The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 36: an we finally live a pea eful lif

The news of the fire at Blackgate Prison appeared in the Gotham Morning Post the next morning and caused some discussion, especially the fact that a large number of prisoners died in the fire, which made a group of Gotham citizens applaud.

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Of course, the internet was filled with accusations of "What's wrong with this city, we need to ask" as expected.

It was said that Gotham's famous "Villain Forum" had leaked the latest conspiracy theory, with all fingers pointing to Batman who appeared near the prison when it caught fire.

But the incident had already happened, and nothing could change the fact that it had been settled. Mason slept peacefully in the broken apartment of Kite Man without worrying about being framed.

When he woke up, Charles had even prepared breakfast.

Of course, don't expect a divorced old man living alone to have good cooking skills. He just reheated the leftovers from last night and added two slices of bread.

"Uh, boss, I didn't make your portion."

As Mason rubbed his eyes and walked out of the room, Kite Man, who was watching TV and having breakfast, awkwardly said. Mason didn't mind. After washing up, he looked around the dilapidated apartment and asked:

"Where is your roommate?"

"Ran away."

Kite Man ate heartily and didn't even look up as he spoke.

"He owed rent when I was in prison and left an IOU. Boss, do you want to share the rent with me? Don't look at this house being run-down, it has everything it needs. Plus, there are pretty girls living across the street and upstairs. As long as you have a Grant or Franklin, they are willing to spend a lonely night with you."

"But I prefer to take care of myself."

Mason politely declined the suggestion and then took out his suitcase and opened the switch of the Untraceable Extension Curse. He said to Kite Man, who was eating:

"I'm going to check on our 'guest.' If anything happens, just take the suitcase and leave. It won't be affected inside."

"Leave it to me."

Charles held up an OK gesture with a piece of bread in his mouth.

Last night, he and the Bat Family and the boss had done a real big thing, and part of the burning Blackgate Prison on the news was their masterpiece.

This was a high point that had rarely appeared in Kite Man's failed villain career.

He was in a good mood now and could eat several bowls of rice just by looking at the news in front of him.

Mason put one foot into the suitcase, took a deep breath, and then buried the second foot in it.

The next moment, a feeling of weightlessness enveloped his body. After a dizzying second, he stood on the roof of K's three-story apartment building.

The young man looked up at the white space shining around him, then looked up at the top, as if the white sky had opened a "skylight," and he could even see the ceiling of Kite Man's living room through the window.

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"I have to install a folding ladder for it."

Mason thought."Every time I fall like this, it's like bungee jumping. Sooner or later, I'll get a heart attack."

But this space is really quite large.

The three-dimensional area of ​​500X500X50 makes it very spacious here, even if there is Old K's three-story apartment standing on the flat ground, there are also large blocks of "undeveloped land" around.

This is clearly the most perfect "mobile secret base".

Mason's imagined alchemy room, forge, and enchantment inscription workshop can all be built here, and they can be designed according to his own style.

This immediately made the young man start to imagine the bright future after the "suitcase world", but when he pushed open the door of the balcony and walked into the top floor, a sword light came towards him.

"I'll kill you, you little bastard!"

The piercing scream sounded along with the sword light, representing the deep resentment of Catwoman, who had been locked up here for 17 hours and was about to go crazy.

But Mason didn't dodge or fight back. He stood still like he was scared silly, watching the dangerous sword stop in front of his forehead.

Catwoman, who appeared in front of him, did not wear her cat ear battle helmet or ruby ​​goggles.

Not even the tight-fitting combat suit.

In fact, she seemed to be taking a bath when Mason came.

At this moment, she was wrapped in a bath towel, and her black and handsome short hair was full of dripping water stains.

"Is there still hot water in this house?"

Mason asked curiously, but was fiercely stared at by Catwoman.


The sharp eagle of Sujie was thrown out, rubbing against Mason's body and sticking to the wall behind, while Catwoman walked barefoot on the floor with hatred and said:

"I thought there wasn't any, after all, the water pipes were broken. But in fact, it not only has hot water, but also various foods in the refrigerator, and even ingredients that I haven't seen before...

Well, the fish sushi tasted pretty good."

"Maybe it's magic."

Mason rubbed his chin and thought for a while, and said:

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"Old K's house has a magic barrier, it may be a customized version."

"Who is Old K?"

Catwoman returned to the bathroom, and even without closing the door, she took off the bath towel and returned to the bathtub filled with black rose petals.

She seemed to not care about doing such a thing in front of a young man, but this may also be a conversation strategy of this well-informed mature woman.

