sight:

"Is there any ancient building nearby? Who is coming to steal tombs here? The way the boss talks seriously and jokingly is really funny."

But Mason was not joking.

If Charles could take a photo of Shreck appearing near Blackgate Prison during the zombie crisis, he could avoid a lot of trouble in the end.

With the help of the invisibility cloak, Mason easily entered the heavily guarded Blackgate Prison.He did not doubt the determination of the Gotham police tonight. Although the organization was rotten to the core, once Gordon brought them here, they had to be brave for their lives.

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Mason just felt that these policemen did not seem to realize the seriousness of the problem.

Although he couldn't guess how the Assassin's League planned to break into Blackgate Prison, judging from the situation where the black-clad killers had openly used heavy firepower to chase him in the city before, their offensive would surely exceed Gotham police's expectations.

And it did.

Five minutes after Mason took his position, the bat earphones he had put in his ears sounded a warning. Barbara Gordon warned urgently:

"A transport plane taking off from Gotham Airport suddenly changed direction and flew towards Blackgate Prison. Estimated arrival time is one minute. Asa Sin and others will parachute there.

The plane is suspected to be carrying heavy weapons!


Evacuate the ground quickly! Find cover!"

Mason, hiding in an office in Blackgate Prison, immediately saw several police chiefs rushing towards the prison, but a few seconds later, the slightly shocked voice of the Kite Man also sounded in the temporary Bat communication network:

"Hey! Can you hear me? Is this how this thing is used? Forget it, never mind. There are moles in the Gotham police! I saw those guys attacking their own people outside.

Some SWAT members are shooting randomly!

Damn it, that armored vehicle is shooting its own people, chaos has broken out outside!

There's something in the sky, the transport plane is coming down.


It opened the hatch..."

After that, the Kite Man didn't need to do "live broadcasting" anymore. Even if Mason was hiding inside the prison, he could hear the roaring sound of some kind of rapid-fire weapon with a minimum of 6,000 rounds per minute coming from the air.

The flying bullets hitting the ground and the deafening explosions made it easy to imagine how hellish the scene outside the prison was at this moment.

The terrible screams even caused chaos among the people inside the prison.

"The Assassin's League assembled a civilian version of a gunship? That's really creative!"

Mason shook his head, watching the chaos both inside and outside the prison caused by this unconventional attack. The first helicopter of the Gotham police was shot down and exploded on the top of the prison, and the black-clad killers of the Assassin's League began to descend from the air. At the same time, he also started his own action, holding a box in his hand.


A running policeman was hit on the back of his head by the butt of a gun, and he fell to the ground while still maintaining his running posture. Mason bent down and took a bunch of keys from his belt, then took a step forward and opened the nearest cell.

The chaos outside the prison had alarmed the prisoners inside. At the moment the cell was opened, a fierce, big guy in an orange prison uniform immediately rubbed his hands and prepared to "do something big."

It is necessary to introduce this peculiar place, Blackgate Prison.

This place is not only the highest-security prison for serious offenders in Gotham City, but also the product of a special law passed by the prosecutor Harvey Dent, who was once known as the "Gotham White Knight" before becoming the criminal mastermind "Two-Face."

The inmates who can be imprisoned here are the most vicious criminals who will not be eligible for parole for at least ten years.In other words, there is no possibility of being wronged in this prison. After all, even Kite Man was sent here after robbing a bakery, thanks to his past association with the Joker.

Blackgate Prison and Arkham Asylum are true breeding grounds for the criminal underworld of Gotham City. Anyone picked randomly from these two places would be considered a "strongman" who can get VIP treatment in the ninth circle of hell.

Therefore, Mason had no psychological barriers when facing the bald man in front of him.

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Hidden under his invisibility cloak, he stood at the door, raised his hand cannon, and pulled the trigger when the guy approached.

With a bang, the bald man's leg broke off and he fell to the ground. At the same time, a thin and tall young man in a gray windbreaker suddenly appeared like magic.

The guy squatted on the ground and opened a shabby black suitcase. He even raised his head and showed a gentle smile.

"Damn yellow monkey!"

The wounded prisoner suddenly roared.

Mason shrugged and didn't get angry at the racial slur. After all, the guy was almost dead. Let him vent.

He activated the traceless extension curse switch on the suitcase and picked up the Voodoo Cage of Old K to fish inside.

When the black birdcage-like ornament was taken out of the box, there was already a tiger-striped cat inside that was meowing and smelling the scent of blood.

Professor McGee was blown into two pieces by a bomb before, but because of her zombie attribute, she managed to survive. Mason then threw the broken resurrection stone into her wound, and under the effect of the death artifact, she was now fully restored.

Not only did her injured body heal, but even the horrible scars and disgusting sores on her fur were removed, making this zombie cat look no different from an ordinary tiger-striped cat at first glance.

Except for those crimson and creepy eyes and the withered and hoarse voice that could scare adults at night.

It stared at the big man lying on the ground and cursing, and its appetite was stimulated by the smell of fresh flesh and blood. It became agitated and kept scratching the cage with its mutated claws carrying zombie toxins.

Mason put the birdcage on the ground and enlarged it to its normal size, then held the door of the cage.

He comforted, "I know you're hungry. You don't have to hold back your cravings. Everyone here who can be scratched by you deserves to die. They don't need cages, but a bullet to free them from their dark lives.

These people are already beyond redemption.

You, my little cutie, are the good medicine I prescribed for their bad lives.

Go ahead.

Enjoy the delicious taste of sin."


The door of the birdcage was pulled open, and the zombie cat McGee turned into a swift lightning bolt and pounced on the evil man in front of her, accompanied by a mournful roar. The latter swung his arms to try to block her, but soon he screamed in pain.

