The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 35: at lady said not to onta t her t

"Boss! Are you okay?"

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As Mason followed the Batmobile out of the hopeless Blackgate Prison, Kite Man, who was resting outside, immediately greeted them. Charles was not pretending to be worried; he was actually scared when he didn't see Mason come out after destroying his communication earpiece.

He was afraid that Batman would find out about their business and send them both to the VIP accommodation voucher at Arkham Asylum on the spot.

But for now, it seemed that nothing had leaked.

"Don't worry, everything's fine."

Mason said to his subordinate, exchanged a glance with him, and handed him the suitcase. Kite Man silently stepped back a few steps and ran to say goodbye to Nightwing, who was treating the wounded.

He said that as a villain, he was not used to being with Batman and left first.

This poor excuse would definitely be suspected in other cities, but in our Gotham, there was a unique situation. After exchanging contact information, Nightwing watched Kite Man take off into the night sky and disappear.

"Mason, what happened in the prison?"

The young man leaned against a temporary safe zone set up by the police to rest, holding a bottle of water to clean his hands and cheeks. Charles hurried over.

From the cruel bullet holes and cuts on Grayson's suit, their battle at the Assassin League's armory was definitely very dangerous.

He stared at Mason and whispered, "I heard your warning in the communication network, but then your signal was lost. Were you attacked?"

Search for the original.

"Well, there were crazy warriors in front and zombie monsters behind."

Mason said without looking up, "I almost died there. My earpiece was knocked off in the chaos, and I don't know where it went. If it weren't for the invisibility cloak, I'm afraid I would have become one of those wandering monsters. You can ask Commissioner Gordon for the details. When the danger appeared, I was also setting explosives outside the prison. I didn't see how those monsters appeared, but I feel like they came from an 'illegitimate source.'"


Charles frowned and said, "What does 'illegitimate source' mean?"

"They appeared suddenly, Nightwing."

Commissioner Gordon, who was holding an ice pack to his forehead, walked over and took over Mason's conversation, saying to Charles, "I can confirm that those monsters did not enter the prison through the main gate. They bypassed our defenses, and there were no signs before they appeared.""Even the Penguin Gang and the Assassin League were caught off guard!"

"When that terrifying big dog slaughtered those black-clad warriors, I saw it very clearly, and they were also frightened."

"It's a third party, no doubt about it!"

Barbara Gordon's voice rang from the communicator on the little bat's arm armor. She had been in charge of intelligence support in the Bat Cave and spoke with a serious tone.

"I just checked the internal monitoring of Black Gate Prison, and I found the location where the zombie cat and zombie dog first appeared. They both suddenly appeared from a prison cell where no one could possibly hide!

Either someone ambushed them there in advance, or it's possible that some unconventional means were used.

Maybe it's supernatural power?

After all, those two things don't look like normal creatures... Oh! Wait a minute, Kite Man just shared with me some photos he accidentally took when he was adventuring in the air and blew up an Assassin League transport plane.

The image quality is too bad. Maybe that guy should practice his aerial photography skills.

Wait a moment.

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I need some time to optimize these photos."

"So, this disaster is man-made, but it's not the work of the Assassin League?"

Nightwing frowned and looked at the burning main part of Black Gate Prison in front of him. Batman was currently searching for survivors in the prison, while the Batplane and Batmobile were being temporarily fitted with high-power flame throwers.

Obviously, Master didn't intend to drag this matter until dawn.

These wandering zombies have a highly infectious and lethal virus. They must be burned together with this prison to ensure the safety of the city.

Commissioner Gordon thought of his own experience of narrowly escaping death just now and felt a little scared. He sat next to Mason, lit a cigarette, and habitually handed one to Mason but was refused.

Minors cannot smoke.

"If we think about it from a different perspective, Nightwing, what if this zombie disaster is some kind of mass destruction biological weapon being developed by the Assassin League?"

Commissioner Gordon exhaled smoke rings and said in a low voice:

"What if Black Gate Prison is just a sacrificial pawn for weapon testing? Think about it, if Batman didn't come back in time tonight, if Mason didn't discover their plan in advance, if there were any loopholes in our operation tonight. What kind of hellish scene would Gotham be in now?"

Upon hearing this, Nightwing was suddenly horrified.

Yes, if this dangerous zombie virus really leaked into the city..."The director's speculation is reasonable, Nightwing."

Another voice came from Nightwing's arm communicator, this time it was a young man's voice, but it sounded tired.

