The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 32: No one left alive in Resident Evi


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The black bat earphones were taken off and thrown to the ground, then crushed by Mason's foot.

The young man standing in the prison control room held a suitcase and looked at the screens of various surveillance cameras in front of him. After alerting Gordon, he was ready for the next step.

From the surveillance cameras, Miss McGee and Yaya had successfully completed their "work", and the first batch of zombie prisoners had begun to wander. The berserk Yaya even smashed the iron door and got closer to the Penguin Man.

He stared at the monitor screen, and when he noticed a group of black-clad warriors approaching the monitoring area where Miss McGee was located, Mason's fingers rested on the operation table in front of him.

He calculated the distance.

When the warriors were close enough, he decisively pressed the button to remotely open the door to the monitoring area.

With a loud bang, the black-clad warriors approaching the monitoring area raised their guns in unison. The sudden opening of the black door in front of them made them more alert. But then, to their horror, a group of zombie prisoners with strange movements, covered in blood, and howling like crazy dogs rushed towards them.

Even with weapons firing frantically at such a short distance, they only managed to take down the first row of enemies. Instead, the rising blood and flesh stimulated the ferocity of the subsequent zombies. The first few black-clad warriors were knocked down before they could even draw their swords, and then screams echoed in the narrow aisle.

The warriors of the Assassin's League were indeed elite. They immediately threw a row of grenades to cover their retreat when they sensed danger.

But what rushed out of the monitoring area was not just zombies. Miss McGee, who was covered in blood and flesh, pounced like lightning on the shoulder of a retreating black-clad warrior with a roar.

Its sharp claws tore open the neck guard and tore off almost half of the throat. Then it jumped towards the second warrior.

Its speed was too fast.

Mason's quick gun draw couldn't even lock onto it, and the suddenly attacked warriors couldn't even catch the lightning-fast attack.

Even if a bullet hit the zombie cat head-on, the resurrection stone fragments in its body made Miss McGee completely immune to bullets piercing through. Even if it was smashed to pieces on the spot, it could quickly "fully recover".

It can only be said that the Death Artifact, once used for dark purposes, can produce tremendous destructive power.

The piercing sound of gunfire and the screams of blood bursting echoed in the narrow corridor, and the desperate warriors even drew their swords.

But obviously, their preparation was still not enough to face the overwhelming number of zombies that were difficult to kill in front of them.Mason watched the complete annihilation of an Assassin League team in the monitoring room, which gave him a basic assessment of the destructive power of his "zombie army" that he created with his own hands.

In the closed and chaotic environment of the Black Gate Prison, their killing and growth were uncontrollable.

This satisfied Mason, who nodded in approval.

Before leaving the monitoring room, he casually opened all the doors in the Black Gate Prison's cell blocks and then put his most powerful zombie, the three-headed dog Mao Mao, into a voodoo birdcage and carried it with him for emergency use.

Putting on his invisibility cloak and carrying his weapons, Mason followed the map of the prison in his hand and headed towards the cell block where the Penguin Man was located.

After all, he used to be his boss.

If he was destined to die tonight, Mason, as a traitor, had to personally send him off. In addition, he had to retrieve the two fierce beasts he had released before things got out of control.

With Miss McGee's terrifying infection efficiency, if it escaped from the Black Gate Prison and ran into the city...

Batman would definitely kill him.

"Charles, how's the situation outside?"

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Mason asked the other side through his black modified earphones, and soon the voice of the Kite Man, accompanied by the sound of wind, sounded. He reported:

"It's chaos outside, boss. The Penguin's bastards have broken through the police's defense line and rushed into the prison. Commissioner Gordon's subordinates are running for their lives... tsk tsk, they're really fast.

The outside of the prison has been occupied by the Assassin League's people. I just planted an engineering bomb on their plane!"

"Good, let the Penguin's people in and then start sealing off."

Mason instructed:

"Blow up a few exits. The zombie tide has formed, and we don't need to intervene in what happens next. When the Batplane arrives, remember to notify me."

"Got it, boss."

Kite Man responded, controlling his kite to glide in the air, then pulled out his tablet and commanded the dozen or so flying engineering bombs around him to rush towards the front and rear gates of the main building of the Black Gate Prison.

Five minutes later, when the armed members of the Penguin's gang rushed into the building to greet their boss, Charles decisively detonated the engineering bombs he had set up.

The dazzling explosion quickly collapsed the front and rear gates, closing off the possibility of the zombie tide escaping from the prison and trapping the people inside.

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This commotion attracted the attention of the black-clad assassins outside, but in the darkness, they could not catch the trace of the kite man flying in the sky, and could only rush over to clear the rubble as soon as possible.

