The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 34: ats have nine lives but an't wit

Mason found the zombie dog, Yaya, who was sleeping among the corpses in the depths of the main monitoring area of Blackgate Prison, and it had completed its task perfectly.

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A total of 35 assassins from the Black Warrior Squad were "evenly" distributed throughout the entire passage. The luckiest ones among them had only lost one hand or one leg before death, and they were still wandering aimlessly in the passage. The ones that were torn apart could not possibly turn into zombies and scare people.

After achieving such a brilliant record, the zombie dog naturally could not be unscathed. Even with the blessing of the Resurrection Stone fragments, Yaya's black skin was still covered with wounds that had not yet healed. The most deadly wound extended from its abdomen to its heart, almost breaking its huge body apart.

"The combat effectiveness of the Assassin Alliance's elite warriors is indeed not to be underestimated. If they had not encountered a true 'immortal beast,' they would have had a good chance of winning, even without commanders like Bain or the Bell."

Mason, hidden in the invisibility cloak, carefully observed Yaya's condition and reached a conclusion about its combat effectiveness. The zombie dog and the zombie cat could only bully ordinary soldiers, but they would probably not be able to withstand super villains with great strength.

"Good dog, come here!"

Mason no longer thought about what would happen next. He took out the Voodoo Birdcage from his arms in a blind spot where the camera could not see, and blew a whistle at Yaya, who was lying there. The zombie dog and the zombie cat were both alarmed, but Yaya was obviously faster. The 1.5-meter-tall zombie beast roared and climbed up, limping towards Mason.

There was no emotion in its crimson eyes, only cruelty. In the instant it pounced, Mason skillfully activated the Voodoo Birdcage and trapped it inside like magic, then put it in his arms.

"The second weakness of the zombie dog is that it has no brain. Miss McGee seems to be smarter than them in this regard."

The young man stood up, glanced at the zombies swaying in front of him, sneered, and was about to leave. However, when he put on the invisibility cloak, he suddenly noticed that the Hell's Eye lapel pin on his collar was emitting a faint light.

This made Mason stunned, and then he frowned. This lapel pin given to him by Scrappy had predicted danger for him once before, but the instructions also mentioned its ability to detect hidden life. There were few living people left in Blackgate Prison, especially in the place where Yaya had rampaged.

So, are there people hiding nearby?

Mason immediately became alert. What he feared most now was that someone from the Bat Family was hiding nearby and saw him recovering the zombie dog. That would mean that his whereabouts were at risk of exposure. Although he could guarantee that he had not harmed a good person tonight and had destroyed the Penguin Gang and severely damaged the Assassin Alliance's power in the city, Batman probably would not listen to his explanation.

He calmly put on the invisibility cloak to make himself disappear in place, and then said to Kite Man through the earphone:

"The plan has changed, Charles, you don't have to worry about me anymore. Just go and meet the Bat Family's people. I will find a way to break out with Commissioner Gordon."

"Understood, boss. Then I'll destroy this earphone."The Kite Man responded with a sound, then Mason heard the busy tone of the communication being cut off in his ear. He took off the communication earphone and threw it into his suitcase, then began to look around in a hidden state.

Just about a hundred meters away from where Mason disappeared, in a corner of the second level of the main monitoring area, Catwoman was holding her mouth tightly, trying to shrink herself into the wall next to her.

Just now, she clearly saw that terrifying zombie monster being collected by Mason with some strange thing.

Although the zombie disaster had already broken out here when she arrived at Blackgate Prison, she had probably guessed everything that happened here through that short visual segment just now.

The image of Mason Cooper, who was always silent but had a strong personality, collapsed in her mind, replaced by a dark villain who thought about dark things.

She even felt that Mason might be more dangerous than the Penguin or the Assassins League.

Those guys had to personally attack people, but Mason had a dangerous power that was different from that of ordinary villains.

"I have to tell Bruce about this!"

This was the first thought that came to Catwoman's mind.

As Batman's lover, she knew very well that Batman had an abnormal interest in Mason Cooper, perhaps because Mason's style and personality were very similar to Jason Todd, who had already died.

Batman even broke his own rules of going it alone to invite other superheroes to help find the missing Mason.

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Five minutes ago, Catwoman didn't think much of it.

After all, her boyfriend did have a strange "adoption fetish" due to a childhood tragedy.

But now she didn't think so.

It turned out that Mason Cooper was much more dangerous than Jason Todd!

The latter was just irritable and rebellious, while the former... well, it's hard to say. Anyway, she had to stop Bruce Wayne from getting any closer to Mason Cooper.

On the other hand, Catwoman was also conflicted.