He analyzed with a tired tone:

"But I am more inclined to think that the Assassin's League may have made an emergency adjustment to their plan. After we attacked their weapon storage warehouse, the original rebellion could no longer proceed.

Therefore, the high-level command decided to use Blackgate Prison as a test site for their new weapon."

"Tim, do you, as a detective, also think there is such a possibility?"

The young master seemed to trust this person's inference and asked. The guy was silent for a few seconds before saying:

"This conclusion is at least logically plausible, but it needs more evidence to support it."

Mason, who was sitting next to him, did not speak and just listened quietly to the analysis of the Bat Family. One minute later, Barbara came online again, her tone much more serious, saying:

"The photos taken by Robin are a surprise. Everyone, while Blackgate Prison was being invaded by zombies, strange people were active less than a kilometer away from the north side of the prison.

I mobilized nearby surveillance to confirm that he invaded an abandoned cemetery and stayed there for more than thirty minutes, taking some things from inside.

According to the photos, that person may be able to use some supernatural powers.

Perhaps the disaster at Blackgate Prison is related to him!"

This new intelligence surprised the Bat Family but made Mason happy. He was really a good friend who sent charcoal in the snow. He did not expect this lead from Zha Kang to confuse the Bat Family for long, but delaying for a while was better than nothing. At least it gave Mason more time to prepare for the future waves.

"Nightwing! I found a few survivors in Block C, let the Batplane hover over me and pick them up. Also, there are unusual traces in the sewer, I'm going to check it out.

Ground search is handled by Tim."

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Batman's hoarse voice sounded from the communicator. The eldest and third young master who were summoned immediately rushed towards Blackgate Prison, while Mason and Commissioner Gordon stayed in place without moving.

After Nightwing left, the haggard old man stamped out his cigarette under his feet and whispered to Mason:

"Thanks, kid, you saved me again."

"Aren't you my guardian?"

Mason said, lowering his head."Isn't that just natural? If something happened to you, many people would be very sad. By the way, Gordon, when we were evacuating just now, did you happen to see a short guy among those zombies...?"

"It's the Penguin!"

The commissioner took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes as he said in a low voice, "I absolutely wouldn't mistake him. That guy deserves what he got. He threatened me, saying that his allies would resurrect him. I want to see how he crawls out of hell after being burned to ashes tonight."

At this point, Gordon patted Mason's shoulder and said, "This is also good news for you. You can finally get rid of your past shadows, Mason. You're safe now, so why not move back?"

"Um, I plan to find a job and do some small business to support myself."

Mason shrugged and said, "To be honest, I've already chosen the place where I want to work and my own storefront, but I'll keep my promise to visit often, Gordon."

"Commissioner, Lewis may not make it."

While the two were chatting, a female police officer ran over and said.

Gordon's face changed and he stood up and walked over. Mason thought for a moment and followed.

Lewis was the officer who was hit by the Black Knight during the escort of the Penguin. He had been strong until now, but he was now extremely weak.

Gordon grabbed his hand and wanted to say something, but the commissioner could only fall silent in the end. Mason, who was behind him, reached out and placed his hand on Gordon's shoulder, saying in a low voice, "Give me some time, maybe I can help."


Gordon looked at Mason in surprise, then remembered his other identity.

"Right! You're an alchemist!"

The commissioner jumped up, drove away the other people in the temporary tent in a fit of anger, and gave the space to Mason.

The young man took out three bottles of basic healing potions and poured them down the dying old police officer's throat, then re-opened the gauze on his body and re-wrapped it.

Of course, this treatment couldn't work wonders, but the continuous effect of the healing potion and the outstanding emergency bandaging skills at least stopped the old police officer's bleeding and allowed him to hold on until the ambulance arrived.

The rest was no longer in Mason's control.

He had done his best.

Gordon personally accompanied his old brother onto the ambulance. Before leaving, those police officers expressed sincere thanks to Mason. They owed this young man a lot tonight."If the Gotham Police Department had a reputation system, after this special operation today, Mason's favorability rating could at least be raised to "Respect" or higher.

Of course, considering the general quality of Gotham police officers, being respected by them doesn't have much practical significance.

"Those moves just now, did you learn them from that wizard?"

Master's hoarse voice suddenly sounded behind Mason, making the young man's relaxed mind tense up instantly. He took a deep breath and turned around to say:

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"Yes, I can't tell you too much. All I can say is that the five days I went missing were a very long period of time, and I was permanently changed in that house.

But maybe it's not a bad thing."