As for the loyal members of the Penguin's gang who had just rushed into the zombie-infested prison, Kite Man could only wish them a painless death."Gordon! Quickly unlock my cage! Damn it! The monster is coming!"

At this moment, in the prison area that was being attacked by zombie dogs, the penguin man who had always appeared to be in control finally showed his fear.

He cowered in the corner behind Commissioner Gordon, shouting loudly.

The police officers in the cage were also nervous and holding their weapons, but they were no longer aiming at the black-clad warriors. Ironically, the cage that was supposed to imprison criminals had become their last line of defense.

Commissioner Gordon tightly gripped his weapon, watching as the elite members of the Assassin's League fought against the monster that had broken through the iron bars.

The creature looked like a large black dog, but it was 1.5 meters tall and had crimson eyes and twisted teeth in its mouth. Its terrifying claws could easily tear apart any fully armed warrior with a single swipe.

Its body was abnormally thin, with no fat under its messy fur, only muscles responsible for explosive power.

Even if the black-clad warriors shot at close range and pierced its outer layer, it was difficult to destroy its bones that had been strengthened by the zombie virus, let alone the fact that the body of the crazy zombie Neapolitan Mastiff also contained a large piece of resurrection stone fragment that was still in effect.

After the stone fragment was broken, it was cursed and would torment the soul in the dead body.

It was difficult to say whether there was a soul under the zombie's body, but it was certain that the continuous effect of the resurrection stone fragment made it more violent and deadly than ever before.


With a withered and mournful roar, the zombie dog covered in blood bit the hand of a black-clad warrior who was constantly firing at it. With a shake of its head, it tore open half of the guy's body and swallowed the flesh and blood.

Its crimson eyes became even more ferocious.

A grenade exploded on its body, pushing the huge zombie dog away, but it quickly got up again. Its stomach was torn open by the explosion, but there were no intestines or anything else visible.

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The virus had deeply transformed its body, perhaps leaving only organs responsible for digestion, and it couldn't feel pain.

The weak attacks of the warriors lacking destructive heavy firepower only made it more dangerous.

"Gordon! Run! The iron bars can't stop that monster!"

Watching the elite black-clad warriors being brutally killed one by one by the zombie dog, the penguin man finally couldn't bear it. He saw that Gordon had no intention of escaping and shouted:

"Don't be stupid, Batman won't come to save you! He's not even in this city right now! You may not care, but I don't want to die! Run! Take me with you.

I won't run away, I swear!

For God's sake, Gordon, please!"Don't you, the crazy person who worships Batman, want to see your daughter?"

"Run, Commissioner, Penguin is right."

"That monster will tear us all apart!"

The SWAT and police officers around him also began to persuade the silent Gordon.

They weren't afraid either.

But the fact is, the weapons in their hands are not for fighting monsters that come out of hell like this!

Gordon glanced at the hellish slaughter scene in front of him, then at the begging Penguin and his colleagues beside him. He gritted his teeth and raised his gun, saying:

"Take him with us, retreat!"

The group acted very quickly, relying on Gordon's prison access card and key, they bypassed the zombie dogs that were slaughtering the black-clothed warriors and ran away towards the outside of the prison.

"Go down the sewer!"

Commissioner Gordon is a decisive person, and he is not stupid. As soon as he saw the monster attacking the prison and creating a hellish scene, he immediately found the only safe way to escape.

But the only regret is that Gordon is not the only one who thought of this safe route.

Just as they were transferring the Penguin underground, at the same time they were leaving the main prison area, a team of black-clothed warriors rushed over and ran into them.

Both sides were almost stunned at the same time, and the Penguin, who had been looking for an opportunity, shouted:

"I'm here! I'm Svald! The one who made a contract with Ra's al Ghul! I'm one of you! Fire! Kill these police officers!"

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The harsh sound of gunfire erupted in the next moment, and the Penguin, who was handcuffed, kicked Commissioner Gordon, who was dodging beside him, and rushed towards the black-clothed warriors.

The commissioner gritted his teeth and fired a shot at him, hitting the Penguin's thigh, but the latter gritted his teeth and howled, rushing into the black-clothed warriors.

After all, he is a person who can climb to the top in Gotham, a place where chaos is beyond measure. He is really not sloppy at critical moments.

"Retreat! Quick retreat!"

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Under the suppression of the Assassin League warriors, Commissioner Gordon dragged a wounded person and others back to the main prison area.

They felt like they were done for.

But the black-clothed warriors who had the upper hand did not kill them all. After repelling them, they took the injured Penguin and rushed towards the sewer.

A dozen seconds later, Commissioner Gordon and the others who had escaped from death knew the reason.