Mason didn't even look at him, he put away the birdcage, picked up the box, and turned to leave. He also threw the unconscious police officer into the storeroom and locked the door. Then, under his invisibility cloak, he opened all the cages in this cell block.

The prisoners were dumbfounded.

They couldn't see anyone, they could only hear the sound of the door unlocking.

But these bad guys didn't want to miss this opportunity to escape, so they didn't hesitate for long before they all ran out, only to find that the heavy iron door that led out of this cell block was still tightly locked.Standing behind the door, Mason, wearing a stealth cloak, listened expressionlessly to the wild dancing and shouting of the guys. There was no special emotion in his eyes.

He opened those cages.

But those who truly repented in prison were unlikely to step out, so those who felt pain for their past actions and sought repentance would survive in the impending disaster.

Like an invisible line, those who crossed it would die in vain.

As Mason turned to leave, the pitiful meowing of a cat erupted with the roar of the crowd in the area where there were nearly two hundred prisoners. The gradually rising smell of blood and the sound of a few cell doors being closed again also erupted together.

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Hmm, Miss McGee will definitely enjoy herself at this sinful and decadent feast tonight.



The loud explosion kept ringing on the walls of the Blackgate Prison, caused by the armed forces outside using heavy firepower to bombard the reinforced walls.

The machine guns in the sky outside had stopped roaring, probably because the assassins of the League of Assassins had completed their air assault and taken control of the situation.

Inside the prison, the police who were trapped here could look up and see the burning wreckage of the helicopter on the roof, like a pillar of fire in the night, indicating the ominousness of tonight.

"Run, Gordon, while you still can."

The penguin man, Oswald Cobblepot, wearing a prison uniform, was guarded by ten fully armed special police officers, with seven guns pointed at him.

It only took one bullet to kill this short and fat guy.

But he, who should have been a prisoner, sat arrogantly in his chair with a posture of controlling the situation. Although his hands were still in handcuffs, he had no sense of desolation that a prisoner should have. Instead, he had a relaxed and proud expression.

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Commissioner Gordon sat across from him, holding a gun and staring at him.

The penguin man was indifferent to this.

He waved his big hand and prepared to have a good talk with Gordon, but the two missing fingers on his left hand gave this action a slightly ridiculous meaning.

"Open my handcuffs, Gordon, and I promise you and your people will leave this prison alive tonight."

Oswald listened leisurely to the increasingly close gunshots. He grinned, as if he had returned to the posture of a dominant gangster.

He said, "There is nothing between us that cannot be resolved, Gordon. You know, I am different from the other people in the city. I can even reach an unspoken agreement with that bat.

I just want to make money, not like those crazy people who want to overthrow everything.

You see, Batman sent me to Blackgate Prison instead of Arkham, which already shows this point, Gordon. Tonight's events will have a dignified ending.

But if you drag it out, it will be hard to end well."

The stubborn commissioner remained silent, but several police chiefs next to him began to exchange glances.

A few seconds later, several grenades exploded on the corridor near Oswald's cell, blowing up the heavy black iron door on the spot, and then the fully armed black-clad killers rushed in like a swarm.

They were all dressed in black bulletproof vests, carrying guns and knives, and had uniform-style helmets that only revealed a pair of eyes.Their actions were swift and unusually cold, with police and even prisoners blocking their way behind them, and thick smoke echoing through the air.

These were the elites!

Unlike the black-clad assassins chasing after Mason, these black-clad warriors who raided Blackgate Penitentiary with their sharp and decisive weapons were the true backbone of the Assassin Alliance.

At the same time that this team entered the Penguin's cell, five other action teams had already entered other cell blocks of Blackgate Penitentiary to release the prisoners and form a team that could cause a large-scale riot in Gotham.

Just like the plan they had prepared in advance.

But this was not the end.

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This riot was only a prelude to a larger operation.

They needed the funding and connections of the local bigwig, the Penguin, so Oswald couldn't spend the rest of his time in prison leisurely.


Commissioner Gordon grabbed the Penguin and pressed his gun against his head, shouting at the cold black-clad warriors in front of him:

"Otherwise, I'll kill him!"

"You should just go ahead and do it, Gordon."

The Penguin being held hostage wasn't afraid at all, and his tone didn't even change.

He sneered and said:

"When you threaten others, you should just do it directly. Talking too much will only make you seem weak and afraid, especially since my friends are all ruthless characters.

Let me tell you a secret, Gordon.

Even if I die, they can still revive me.

I've seen it with my own eyes.

You've already lost!

Now, be a little dignified."


The answer to the Penguin's persuasion was the hammer pulled by Gordon's finger, and the commissioner's finger was already on the trigger. The more than thirty black-clad warriors in front of him stopped their steps under the captain's instruction.

The confrontation inside and outside the cage made the remaining police officers dare not even breathe, but just as the gunpowder smell became stronger and stronger, a strange roar shattered the silence.

It sounded like the low growl of a large dog in an open space.

But the sound was so shriveled and miserable that it made people's hearts tremble, and along with the barking, there were increasingly closer screams.

The Penguin was stunned.

The police were stunned.

The black-clad warriors were also stunned.

Suddenly, Commissioner Gordon felt a sense of foreboding, and then he heard Mason Cooper's uncontrollable scream from the bat earpiece he had stuffed in his ear.

The boy seemed to have seen something terrifying and shouted uncontrollably:

"Gordon! Run! There's a monster coming out of the prison!"

Then, the next second, Gordon and the other people in the cell saw the terrifying shadow that was chewing on a half-person rushing towards them... Oh my god! Has the gate of hell opened here?

What the hell is this thing?

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