The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 33: TMD, now he's really an orphan

The zombie three-headed dog, Mao Mao, or with a more majestic and formal name "Lu Wei", was mercilessly killed by Old K in the wizarding world, and then resurrected by Mason using three pieces of resurrection stone fragments.

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It still remained in zombie form and wouldn't listen to Mason's commands.

If there were no one else around, this guy would attack Mason himself the moment it was released, but unfortunately, the Black Knights didn't know this secret.

They were stunned when they saw the nearly four-meter tall zombie three-headed dog appear, and then a guy with quick reflexes subconsciously pulled the trigger.

This was bad.

The first bullet hit Mao Mao's head, leaving a small wound on its forehead, but it quickly healed under the effect of the resurrection stone fragments.

However, this attack immediately directed Mao Mao's attack towards them.

A quick look at will leave you more fulfilled.

The terrifying trio of howls echoed in the dirty sewer.

The Black Knight at the forefront was even knocked over by the pouncing three-headed dog before being bitten by three terrifying dog heads and torn apart in mid-air.

Blood mixed with internal organs splattered everywhere.

This brutal and deadly blow completely opened the curtain on the final destruction of the Assassin League's elite team.

As for Mason, who was pretending to have the upper hand in his beast tamer pose, he had some free time. He moved his neck and pulled out a pistol from his waist, searching forward along the bloodstains on the ground.

That was the bloodstain left by the penguin man.

He had been shot in the thigh by Gordon before and was now desperately trying to escape in the sewer, but he hadn't gotten far.

The penguin man was not a superhuman.

He had gotten to his position today solely by using his brain, and of course, he was also a very skilled engineer, as evidenced by his invention of the armed umbrella.

But these two advantages couldn't help him escape from the current situation.


Mason caught up and fired a shot, breaking Osvald's other leg and causing the short and fat body to fall to the ground again, emitting a pig-like scream of pain.

Pain filled every nerve in the big shot's body as he struggled to turn over and use both hands to support his body as he retreated in the pool of blood. Meanwhile, Mason, who was in front of him, walked towards him with a strange gun that looked like a sawed-off shotgun.

There wasn't much light in the sewer for the penguin man to see Mason's expression, but as he watched the young man getting closer and closer, a sense of despair rose in his long-tested heart.

He knew.

He was finished.


At this fatal moment, the big shot shouted hoarsely:

"I didn't do anything to you! Mason, I was nice enough to your dad Robert, and immediately took you under my wing after he died, and even planned to give you a bright future!

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"Are you saying you're going to buy me life insurance and write your name as the second beneficiary?"

Mason stopped in his tracks and looked down at the penguin man who was walking towards his demise.

He said in a low voice:

"Robert Cooper fought for you to get the Miller Harbor territory. What about the compensation money for the insurance you bought for him after he was killed by Maroni's men? I never received it.

As for a bright future...""If being a doorman at the Iceberg Lounge is considered a bright future, then you've been good to me."

"But we can talk! You seem like a good kid..."

The Penguin waved his bloodied hand and shouted:

"If it's just money we're talking about! We can completely talk, Mason, young man, I have a lot of money, I can give it to you voluntarily, what else do you want?



No problem, just say it.

Whatever I have, you can take it!

I promise I'll give it all to you when I get back, but if I die here, you won't get anything except a corpse.

It's not worth it, kid!

Leave that bullet, look at me, I'm already sixty years old, my lifestyle is terrible, and I have diabetes and high blood pressure, I'll die sooner or later.

It's just a matter of time, you don't need to speed up the process!

You know, I'm a man of my word.

I was able to become a big shot in Gotham thanks to the reputation I built up over a decade, you know."


The sound of the hammer cocking and the bullet being loaded into the chamber was the Penguin's answer. The light in his eyes dimmed bit by bit, and he knew his persuasion had failed.

Seeing Mason raise his gun, the cunning Penguin's mind raced and he suddenly shouted:

"You bastard! I should have let Robert beat you to death! That crazy dog insisted on adopting a little bastard with an unknown background!

I knew it, we can't be soft-hearted in our line of work."