Anyway, Mason, who is very gentlemanly, turned his back to the bathroom and began to tidy up the furniture and some of Old K's collections that were affected by the house being transferred to the suitcase.

That guy is really obsessed with weapons and armor.

There are several sets of different armors on the top floor alone, but Mason's character card appraisal is only a simple handicraft, not a priceless magical creation.

Facing Catwoman's inquiry, Mason honestly told her everything that happened during his five-day disappearance.This is quite a long story, and Lady Cat listened with a dazed expression, even forgetting to add bubble bath to her bathtub. After Mason finished telling the story of the final battle in the Forbidden Forest, Lady Cat finally snapped out of it.

She stood up from the bathtub, dried herself off, put on a set of black underwear, wrapped herself in a bath towel, and walked out. She sat on the sofa by the balcony and very ceremoniously made herself a cup of coffee.

This Lady Cat was the kind of person who exuded an aura, even when eating at a roadside stall, she gave off the feeling of being in a high-end music hall listening to classical music.

She pondered Mason's story for nearly two minutes before finally speaking up, "So, you really traveled to another world through that door embedded in the wall? Are you sure you weren't under the influence of some hallucinogenic drug given to you by that wizard, Old K?"

"You saw Yaya, Mao Mao, and Miss McGee with your own eyes," Mason turned to her and pointed to the zombie dog, Tooth, fighting outside the house with the three-headed dog, Mao Mao. He said, "Do you think there's any other reasonable explanation for those creatures besides coming from another world?"

"Maybe they're freaks cultivated in a laboratory?" Lady Cat rolled her eyes while drinking her coffee and playing with her exquisite nails. She no longer dwelled on this issue, but looked at the world door embedded in the wall several times.

She asked again, "How long do you plan to keep me here? And what do you plan to do with me? Let me be clear, young man, I don't mind trying something new and playing with you, but you should know that my boyfriend is very powerful. If I disappear for too long, he will eventually track you down unless you plan to kill me here once and for all."

"If I had that intention, I would have thrown you into the zombie pile last night," Mason moved a chair and sat across from Lady Cat.

From this angle, he could see some of Lady Cat's private parts, and Selena, who was like a "walking hormone," seemed to notice Mason's gaze. She suddenly opened her legs, which were folded together, with a smirk of "teasing a little boy," while Mason instinctively turned his head away.

Although the other party was wearing underwear and there was no actual exposure, this kind of naive reaction still made Lady Cat curl up on the sofa with laughter.

All the mystery and oppression that Mason brought with him disappeared in an instant with this cute reaction, and Selena felt that this little boy with too many secrets in front of her was really interesting.

"Seriously, Miss Selena, we're talking about your future now," Mason coughed a few times and emphasized his tone.

Lady Cat, who was curled up on the sofa, snorted lazily, "I also want to dress more formally to show that I'm serious, but all the clothes in the closet are men's clothes. I don't like wearing tight clothes when I'm not working.

Unless it's for a specific occasion, the feeling of clothes tightly clinging to the skin is not pleasant or comfortable. So just bear with it.""If you don't plan on letting me out soon, then remember to bring me some home clothes next time you come. Considering your poor financial situation, you don't need to buy anything too fancy. Five pieces of Chanel's new autumn and winter collections should suffice."

As she spoke, shocking poor Mason to the core, she casually threw a bank card at him, which he caught and glanced at.

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The black card was printed with a low-key bat logo.

"The legendary Bat Black Card that can be overdrafted indefinitely?"

Mason looked at the small item and said, "If you already have this thing, why bother going to jewelry stores and museums? Just buy whatever you like when you see it. Bruce, as a billionaire, shouldn't mind your expenses in this regard, right?"

Find the original at "pawread dot com".

"I'm an independent woman, Mason. I don't like relying on men."

Drinking coffee and looking out the window, Catwoman said softly, "Economic independence leads to personal independence. If you're kept, it's not a romantic relationship. Don't you understand this? Besides, bought things are not as exciting as stolen ones. That's an important means of realizing my existence. So, tell me, little guy. What do I have to do to get you to let me out?"

She pulled down the towel on her shoulder and licked her lips, saying to Mason, "Do you want to enjoy the world's most expensive cat?"

"Risk being strangled by your legs or hunted down by Batman to the end of the world? No, thank you. I'm not interested," Mason said seriously, throwing the Bat Black Card back to Catwoman. "I have to ensure that you don't tell Bruce Wayne what you know, and I don't want to keep you imprisoned for long. There's no benefit to me. As you can see, I'm keeping this house for a reason, not as a temporary cat's lair. So we have to solve this problem as soon as possible. I have a proposal for this!"