Mason took out the USB flash drive that Catwoman gave him before the operation from his waist bag and handed it to Batman, saying:

"This is the information that Selina hid. She copied it from that hard drive. She learned about the Penguin and the Assassin League's alliance from this information.

But she also said that this information might be a bait that those Asas set up for you. Once you put it into the Batcomputer, they will control your entire security database."

"Well, this is indeed the style of Ra's al Ghul, giving you curiosity while hiding a bait."

Batman took the USB flash drive and put it into his multifunctional belt. He glanced at Mason and didn't ask too much about alchemy.

After a few seconds of silence, he asked:

"Where is Selina? Nightwing told me that she secretly left the operation and came to Blackgate Prison to help you. She even said that she regards you as her little brother.

Did you see her here?"

"I did, before I escaped."

Mason took out Catwoman's whip and handed it to Batman with a calm expression, saying:

"She asked me to give this to you. She was sure that you would make a heroic entrance at the last moment. She also said that everything she said to you before, when she was deceived by Nightwing and me with the truth serum, was all fake. She asked you not to think too much about it.

But to be honest, I doubt whether she is trying to cover up the truth."

Batman didn't answer, just stroking the whip in his hand. He asked:

"So, she left?"

"Yeah, she left in style."

Mason lowered his head and said in a tired voice:

"She said she needed some time to calm down and think about the future between you two. She told you not to bother finding her and even joked that you shouldn't contact her again, afraid of being misunderstood by her new friends.

But she also said...""After she figures things out and solves the interpersonal and trust crises she's facing, she'll contact you on her own."

Speaking of which, Mason raised his head and showed a curious expression that young people should have. He whispered to Batman:

"I don't understand how you old folks date, but I think it's too awkward. You clearly love each other, but..."


Batman raised his head and glanced at the young man, although he couldn't see his eyes, Mason knew he shouldn't continue.

The two fell silent, a bit awkward.

After a few seconds, Batman took the initiative to speak:

"Do you have any plans for your future?"

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"I don't know."

Mason shrugged and spread his hands:

"Penguin is dead, the Penguin gang has disbanded, and the Assassin League has suffered heavy losses and probably won't have time to chase after me. I can finally settle down and think about the future. For now, I plan to take it one step at a time. Do you have any suggestions?"


Master nodded, looked up and down at Mason, and said:

"You've met Grayson. He has his own career and life in Blüdhaven. You haven't met Tim, but he's interested in you. However, Tim plans to finish his studies and develop his career as a detective. Mason, I need a new assistant now. Are you interested in becoming the new 'Robin'?"


Mason was stunned.

Although Catwoman, Gordon, and Barbara had made similar jokes before, he never thought that Batman would actually suggest this.

Perhaps it was because his outstanding performance in a series of recent events made Master see his "potential"?

But your beloved is still locked in my suitcase! And the zombie disaster that's giving you a headache is also my doing!

Are you sure you're not inviting trouble?

"Thank you for your kindness. Honestly, I'm flattered," Mason thought for half a minute and then shook his head.

He took a step back and honestly said to Batman:

"But I think my style of doing things doesn't quite match some of your principles, so I'll pass. To be honest, I also have some small troubles of my own to deal with."

"Well, that's okay."

Batman wasn't too disappointed. He looked at Mason and said:"Then continue to pursue your own life. This city does not need any more turmoil and unrest, Mason. Use your abilities in a better place."

After speaking, the master shot his grappling gun towards the sky and disappeared from Mason's sight with a whoosh.

A few minutes later, Bruce Wayne, sitting in the Batplane, stroked his Cat-O'-Nine-Tails and saw the image of his butler, Alfred, in front of him.

The master said to his most trusted butler, "Afuo, inform Lucius to prepare the biological laboratory. I will bring the zombie virus sample over, and we must analyze and prepare accordingly as soon as possible.

Also, file it in my personal database.

Target... Mason Cooper!"


Afuo was stunned by this request and asked, "Master, this..."

"A few days ago, I re-applied a different pheromone mark to Mason while sending him to Dr. Leslie's clinic, with the intention of protecting him.

But just now, while searching for the traces of the beast that tore apart more than thirty elite members of the Assassin's Union in the Black Gate Prison sewer, I accidentally detected a faint pheromone signal reaction."

The mouth under Batman's helmet pursed, and he said softly, "Mason went to the sewer and stayed there for a while, but he concealed this fact. He may have taken refuge there or done something else. I still need to investigate further.

I just hope that the truth tonight won't be the worst-case scenario I'm imagining.

But Afuo, as always, we must prepare for the worst-case scenario."

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