Mason stopped pulling the trigger.

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A hint of suspicion appeared on his face, which the Penguin keenly caught sight of. He seemed to see a glimmer of hope and shouted:

"Haha, you don't even know, do you? Poor child, you don't even know your true identity! It's actually a small matter to me, it's just because Robert was my right-hand man back then.

Yes, your father.

My career had just started back then.

I didn't have a better choice, and although Robert's brain wasn't good, he was loyal and ruthless enough, which made me remember the incident that almost caused me and your father to fall out.

Do you want to know?

Let me go! Take me out! I'll tell you everything! I can guarantee that no one else besides me can tell you these things.

The eyewitnesses from back then are all dead."

In the darkness, Mason pondered in silence. After about ten seconds, he put down his gun under the Penguin's gaze and said:

"Speak, I'm listening."

"First, take me up there, that monster you released looks very hungry."

The Penguin laughed dryly but didn't let go.

Mason glanced at him and pulled him towards the exit of the sewer, and a minute later, he threw him onto the floor of Blackgate Prison.

Oswald, who seemed to have returned to the world of the living, let out a hoarse and intermittent laugh, coughing as if he was extremely grateful to have escaped the three-headed dog's devouring.

Under Mason's cold and gloomy gaze, the Penguin wiped the mud off his face and said:

"You were picked up by Robert!

16 or 17 years ago, I don't remember the exact time."I only remember it was a very cold night. I had just killed my boss and obtained a small territory. Robert had helped me a lot, so I gave him a large sum of money.

You know, your father is a complete scumbag, addicted to alcohol and violent. When he's drunk, he's like a madman. But he has one good quality, he loves his wife very much.

Although his wife, your mother, couldn't have children due to health reasons."

Svald gasped, pain corroding his body, causing him to convulse as he lay there. But facing Mason's black gun, the big boss still insisted on speaking slowly:

"I don't know the specific process. I just know that Robert took the money from me and went to drink and be carefree. He went crazy and bought many expensive things, saying he wanted to give them to his wife to make her happy.

He left the bar drunk, and a few hours later, he and his wife came back. I was already asleep when they woke me up.

He showed me what was in his arms...

Heh heh, a baby in a swaddle, that's you!

Robert didn't want you, Mason, but your mother held onto you tightly. She said you were a gift from God and she would rather give up everything to keep you.

Your father really loved your mother. He couldn't resist her and came to me, begging me to use my connections at City Hall to get you a certificate.

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Do you know what's even more bizarre?"

The penguin man chuckled lowly and said:

"Your skin color is very similar to your mother's. It's like God gave that poor woman a gift. I helped them, after all, Robert was my right-hand man.

Afterwards, that guy went insane for two years and really wanted to live a good life.

But unfortunately, your mother didn't have the good fortune to watch you grow up. The poor woman got sick, and Robert went crazy trying to earn money to cure her, but she didn't make it.

You may have forgotten.

When your mother died, she begged Robert to take care of you.

I saw that scene with my own eyes. Unfortunately, Robert was a scumbag, and after losing the last bit of beauty the world had given him, he went completely insane.

I'm done talking.

I know these things, but I think this old secret is enough to buy my life."

"But I don't think it's enough."

Mason raised his gun and aimed it at the penguin man, saying:

"You have to tell me more. Where did he find me?"

"I don't know!"

Svald said somewhat irritably:

"I already said, I was resting at that time. But if I remember correctly, there was a tag from the Gotham Orphanage on your swaddle when they brought you.

I once suspected that the crazy Robert went to the orphanage to steal a child to please his sickly wife. But later, when he was drunk, he said it wasn't like that.

He said you were accidentally picked up from a car accident scene, otherwise it wouldn't have been so easy to put you in the Cooper family registry.

The process of him picking you up was not illegal.

I've said everything I know. Now it's time for you to fulfill your promise, you bastard. You've already cut off two of my fingers, and I've repaid my debts.

In the end, you were able to survive because of my help!

Kid!""You should repay kindness!"

"You're right, I should repay kindness."