She always felt that Mason was not a bad person, not because of her emotional thinking, but because of the conclusion she had drawn after several encounters with Mason.

After so many years in Gotham, Catwoman still had some confidence in her own judgment, and if she counted the time when Mason saved her at Leslie's clinic, he had already saved her twice.

Repaying kindness with enmity was not her way of doing things.

This was also the reason why Selina did not report what she had seen to the Bat-Communication Network at the first time. She stayed in place and pondered for more than ten seconds before making a decision.

Anyway, Batman would soon return to Gotham.

Maybe that man was rushing to Blackgate Prison now. She would tell Bruce about this matter separately first, and then see what decision he made.

But before that, she had to avoid continuing to contact Mason Cooper, who currently looked "both righteous and evil."


Just as Catwoman made up her mind to slip out of Blackgate Prison first, a hand suddenly pressed on her shoulder without warning, causing Selina to tense up and prepare to fight back.

Then she heard the voice behind her.

"I told you not to come over, but it seems that cats never listen obediently."Mason's voice was full of strong helplessness and distress as he said:

"You saw everything?"

Catwoman didn't sense any hostility from the young man.

She pushed away Mason's claws and took a few steps back, staring at him warily, as if she was looking at a monster disguised as a 17-year-old.

"Don't you want to explain?"

She grabbed the cat-o'-nine-tails in her hand and held onto the hilt of Sujie's sword with the other hand. But then she thought that this sword was borrowed from Mason, so she immediately let go of it.

It was as if the sword was also contaminated with the dangerous zombie virus.

"There's nothing to explain. It's hard to explain in just a few words."

The young man didn't have a gun, he just leaned on the Penguin's armed umbrella. He stood there in his blood-stained silver-gray stealth suit and said to Selina:

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"Can you guarantee that you won't tell Batman what you saw? I still have to live in Gotham. If he sees me as a dangerous criminal, I'll be doomed here."

"Of course I can. We're in this together, Mason."

Catwoman immediately replied, but both sides fell silent.

Two seconds later, Mason said:

"You're lying! You won't betray your lover again for a boy you've only met five times. Selina, you love him deeply and you won't allow another dangerous criminal to get close to him. Batman is on his way here, so I have to inconvenience you for a while. Before we come up with a perfect solution, I have to ask you to rest in a safe place for a few days. Relax. I won't hurt you. No matter what you think, I think we're friends."

"What if I say no?"

The cat-o'-nine-tails in Catwoman's hand hung on the ground. She crouched down like a pouncing black cat, her eyes squinting under the ruby goggles as she mockingly asked:

"Will you send your monsters to eat me? Like how you used them to turn this prison into hell."

"Blackgate Prison was already a hell of filth and corruption, Selina. I just restored it to its proper state. My only regret about what happened here tonight is that I came a little late."

Mason lifted the Penguin umbrella slowly and said softly:

"Batman thinks everyone deserves a second chance, but I prefer to cut the Gordian knot."


Catwoman swung her whip at Mason, and the young man also pulled the umbrella handle, twisting the cranial disruptor he had personally installed into the umbrella into attack mode.

The invisible electromagnetic waves were obviously faster than the flying whip.

Before the cat-o'-nine-tails hit Mason, Catwoman felt dizzy and nauseous, stumbling back to the railing on the second floor.

Mason grabbed the whip that had lost its target and yanked it hard, pulling the long whip out of Catwoman's hand.

Seeing the umbrella, which continued to emit strange power, approaching, Catwoman gritted her teeth and pulled out Sujie's sword, flipping the blade to stab the young man.

The dazzling sword light scattered, but Mason, who had covered his eyes in advance, was not disturbed. He also sprinkled a small bottle of dark green novice paralytic potion hidden in his hand.The liquid splashed onto Catwoman's body, causing her limbs to go numb. She rolled her eyes and collapsed on the ground, gagging.

Indeed, even the most beautiful women would lose their charm when making such movements.

"After this thing is activated, it will burn out any nearby electronic devices. So, the things I just said cannot be heard by the Bat family."

The young man approached and whispered, "I really had no ill intentions."

"Mason, this is not right!"

Catwoman struggled and said, "You killed a criminal, which means you also became a criminal! The total number of criminals has not changed! It's meaningless."

"Well said. But I have to remind you, Selina, I just killed 347 criminals."

Mason walked over to the almost fainting Catwoman, opened the suitcase, activated the invisible extension spell, and lifted her up.