With the weird and screaming roar, hundreds of zombies wearing prison uniforms and black clothes rushed out of the opened prison gate.

To be honest, this scene was much more shocking to Gordon and the police officers than the terrifying zombie dog just now.


These are real zombies!Suddenly appeared in front of them, the old police officers were all stunned, only Gordon managed to maintain his sanity while continuously retreating.

"Zombies! There are a large number of zombies in Blackgate Prison! I need support! Hurry!"

He frantically called for help on the Bat-communication network while dragging the wounded back, but the blood on the wounded attracted the attention of the zombies, who were stimulated by the fresh blood and began to charge forward, howling and screaming.

The scene of those guys with blood-stained teeth and pale eyes rushing forward made Gordon's scalp tingle. He shot and killed them while looking around.

"The cells! Go to the cells!"

The commissioner shouted and dragged the wounded into the nearest cell.

The prisoners inside had long since disappeared without a trace. Gordon rushed in and threw the wounded behind him. He used all his strength to slam the cell door shut and locked it tightly.

The next second, more than a dozen twisted arms covered in blood reached through the cell fence, almost grabbing Gordon. At a critical moment, a burst of bullets came and saved Gordon from disaster.

Under Gordon's demonstration, the other police officers also fled into several other cells.

They locked the cell doors tightly and huddled in the corner, surrounded by nearly a hundred zombies, praying to their gods.

Gordon, who survived the disaster, looked up and saw Mason, who had put away his hunting rifle and was walking away from the second floor of the detention area.

Mason gestured to Gordon from above, and the commissioner quickly understood Mason's meaning.

"Stay there! Wait for rescue."

The commissioner watched as Mason disappeared into the main detention area with his gun on his back.

He wanted the young man to hide too, but now Gordon was surrounded by ferocious zombies, and the commissioner himself had to rely on the cell to protect himself and had no energy to care about others.

The only good news was that these ordinary zombies were not strong enough.

They couldn't tear open the iron bars like the vicious zombie dogs, which finally gave Gordon a sense of security after experiencing such a thrilling event.

"Gordon! Are you okay? The Bat-jet is on its way. Hang in there!"

Afuo's anxious voice sounded in his earpiece, causing Gordon, who was trembling and crouching in the corner, to suddenly stand up. The commissioner looked at the terrifying things in front of him and gritted his teeth, saying to Alfred:

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"Switch to lethal weapons... we need fire to purify this place. Listen to me, Afuo, the situation can't get any worse. We must burn the entire prison at least once! Don't let the children come over, there's no need to come over... there aren't many living people left here.""The Batplane is approaching, boss!"

The same report also rang in Mason's ear as he entered the sewer. Kite Man reminded him:

"It's time to retreat. I've left a safe exit for you in the northwest corner of the prison. I'll blow it up when you get there to make sure no zombies can escape."

"Mm, I'll take care of the Penguin first and then go."

Mason replied, then closed the communication.

He looked at the voodoo birdcage in his hand. Miss McGee, covered in blood, was curled up inside. This zombie cat was probably "full" tonight and had regained a bit of the laziness that only a live cat could have.

When Mason retrieved it, it didn't even resist much.

Its lazy appearance was like digesting food.

"The fragment of the resurrection stone seems to have restored a bit of its sanity. I don't know if it can be tamed in the future."

Mason thought as he put the birdcage into his suitcase, and when he took it out again, it had transformed back into three-headed dogs. He looked at the light shining in the dirty sewer ahead and put on his invisibility cloak to approach it.

"Did you release those things?"

The Penguin's voice sounded ahead, somewhat with a hint of horror, but his question was not answered. The elite assassins of the Assassins' League rarely talked during missions.

But the boss didn't care.

The joy of surviving the disaster made the Penguin even want to dance in place even if he was shot. He walked forward with the Black Knight, imagining the future.

He said:

"Damn bat ruined everything, and that damn traitor! Mason Cooper! I swear on my two fingers that I will make him taste the flavor of hell!"


A sudden gunshot interrupted the Penguin's fantasy, and the head of the Black Knight who was carrying him exploded in front of him, making the Penguin fall down and into the disgusting sewage.

He screamed and looked back, then saw Mason Cooper appear from his invisibility cloak, the young traitor taking out something from his arms.

"Ha! Today is really a double good day!"

The Penguin shouted in the sewage:

"Brothers! Kill him! Leave the last shot to me!"

The warriors were about to pull the trigger, and Mason threw the voodoo birdcage out. After a howl of the trio, the zombie three-headed dogs finally made their debut under the bleak night sky tonight.

Ignoring the gunfire in front of him, Mason snapped his fingers and pointed forward like a beast king giving a slaughter order, saying:

"Maomao, attack!"

"Eat them..."

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