Mason let out a sigh, put his hand cannon back on his waist, and pulled the penguin man, whose legs were broken, a few steps outside. After leaving a bloodstain on the ground, he looked at the penguin man and picked up a gun from the bloodstains nearby, removed the magazine, and left only one bullet inside.

Then, with the penguin man staring at him in horror, he raised the gun and pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" The head of a wandering zombie in the distance exploded, and the remaining zombies were attracted by the sound and stumbled towards them.

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Svald struggled frantically.

He knew what Mason was going to do.

He shouted, "No! You can't do this! You're a malicious brat who unleashes disasters! Batman won't let you go!"

"So, you also know that Batman can't find out about this?"

Mason laughed, bent down, put the gun without bullets in the penguin man's arms, and said, "You saved that one bullet, Mr. Svald. Now, use the secrets in your mind to persuade your 'friends' in front of you. Don't think I don't know why you asked me to bring you here. You know you won't survive today. But you're not afraid of death because your partners have a way to revive you... the Lazarus Pit of the League of Assassins, a magical treasure that can bring people back to life. Unfortunately, I also know this secret."

He patted the penguin man's shoulder and said, "Bullets can't kill you; they'll just make you die faster. I didn't go to all this trouble just to let you escape death and continue to be a troublemaker in my life. I hate trouble. As for the baby you helped 17 years ago... sorry, he's already dead. He could have safely completed his studies at Gotham High School and lived a peaceful and satisfying life, but you dragged him into your gang. You dragged him back into darkness and brought him misfortune. One life, one death. Now it's settled. Pray, Mr. Svald."

Mason pulled up the penguin man's collar from behind, threw him towards the hungry zombie brothers rushing towards them, and said to him as he let go, "The grudge between the Penguin and the Cooper family is over. You're free, and so am I."


In the screams, the short man covered in blood was thrown towards the hungry zombie brothers, but Mason didn't look back or enjoy the dying man's wailing. Although he had created a disaster tonight, Mason wasn't a person who enjoyed cruelty. All of this was just a means to an end. After all, it was the Penguin Gang and the League of Assassins who provoked him first. Since they had initiated a war, they should be prepared to bear the consequences of failure. This was just a matter of right and wrong.

The young man walked down the sewer holding the voodoo birdcage.

Mao Mao should have eaten enough by now, and it was time to retrieve it. He didn't want Blackgate Prison to have another legend of a Cerberus living in the sewers.

But Mason's mood was not calm at this time.He walked in the sewer, following the direction of the roar, and the secret that Penguin had just said kept appearing in his mind.

He complained in his heart that when he was reborn, he was still celebrating that his cheap old man was chopped to death in the fire and became an orphan without any worries.

Unexpectedly, it came true.

The hidden secret identity of his new life turned out to be a genuine and honest orphan.

He recalled the hardships of this body's past 17 years.

So little happiness and so much sadness.

And when he explored the details, he couldn't help but comment that the young man's past was so miserable and so mediocre that he didn't seem to have any special identity.

"Boss, the Batwing is starting to clear the ground. I saw the Batmobile rushing over. Are you done yet?"

Kite Man's urging sounded in his earphones, accompanied by the low roar of certain large creations being destroyed. Mason shook his head to calm himself down.

The three-headed zombie dog, who had just enjoyed a feast, was howling and rushing towards him on the dirty water. Mason took out the Voodoo Birdcage and, like a bullfighter, pulled it into this peculiar magic cage in the moment it pounced on him, and then threw it back into the suitcase.

One minute later, Mason climbed back to the ground of Blackgate Prison.

Looking into the distance, he saw the Penguin, who had already blended in with the zombie group and was "happy shaking" with his "good brothers."

He looked around and put on his invisibility cloak, rushing towards the direction of the screaming. He said to the anxious Kite Man:

"Sorry, there was a little accident just now, but it has been resolved. Get ready to blow up the escape route. Charles, I will go there after I retrieve the Yaya!

Next, help the Bat family clean up the zombies. Remember not to act too "professional" so as not to be noticed. Also, remember to dispose of this set of earphones before we meet!

Don't let them catch any details."

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