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He first put her feet into the open suitcase and said to Catwoman, who was still struggling, "Don't go to the basement of that apartment! Don't wander around either. I have Miss McGee, Yaya, and Maomao there. You can move around on the second and top floors, where there is still some water and food. Rest for a while, Selina. We need to have a good talk after I finish here."

"Are you going to put me in this suitcase?"

Selina was very uncomfortable, and Catwoman gritted her teeth and said, "Are you crazy, or am I crazy?"

"Fortunately, we are both normal. I think you have wasted most of your nine lives, so please remember my advice if you don't want to become a zombie beauty."

Mason smiled gently.

The moment he let go with both hands, the Catwoman in his arms screamed, and the whole person spun like falling into a cliff and fell into the open suitcase below.

Her elongated scream was still echoing.

But the lid of the suitcase closed automatically the next moment, and after shaking in place, everything became quiet.


The lock of the suitcase closed, and Mason carried it in his hand.

The young man straightened his clothes, turned off the jammer of the penguin umbrella, adjusted his shoulders, put on the invisibility cloak again, went downstairs, and soon arrived near the cage where Commissioner Gordon and several police officers were hiding.

A group of zombies were still wandering here, and the Penguin boss was among them.

Mason took out his gun and shot a few of them, luring them into another area and locking the gate before appearing in front of the paralyzed Commissioner Gordon and police officers.

"I locked them up. Luckily, those guys are stupid enough."

Mason reappeared, wiped the dirt off his face, opened the cage for the police officers, and said to them, "Those monsters are gone, I don't know where they went or if they'll come back. But we must take the risk and leave now! Gordon, can you walk?"

"I can."

The almost hopeless Commissioner was now full of joy.

He glanced at the rifle with no bullets in his hand and threw the burning stick aside before taking the gun Mason threw him and loading it with a click.The young man helped carry the two injured people and confirmed that they were not bitten by zombies before leading the group towards the collapsed exit caused by Kite Man's explosion.

Along the way, zombies tried to attack them, but with Mason and Gordon's good marksmanship, the group eventually arrived safely at the collapsed exit.

The scene here was like a hellish landscape.

The Penguin's men who came later to rescue their boss unfortunately encountered wandering zombies here, and their fate was already obvious.

From the terrible bloodstains and remnants on the ground, the power that Oswald had built for more than ten years was destined to disappear after tonight.

"Oh my god, the exit is collapsed, we can't get out."

A police officer saw the collapsed entrance wall in front of him and despairingly crouched down, while others also looked bitter.

To make matters worse, there were still zombies growling behind them.

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But Gordon didn't stop.

He searched for useful things nearby to lead his brothers out of the desperate situation. Mason had just wanted to help but heard a familiar engine roar from outside.

Gordon, who was more familiar with it, shouted directly, "It's the Batmobile outside! Quick, get out of the way, Batman is here!"

Everyone's spirits were lifted.

Ten seconds later, with a loud noise that shook the earth, the exit of the collapsed prison main building exploded as if it had been hit by a tank high-explosive shell.

The cool and domineering Batmobile rushed in, smashing through the obstructing stones, and the surviving police officers felt very safe and cheered.

The Batplane also cruised in the night sky outside and shone high-power lights into the opening. In the glare, the cockpit of the Batmobile slid open, and a familiar figure stood up from inside.

Mason glanced over there.

In the strong light, he could only see a silhouette draped in a cape, but he was certain that it was not Nightwing, the substitute for Batman.

It was Bruce Wayne!

The real Batman had a unique aura that could never be faked, as if no matter what the situation, his appearance meant that no crisis was a big deal.

The Dark Knight had returned.

Just like countless times before.

When this city needed him, he never missed it.

But Mason quietly stepped back when the man approached. He could no longer face his once favorite superhero with the same openness.

After releasing the zombie beast with his own hands and turning Blackgate Prison into hell, Mason knew that he could never stand with Batman.

But he didn't regret today's choice.

Today's events gave him safety and were beneficial to Gotham as a whole.

He respected the man in front of him but did not necessarily have to blindly follow him. He could learn from Batman without becoming a poor imitation of Bruce Wayne.

He could rely on himself to find his own way in this new life and world. Perhaps he would not be praised, but just like the horror story that happened tonight, it was destined to be circulated in Gotham for many years.

He didn't have to kneel to anyone, nor did he have to flatter anyone.Although there may be a risk of being discovered and personally caught by Batman and sent to Arkham Asylum, Mason must admit that he prefers the feeling of being in control now, rather than following in the footsteps of a well-behaved bat pup...

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With this finally firm idea in mind, Mason looked up and showed a polite smile when Batman's gaze fell on him.

He wiped the blood off his face and took the initiative to say:

"You're late this time, Batman."

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