The young man coughed and said, "If you're willing to accept magical constraints, a black magician will come to visit me in a few days. At that time, we can make a contract, and then you'll be free."

"Let me confirm first. Is your black magician friend John Constantine?" Catwoman frowned and said, "Bruce invited Zatanna Zatara, that little bitch, and her ex-boyfriend to help rescue you. Maybe you became friends with Constantine at that time. But if it's him, then I refuse!"

Selina rejected it in a decisive tone, "If Constantine has a sister and a dog, I'll choose that dog 100%. The experience of dealing with him last time is still unforgettable to me. He tried to drug me seven times while we were having dinner and tempted me with damn magic five times. Fortunately, Bruce was not far away at the time, otherwise, I would have... Anyway, anyone in this world can do it, except him! You should also avoid dealing with him! That guy is untrustworthy.""There is only one other way left."

Mason pursed his lips and, under Catwoman's gaze, pulled up the sleeve of his left arm, revealing a black ghost claw tattoo.

He said, "If you become a member of the K team, if we face common problems and troubles together, and become the only people who can rely on each other while wandering in a different world, then the trust crisis that is troubling us now is nothing but a small problem.

So, although it may be a bit presumptuous, Selina, can I invite you to be my teammate?"

"Explore a different world?"

Catwoman raised an eyebrow and did not immediately agree. But the light in her eyes clearly showed that she was interested in the proposal.

After all, adventure and risking one's life were always a cat's nature, and even such an outstanding woman could not resist her instincts.

"There are great risks involved."

Selina shook her head after ten seconds and said, "Firstly, you don't even know what kind of organization that Starry group is. Your knowledge of it is limited to what old K told you.

Secondly, talk is cheap, little guy."

Catwoman pointed to the wooden door embedded in the wall and lazily said, "I have to see it with my own eyes before I can convince myself to make up my mind."

Catwoman's answer made Mason silent. After a few seconds, he asked, "Aren't you afraid? I mean, facing such an invitation, facing a curse of unknown origin, normal people would hesitate for several days, right? Your eagerness is a bit scary to me."

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"The answer is simple, little Mason."

Selina shrugged and put down her coffee cup, explaining, "I have a powerful boyfriend who can do anything in my heart, and it is my greatest pleasure to constantly find trouble for him and enjoy everything he does for me.

And, I'm tired of the adventures that Gotham City can offer.

If I don't find some new fun for myself, I'm afraid that in a few years, I might really sink into the temptation of that charming bat.

So, consider me buying a 'sightseeing ticket.'"

Catwoman lay on the sofa, like a lazy cat, planning to take a nap. She waved her hand and let Mason go play by himself, then said in a long tone, "Let me know next time you go to a different world. I'll be staying here these days. Remember to bring me some clothes."

After ten seconds, she spoke again, "Why are you still here? Hmm, I understand. Young people have a lot of pressure and want to release it, right? Come here, little boy, sister can lend you a hand. Don't be shy."

Watching Mason's back as he fled the apartment, Catwoman, the adult, lying on the sofa for a nap, showed a big smile. Ah, she would never tire of teasing little boys. It was such a fun thing to do.


Mason crawled out of his suitcase in a sorry state.

Hmm, just the description alone feels a bit like "post-modern impressionist insane literature."Anyway, the young man locked the box back on the floor and took a glance at Kite Man who was debugging his flying backpack. He planned to take him out and choose a place to settle down.

But before he could speak, he and Kite Man lifted their heads at the same time.

The ghost claw tattoos on their arms were abnormally hot. Mason frowned and pinched his fingers. The "Employee Card" of the Starry Sky Association appeared in the gathering of fragmented light like stars.

He put the card in front of him, and a line of words appeared on the card face that recorded the situation of the K team:

The superior liaison officer of the K team has arrived in this world. All members of the K team are requested to go to the designated location to meet with the superior and complete the mission briefing.


Kite Man also saw this information on his identity card.

His face suddenly turned fearful, and he grabbed the loaded gun beside him. Obviously, he was very worried that the Starry Sky Association would find out about their plan to trick old K.

"Don't panic!"

Mason shook his head and said:

"If something happens, it won't be a liaison officer who comes, but a role like the execution team, and they won't give us any hints. Stay calm."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief and touched his left arm, saying:

"Running away now is not a solution. Unless we are determined to call Batman, we can only play with them first."

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